
Whitebeard, who was advancing, felt the sharp aura behind him and turned around, holding the Naginata sword in both hands and making a horizontal slash, the power of the shock fruit was used at the same time.

When the speed reaches an extreme, it can perform a slash, which is recorded in the Sixth Form of the Navy.

Whitebeard's weapon has been with him for many years, so he can naturally slash with the naginata, and with the additional ability of the shaking fruit, this slash is not only extremely sharp, but also has a strong vibration.

The two blade lights collided, and Liu Xu's body that was advancing at high speed suddenly rose up, narrowly dodging the slash that whizzed past him, leaving a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

Spring Thunderstorm was directly shattered by Baibeard's slash. With his eyes, he could clearly see that Whitebeard's vibrating knife light was cutting like a chainsaw when it touched Spring Thunderstorm. The spring thunder stormed and killed, and under such an effect, the knife light was destroyed.

Whitebeard is indeed a battle-hardened super powerhouse!

"Almost forgot about you little brat!"

Whitebeard grinned. Sure enough, this kid would not let him reach the execution platform so easily, but, dare to face it head-on?

From Liu Xu's battle up to now, in addition to showing great strength at the beginning, when fighting him, he was more about tricks, which made him very upset.

He was originally a very bold and straightforward person, but he had to compete with his opponents for these small moves during the battle, which really made people dislike it.

Well, since you want to play tricks, the old man will use destructive power to destroy your tricks.

After making up his mind, Whitebeard stopped attacking the execution platform, but swung his fist directly at Liu Xu. The air was distorted in an instant, forming a storm and flying towards Liu Xu.

"Huh? It's dangerous."

Liu Xu raised his brows, and then used the moon step to continuously switch positions and land on the ice, making the opponent's blow ineffective.

But, is White Beard so simple?

After swinging his fist, he rushed directly under Liu Xu.


As soon as Liu Xu fell to the ground, White Beard was already beside him, and the naginata cut directly at his head, making him break out in a cold sweat.

The guy with the white beard turned his mind very quickly, and he even knew that he would descend to the ground.

Shortly avoiding it, Whitebeard's fist also slammed over.

The fist that was blessed with armed domineering and trembling fruit power formed a shock wave and punched him in the stomach.

"You must not be hit by this 'one-hit man' with white beard!"

This idea flashed in Liu Xu's mind, and the speed of Sha and Thunder instantly reached the limit and flashed to the side, leaving only a dazzling purple light behind.

The shock wave slammed into the distant stone seawall, piercing the seawall, leaving dense cracks.

"so close!"

Liu Xu broke out in a cold sweat. It would be uncomfortable to be hit by Whitebeard's shock wave, the rhythm of dying every minute.

"Hmph, brat, you don't look like a man at all if you blindly dodge!"

White Beard smiled disdainfully, and directly despised his fighting style.

Liu Xu didn't listen to this at all. You, a super strong man who has been sailing the sea for decades, have the nerve to say this to a newcomer who has only been at sea for more than three years?Tsk tsk, that's not how the aggressive method works!

Thinking calmly and judging accurately, Liu Xu was not fooled at all, which made Whitebeard bored for a while, and time passed bit by bit.

The execution time is getting closer and closer, the navy has been evacuated to the harbor, and the cannons are constantly bombarding the pirates below, the situation seems not so optimistic.

If the time delays any longer, I'm afraid it will be impossible to save Ace in the end.

The strong and heroic Whitebeard is also a little anxious. Time waits for no one, and now he has to entangle with this kid. Damn, this thing is really annoying.

"Since you said it so openly, why don't you let go of your domineering and shaking fruit abilities and fight?"

Liu Xu directly replied with contempt.

Who would be so stupid to give up their advantages to fight against the opponent's strengths?It was just courting death.

White Beard's face darkened, but this kid was eloquent.

However, in the face of absolute power, all methods and techniques are paper tigers, which can be broken with one punch!

Thinking like this, Whitebeard picked up his Naginata and rushed over again.

The pressure faced by the three generals behind them is not small. The three are facing the indiscriminate bombardment of seven captain-level powerhouses, and there are still two superpowers who can compete with the generals. This battle is doomed To play hard.

Others who can help are the strong ones like Qiwuhai, but unfortunately, each of Qiwuhai has their own opponents, and it is not so easy to get out of the battle to help them.

Moreover, Qiwuhai's participation in this battle may not necessarily serve the Navy Headquarters wholeheartedly, and some are just going through the motions, so that at least the name of Qiwuhai can be kept, and he will not be expelled from his identity and lose a lot of privileges. .

"Karp, are you ready to make a move?"

Warring States on the execution platform became worried when they saw the situation of the three generals. Now, only the two of them have not made a move in the audience. If they want to relieve the plight of the three generals, only one of them can make a move.

It's a pity that Garp didn't answer his words, but stared at Liu Xu, as if he was more interested in there.

Warring States sighed deeply. Judging from this, Garp might not make such an easy move this time.

It should be on this execution platform as he said before, and it will not go down easily.This may be a preference, but it cannot be refuted.

After a long battle, the three people who were besieged by the seven captains were a little anxious. If time continued to drag on, they would only be consumed to death. Then, it was time to expand their moves.

"Big fire!"

"Childish mouth!"

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

The three generals went wild at the same time, and the three powerful moves were used at the same time, and the resulting power was naturally extraordinary.


Chapter 2559 Three generals go crazy, seven captains lose

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The left arm turned into a magma fist of billowing lava, and Akainu slammed it forward with a punch. The turbulent heat wave and the burning air caused irregular distortions.


The Kuriair gun in front of him kept bombing the magma fist, and Speedokir's knight spear was extremely powerful under its accelerated sprint, and accurately picked the magma fist.

However, this time, instead of blocking the magma fist like before, the cannonball was smashed by the magma fist, and even the knight spear was calcined red.


The two of them secretly said at the same time and retreated, but it was too late, Akainu's magma fist slammed into Kurial's chest, and the magma covered his body in an instant, and the high-temperature magma began to erode his body.

Speedy Kier behind him is relatively better, and Coolier resisted the main attack for him, so he received the least damage, but the situation is not so optimistic.

The high-temperature magma partially fell on him, and Kuriel's body also fell on him, and the two flew backwards at the same time.

Akainu's punch was extremely powerful, and almost used all his strength to launch this move. The two thought that the attack was the same as the previous one, but they didn't think about it.

After repelling the two, Akainu glanced at the other two generals, and then decisively charged towards Whitebeard under the execution stand.

And the ice bird transformed from Qingzhi's violent mouth is also very powerful. His opponents are Diamond Jozi and Lakyo.

Diamond Qiaozi had already lost an arm by him before, and his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced, while Lakyo's situation was relatively better, but Liu Xu cut a gap in his meteor hammer chain, which made him unable to carry out long-distance combat. Attack, making the attack power much weaker.

Diamond Joze claims to have the strongest physical defense in the world, so he blocked Lakeyo directly in front of him, and Lakeyo behind him threw out the meteor hammer, and the big mouth on the meteor hammer kept opening and closing. I want to bite the frozen birds into pieces.

But the development of things did not go as they had imagined. Qingzhi's icy bird hit Joz's chest and pushed his body to the back. Even the attack of the Lakyo meteor hammer behind him failed. within the attack range.

"Two thorn spears!"

Qingzhi's attack method is not just one move by you and me. As long as you can seize the opportunity, you will bombard it indiscriminately. Various powerful attack methods can be used at one time. It is the best to be able to kill them. forcing back.

A few ice spears flew towards the two, and the two of them did not find the existence of the ice spear when the sight was blocked by the frozen birds, and it was too late when they found it.

The ice spear passed from under the body of Frost Bird and stuck on Joz's body, and one passed through the gap between his feet and stuck on the back of La Kayue's leg.


Lakyo's expression changed when his leg was attacked, and he didn't want to hit a palm to interrupt the ice spear, preventing the spread of ice on his body.

His method paid off, the ice spear started to freeze after hitting his body, but after he shattered the ice spear, the freezing phenomenon was relieved, only a part of the leg was frozen, and the action received It's just a limit.

The diamond Qiaozi's is very direct. Incarnate as a diamond man, his defense is against the sky. He firmly hugged the ice bird with both hands, and directly bumped his head towards the head of the ice bird, only to hear "click!" With a sound, the head of the Frost Bird was smashed to pieces, and then he squeezed hard with both hands, crushing the Frost Bird's body. It can be seen that his wrist strength has indeed reached an astonishing level.

However, after the ice spear hit him in the abdomen, he was stunned for a while, and his body flew into the air and fell behind, but was directly knocked away by the impact of the ice spear.

"It's done."

After completing the attack, Qingzhi let out a breath, and then decisively walked in the direction of Whitebeard.

The action was very decisive, and he didn't take this opportunity to kill the two captains.

Captain-level powerhouses are not so easy to be killed. Even if they are injured now, it will still take a lot of time to end their lives.

It is more likely to be defeated when the opponent counterattacks. Fighting, all variables are possible.

"Really, it's over one by one! I don't know how many attacks you can withstand?"

Huang Yuan pouted his mouth, and the three people who kept attacking him instinctively felt chills. What kind of method is this guy thinking about?

With the launch of Kizaru's powerful moves, his body was quickly photonized and suspended in mid-air, and the dazzling light made the eyes of the three of them narrow slightly.

Countless light bullets emanated from the yellow light. This was a large-scale group attack, but he was now targeting these three people.


The arrival of the light bullet made the three of them dodge continuously, but they still couldn't go faster than the speed of light after all.

Marco the phoenix was hit by countless light bullets, but his wound ignited a blue flame, and the wound continued to heal quickly.

Fossa's flaming sword is rung in front of him to defend against attacks in this way, while Izang uses his flintlock pistol to keep attacking, and sometimes attacking is the best defense.

Marco's strength is undoubtedly the strongest among these captains, and he is the second-in-command in the Whitebeard Pirates.

Kizaru's continuous attack is very powerful, but he can resist it with constant recovery.

It's just that his fruit also has a weakness, that is, the recovery speed and the ability to withstand it.

The recovery of the body is not unlimited. When the attack exceeds his recovery speed and the body's tolerance range, he will also be damaged.

It was for this reason that Marco flew towards Kizaru in the air, his face was extremely ugly, and his recovery speed was much slower.

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