
Chapter 2551 The laser beam hits the bird and draws with the admiral

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The left arm turned into a diamond arm, and Joz leaped forward, looking at this stance, there was a tendency to directly smash the Frozen Birds into pieces.

And the ending was exactly as he thought, his body hit the sharp beak of the Frost Bird, Joze's footsteps were steady and the force was repeated, and the Frost Bird was pushed by him to move slowly towards the back.

The two sides competed with each other, and neither side backed down.

At the last moment, the Frost Bird couldn't bear the hardness of the diamond and shattered into tiny ice shards.

The flying bird shattered, and Diamond Joze exhaled fiercely to release the state of the fruit's ability, and began to search for Qingzhi's trace.

However, a cold current suddenly appeared behind him, causing the hairs on his entire body to stand up. A terrifying thought appeared in his mind. Qingzhi was just feigning it!

Before he turned around, the strong cold current had already swept through his body, and he saw that his body was gradually freezing from his arms, and if he continued to look for this trend, he would have a tendency to freeze him directly.

"Freezing time!"

Qingzhi's words announced the name of this move and seemed to announce the opponent's defeat.

"Damn!" Diamond Joze roared, his right arm has lost consciousness, and if this goes on, his entire body will be frozen.


With no choice but to do anything, Joz squinted hard, raised his left arm to hit the place where the ice was spreading, and at the same time jumped back out of Qingzhi's attack range.

"The right arm has..."

Joz's heart was beating violently, his right arm was useless, there was no doubt about it, he was completely frozen by the opponent's frozen fruit ability and lost his intuition.

Now I regret it a bit, if I didn't have the ability to disarm the diamond fruit just now, the other party would not have been able to freeze his right arm so easily.

However, it was too late to regret.

Qingzhi's freezing moment is completed, and now I feel relieved, the opponent's defense is too troublesome, if I keep entangled with him, I'm afraid I don't have to do other things.

Now freezing the opponent's right arm greatly reduces his combat effectiveness, which is already a very good result.

Now, if Diamond Joz wanted to continue pestering him, he would be able to end him soon.

The pirates who are working hard in the new world will not be so stupid. They have already lost one arm. He has no intention of continuing to fight, and quickly runs to his partner. Seeing this, Qingzhi hurriedly pursued.

"Childish mouth!"

Another white icy bird appeared. The bird quickly approached Joz who was running, and hit his back at once. The sharp bird's beak pierced into his body fiercely. There was no blood, and the wound was directly frozen by the ice. stand up.

"No! Bang!"

Joz let out a painful roar from the bottom of his throat, and then his body was directly knocked away by the power of the Frost Bird, and he accelerated into his partner's area.

"Captain Joz!"

"team leader!"

A group of pirates were stunned by this scene. How could Captain Joz, known as the strongest defense in the world, be defeated?

How could that Qingzhi guy break through his defense?Impossible, it must be vertigo.

"Come and help!"

Joz, who hit the ground hard, yelled at the other side, and saw several captain-level powerhouses rushing over and attacking Qingzhi directly.

"It's so troublesome, I haven't killed him yet!"

Qingzhi frowned, looking for a helper so quickly, doesn't it seem to be in line with the style of a master?Well... since they are all here, let's solve them together!

Facing these captain-level powerhouses, Qingzhi was not as embarrassed as facing Joz, but relaxed.

Although these captains are all influential figures in the new world, he is not a vegetarian.

As long as there is no Joz's terrifyingly powerful defense force, everything will be much, much easier.

But he said that the battle with the first team leader, Marco, the Phoenix, was destined to be tragic, which made him, a lazy and wretched man, very depressed.

Constantly recovering his body, constantly attacking, and still attacking from the air, this made him very depressed.

A young strong man like Marco is naturally very aware of the opponent's ability. If he could choose, he would not want such an opponent. That ability is too troublesome, and he will recover quickly after piercing his body.

Phoenix?Well, it should be the best choice to let Akainu fight.

It's just that, now that Akainu is surrounded by two people, it seems that he can't get out!

Marco, who has transformed into a phoenix, has the ability to fly in the air, and is flexible and powerful, and his attack power is also exceptionally powerful.In the entire Whitebeard Pirates, he is equivalent to the existence of the deputy captain, and he has the right to speak.

"Laser beam!"

The wretched yellow ape seems to have found a way, and no longer uses the power of the flashing fruit to enter the air, but falls under the execution platform, constantly using laser beams to attack, which is a bit like hunting birds.

Yellow rays of light shot out continuously from the fingertips, and the yellow monkey looked calmly at Marco who was dodging in the air, and when the opponent was about to approach, he directly used the power of the flashing fruit to shift positions and attacked with laser beams again.

Such an attack made Marko's teeth itch with hatred. Why is this guy's attack so wretched?Who did you learn from?

"Hmm... Yata Mirror! Flash Kick!"

The yellow monkey smiled wretchedly, and turned to use the Yata mirror to move quickly on the surrounding ice and even any reflective objects, and appeared beside Marco. There was a shining yellow light on his feet, and he kicked it out.

The battlefield is cruel, everyone fights for survival and honor.

Many people understand that soldiers are not tired of cheating. As long as they can defeat the enemy, it is no problem to use some special means.

Kizaru is so vulgar, he had been shooting on the ground before, but when Marco was used to his style of play, he suddenly changed his strategy to move at the speed of light, which made Marco stunned for a moment, and then another flash kick was launched.

Marco was also going to continue the dive bombing to consume Kizaru's stamina, but at this time, people moved, so he didn't react all at once, and was kicked out by Kizaru next to him, instantly smashed to the ground, and his head was also for a while. Dizzy.


Chapter 2552 The strongest man with white beard, shocking fruit shock wave

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



He smashed a large pit with a diameter of more than ten meters on the ice below, and the surrounding ice quickly shattered, and the falling shock wave caused the surrounding pirates to be overturned and fell to the ground struggling.

Sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot, and the smart can't fight the wretched.

"Yeah...that's weird, isn't it dead?"

The yellow ape's thick lips were curled up, and his eyes looked down at Marco, who had made a big hole. His face looked helpless.

On the execution platform, blood was bitten from the corner of Ace's mouth, and every battle below made him tremble, all because of his identity and his arrest.

"The time is almost up, and the punishment will be executed soon!" Warring States looked at the time and said.

The execution time is getting closer and closer, and the battle below is getting more and more intense, but it is hard to tell the winner.

Hearing this, both Garp and Ace trembled at the same time. In Garp's mind, the closer the execution time, the closer his grandson is to death.

Ace's idea is that the closer the execution time, the more intense the battle below and the more serious the casualties.

"Kill me! Kill me quickly!"

Thinking of this, Ace turned his head and yelled at Sengoku. The sound spread far away, which made some pirates and navy stunned. What did he mean?What is he going to do?

"Ace, don't be stupid!"

The Whitebeard on the Moby Dick roared loudly when he heard the words. From just now until now, he has not shot because he is waiting. The only opponents who can be called his opponents here may only be Sengoku and Karp, and no one else can!

As if he hadn't heard of it, Ace continued to yell at the Warring States: "I asked you to kill me, didn't you hear? Aren't you trying to obliterate Roger's last bloodline? Now that I'm here, why don't you do it? ?"

He was about to go crazy. In the past, his partners were dying right in front of him. He no longer wanted to see the death of his partners. He would rather die.

Garp's heart is even more uncomfortable. Perhaps he is the most painful person here, more painful than anyone such as Whitebeard and Luffy.

"The time for execution has not yet come."

Zhan Guo's serious face glanced at him, and then his eyes continued to turn to the battlefield. How could the plan be disrupted at will?

The mighty power of the Whitebeard Pirates in the New World is something that everyone fears. The strongest man in the world who can easily cause earthquakes and tsunamis, his forces are growing under his protection, which has seriously threatened The security of the world government and navy headquarters.

Although they have always been in the new world, who knows if they will come to the first half of the great route someday?That's when the disaster began.

The Navy Headquarters has mobilized Qibukai and even all the elite navies and pacifists to be able to fight with each other like this. If the Whitebeard Pirates arrive in normal times, who can imagine what it will be like? 's scene.

Ace felt that he was about to suffocate, and the unspeakable pain made him want to die now to end this battlefield full of gunpowder and war.

"Bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, Ace lowered his head and slammed into the ground, hitting the ground continuously, and blood flowed down his forehead, staining his entire face red.


Garp couldn't help shouting, this scene deeply hurt his heart, and he almost couldn't bear it.


The white beard on the other side roared, the naginata in his hand slammed, and he stepped forward.

White Beard, who had been silent for a long time, was finally about to act.

Suddenly, a tall figure stood in front of him, blocking his path, and a large knife slashed down at the same time.

"The absolute controversy of the Navy will not stain you, Whitebeard!"

John Jaendo, the giant lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters, has an upright personality and a high sense of honor.

"Stop getting in the way!"

Whitebeard yelled, raised his naginata to block, and actually blocked the big sword of the lieutenant general of the giant clan, no matter how much power the opponent exerted, they remained indifferent.

Afterwards, the white beard naginata drew the opponent's broadsword aside with a horizontal stroke, and he jumped up and punched out.


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