The opponent's attack was very fast, and there was no time to dodge.


Suddenly, the bodies of the two giant lieutenant generals flew backwards, but they were directly knocked into the air.

Another person appeared beside Luffy, Haixia Jinpei!

The Whale Shark Jinping is one of the Seven Martial Seas under the King. Naturally, his combat power is needless to say. With a single stroke of Shawa Zhengquan, the two lieutenant generals of the giant clan were sent flying, showing his sturdy combat power.

"Jinbe, thank you."

Luffy grabbed the straw hat and said something, and quickly attacked again.

Under the execution platform, Crocodile smoked a cigar and smiled, "It seems that it's time for us to make a move. It's really unexpected."

"Then let's go!"

Moria laughed wildly. The more people killed or injured, the happier he was, which meant that he had more corpses of strong people to choose from. He couldn't help laughing every time he thought of the powerful zombie army.

The two rushed down the execution platform first, rolling over the pirates.

The rest of them, Hawkeye, Empress, Doflamingo, and Tyrant Bear, looked at each other, and then shot.

Because of the appearance of Jinbei, one of the Seven Wuhais, the six Qiwuhai finally started to act, showing their fighting power.

"Jinbe even betrayed the Navy Headquarters, damn it."

Sengoku's face twitched violently. At such a time, Qi Wukai's defection would be the most annoying thing, and it would greatly depress the morale of one's own side.

But this is obviously not the end, the tyrant bear is the first one of the four people behind to shoot, and his goal is Moonlight Moriah.

"Pressure Cannon!"

The power of the fleshy ball fruit was activated, and the right hand was aimed directly at Moriah, and the powerful impact reached Moriah's side in an instant.

The same Qiwuhai, even if there is a gap in strength, Moria will not be easily defeated by the opponent.

Soon he sensed the danger and turned around quickly, only to see Tyrant Xiong Na's hand facing him.

Without hesitation, Moriah quickly used the power of his shadow fruit.


In an instant, he switched positions with his own shadow, and the shock wave of the bear penetrated the shadow and charged towards several navies in front, and instantly penetrated the bodies of these navy and fell to the ground.

"Bear, what do you want to do?"

Moria, who exchanged positions with Shadow again, let out a loud roar. This questioning roar also attracted the attention of many people, and they turned their attention to the two of them at once.

The bear did not answer his words, but continued to attack, and the continuous pressure cannons rushed towards Moriah. The dense shock waves forced the opponent to keep dodging, and even used shadow mage to resist the enemy's attack.

"Asshole, that guy also turned his back on the battle."

Warring States felt that his lungs were about to explode, and there were actually two Qi Wuhai who rebelled.


Chapter 2546 Another one

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


God, how should this battle be played out?

What the Warring States was worried about happened. The rebellion of the two Shichibukai made many naval soldiers fearful, and some even thought that the Navy Headquarters would not be able to win this battle.

This idea quickly spread, and some soldiers couldn't bear the psychological pressure and started to flee.

This scene was watched by the Warring States, and he just wanted to spit out a mouthful of blood to prove his depression.

"General Akainu, persuade the soldiers to come back."

This situation can no longer be allowed to spread, and the Warring States decisively issued an order, Akainu received the order immediately, immediately left the battle, and stood in front of those soldiers.

"Soldiers who flinch from battle are not worthy of being naval soldiers, go back immediately."

With endless anger on Guozi's face, these hundreds of soldiers must be intercepted, otherwise, with their lead, more soldiers will flee behind.

Intercepted by the general, these soldiers hesitated for a while, and finally turned around silently under the power of Akainu.

Suddenly, Akainu, who had successfully dissuaded the soldier, had a ruthless look on his face, and thick black smoke and lava erupted from his left hand.

"Big fire!"

The huge magma fist hit the past, and the soldiers attacked directly from behind without their knowledge, and the magma engulfed their bodies in an instant.

There was no time to scream. Hundreds of navy soldiers were evaporated under the punch of Akainu, which surprised some people around, and some soldiers were even more frightened. General Akainu, it was too ruthless.

"Navy justice will never allow to back down."

Akainu roared loudly, carrying out his consistent absolute justice, and successfully bluffed many naval soldiers.

Zhan Guo on the execution platform was also stunned, his brows twitched when he came back to his senses, bastard, this bastard, the old man asked you to persuade him to come back, not to kill him.

Killing the soldiers of your own headquarters in front of the people of the world, is this a joke?

Spitting up blood, he would be vomiting blood now if he could.Of course, before that, Akainu will be beaten to the point of vomiting blood.

"General Qingzhi, interrupt the broadcast!"

Unable to guarantee what kind of changes will happen in the future, the Warring States period ordered Qingzhi to take action.

Qing Zhi, who was fighting with the two captains, received the order and felt melancholy in her heart.

Marshal, didn't you see that we are being pestered by two captains?

But when the Warring States order was issued, Qingzhi had no reason to refuse. He quickly got out of the battle with Shao, and used the ability of frozen fruit to freeze the video phone bug.

On the other hand, Liu Xu has successfully slaughtered several pirate captains, and quickly found another enemy, the captain of the Eighth Division, the murloc Namuir.

Judging from his shark-like teeth, he should be a shark murloc. The teeth of the lower jaw protrude outward like Jinbei, but smaller than Jinbei's and there are three in each row.

He is round and short, and his erect hair is quite similar to Moriah's garlic head. The number symbolizing the Eighth Division is printed on the left side of his neck. He is wearing a white shirt with blue sleeves. The fish fins on the back look very eye-catching.

His fighting style is a tyrannical body and a strong jaw. Born on land, he is [-] times stronger than a human being. Coupled with a jaw that can easily crush steel, his fighting power can be described by the word sturdy. describe.

Without the ability of Devil Fruit, it is unknown whether it has domineering.

However, this kind of power has already made him the captain of the eighth division. If he is more domineering, I am afraid that many people will have to kneel.

Liu Xu locked on the target, quickly attacked, and eliminated so many pirate captains, now it's time to find these captains to flirt with.

As for those more powerful senior captains and white beards, save them for later. Delicious desserts are always interesting until the end.

With a slash, Muir, who was struggling with the naval officer, reacted instantly, and his finned feet stepped out of the attack range.

Liu Xu's saber lost its target and slashed down at the naval officers below, which made the naval officers tremble. Judging from the battle just now, the power of Lieutenant General Liu Xu's saber is not small, it's over, it's over.

Things were not as bad as they thought. When Liu Xu's knife barely reached them, it was forced to change direction and was thrown directly upwards.

"Yes, I am saved."

Several officers swallowed hard and cheered, everyone would be very excited to survive.

"Be careful when fighting, and always observe the surrounding situation."

After falling back to the ground and glancing at him, Liu Xu rushed towards Muir again.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, he seems to be a very nice person."

"Yes, a good character."

"Well, it's the same as General Akainu."

Several officers chirped and started attacking those pirates again. They are not allowed to stay and wait on the battlefield!

Liu Xu had already come to Namuir's side, and the thunder knife continued to slash. Namuir didn't have any attacking weapons. If he wanted to talk about weapons, it would be his jaw and his hands.

Under the rapid wave, the puff of the palm can squeeze the air, driving the air flow rate to change to form a shock wave, which can play a strong role in close combat.

If it is an ordinary human, it is difficult to use such a move to carry out a shock wave attack, because the change of the flow rate of the air will change from the gap between the fingers, so it cannot achieve the effect of the murloc.

The shock wave and Liu Xu's knife collided one after another. When the strong fight, there will always be miscellaneous soldiers to give up a space. They all know that when the strong fight, they can't get too close, or they will be killed by accidental injuries at any time.

A piece of space was given up, and Liu Xu had already planned to leave a few tough-looking characters to create a platform for himself in the new world, a platform to conquer the new world.

The plan has been well planned, and two of the fifteen captains have been killed, which has attracted many captains to pay attention to this guy.

Lieutenant General, who is widely publicized all over the world, what kind of power does he possess?

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The collision between the shock wave and the knife was extremely violent, and the surrounding air exploded continuously. The manic air pressure swept everything around, and the ice chips kept flying.


Liu Xu's eyes flashed, but he seized a loophole in the opponent and attacked decisively, and slashed down from below.


Chapter 2547 Do you want to ask me whether I choose to fight alone or in groups?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


It is true that murlocs are very strong on land, and mermen are generally much taller than humans, so this also leads to their weak defenses when fighting humans, and it is easy to reveal flaws.

When Namuir continuously hit the shock wave and raised his foot forward, Liu Xu sprinted in a low body, brushed past the opponent's raised foot, and the Thunder Saber slashed across.

Blood splattered, and Liu Xu cut a wound on Namuir's leg, and his advancing body staggered and was about to fall.

It was this opportunity that Liu Xu grasped accurately. The Thunder Saber was covered with purple lightning and jumped up, swooped down from the air, and pierced Namuir's head from the top of his head with a knife.


That Muir's pupils shrank for a while, blood spurted out of his mouth, and fell directly to the ground, his vitality rapidly draining away.

"Three captains, seven captains, a good record."

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