Daomang slid from the side almost against the skin and went straight into the area hundreds of meters behind and exploded suddenly. The tens of millions of volts of lightning power contained in it caused the surrounding navy and soldiers to be affected, and dozens of people were knocked over in an instant. .

"You move too slowly!"

Fossa appeared at Liu Xu's side, slashing with a fiery knife, the scorching breath and oppressive air pressure reminded people of the precision and power of this knife.

Liu Xu quickly turned his feet a little, and leaned back once to avoid the opponent's attack. The fire knife could barely touch the tip of his nose, and he could clearly touch the hot breath and sharp blade.

It was so dangerous that he was almost hit by the opponent with a knife.

At this time, Yizang and Lakyo's attacks also arrived at the same time. Yizang's close-combat flintlock pistol was extremely powerful. They all went to the critical point.

Lakyo's other meteor hammers opened and closed their mouths wide, and it is unknown whether there is something hidden in their dark mouths.

Liu Xu's heart skipped a beat with a quick backflip, and he flung Thunder Knife out in mid-air. At the same time, his body turned into a dark purple horse and chased after Thunder Knife.


Lakyo's face changed, and the target of the thunder knife turned out to be the iron chain holding the meteor hammer in his hand. At this moment, fine sparks burst out, and the huge force from the iron chain made his arm numb for a while.

There was a small gap in the chain, and the continuously connected iron ring had broken on one side, and it might fly out if attacked violently.

The thunder knife bounced, and Liu Xu, who was beside him, grasped the handle of the knife, turned around and kicked the opponent's abdomen.


After being hit hard in the abdomen, Lakyo's face changed drastically and he flew out backwards. A gap was opened in the encirclement of the three of them, and Liu Xu took advantage of this opportunity to jump over.

However, his breakout this time was doomed to fail. Lack, who was knocked into the air, immediately became dissatisfied when he saw that the other party wanted to leave the battle, and threw the meteor hammer in his hand with a gritted teeth.

This swing, the force is heavy, the force is like a thousand, and it has the potential to shake the mountains and rivers.

Liu Xu's route to break out of the siege was blocked by the meteor hammer. He erected the thunder knife in front of him, and the meteor hammer also hit it.


The collision of the two weapons caused Liu Xu's body to also retreat rapidly, followed by Fossa holding a fire knife.

"Obviously admit defeat!"

Fossa had already slashed down beside him with a slash, and there was a lightning strike under the slash, as if a dazzling thunderbolt hit the sky instantly.

"That's too late!"

When this thought flashed through Liu Xu's mind, his back had already been severely slashed. The wound ran through his entire back, and countless dense lightning bolts emerged from the wound.

With a single strike, Liu Xu's body fell forward, and Fossa and Yizang chased after him.

"The consequences of getting me hurt are very serious..."

Liu Xu yelled, resisting the pain in his body, jumped up and swung the knife down again.

"Spring thunderstorm!"

Thunder and lightning covered the body of the purple-black knife, and with one swing of the knife, a dark purple glow flew out from the blade.

There was the power of thunder and lightning attached to the sword light, and the crescent-shaped sword light dragged a long and narrow light on the ground and instantly enveloped the two of them.

The two who had seen the power of Liu Xu's saber did not dare to fight hard. Fossa blocked the fire saber in front of him, giving Yizang a chance to retreat successfully.

"Bang! Ding!"

With two loud bangs, the waning moon-shaped sword light hit Fosa's fire knife and the flames flew, decisively destroying the flame on his fire knife. With a crisp sound, the knife that lost the flame unexpectedly snapped.

Liu Xu also took this opportunity to get out of the encirclement of the three of them. The burning pain in his back caused his instinct to elementalize when he hit and was hit, but the speed was still a little slow after all. The wound healed slowly, and the blood stopped instantly.

But Fossa was not so lucky. In order to give Yizang a chance to retreat, his knife was directly destroyed, and the remnant force of Chun Lei's violent death also hit his body at this time, from his shoulders to his abdomen. The position caused a terrifying scar.

Repaying him in the same way, Liu Xu repays him with the knife that hit him before, which is barely even.

The encirclement had been broken, and Fossa had been seriously injured. Liu Xu knew that the opportunity was rare, so he forgot the pain on his back and attacked with a knife.


The captain of the third team, Diamond Joz, claims to have the strongest defense and strong wrist strength, and can also maintain extremely high agility.

When these kinds of abilities are combined, he is destined to be extraordinary, and his strength is also destined to be difficult to resist.

Qingzhi has already chosen a target, and that is Diamond Jozi.

The ability of the frozen fruit to fight against the diamond fruit, Qingzhi's heart faintly looks forward to it, can it smash the defense of the diamond fruit with the power of the frozen fruit?

Objects will become very brittle in extremely cold environments. Qingzhi's ability can easily freeze a person's skin, blood, and muscles, and a single blow can turn the whole person into ice chips, which can be described as dazzling and bloody. funeral.

"Shine. Crash!"

Diamond Qiaoz stared at Qingzhi with a pair of small eyes, put his left arm in front of him and rushed towards Qingzhi at high speed.


Chapter 2550 Qingzhi fights Joz, the pacifist

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"It's this trick again!"

Qing Zhi scratched her hair, the other party's move was not easy to defuse, she suffered from this move just now and was hit hard, if she didn't element it in time, she might be in danger.

Well, my body still seems to be in pain now.

"Two thorn spears!"

A few ice spears condensed around him, following his will, he blasted towards Diamond Jozi who was rushing forward.

The spear of ice roared out, and the surrounding air seemed to be frozen at this moment, and everywhere was white, and Qingzhi's body was also elementalized.


The two thorn spears hit Diamond Joze, but this did not damage his defense, but was directly smashed by his charge, and the whole person continued to charge.

Qing Zhi seemed to have already expected such a result, so he jumped into the air without rushing.

"Can you keep up with this speed?"

There was a bit of doubt and caution on the young and lazy face. The other party was not a simple person, but a sturdy existence with almost the same strength as the general.

"Frozen Time Capsule!"

He directly releases the cold air bomb in mid-air. His cold air bomb has a strong freezing effect, and it only needs a short contact to freeze a person's body in an instant.

The air-conditioning bomb fell from the air, and the Diamond Joze, who had lost his target, was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the sky, not paying any attention to the air-conditioning bomb that was close at hand, and a sarcastic smile appeared on his face.

That kind of smile made Qing Zhi frown, and she felt uneasy in her heart.


Suddenly, the body of the diamond that was about to be hit disappeared, and only a little afterimage was left. The air-conditioning bomb also hit the ground at this moment, adding a small building to the already frozen inner bay. iceberg.

"Oh? It's fast!"

Qingzhi's eyes searched around below, but he didn't see where the other party was, and he was a little surprised all of a sudden.

Although the attack speed of the air-conditioning bomb is not as fast as the speed of light of the yellow ape, it is not something that ordinary big pirates can avoid.

Diamond Qiaozi's body is not small, and he is known for his defensive power, logically speaking, his speed cannot be very fast.

But now the opponent's actions have broken this routine, showing extremely strong combat effectiveness and movement speed.

"It's not a good thing to be careless!"

A voice appeared behind Qingzhi, and the rude voice was full of ridicule and irony.


Qingzhi's back suffered a powerful blow, and his body fell ruthlessly downward, directly smashing the small ice, showing how powerful the blow just now was.

At the same time, the diamond Joz in mid-air also fell, and his feet stomped on the ground, and irregular cracks appeared on the entire ice surface, like a spider web.

The body of Qingzhi, who was shot down, smashed the small iceberg into pieces and slammed it into the ice, surrounded by ice that covered him, making him sigh helplessly. This seems to be the second time he has been shot down. Feel good.

Diamond Joze's attack power is very strong, but he is mostly physical attack, and he will not cause much damage to the natural system. Unless the opponent has armed domineering or other abilities, it can only stop him. That's it.And once the time for Ace's execution arrives, then it's all over.

Diamond Qiaozi walked towards the direction where Qingzhi fell. A general cannot be killed so easily. He still understands this very well, so come on, let's continue to fight hard!

It's just that his footsteps stopped quickly, and a yellow light appeared beside him. If you look closely, it is actually a laser beam!

The laser beam hit him from the side, so he had to diamondize his entire body to resist the tyrannical laser beam.


The laser beam hit his body accurately, but there was a dull sound, which did not pass through his defense as expected.

"Huh? Bear, do you want to defect again?"


Diamond Joze became angry when he saw the attacker. It turned out to be the Tyrant Bear. Damn, didn't he already defect from the navy?

Um?No, this guy is not the bear guy. The bear's body has fleshy paws, and he will hold a book in his hand, and this guy obviously does not have these characteristics.

"Pacifist, you step back, I will let me handle it myself."

The youthful voice came, but it also shocked Diamond Qiaozi, pacifist?These are the pacifists in the legend, my God, that power is too strong, now that these guys are participating in the war, how many pacifists will appear?

The thought of countless pacifists participating in the war filled his heart with melancholy, and this time the war was probably really worth it.

The pacifist accepted Qingzhi's order and resolutely left to find other targets, but this pacifist was very sad. What he was looking for was basically those powerful people, but when he was about to participate in the battle, he was constantly berated by others. Go to those captains to vent.

"Diamond Joz, who claims to have the strongest defense, can you take over my attack?"

Qingzhi's originally frowning brows were relieved, followed by an aura, a fierce aura, like a cheetah ready to go.

"Childish mouth!"

Qingzhi's swift and violent attack, the arm quickly condensed into ice and flew out a white icy bird. With a long cry, the icy bird opened its sharp beak and headed towards the diamond Joz over there. Shaving is also used continuously.

As the attack was imminent, Diamond Joz's eyes were all attracted by the icy birds, and the air where the birds passed was also frozen, and everywhere was full of tiny ice crystals, making it impossible for him to dodge.

As long as it is contaminated with those ice crystals, the body will freeze quickly, and when the time comes, the movement speed will drop, and the defense power will be much weaker.

"Shine. Crash!"

This is another move. Diamond Joze uses this move very cleverly, not only when attacking, but also when defending. It can be seen that he is still very confident in his own strength.

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