Liu Xu let out a sigh of relief. Since the beginning of the battle, he has harvested the lives of ten strong men. This is already a very good achievement in this battlefield, or it can be said to be the most dazzling achievement.

The opponents of Akainu and others are not so easy to deal with, either they are besieged by several captains at the same time, or they are the ultimate powerhouses in the captains.

Marco's power can compete with the general level. The power of the Phoenix is ​​the best defense. As long as you launch a ruthless attack to give up the defense, and bear some of the attacks, you can directly rush up to give the opponent a few powerful attacks. I am afraid that few people can withstand it. Got it.However, the general is not so easy to deal with, especially for people like Kiwi who have the speed of light. If the water release fruit is not activated, it will be very difficult for Marco to attack him.

Therefore, the two are now in a stalemate, and you come and I fight so lively.

After ending the third captain, Liu Xu set his sights on the other captain, Speedo Kiel, the captain of the fourteenth division.

It's just that this time is not destined to be so easy. When he was preparing to act, a few people suddenly appeared beside him, directly surrounding him.

"Yo, it's really the rhythm of hospitality!" Liu Xu touched his nose and said with a smile, "Do you want to ask me whether I choose to fight alone or in groups?"

Lakyo, captain of the [-]th division, Fosa, the captain of the [-]th division, and Yizang, the captain of the [-]th division, three captain-level powerhouses surrounded Liu Xu at the same time.

Every captain of the Whitebeard Pirates is super strong, otherwise the Whitebeard Pirates would not be able to rule the new world and become the overlord.

It has to be said that Liu Xu was very lucky to be able to kill three captain-level powerhouses, and he was able to kill them in such a short period of time.

Compared with generals like Sengoku and Qingzhi, a lieutenant-level admiral is much inconspicuous.

Although it has been widely publicized, in many people's minds, he is just a newly promoted young lieutenant general, and it is impossible to compare with the top three generals.

Therefore, no matter how good Liu Xu's performance was at the beginning, it was difficult for those strong people to really pay attention to it, which led to the death of the three captains.

At this point, Liu Xu was finally valued by everyone, and even the eyes of the white beard turned from Karp to him. Strong anger and murderous intent shot out from his eyes, killing his three children and Many pirate captains under him must avenge this revenge!

"The newly promoted Lieutenant General Liu Xu is really strong enough for us to take it seriously. However, we will let you know the consequences of killing our companions."

Lakyo said in a cold voice, and a strong murderous aura erupted from the three of them.

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates attach great importance to their companions, because they are basically abandoned by the world, and being able to gather together makes them cherish each other.

"Don't talk too much nonsense. Let me see the power of your so-called Whitebeard Pirates and how united you are. It's best not to let me down."

After Liu Xu finished speaking, the three of them attacked at the same time.

Lakyo's meteor hammer swung over. The mouths on the black meteor hammer opened and closed, and they were extremely flexible under his control, changing various tricky angles in the air to attack.

Fossa's melee attack, as a swordsman, he also has a lot of achievements in the way of the sword. At least finding a way to make the knife burn is a big achievement. The fire sword's attack is very fierce, and it instantly approached Liu Xu's around.

Izang's weapons are two flintlock pistols, and his marksmanship is very skilled, especially in close combat.

The cooperation between the three is tacit, the cooperation between melee and long-range is very tacit, Lakyo's meteor hammer passed by Fossa, Fossa was not surprised at all, Yizang's flint pistol was also pulled repeatedly, and the bullets kept heading towards him. Liu Xufei shoots.

Liu Xu's eyes were fixed, and his escape route was completely blocked.

No matter if you break through from any direction, you will be attacked by two people.

It was impossible to break through forcibly. Liu Xu instantly wrapped his armed arrogance around his body, and at the same time added the power of the iron block to his body to improve his defense.

The attack of the three of them had just completed the moment he was attacked, and Yi Zang was the fastest. He fired bullets in front of him and attacked his vitals continuously. Fossa's fire sword quickly slashed dozens of With the knife, Liu Xu's body was instantly covered in flames.

After the attack was completed, the two retreated at the same time. At this moment, Lakyo's meteor hammer opened its mouth and bit Liu Xu's head.


Liu Xu, who was covered in flames, only had time to lift the thunder knife to block the attack of the meteor hammer. The attacks of the other two fell firmly on his body, and the rapidly spinning bullets kept rubbing against his skin trying to break through that layer. Defense, the flames were also burning his body, and the gloomy blade left dozens of white marks on his pitch-black body.

"Did you make it?"

Lakyo's meteor hammer attack didn't work, so he withdrew directly, looking at the opponent carefully.


Chapter 2548 I hate peek-a-boo the most

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"It shouldn't be so..."

Before Fossa finished speaking, Liu Xu's body covered in flames suddenly shook, the flames on his body flew back instantly, and the bullets also went towards Yizang along the same path.

Yizang's pupils shrank, his body leaned back, and a few bullets passed by within one centimeter of his face, making him clearly feel the fierce air pressure brought by the bullets.

The speed was even faster than his flint pistol!

Countless fireballs flew towards the other two, but were easily taken down.

The three people who resisted the attack jumped in their hearts. Unexpectedly, the attack just now didn't work, and the other party didn't show any signs of injury. This matter was too sad and made people feel very uncomfortable.

With the perfect combination of armed domineering and six naval styles, Liu Xu's defensive power has been instantly raised to the extreme. How can mere bullets hurt him?

Even if he was armed with domineering bullets, they probably wouldn't be able to hurt him at all.

"The cooperation is very good, but if you want to defeat me, this ability is not enough, use your strength!"

There was a cold smile on the corner of Liu Xu's mouth. The more he fought, the more courageous he became. This has always been one of his hallmarks.

The stronger the enemy, the more interesting the challenge.

Each of the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates is a very good enemy with strong strength.

"Come on, stop joking."

Fossa curled his lips, swiped the flaming knife a few times, and three flaming lights appeared.

This scene made Liu Xu stunned for a moment. He knew too little about the abilities of these captains, and he didn't even know that the other party still had such abilities.

Fossa, who wielded the sword light, also rushed up in an instant. Izang also supported the first time, and Lakeyo's meteor hammer flew out again.

The tacit cooperation of the three successfully blocked Liu Xu's path of bloody massacre, which greatly relieved the pirate forces.

Although the other party is looking for those captains and captains, every death of a strong person is a mental blow to them.

Morale soared, the Doomsday Thunder Emperor who was raging on the battlefield was resisted by the captains, the era of the pirates suddenly rose, and he rushed towards the navy in an instant, so it seems that there is a breakthrough in one fell swoop.

"Too arrogant."

Akainu snorted coldly, how could it be possible for these pirates to break through so easily?

"Meteor Volcano!"

It was another move. This time, he blocked the front of the pirate army, and swung his fists out. In an instant, countless magma fists flew out and charged towards the pirate army.

"Ahhh! Run away!"

"It's Akainu!"

The pirate army was dumbfounded and was stopped by this guy. Damn, this is not a fun thing.

The magma fist unceremoniously fell towards the pirates below, and Akainu seemed to be able to see their dying struggles, with a cheerful smile on their faces.

I was threatened by Liu Xu before, although I was very upset, but now I can finally comfortably eliminate a large number of pirates and implement my absolute righteousness.

The honor of the navy must not be tarnished!

But the smile on his face froze quickly, and the captain of the [-]th division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Curiel, and the captain of the [-]th division, Speedo Kiel, appeared at the same time.

Afterwards, the three of them fought together, and the red dog's magma fruit and the two's armed arrogance were very eye-catching on this battlefield.

On the other side, the pirate group under Whitebeard's banner also formed a powerful attack team, and under the leadership of the captains, they headed for the execution platform.

Forty-three pirates, seven captains have been killed by Liu Xu, and the remaining captains deeply understand the power of unity, the forty-three pirates are almost twisted into a hemp rope.

However, it was said that the straw hat boy Luffy who had just arrived on the battlefield, after Jin Ping helped him to relieve the crisis, he continued to move on the execution platform, but he was blocked when he was halfway through the impact, and he was still a very familiar person.

"Straw Hat Luffy, long time no see."

On the ground in front of him suddenly appeared countless sands condensed into a human shape, the familiar cigar, the familiar golden hook-shaped arms, but it was Crocodile, one of the seven warriors under the king.

Luffy stared at the person who was blocking him and said, "Get out of the way, don't block me."

"Oh, you are still so arrogant, I have to teach you a lesson." Crocodile laughed, "The Desert Sword!"

The sand crocodile's arm quickly sanded to form a huge desert knife, and the desert knife approached Luffy straight, and the ice surface was instantly cut open, showing its sharpness.

Luffy has fought with Crocodile, and naturally he is very familiar with his moves. He knows the power of this knife and does not dare to blindly resist it. Now he has not fully mastered the domineering of the armed color, how can he fight recklessly?

Moreover, his fruit ability is doomed that he is afraid of flames and sharp objects, and he will not be blind.

"Second gear!"

Wisps of white smoke billowed from Lu Fei's body. Facing the oncoming desert sword, what he used was to dodge, decisively dodge.

But on Liu Xu's side, the contest with the three captains was full of dangers.

Lakyo's meteor hammer always gave him a surprise from behind when the other two attacked, forcing him to give up attacking and defending against the two, and instead smashed the meteor hammer into the air.

The Meteor Hammer didn't know if it had been fed a Devil Fruit, or if that bite would have other effects, so naturally it's best not to try it.

"I hate peek-a-boo the most."

The Thunder Knife in Liu Xu's hand was held high above his head, and it spun quickly under the traction of the lightning force. The surrounding air gradually formed a cyclone, and several blade lights flew out from the blade, spreading to the surroundings.

"Shen Lei Hell!"

The circular attack, the group skill Shen Lei Hell in the true form, this is the power that this move should have.

The three captain-level powerhouses who surrounded him suddenly dispersed. Head-to-head confrontation was not the main theme of their battle. In addition, the purpose of their coming here, not to mention.


Chapter 2549 The consequences of injuring me are very serious...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The sword light continued to spread, the three captains kept retreating, and the dark purple sword light pressed against their bodies.

However, their reaction speed is also very fast. If a retreat does not seem to be very successful, they will directly change the method. They pass through the middle of several sword lights, and they are bucking the trend. When the opponent attacks, they use counterattack to resist. .

Unexpectedly, after experiencing countless battles in that turbulent place in the new world, everyone has honed their due level and experience.

Interspersed with counterattacks from the cracks of Shen Lei Hell, this can minimize the damage, only being injured by some excess air pressure, but this damage is negligible.

"Bang bang bang!"

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