"how is this possible?"

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the huge waves on both sides. The huge waves came from both sides, and they actually meant to engulf the entire harbor.

Frightened, many people were frightened, and the power of Whitebeard reached such a level.

There were smiles on the faces of the pirates on the Moby Dick, how can you resist the power of Daddy?

"Really, it's time to show off!"

Liu Xu, holding the thunder knife in his hand, said something softly, and then his body elementalized into a dark purple streamer and flew out, directly coming to the center of the harbor.

At the same time, Qingzhi, one of the three generals, also took action, but someone was faster than him.

"Thunderbolt the Five Sacred Mountains!"

Holding the Thunder Knife in his right hand, a fierce aura appeared on Liu Xu's body. The Thunder Knife slashed horizontally, and nine dark purple lights roared out, covering the entire harbor in length.

The dark purple sword light quickly slashed out and hit the wave that was about to be covered in an instant. I saw that the falling wave suddenly stopped, and the sword light was deeply immersed in it.

Time seemed to stop at this moment, and almost everyone's eyes were on the wave.

"Bang bang bang..."

Following nine loud bangs, the falling wave was suddenly cut open from the middle, and the sea water quickly retreated towards the incoming route, and then the entire harbor was filled with a strong air pressure and strong wind, making it impossible to keep standing posture, one after another fell to the ground.

The power of a knife shocked the audience!

The thunder blasted the five mountains, and the tsunami caused by the white beard was disintegrated with a single blow. Without the ability to rely on the fruit, it was only the strength of the swordsman.

The sea water that was divided into two and quickly receded swept the sea area near the navy headquarters. The surging tide squeezed the sea water and rushed to the nearby islands, and the sound of the turbulent sea water could be heard from a distance.

After the knife was over, Liu Xu once again returned to the execution platform in an elemental form.

At the same time, the Qingzhi attack that was shot before was also in place, and appeared in front of Whitebeard in an instant.

"Two thorn spears!"

I saw two ice spears quickly forming beside Qingzhi, and the sharp ice spears flew towards Whitebeard.

However, the moment the ice spear just flew out, the white beard below gave him an empty punch with a heroic smile. I saw a few cracks in the air, and the invisible shock wave destroyed the ice spear.

Qingzhi's eyes quickly turned into an ice man, and at this moment, several cracks appeared on his face, and his entire body was smashed by the shock wave to the sea.

The moment he touched the sea, the entire sea was quickly frozen, and a thick layer of ice covered the entire inner bay.

"Ah...it's hard to handle!"

Liu Xu smiled slightly, Qingzhi's actions might trigger a full-scale war, so let's take this opportunity to start!

"Hmph, Qing Zhi's strength is not bad, and that kid's is not bad either."

Whitebeard shot down his opponent but gave him a very high evaluation. Finally, his eyes fell on Liu Xu. That kid was able to destroy the tsunami he caused by using the Zhenzhen Fruit. So buzzing.

"Ah, Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, his strength is unfathomable."

Marco's small eyes also stared at Liu Xu, as if he had found a good opponent.

The sea surface was frozen, and the pirates on the Moby Dick suddenly boiled up, creating a foothold for them and providing them with a place to fight!

"Come on! Let the Navy Headquarters bear our wrath."

All the pirates held up their weapons and laughed, then jumped off the Moby Dick and headed for the execution platform.

"The pirates are attacking, and the captains are also dispatched. Quick, don't let them get close to the execution platform!"

Some officers shouted, and the elite navies from all walks of life boiled and rushed out, pressing on the densely packed pirates.


The pirates on the pirate ship shouted loudly, and countless shells bombed the warships outside the harbor.

However, only a few "ding ding" sounds were heard, and the roaring shells were directly divided into two in midair, turning into dazzling fireworks.

"Tch, it doesn't look that easy!"

Some pirates curled their lips, and their eyes fell on the navy that suddenly appeared.


Chapter 2541 The First

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Lieutenant general, the vice admirals took action to protect the warship in an instant. The cost of the warship is high, how could they be allowed to destroy it casually.

Those lieutenant generals of the giants have not yet made a move. Their attack range is wide, and they may hurt their own people with one move, so they will only come in handy at critical moments.

There were shouts of killing everywhere in the frozen inner bay. The battle between the pirates and the navy was in full swing. Pirates from dozens of pirate ships rushed up, and the tyrannical impact at the beginning put a lot of pressure on the navy.

"It's not that easy to fight!"

Liu Xu, who returned to Zhan Guo, searched for targets, his eyes kept scanning those captains, and only those who were qualified for him to take action.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, protect the benefit platform."

Warring States has a serious face, and the execution is carried out according to the established time. Before that, the safety of the execution platform must be guaranteed, otherwise the Navy Headquarters will lose face in front of the whole world.

Liu Xu shook his head and said, "Marshal of the Warring States Period, the execution platform is already safe with the two of you."

Saying so, he also entered elementalization, and his eyes first set his sights on the area where the pirates gathered most.

At the speed of light, the body dragged a dark purple horse to rush out, making the Warring States behind him grit his teeth, this kid is still so disobedient, it is not fun at all.

Liu Xu, who rushed out, landed in the area of ​​those pirates in an instant, and smiled at the pirates who kept rushing towards him, and then, he saw a huge pressure on Liu Xu's body.

This pressure attacked in all directions, crushing the nearby pirates in an instant, and even some unlucky navies were wrapped in it.

The pirates and marines who had been crushed by this pressure felt their eyes go dark, and fell into a coma.

Domineering and domineering, this is the ingenious use of domineering and domineering. How can these pirates withstand such a powerful domineering, and their spirits are directly stunned by the impact of domineering.

After dealing with some small smashes around, Liu Xu's eyes stayed on the only one left.

"Captain of the sixth team, Bramank!"

Liu Xu chuckled, Bramanke was taller, but his bulging body was really funny.

That Bramanke's facial expression twitched for a while, and he was targeted by this guy, bastard, I'm not a vegetarian.

Bramanke suddenly took out a huge wooden hammer from his chin pocket, and threw it directly at Liu Xu.

"It's useless to resist!"

After saying a word, Liu Xu used the razor to get out of his original position in an instant, and appeared on the opponent's head, punching out with a fist full of armed arrogance and iron.


The rapidly attacking fist changed the surrounding airflow and made a whistling sound. In this sharp whistling sound, the fist hit the opponent's head.

Bramank, who swung his hammer in the air, searched left and right for the target, but he never found it.

It was too late when he felt the pressure on the top of his head, the head was hit, a strong pain spread all over his body, and bursts of explosions came from inside his body.

Bone, all broken.


Brahmanke's body collapsed, his eyes turned white, he lost consciousness, and there was no sign of life.


Liu Xu stepped on his swollen belly, quickly found the next target, drew out the Thunder Knife and jumped over there in elemental form.

The swift blow directly solved a captain-level character. Although the Whitebeard Pirates have a very strong reputation, there are also many captains on the pirate ship. In the past, everyone's cognition, these captains are very powerful characters. .

However, after all, there are too many quantities, and the quality is inevitably a bit uneven.


Blocking the falling weapon next to him with a single blow, Liu Xu cut the pirate in half with a low body.

"Old smoker, it's impossible not to take good care of your lovely subordinate!"

Liu Xu smiled and said to Smoker who was behind him, but he was a good friend who had been away for several years.

Smoker was smoking two cigars with obvious displeasure on his face.

"Liu Xu, take care of yourself!"

"Da Siqi, although these people are not captains, each of them is a one-to-ten opponent, so be careful."

He was still very concerned about his subordinates, Liu Xu couldn't help but laugh, this guy is still stubborn, he is really not cute.

"The foil Vista is handed over to me, great swordsman, what a head."

Liu Xu took aim at that guy, and rushed towards him without saying a word.

One of the three generals, General Kizaru always looked at the warring crowd with his wretched eyes, and finally locked on the white beard and used the shave to jump out directly. Taking the head of the white beard seems to be able to end the war, right?

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

The yellow ape's body in mid-air quickly became elemental, and a dazzling yellow light shone in the air, and countless light bullets flew from the yellow light toward the white beard.

Whitebeard ignored Kizaru's attack, his eyes stayed on Garp, that was the guy he wanted to fight, and other people didn't have the qualifications at the moment.

The light bomb quickly approached, and at this time, the first captain of Whitebeard's phoenix, Marco, suddenly rushed down from the Moby Dick, and a terrifying light flashed in his half-closed eyes.

The cyan flame that burned on his body turned into wings and rushed directly towards Kizaru's position. The light bullet passed through his body and did not cause much damage to him. The cyan flame ignited directly on the wound, and the wound quickly recovered.

With one kick, Marco, who flew to the side of the yellow monkey, kicked it down, and even kicked the yellow monkey flying. Fortunately, at this critical moment, the yellow monkey's body became elemental and slammed into the fort of the headquarters, but there was no How much hurt.

At the same time, Qiwuhai in the rear has never made a move, they are waiting, and it is not yet time for them to make a move.

Moriah looked at the corpses lying on the ground below and swallowed hard. These are all materials, and obtaining these materials can greatly enhance the strength of his zombie army.

The previous partner was killed by Liu Xu, which greatly reduced the strength of his zombie army. This time, he had to collect some corpses of the strong to strengthen his strength.


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