I saw white light appearing at his fist, and the air seemed to be torn apart by the white light.

The giant lieutenant general on the opposite side, Jia Endo, suddenly bowed, and there was a huge depression in his abdomen, but it was dented by the shock wave under Whitebeard's punch.


Jia Endo gritted his teeth tightly, but he still couldn't resist the opponent's strength after all. His huge body was blown away by a punch, and fell hard to the side of the navy soldier.

The white beard who knocked Jaendo into the air did not stop, but continued to attack.

With a pull of his hand into the air, the entire land and sea instantly tilted, and the pirates and soldiers on the ice staggered to and fro, how could they stand still.

"What a terrifying power, but, in the name of absolute justice of the navy, you will never be allowed to pass here."

Jaendo said so, resisting the cramping pain in his abdomen and continued to move forward, the big knife slashed again.

However, this time before the big sword reached Whitebeard's side, his body was bounced out again, and this time he had no strength to stand up because he was seriously injured.

The shock wave, this is the shock wave under the grasp of Whitebeard. After the shock wave was shot, the shock wave quickly went towards the execution platform.

Seeing this situation, the expressions of the three generals who were fighting changed, and they speeded up to get rid of the battle and gather under the execution platform.

And Liu Xu did the same, leaving the battle in an instant.

The power of the shock wave emitted by Whitebeard's shock fruit is not trivial. If it is hit by the shock wave, it can easily end an island.

The tyrannical shock wave passed by, and the people below were also directly suppressed by this force and lay on the ground, feeling the surging power above their heads, and everyone was shocked.

The three generals didn't realize in time that Karp and Zhan Guo had serious expressions on their faces, ready to intercept them at any time.

As enemies who have fought countless times, they are still very familiar with each other.


Chapter 2553 The eighth strike, thunder strikes the real dragon

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Suddenly, a deep purple thunderbolt crossed the shock wave and landed in front of Zhan Guo and the others. It was Liu Xu who was wearing a justice coat and black and white shorts.

Liu Xu who rushed over was very excited. Seeing it, he finally saw the shock wave of Whitebeard. How powerful would it be?

Really looking forward to it.


"Get out?"

"But you can't beat him."

"Don't worry, there is me!"


"I didn't expect there to be such a strong man in this world!"

Liu Xu was shocked, and he felt a force burst out from his body.

The Thunder Knife was unsheathed, and Liu Xu leaped into the air, with the tip of the knife pointing down and gripping the handle tightly with both hands.

"Zi Lei Saber Technique, Eighth Strike, Heavenly Thunder Slashes the True Dragon!"

As soon as the words fell, a burst of intense and dazzling white light burst out from his body, instantly covering the entire inner bay.

Wait a minute, isn't there only seven moves in the Zilei sword technique?

Otherwise, why is it called Zilei Seven Strikes?

What the hell is this eighth strike?

Of course Leishen didn't answer Liu Xu's words.

At the same time, the sky was covered with thunderclouds, and countless thunderballs were floating in the air, and the number was shocking, and it could easily fill the entire inner bay.

The thunderballs were floating in the sky, forming a defensive wall under the execution platform in an instant, and the densely packed thunderballs did not leave a single gap.

Heavenly Lightning Strikes Tu Zhenlong is a full blow that forms an enveloping net with the domineering force of thunder balls, which consumes a lot of real energy. The reason why Thunder God uses Liu Xu's hand to use this move is because he knows that it is different from the previous casual blow to intercept shells. Once, Whitebeard did a real job.


Whitebeard's shock wave reached and hit the defensive wall formed by the thunderball at this time, and the defensive wall trembled suddenly, and was sunken by the shock wave, and part of the thunderball was scattered and turned into electrons.

Liu Xu, who was in mid-air, watched nervously, could this move block Whitebeard's shock wave?Will he be crushed by one move?

The other people watched nervously. Although the dazzling light made their eyes uncomfortable, everyone tried their best to open their eyes, trying to see what kind of power this new lieutenant general possessed. .

At this moment, the gap shattered by the shock wave was filled, but another thunder ball flew from the side to directly fill the gap, blocking Whitebeard's shock wave.

The collision of the shock wave and the defensive wall produced countless air explosions, and the sound of explosions continued to be heard in the air, and small shock waves spread to the entire inner bay.

In the end, the defense of the light wall still resisted the shock wave of Whitebeard, and transferred the power of the shock wave into the sky, completely saving the execution platform.

Liu Xu in mid-air breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the still standing defensive wall, he was filled with joy. He was so lucky to have such a defensive power.

I just don't know what its attack power will be. This move is mainly an attack skill, and the defense can be so strong, so what about the attack?

Thinking of this, Liu Xu looked at the defensive wall and thought carefully in his heart. He controlled the defensive wall with his mind and prepared to turn it into countless thunderballs to attack, but this time he failed.

Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, but soon relieved.

When Tian Da Lei Strikes Tu Zhenlong, he must either attack or defend, and he can only choose one of the two. It is impossible to achieve both.

The shock wave was blocked, and the people on the execution platform relaxed. Originally, they thought they would need to take action to block the shock wave, but he was blocked by this kid, tsk tsk. In front of the world will have a high prestige.

The other pirates and the navy were dumbfounded. The attack of the strongest man in the world was blocked?Or was it blocked by a young man?This, what the hell is going on here?

Excitement, bewilderment, fear, worship and other emotions appeared among these pirates and the navy. If several people resisted the attack, they would not be so shocked, but it was resisted by one person, and it was a lieutenant general. This makes them have a lot of emotions.

Tsk tsk, is this the rhythm to compete with Whitebeard?

If Liu Xu knew that they had such an idea, he would be ashamed. Whitebeard's power is very strong. Although his current strength is not bad, he is still inferior to such a strong man who has been in the sea for countless years.

Being able to resist it now is entirely the result of Thor's itching, through Liu Xu and Baibeard's fight, otherwise it would be a bit mysterious to rely on other abilities.

Whitebeard's originally confident blow was blocked, which changed his confident smile a little.

He wouldn't be so surprised if Karp or Sengoku resisted, but now he was actually blocked by a kid.

In other words, this brat seems to have killed several of his captains, bastard, he dared to kill the old man's child, it is unforgivable!

Thinking like this, Whitebeard finally left the Moby Dick, released the cool pose he had been posing for a long time, and rushed towards the execution platform.

Although the navy along the way was terrified, they still rushed forward.

The method for these navy white beards is very simple, domineering!

Under the arrogance of the domineering look, these marines couldn't bear it at all, and were easily stunned by the white beard!

The task of the three generals at the beginning was to protect the execution platform and ensure that no pirate could come forward to rescue Ace.

And after some accidents, they had to leave their posts to participate in the battle. Now that Whitebeard has made a move, they naturally want to return to the execution platform to ensure the safety there. Before Beard's shock wave arrived, he couldn't help at all.

They were very anxious, because the execution platform was at stake!

In this anxious mood, Liu Xu's appearance gave them a shot in the arm and blocked Whitebeard's shock wave.

They were very surprised by the incomparably gorgeous moves, which they had never seen before.

And the defense was so brutal that it actually blocked the attack.


Chapter 2554 The three generals join forces, the white beard is fierce

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Huh... this kid can always surprise people."

Qingzhi's anxious expression eased, and turned into a little laziness. Looking at the captains who kept attacking him and the captain of the third division, Diamond Jozi, whose right arm was crippled, he had already made up his mind.

Evacuation, now we must evacuate and return to the execution platform for defense. Execution of Ace is imperative, and there is absolutely no room for mistakes.

"Yeah...that's weird, how did he block the attack?"

The wretched boy Huang Yuan tilted his head and was full of doubts, why did this kid's strength suddenly increase so much?

Before the war started, he and Qingzhi blocked the opponent's powerful attack. At that time, he didn't feel as strong as he is now. Could it be that he has been hiding his strength?Ah, it's really darker and wretched than us!

Marco the phoenix sneered when he saw Huang Yuan's gaze turned to Liu Xu. Although he was also surprised that the other party's strength was able to block his father's attack, it is not a big deal for General Huang Yuan to be distracted during the battle. good thing.

Especially if you are distracted when your opponent is similar to you, it can kill you at any time!

Thinking like this, his attack speeded up in an instant, and he dived and bombarded Kizaru again, kicking Kizaru directly with one kick.

Huang Yuan was attacked suddenly, and it was a powerful blow, which made him a little surprised. Shouldn't this guy be shocked?Don't play cards according to common sense!

But years of combat experience made him elementalize quickly after being kicked, and his body hit the defensive wall on the harbor with yellow light. A large hole was blasted out of the city wall, and thick smoke billowed.

"Well, what should we do? Let's withdraw!"

The yellow ape that was kicked away sat on the pile of ruins and tangled for a while, then smiled easily, and his body elementalized again. Under the speed of light, Marko, the phoenix, still couldn't stop him, and he came to the execution platform with ease. .

"Cut, it's boring."

Marco complained a bit, Huang Yuan is too shameless, not to mention his black belly, and his actions are so wretched.

Where does Kizaru have time to pay attention to the complaints in his heart, at this moment he has come to the execution stand, looking at the white beard who is charging over, his face still stretched out his hands with a smile on his face.

Akainu also came to him after he arrived, and also stretched out his hands, and finally it was Qingzhi.

The three generals stretched out their hands at the same time, what is this for?Are you going to join forces?

That's right, the three of them are going to unite. There is a reason why Whitebeard is called the strongest man in the world. The three generals may be able to compete against him if they join forces.

Yellow light, red light, and blue light appeared from the palms of the three of them, and then six rays of light intertwined and flew out, taking the head of Whitebeard.

The six three-color rays of light are composed of photons, ice, and magma. The combination of the three has increased the power of this attack by more than one level.

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