Akaken cursed and rushed out, his goal was the waters outside the inner bay, and the action of the yellow monkey made him have to cooperate, otherwise it would appear that he did not understand teamwork.

"General Aokiji, let's go together!"

The last general left, Liu Xu laughed and started to attack. The battle between the [-] elite navy and the pirates was in full swing. A long-term battle would be detrimental to both sides, and a quick decision must be made.

Qingzhi nodded, and now she can only do so for the time being.

Garp and Sengoku haven't made a move yet, they will only do it at the most critical time, otherwise they will use all the power of the Navy Headquarters at once, but it will appear that the Navy Headquarters is afraid of these pirates.

After thinking it over clearly, Qingzhi also rushed out, bombarding White Beard with continuous air-conditioning bombs in mid-air.

But he said that where Whitebeard was standing, purple light was shining in the area of ​​[-] meters around, but he didn't feel any fear. Instead, he laughed loudly and waved his naginata towards Liu Xu and the two of them.

The shock wave came from the naginata, and Liu Xu's forward body flipped in the air to increase his height. The Thunder Saber swung repeatedly, and several deep purple blade lights slashed down.

The shock wave was avoided, and Qingzhi at the back also easily avoided it. The air-conditioning bomb had already landed on Whitebeard's side, and the sword light also blocked his retreat.

White Beard snorted coldly, even if it was the world's number one swordsman's slash, he would not pay attention to it, let alone you Liu Xu?

Naginata raised it again, but this time, when he raised it, a strange feeling came from his feet, which made his face froze, as if something had happened.

From Liu Xu's point of view, Whitebeard's attack stopped suddenly, and then the ice surface [-] meters around him suddenly sank and shattered, and the shattered ice shards covered his body.

This is caused by Liu Xu's previous thunderstorm and five mountains. Fighting against a strong man like White Beard, under the premise that there is no way to reduce ten times with one force, more wisdom should be used, and the biggest weakness of the devil fruit is to attack. It couldn't be better.

When the ice layer is broken, the sea water below will naturally come up. At that time, Whitebeard's body will sink into the sea water. No matter how strong his strength is in the sea water, he will lose his strength and be slaughtered by others.

Strategies, and sometimes often can achieve good results.

Whitebeard's body kept sinking, and although the situation was already very dangerous, his eyes remained on Liu Xu's body.

This young lieutenant general is too difficult to calculate to such an extent that he cannot be kept, otherwise it will be a fatal threat to all pirates.

With this thought in mind, Whitebeard stepped on the ice cubes that were constantly breaking and collapsed under his feet.

Under this jump, there is a tendency to escape from the collapsed land.

However, Qingzhi's air-conditioning bomb had already landed on him, and the first air-conditioning bomb directly hit his arm, causing the Naginata in his hand to almost fall out of his grasp, and at the same time, it also formed a thin layer of cold air. ice.


The white beard covered with ice on his arm was not worried, but directly used the other hand to shatter the ice on it, which seemed to be a bit of a rhythm of death.

The immature ice is energy that freezes blood, muscles, and bones.

If you want to release it, you can rely on warm water. If you use external force to smash it directly, it may even smash your arm.

Therefore, Whitebeard's attack was very dangerous.

There was joy in Qingzhi's eyes, and Whitebeard's actions gave him a little hope.

But what surprised him next was that the white beard shattered the ice on his arm, but there was nothing wrong with his arm. What, what's going on?

Taking a closer look, I saw that Whitebeard's arm had turned pitch-black, but it was the effect of a domineering armament.

Using the domineering power of the armed color to defend, so that the power of the frozen fruit cannot directly penetrate his skin and enter the arm, Whitebeard is indeed a very thoughtful person.

At this time, Liu Xu's sword glow had also arrived, several consecutive sword glows descended, White Beard blocked the naginata in front of him, the power of the shaking fruit was activated again, and a white crack appeared in front of him, attracting The surrounding space is distorted.

Powerful, the power of the shaking fruit was developed by Whitebeard to an astonishing degree, even the space was distorted, what kind of strength is needed to do this!

The shock wave reappeared, and Liu Xu's several sword lights were directly scattered by the shock wave of Whitebeard, and the subsequent shock waves continued to go towards Liu Xu.

"Too strong."

Liu Xu secretly said, and retreated instantly in mid-air, dodging the powerful shock wave of the opponent.

And Whitebeard also took this opportunity to get out of the area where the ice surface collapsed. Seawater began to emerge from the collapsed area behind him, and the turbulent seawater instantly filled the collapsed area.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, White Beard is not so easy to deal with."

The two gathered together, Qingzhi's facial muscles twitched a little.The plan to use sea water to make Whitebeard lose his fighting power failed!

"If it's not easy to deal with, you have to deal with it. You can't let him rush to the execution platform, right? Come on with [-]% strength!"

Liu Xu raised his eyebrows, but he was also ready to fight hard.

It's just that the situation changed very quickly, so he had to give up his thoughts at the moment.

The original three generals and Liu Xu have their own opponents, respectively, the first team against the phoenix Marko, the third team captain Diamond Qiaozi, the seventh team captain Lakyo, the tenth team captain Couliel, and the fourteenth team. Team Captain Spidokir, Captain Fosa of Team [-], and Captain Yizang of Team [-] are seven captain-level powerhouses in total.


Chapter 2557 The yellow ape is fast and the red dog is fierce

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


According to Hai Xia Jinpei's words, every captain is a top-level strongman, and some can even compete with a general, while others, even if they are weaker captains, can fight a general if two of them unite.

It was such a powerful force that suddenly arrived. After the seven captains lost their original target, they saw the three generals and the mysterious lieutenant general Liu Xu attacking their father. Go up, ready to find the original opponent to fight, so as to open up a way for their father to rescue Ace.

Seven captain-level powerhouses intervened in the battle, and the faces of Liu Xu and Qingzhi suddenly became ugly.

Damn it, seven masters plus one white beard, this is the rhythm of tormenting them every minute!

Looking at Chiquan and Huangyuan again, they moved very quickly under Liu Xu's order.

Huang Yuan adopted a strong attack strategy, who can easily block him under the speed of light?

At this speed, the navy and the pirates were continuously separated, and his order to prepare for the battle was also issued. Although a large number of navy did not know their strategy, they obeyed the order and began to retreat, constantly evacuating to the harbor.

And those pirates kept blocking them, and the yellow monkey simply killed them directly, and didn't retreat to attack the pirates in other places until the captain-level powerhouse came out.

Now his task is not to defeat these powerful enemies, but to cover the retreat of the soldiers to leave the inner bay.

Kizaru's approach is very similar to his usual style, making those slower captains itch with hatred, unable to keep up with the speed, and everything is empty talk.

A large number of navy soldiers began to evacuate to the harbor, and some generals understood their strategy after Kiaburu's quick whispers, and joined the team to stop the pirate soldiers.

Akainu's mission is the entrance to the Inner Bay, which is also frozen by Qingzhi's frozen fruit. The thick layer of ice provides a place for those pirate ships to dock and a foothold for their battles.

"Meteor Volcano!"

Akainu looked at the situation below in mid-air, there are basically pirates here, and now is a good opportunity to make a move.

The arms quickly became elementalized, and thick black smoke and hot magma came out. The fists slammed down, and countless magma fists landed on the ice at the entrance of the Inner Bay with flames and black smoke.

His rock berries are very powerful and have the ability to evaporate large ice. Now it is best to destroy this ice layer, and it can also destroy a large number of pirates.

Countless magma fists fell, making the strong men in the inner bay startled.

"Akainu! You are too cruel."

Several captain-level powerhouses roared and were about to leave the battle, but they were always held back by their opponents, and they had no time to pull out their bodies to stop them.

Only some strong captains quickly finished, but after all, it was a little slower, and the magma fist had already fallen.

"Bang bang bang!"

A large number of pirates looked at the falling magma fists in fear, and kept running away, speeding up and rushing into the inner bay.

However, it's exactly what I want!

This is what Liu Xu wants. The more pirates gather in the inner bay, the more favorable the situation will be.

The magma fist smashed and melted the ice near the entrance of the inner bay, and even some pirate ships outside were turned into ashes under the magma fist of Akainu, and it really had a tendency to burn everything.

The ice layer at the entrance was completely smashed, and the sea water was no longer frozen, but surging up. Although the speed was very slow, it also caused a fracture zone of tens of meters, which was enough to affect the actions of these pirates.

"Hmph, the absolute justice of the navy will surely judge you."

Chi Quan sneered when the task was completed, and then turned his eyes to Liu Xu. Now they are being besieged by seven captains, which also gave White Beard a chance to attack the execution platform.

Tangled, infinitely tangled in my heart whether to help or not.

According to his thinking, it would be great if these captains could wipe out Liu Xu with one blow. It's just a pity that Liu Xu's speed is very fast. Even though he was dodging constantly, he was not attacked. It looks a little embarrassed.

"General Akainu, do you want to watch a play there?"

Liu Xu, who was avoiding the attacks of several captains, saw the hesitant red dog with sharp eyes, and immediately roared out, and some naval soldiers on the harbor looked at him.


Murderous intent flashed across Akainu's eyes, and the other party's words completely exposed his hesitation, which would pose a great threat to his prestige.

Cursing angrily, he quickly rushed towards Liu Xu's position, and if he could recover a little prestige now, he would lose a little of his prestige, otherwise he would really lose all his supporters in the Navy headquarters in the future.

The addition of Chigou relieved the pressure on Liu Xu and Qingzhi a lot, and then Huang Yuan also rushed over.

There are those generals who intercept the pirate army, and there is no need for him to worry about the latter, as long as some high-end combat power is eliminated.

Joining quickly, the opponents of the four were still the same old acquaintances, and the battle was very stalemate.

However, Liu Xu was not happy in his heart. Under the cover of several captains, White Beard kept rushing towards the execution platform. He was about to reach the execution platform. If he was given a little more time, Garp and Zhan Guo would have to take action. up.

"General Qingzhi, General Huang Yuan, hand it over to you!"

Liu Xu suddenly shouted and quickly left the battle, but the two people whose names he called were embarrassed.

In desperation, Qingzhi had no choice but to turn around and intercept Lakyo, but Huangyuan had an absolute advantage in speed, and intercepted Fossa and Yizang at once, providing Liu Xu with a momentary opportunity to act.


Seizing this opportunity precisely, Liu Xu's body rushed towards Baibeard, and the thunder knife swung down in midair.

"Spring thunderstorm!"

The dark purple blade glow swung out from the blade, and the crescent-shaped blade glow flew in mid-air towards the only way Whitebeard must pass.

The strong air pressure stirred everything around, and the ear-piercing sound of piercing the air made people's eardrums sting. At this time, the air changed its velocity to form a gust of wind that swept everything around.


Chapter 2558 One Blow Man

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


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