There are forty-three pirate groups under Whitebeard's banner, and the captains are all big names who are famous in the new world. These are all loyal followers of Whitebeard.

The Ranger Doma, a swordsman with two swords in his backhand, has a monkey standing on his shoulder, and the monkey is holding a pistol, but it is very strange.

Liu Xu approached him and started fighting without saying a word.

Doma is a very confident person, and the two swords are swung in his hands like a tiger.

But in the end, he is still weaker in power. Compared with senior captains like Diamond Joze, he is much weaker. At the beginning, he was subdued by Ace and joined the Whitebeard banner.

There is basically no pressure to deal with this enemy, and the ending of the battle does not matter. Under Liu Xu's rapid attack and the cooperation of thunder and lightning, even if the monkey on the opponent's shoulder keeps shooting and cooperating, it is difficult to resist Liu Xu's stormy attack. attack.

Soon, Ranger Doma was beheaded by Liu Xu, his head flew high, and blood sprayed.


Chapter 2544 Frozen fruit, Luffy debuts

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


After dealing with a captain-level pirate, Liu Xu fixed his eyes on the other pirate captains, and there were forty-two of them.

If these pirate captains are killed, there will be a huge power hole in the new world. At that time, whether it is the navy or himself, entering the new world will be much smoother.

Locking on the next target, Liu Xu flew directly towards her, the Ice Witch Huai Dibei!

A thick-lipped woman with long curly hair is not Liu Xu's concern. Liu Xu's concern is her pirate ship.

The icebreaker made of steel broke through the ice made by Qingzhi, directly knocked down the city wall of the bay, created a route for other pirates to enter the inner bay, and even entered the harbor to fight with the navy.

Locking on the target, Liu Xu went straight to work...

In Qingzhi's place, he didn't take any damage after being shot down by Whitebeard's Shock Fruit, and quickly found his target, Captain Seven, Lakyo, after removing the elementalization.

Cryo's weapon is the Bolas, a weird bolas with a mouth.

With a hammer, it was extremely fast, and it penetrated Qingzhi's body in an instant.

However, the elemental Qingzhi was not easily hurt by his physical attacks, and returned to his original state easily.

"It's a hassle, but it has to be done."

Qingzhi still has such a lazy posture, which is comparable to that of the yellow ape. Of course, the yellow ape is mainly a little more wretched.

"Freezing time!"

Qingzhi combined the powers of the Sixth Form and the Devil Fruit, appeared beside Lakyo with Shaved's quick movements, and quickly released the cold air to prepare to freeze the opponent.

However, Lakyo seemed to be familiar with his attack, and instinctively turned around and smashed the meteor hammer.

With infinite strength, his attack speed was very fast, even surpassing Qingzhi's cold attack. He instantly hit Qingzhi's arm, and the big mouth of the meteor hammer quickly bit down.


This time, Qingzhi's arm was not crushed, but the meteor hammer was frozen by Qingzhi's cold air, which made his heart tremble violently, and he directly pulled back the meteor hammer without thinking.

"Hmph, that's kind of interesting!"

Lakyo smiled. Although the opponent is very powerful, he is also very confident, and he is also very confident in his captain. The strongest man in the world is standing behind him to support them. No matter how many enemies are ahead, why not be afraid? have?

" has to be done quickly."

Qingzhi lazily said something, and the shaving in the six styles moved again, and the body disappeared instantly.

Lakyo smiled and turned around again, but this time he only saw an afterimage of Qingzhi, followed by a voice.

"Childish mouth!"

Qingzhi's frozen fruit ability has been developed to perfection, and it is relatively easy to deal with the seventh captain Lakyo.

Relying on the rapid movement of the shaved, the continuous change of position created an illusion for the opponent, and a white icy bird flew out of the right arm, and the sharp bird's beak opened and directly pecked at the opponent's head.

The situation was critical, and Lakyo had no time to resist this move, so he could only watch the attack come.


After all, there was someone to help at the critical moment. The captain of the fifteenth division, Fossa, appeared at this critical moment. The flaming knife in his hand blocked Qingzhi's violent mouth and gave Lack a buffer time. jump off.

Fossa's knife is very strange. I don't know if it is the power of the devil fruit or the power of the shell. It can actually burn. It is also possible that he smeared some kind of flammable substance on the weapon or on his body.

The fire knife slashed on the white icy bird, and it quickly shattered the bird.

Raising the knife and the rung in front of Lakyo, Fossa's rough body gave people a lot of pressure, and his muscles were knotted, full of explosive power.

When the blow failed, Qingzhi frowned. These people have negotiated, right?It's so frustrating to always show up at critical moments.

"Rakyo, are you alright?"

Fossa grinned, as if he didn't pay attention to the Qingzhi opposite, but cared about Lakyo who was almost killed.

Lakyo stood beside him with a meteor hammer, hehe smiled and said: "It's okay, I can't die, Qingzhi's strength is very strong, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to deal with."

One of the two can make weapons burn, and the other has a weird meteor hammer and explosive power, and neither seems to be a good character to deal with.

"It's really troublesome. It's hard to deal with two people."

Qingzhi's tone was slow, but he also said a problem. It would be difficult for him to deal with the two captains together.

If it's just one person, then he can easily kill him.

This is the difference in strength. I am afraid that the two of them will have to fight harder.

Fossa laughed when he heard his words, and said, "There will be more difficult things to deal with next, are you ready?"

The rude laughter showed his heroic character. Many captains under Whitebeard were subdued by Whitebeard. Most of these people were abandoned by the world, but Whitebeard treated them like his own sons. It also caused these people to follow Whitebeard desperately.

Not much to say, Qingzhi and the two fought again, and this time Qingzhi used the ability of frozen fruit to create an ice blade, which means that it means to compete with each other in close combat.

On that execution platform, Sengoku and Garp looked serious, and the battle below became more and more fierce. Only two of the fifteen captains have been slaughtered so far, which means that there are still thirteen captains, which is very strong. The strength of this battle does not know when it will be fought.

The longer the time dragged on, the more variables there would be on the battlefield.

I can't wait any longer, and I'm afraid that accidents will easily happen if I wait any longer.

While thinking about it, another pirate ship sailed on the sea and broke through the outer defenses and entered here.


A loud roar came from the pirate ship, and a figure appeared on the bow to attract the attention of many people.



Chapter 2545 Qiwuhai takes action, rebellion and defection

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Straw Hat, it's Straw Hat Luffy!"

"That guy is here too, how lucky!"

Some pirates have different opinions, but they are very familiar with Luffy. Isn't that Ace's younger brother, the straw hat boy Luffy, one of the supernovas?

The person who came was Luffy. He had to travel hard, but he finally arrived here before the execution.

"Luffy, you idiot!"

Ace also found Luffy, and immediately became anxious, this idiot rushed over, he shouldn't be involved in this battle, there are so many strong people here, it's easy for him to hang up, this idiot.

Garp's face also changed sharply. Could this bastard not understand the situation?Appearing here now is just nonsense, idiot, what should I do now?

Sengoku noticed the change in Karp's face, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes, and he sighed deeply in his heart. This friend who had worked with him for decades made him feel very uncomfortable.

The two grandsons are both pirates, and one of them is Roger's son. Now that both of them are on the battlefield, this friend may feel very uncomfortable now.

Moreover, how he will choose is the most worrying thing.

"Karp, please choose carefully!"

When Zhan Guo spoke, the muscles on his serious face twitched, he was very worried that the other party would give another answer.

Garp stared at Luffy's figure, took a few breaths and said, "Senguo, I will make a choice."

Seeing this, the Warring States period could only be silent, and the worry in his heart increased instead of diminishing. What will this war turn into in the end?

"Ace! I'm here to save you!"

Luffy on the bow roared again, and then stretched his hands back, the power of the rubber fruit showed, quickly popped out, grabbed the mast on the Moby Dick directly, and flew over there, steadily. Steady on Whitebeard's side.

Whitebeard squinted at the boy who suddenly appeared, with a look of interest on the corner of his mouth, especially his straw hat, which is even more interesting. It seems that it is the hat of the red-haired Shanks, right?

"Boy, do you want to make a move too?"

"Of course, uncle, Ace told me about you, will you save him?"

Luffy pressed the straw hat on top of his head, his slightly childish face was full of determination.

"Of course, that's my son."


The conversation between the two was very simple, but many people were stunned, especially the more than [-] pirates who followed him almost collapsed.

Who is Whitebeard?That is one of the four emperors who ruled the new world!Why does this brat think he can talk to the other party so confidently?Oh, we must be hallucinating.

After talking with Whitebeard, Luffy rushed off the Moby Dick without saying a word.

His goal is the execution platform, as long as he attacks the execution platform and saves Ace, this time the matter will be over.

Luffy, who rushed off the Moby Dick, went straight to the execution platform, ignoring the surrounding navies. He didn't pay attention to those soldiers at all, and he had no interest at all.

Facing the encirclement of the navy, he took dodge, and he dodged continuously to get close to the execution platform.

Suddenly, two lieutenant generals appeared next to Luffy, and they were also giant lieutenant generals. They quickly cut down with a knife and approached him in the blink of an eye.

The sharp knife is one of Luffy's weaknesses, it can cut his body easily.

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