Chapter 2542 Red Dog, I will kill you if you release the map cannon indiscriminately

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something, turned his head, and said, "Hawkeye, can't you bear it?"

Hawkeye didn't look at him, his sharp eyes were fixed on the white beard on the Moby Dick, and his hand was already on the handle of the black knife on the back.

"No, I just want to know how far we are from that man."

After saying a word, Hawkeye also drew out his black knife, and swung a green blade with his backhand.


The green sword light glides over the ice surface of the inner bay with a dazzling glare, and a crack in the end continues to expand behind the sword light. Wherever the sword light passes, the pirates and the navy flee, the world's largest swordsman. Slash, that's no joke.

Whitebeard looked at the fast approaching slash without flinching, and stood up straight with the Naginata. Now, there is no one worthy of his shot.

The sword light was getting closer and closer, and when it was about to approach the Moby Dick, a person suddenly jumped out. I saw that this person's body was condensed with a layer of crystals, and the sword light was directly blocked in front of him.

"Diamond Joze, the third captain Diamond Joze!"

The appearance of this person caused a group of people to exclaim, and they felt unbelievable for his slashing so hard against Eagle Eye.

However, something happened next that stunned everyone.

Diamond Qiaozi caught the blade light firmly, his hard diamond body was his best defense, and intercepted the blade light simply and rudely.

Suddenly, he lifted his hands and pushed the green slash to the sky, and a burst of air pressure swept over everything around him in an instant.

Blocked, Diamond Qiaoz blocked the slash of the world's number one swordsman.

Liu Xu naturally also noticed this situation, and praised fiercely, this guy's defense is really not covered.

The slash was blocked, the eagle-eyed sharp eyes trembled slightly, and the black knife was placed directly behind him, as if he had no intention of making another shot.

Diamond Joz, who blocked the slash, smiled, how the diamond's body looked like a nouveau riche, and it was not bad to be able to dig out a little and sell some Baileys.

"If you want to challenge Dad, let's talk about it after passing my level."

Diamond Qiaoz said so, and then he punched the ice surface, and the ice surface was hit by his powerful punch to form a circular crack.

Joz grabbed the edge of the crack directly, bursting out with all his strength, and even lifted the ice directly, throwing a huge ice cube towards the headquarters.

"Cut, everyone is gone, who will protect here?"

Akainu, who has been sitting on his legs until now, said harshly, the huge ice cube was pressing towards this side, so he couldn't help but stop.

"Big fire!"

A huge lava fist attack made of lava is powerful enough to shatter and evaporate large icebergs in an instant.

The hot magma punched through the huge ice block, and almost instantly, the huge ice block was evaporated by the high temperature and turned into nothingness.

Rapid assault, Akainu's fist is so sturdy, deeply shocking.

Akainu Kuniji, who smashed the ice, showed obvious impatience on his face. There are too many pirates below, let's smash them!

Thinking like this, Akainu's entire body was elementalized, and his arms ignited with flaming magma and billowing smoke.

"Meteor Volcano!"

The fists were swung out, and countless huge magma fists fell like a meteor shower, directly evaporating the nearby ice surface.

"Red Dog, you want to make no distinction between the enemy and the enemy!"

Akainu's Meteor Volcano is intended to destroy the foothold of the pirates. As long as this foothold is destroyed, countless pirates can be easily destroyed.

However, there are still many navies on the ice, and countless navies will be ruined if they act like this. Among them, there are also some generals and Liu Xu's subordinates.

Therefore, Liu Xu was immediately angry. This guy's method is too extreme. How much will the strength of the Navy Headquarters and his subordinates be lost by this move.

Damn, you can't let him have fun alone.

Henceforth, he stopped chasing that Foil Vista and jumped directly to the front of the Meteor Volcano. His body quickly became elemental, and the Ark Proverbs on his body quickly created a large thundercloud in the sky.

"Thunder Fury!"

With a single finger, the electrons in the thundercloud in the sky rioted, and in the blink of an eye, countless dark purple thunderbolts with the thickness of the arms fell, directly hitting those magma fists.

"Bang bang bang!"

The attack speed of the thunderbolt was much faster than that of the magma fist. The thunderbolt that hit the fist exploded with the power of lightning of hundreds of millions of volts, and instantly disintegrated the magma fist.

In ten seconds, the magma fist was completely disintegrated in just ten seconds, and Liu Xu stayed in mid-air, staring at the red dog angrily.

"Akainu, if you fire the map cannon indiscriminately again, I will kill you."

An aboveboard threat. In such an environment, Liu Xu actually threatened Chiquan directly, which made people stunned.

After saying a word, Liu Xu fell back to the ground in an instant, and directly fought the foil Bista.

And Akainu hated it so much that he was threatened by a lieutenant general in front of the whole world, and he was "misleading" the world's opinion of him, bastard, this guy is too cruel.

The anger in his heart continued to burn, but after all, he did not dare to use the same method again. If he used such a method, how would the world view him?At that time, even if there are ten mouths, it will not be clear.

The fifth captain, Foil Bista, is a master of the great swordsman level. Liu Xu is very interested in this guy. This guy's head should have a lot of points.

Swordsman with two swords, with a curved beard upturned, wearing a top hat, white gloves on his hands, blue trousers, and a large blue-purple cloak, the two swords cooperate tacitly when attacking, advancing and retreating without leakage .

When attacking, the petals are accompanied by falling. This seems to be a very gorgeous move, and it can easily catch people's eyes.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Bista's attack speed is very fast, and he reacted when Liu Xu was in front of him. He swung his two knives continuously, and adopted a fast attack method to disintegrate the enemy.


Chapter 2543

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Swordsmen competed more on skills in close combat, and the sword awns were a little weaker at this time, and few people would use them.

When using the sword light, it needs to be charged. If there is no charge, the power will drop a lot, and it will not be able to cause strong damage at all.

So at this time, it is the best choice to compete in skills. Of course, if there is the power of a devil fruit, it can also be added to the weapon to instantly increase the combat effectiveness.

The force is very fierce, and every swing drives the flow of surrounding air to form a storm. The competition between the two caused cracks to appear on the surrounding ice surface, and the ice chips kept flying. The nearby pirates and navy avoided it very interestingly. Give the two of them enough space to fight.

The two-knife style is against the one-knife style, which seems to be very advantageous, but one of Vista's weaknesses is that he does not have the ability of devil fruit.

Under such circumstances, Liu Xu attached the power of lightning to the Thunder Knife, thereby strengthening the attack power. At the same time, the powerful electric current also paralyzed Vista's body at all times, slowing down his fighting rhythm.

The surrounding air is filled with frenzied electrons, and from time to time accepts Liu Xu's will to form lightning attacks.

"What a powerful force."

Bista, who was gradually in a weak position, stared at the opponent's every move with his eyes, and did not let go of every move.

But Liu Xu became more and more courageous as he fought. The Thunder Saber itself could give him a lot of strength and reduce consumption. Now fighting this guy is stress-free and easy.

It's just that time waits for no one, and it's better to fight quickly.

Having made up his mind, Liu Xu's sword collided violently with the opponent's double swords, and with this reaction force he flew back, and at the same time accumulated strength, he slashed down.

"Spring thunderstorm!"

The purple-black blade was covered by lightning, and the power of lightning was attached to it and swung down with one hand. A dark purple blade with lightning flashed out from the blade, and the waning moon-shaped blade dragged a long and narrow crack on the ice. The ground was lifted where it passed, and the fine ice debris turned into the smallest ice mirror, exuding colorful rays of light under the sunlight.


The dark purple sword awn quickly approached Foil Bista, and he also reacted quickly to the sudden appearance of the foil Bista. The two knives crossed in front of him, and he wanted to use these two knives to resist. ?

Time did not allow him to use the sword light to fight back, but that was all he could do.


The sword light hit his double knives, Foil Bista exerted force all over his body, and his feet firmly stepped on the ice surface. He stepped on the hard ice surface with a depression, and also used this fulcrum to resist the opponent's knives. mango.

The mobilization of all strength to resist has achieved results, and the method used by Diamond Joz is the same, pulling the dark purple blade light into the air, thereby resolving the opponent's attack.

Although he didn't suffer much attack, the lightning from the sword light was transmitted to his body through the two swords, which still made his body tremble a few times.

"Huh? What about people?"

Suddenly he found something, there was no other person in front of him at all, bad.

Quickly turned around and slashed down with both sabers, but it was too late, Liu Xu approached at a distance of five meters behind him, the Thunder Saber in his hand directly pierced his heart, and with another slap, the Thunder Saber spun through him The heart flew to the distance.

Liu Xu also passed him in an instant, caught Lei Dao in mid-air, and swung it backhand.

The knife pierced through the heart, and Liu Xu slashed the opponent's back with a backhand.


A dull voice followed, and there was a knife mark on the back of Foil Pista, causing his body, which was gradually falling, to tremble suddenly.


Foil Vista thought silently in his heart, who would have thought that the captain of the fifth team would be solved so easily by the opponent, even he himself had never thought of such a thing.

"No, absolutely not so easily..."

Vista's eyes flashed fiercely, and his gradually falling body turned around abruptly, and the two knives were thrown out with all his strength. The target was not Liu Xu, but the surrounding navy.

The two knives flew out with a blue knife glow, and the navy not far away could not dodge and be injured by the knife glow, and the soldiers behind them were directly pierced by the two knives, and the sharpness driven by the knife glow. The air pressure shattered their bodies.

Foil Bista, the final swan song, completed the last blow of his life.

Liu Xu, who was in mid-air, originally thought he was going to attack. When he was about to defend, the opponent had already attacked the navy not far away. It was too late to stop him, so he could only let the attack take effect.

In the war with the powerful New World Pirates such as the Whitebeard Pirates, casualties are inevitable, and everyone has the potential to become the ghost of others, so only stronger forces can protect themselves.

Quickly dealt with the two captain-level powerhouses, and Liu Xu quickly entered the sight of the other captains.

"Kill him."

Diamond Qiaoz and another captain gathered together, and the two quickly identified their target and rushed towards Liu Xu.

Liu Xu ignored the rushing Diamond Joes and the tenth captain Courier, and went directly to the pirate captains who kept rushing towards the rear.

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