The white beard who was advancing suddenly stopped, and the six rays of light in front bombed his head. Does this mean that he is going to blow his head directly?

"Hmph, three brats."

White Beard smiled, showing his heroic aura, not being intimidated by the power of the three of them at all.

Three punches!

Whitebeard punched three times in a row, dense white cracks appeared in front of him, and invisible shock waves appeared again, and the three shock waves went straight towards the beam of light.




A pirate and a navy shouted in the place where they passed by the impact. Although the target of the shock wave was not them, the power caused them to be heartbroken, and they dared to stay nearby, and instantly gave up a large space.

"Bang Bang!!"

The three shock waves and the six rays of light collided together to produce a violent explosion, and the yellow light exploded in an instant, making people's eyes couldn't help but close their eyes.

The crystal clear ice chips flew into the air along with the hot magma flames, and the light beams of the three people were constantly shattered under one contact, allowing them to continuously increase their strength to maintain them.

The attack of the shock wave was very strong, and it continued to advance to smash the beam of light formed by the three people, but it also paid a lot of money. The shock wave was quickly blocked, and the beam of light of the three people continued to go towards Whitebeard.

"Oh? Interesting."

Instead of being surprised, Whitebeard raised the naginata in his hand. At this moment, the six beams of light had landed, and all of them landed on his naginata.

Whitebeard's Naginata was blessed with an armed look and domineering, and he even stunned the joint attack of the three generals, and under the blessing of his own shocking fruit ability, one after another shock wave continued to oscillate from the Naginata, and the four forces in stalemate.

Half a minute has passed, and many people are so stupidly watching their entanglement, while the battle of the strong continues.


After Huang Yuan said something, the three of them stopped at the same time, and Whitebeard's naginata quickly retracted, and the three-color light rushed towards the sky.

The longer the stalemate lasts, the worse it will be for them. It will only consume a lot of physical strength, and it will not be so easy to fight again at that time.

"Do you mind if I join in?"

Liu Xu appeared in front of the three of them, and the thunder knife was drawn out again. Looking at the white beard who was more than five meters high not far away, it was interesting to challenge the strong.

"Just don't get in the way."

Akainu snorted coldly, but agreed.

Liu Xu chuckled and said, "Of course, it doesn't matter who gets in the way!"

Three generals plus one lieutenant general seemed to be able to have a good fight with Whitebeard, at least in the minds of the navy soldiers.

But it is different in the hearts of those pirates, no matter how many generals are in front of the old man, this is their admiration and trust for the old man.

The external power is not equal to one plus one or more. In the case of the same power, it is just a little more. For a powerhouse like Whitebeard, if the quality can't keep up, then don't even think about fighting him.

Of course, those captains were not vegetarians, and quickly found their previous opponents and rushed towards the three generals and Liu Xu.

The battle just now is not over yet!


Chapter 2555 It's a little exciting to point the sword at the strongest man in the world!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The speed of the impact did not decrease, and the Naginata in Whitebeard's hand slashed fiercely towards the position of the three generals, and the space seemed to be shattered by this knife.

The power of the shaking fruit is reflected on the naginata, and when the knife goes down, the space shakes, and the whole inner bay is surging.

Shock wave, another powerful shock wave appeared.

Liu Xu held the thunder knife horizontally in front of him, and the iron block and the domineering power of the armed color were blessed on his body. At the same time, the power of thunder and lightning gushed out in an instant, and the electrons in the air in front of him were restless, and the purple arc condensed into A dark purple lightning beam blasted straight towards the center of the shock wave.


The lightning beam flew out and went straight into the middle of the shock wave, penetrating the entire shock wave in one fell swoop, and then the lightning exploded, and the strong purple light made people's eyes hard to open.

With the explosion of thunder and lightning, Whitebeard's attack failed again, and was also resisted by one person.

At the same time, the three generals made a move, and Akainu was the first to rush forward.

"The dog bites the red lotus!"

Thick black smoke and magma rose from the left arm, and the red dog had rushed to the position twenty meters in front of Whitebeard and slammed it down. The end of the fist formed a dog shape, and the red giant dog rushed out with its fangs open. .

"Get out of the way!"

Whitebeard's attack was disintegrated, and he was already upset, but now that Akainu took the initiative to attack, he was even more angry. Facing the giant red dog, the naginata directly chopped it down.


The impact speed of the red giant dog is very fast, but the speed of disappearing is also very fast. Whitebeard's manic slashing cut it directly to pieces, and the little sparks after that can prove that it once existed.

Qingzhi's attack also came at this time, I saw him rushing directly into the air with the razor, facing the white beard with his hands down.

"Frozen Time Capsule!"

The long-distance air-conditioning bomb attacked, Qingzhi's arms condensed a layer of ice, and the air-conditioning bombs flew out from the palm of the palm and quickly surrounded the white beard's position.


The cold air bombs falling from the sky just made Whitebeard sneer, he plunged his naginata into the ice, stretched his arms left and right, and punched.


The white cracks near the fists reappeared, and the falling air-conditioning bomb seemed to have encountered an invisible attack. The falling speed stopped in an instant, and it turned into small ice crystals and dissipated, and even Qingzhi in mid-air was blown away by a force. , slammed into the execution stand.

Whitebeard sneered and drew his Naginata knife again, but a voice sounded in his ear.

"As a big pirate who can influence the whole world, have you ever felt the feeling of being kicked by the speed of light?"

The wretched man had already appeared beside White Beard, and a yellow light had already lit up on his right foot, which was the sign of a light speed kick.

"The wretched man is here again."

Liu Xu rolled his eyes, couldn't he just kick him out and talk?Is it necessary to use such a sense of presence?


Huang Yuan kicked it down, but didn't see the sneer at the corner of White Beard's mouth.

I saw him turn around and punch out, the fist was pitch black, and it looked like a domineering fist with an armed color.

It was only then that Kizaru saw the black fist, his wretched face suddenly became embarrassed, and his thick lips were raised even higher.

"It's dangerous."

This idea just appeared, before the flashing kick of the yellow monkey hit the opponent, the fist had already hit the sole of his foot, directly spinning his body and flying away.

Perfect, Whitebeard's swift and violent power disintegrated the first wave of attacks by the three generals, making people feel chills, can such a force be able to fight him again?

Liu Xu, what will he do?Will his attacks be neutralized as well?Some people turned their expectant eyes, but only saw Liu Xu frowning...

However, after a short while, the three of them appeared by their side again, more cautious and more serious.

Liu Xu was a little worried in his heart. There is still one person who has not appeared, Tiqi!

Where is this person hiding?

When Whitebeard is dealt with, he should be about to appear, and the huge battleship, it should not have come out yet, right?

Before he got rid of the white beard, he had already thought of the next thing in his heart.

The power of the dark fruit is terrifying, especially the guy who wants to win the power of the shocking fruit and become the four emperors, especially Tiqi, that should not be underestimated.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, let's make a move. You are the only one left."

The young and serious face is also a bit lazy, now that the three of them have attacked, it's time for you to behave.

The wretched man Kizaru also looked at him, wondering what he was thinking.

Liu Xu came out of his thoughts, shook his head and said, "Qingzhi, you know the weakness of devil fruits, so..."

The next words were not directly stated clearly, only Liu Xu appeared in the air in an instant.

"It's still a little exciting to point the sword at the strongest man in the world!" Liu Xu pointed at the white beard, "The thunder exploded the five mountains!"

Shocking thunder exploded five mountains. When these five words came out, people were shocked. It seemed that Liu Xu used this trick when he made his first move today to cut off the tsunami caused by Whitebeard and save the navy headquarters.

Now that this trick is done, can White Beard bear it?

Holding the Thunder Knife in his right hand, a fierce aura appeared on Liu Xu's body, and the Thunder Knife repeatedly slashed downwards, only to see the deep purple light of the knife fall on a position with a radius of [-] meters around White Beard in an instant.

Without any sound, the knife awn submerged under the ice surface in an instant, and it was faintly visible that a strong purple light penetrated the thick ice layer and reached the ice surface.

The knife that can cut off the tsunami can now deal damage to Whitebeard?This is a problem for many people.

The three of Qingzhi already understood Liu Xu's thoughts. The power of the Zhenzhen fruit is extraordinary. If they can solve it in the simplest way, then why continue to fight?

After slashing with a knife, Liu Xu quickly returned to the side of the three generals.

"General Akainu, I'll leave the one over there to you."

"General Huang Yuan, clear a space, how can the masters make these little soldiers get in the way."

Liu Xu's words were taken for granted. Chigou stared at him bitterly, and his anger continued to surge. Damn, he dared to order the old man to seek death, but he soon lost his composure.


Chapter 2556

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Huang Yuan took a look at Liu Xu, and soon understood what he meant. In addition, it was not the first time he ordered him to rush directly into the pirates and navy, and the indiscriminate bombing began. He kept throwing some navy back, and kicked some pirates to the edge of the inner bay.


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