However, the moment he was about to arrive, the yellow ape stopped attacking.


After saying a word, he resolutely walked towards Whitebeard. Could it be that the fruit was released again?


Marco, however, seemed to have been greatly insulted, and went straight after him.


Chapter 2560 2.5 Million Volts. God's Punishment

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The battle between Huzi and Liu Xu seemed very depressed. Whitebeard's heroic style of fighting made many people surrender, that kind of kingly spirit that dominates the world, almost every punch distorted the space, and the inner bay was destroyed everywhere. trace.

Liu Xu's style of play is agile and elegant, and wins with speed. Facing Whitebeard's swift attack under the speed of light, he can often avoid and counterattack at the most critical moment.

"Shaking Knife. Jade Breaking!"

Whitebeard's naginata continued to slash towards Liu Xu. The power of the shocking fruit was condensed on the knife. If this knife hits the target, it can easily shatter the enemy's body. If it is equipped with armed domineering, then it is a natural ability user Can also be shattered.

Armed with black domineering, it can capture the body of the natural system, and naturally it can also damage the natural system with the ability to shake the fruit.

His offensive methods and moves are actually not many, but every move is earth-shattering.

The shock wave kept flying, and more than a dozen knives were cut in a row to seal the enemy's retreat.

Liu Xu knew from the opponent's posture that he wanted a quick fight and rushed to rescue Ace.

Then, we will not let you wish, and decisively adopt guerrilla tactics.

No matter how fast the shock wave of Zhenzhen Fruit is, it can't be faster than the speed of light. Liu Xu's speed is the speed of light when he is transformed into a thunderbolt. He can easily find the gap between a dozen shock waves, and successfully escape from the opponent's attack attack.

"A disgusting ability."

Whitebeard snorted, it was the first time he felt so disgusted with fast people.

No matter how fast the enemies in the past were, they hadn't reached this level, and they could be easily killed by him.

Now Liu Xu is using his speed advantage to fight him, and he killed several captains and rescued Ace before, which made the heroic white beard feel a little bit grudged.

In addition, in his eyes, the shining fruit ability Huang Yuan became more and more unhappy.

Seeing that the enemy is uncomfortable, then kill him completely, and Whitebeard's Naginata waved continuously again.

"Shake the knife. Slash!"

Whitebeard shouted loudly, and the sound was like thunder, making the opponent's heart tremble fiercely.

His sword is infinitely powerful, and has the ability to split an island. This is his sturdyness, and because of this power, he was turned into a man who can destroy the world by Sengoku.

Liu Xu withdrew resolutely and did not confront him head-on. Even if the knife was blocked, it would be uncomfortable. The Zhenzhen Fruit is the strongest superhuman devil fruit that is not weaker than the natural one.

Dodging again, Whitebeard became irritable again, being constantly avoided by the enemy made his heart full of anger, and he couldn't help but roared: "Liu Xu, if you have the ability, you can fight me, even if you attack That's good too!"

Oh?Liu Xu raised his eyebrows, is he attacking?OK, as you wish.

A thought flashed across his mind, Liu Xu laughed and mobilized the power of lightning, causing the electrons in the air to accelerate and riot, and countless thunderclouds appeared in the sky, and deep purple arcs flashed continuously in the thunderclouds, booming The sound of thunder is like a mountain crushing people's hearts, making them feel depressed and suffocated.

"White Beard, take my move!"

Liu Xu roared loudly, and with his roar, the thunderclouds in the sky changed, and the dark purple lightning in it turned into pure black, and the thundercloud kept rolling and changing shape, like an eye, with a The turbulent and dense thunder and lightning, a strong coercion came from those eyes, and this coercion was as domineering as a domineering look.

The coercion of the invisible existence makes some people unable to bear the pressure and faint, and the black lightning is also surprising. What kind of ability is this?what happened?

"The Thunder of Heaven's Punishment!"

Liu Xu shouted loudly, and the thunderclouds in the sky exploded violently, and then several black lightning bolts descended.

The black lightning seemed to have exceeded the limit of the speed of light, and fell directly on Whitebeard's body in an instant, passing through his arms and shoulders.

Can't dodge!

This idea appeared in the bottom of Whitebeard's heart, which shocked him. It was the first time that such an idea appeared. This, how is this possible?

He is still very confident in his own strength. How could these powerhouses of the younger generation attack him casually? No matter how powerful the opponent is, they will eventually die under his own shocking fruit... But now the situation has changed. , he couldn't dodge the opponent's attack?

Whitebeard, who was hit by the black lightning, took a few steps back and stopped, ignoring the pain in his body, and his eyes were serious about the strange thundercloud, and there were countless black lightnings in it!

Others were also dumbfounded, no matter if they were pirates or navy.

Liu Xu, actually hurt White Beard?The strongest man in the world was actually injured?

Warring States and Garp also gasped. If either of them made a move, then there is nothing wrong with hurting Whitebeard, but the other party is a young man in his early twenties!

At the moment when the thunder cloud of the Thunder of Punishment formed, Liu Xu's body was suspended in the air, and he was below the Thunder of Punishment. His body was surrounded by black lightning and he held a thunder knife, just like a god of thunder who judged the world.

"Whitebeard, are you ready for trial?"

Liu Xu's voice spread throughout the entire Navy headquarters at this moment, majestic, solemn, indifferent, and cruel.

The voice is full of emotions, and the tone is natural, as if it should be said by nature.

The thunder of heaven's punishment has a power of [-] million volts.

Thunder and lightning exceeding [-] million volts will produce qualitative transformation into black lightning. Black lightning has the ability to split space. When attacking, it seems to pass through space. Basically, it can attack people with a single thought, faster than the speed of light.

It was precisely because of this ability that Whitebeard felt that he couldn't dodge in his heart. Attacks that traveled through space could indeed be said to be impossible to dodge!

Whitebeard, who suffered a loss once, is now eye-catching. When he feels that the thundercloud is abnormal, he directly dodges. He doesn't need to deliberately choose the direction, just dodge directly.

The huge body dodged directly, and the black thunder and lightning instantly slammed into his original position.


Chapter 2561 Black Thunder vs Shockwave

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



The tyrannical thunder and lightning directly penetrated the thick layer of ice, and each lightning struck the ice layer into a large pit with a diameter of more than ten meters, and the current also entered the sea water at this moment.

"Shatter. Shock wave!"

Whitebeard roared and threw out his fists. Just like what he said before, it was useless to dodge blindly, and it was king to hit hard.

The white halo appeared again, and the powerful shock wave bombarded the thunder and lightning falling from the sky.

His fist can control the shock wave at will, as long as it touches the target, it can shatter and destroy the target in an instant.

The collision of the shock wave and the black lightning did not produce any dazzling brilliance and earth-shattering momentum, but disappeared.

The shock wave and the black lightning disappeared without a trace at the same time, making Liu Xu's heart skip a beat. Can Whitebeard's shocking fruit counteract the thunder of punishment?

But Whitebeard was secretly delighted, as long as the shock wave had an effect.

Looking at it now, the opponent's move can still be offset, very good, then use enough power to destroy the world to offset this move!

With this thought in mind, Whitebeard's shock wave became stronger and stronger, and countless shock waves hit the sky, constantly low-keying down the thunder and lightning that fell.

For a time, the battle between the two seemed to have entered a very strange state. The thunder and lightning fell and disappeared in the air, and the shock wave also disappeared in the middle of the attack, which was very strange.

The two sides are in a stalemate again. It has been less than an hour before Ace's execution time. In this hour, can the Whitebeard Pirates turn the tide?

"The old man is here."

The red dog who was the first to get rid of the captain's siege yelled, and was delighted to see the white beard who was resisting Liu Xu. Now is the best opportunity to take the head of the white beard. He is the hero of the whole world.

"Ming dog!"

Quickly approaching Whitebeard's side, Akainu's left arm magma clenched his fist, and the fist rushed out fiercely, targeting Whitebeard's head.


Whitebeard, who was contending against the thunder and lightning, snorted angrily when he noticed the arrival of Akainu, and even attacked at this time, Akainu kid, this will let you know what power is.

"Shatter. Shock wave!"

Whitebeard pulled out a hand that resisted lightning, and quickly aimed in the direction of Akainu.

Two shock waves condensed and flew out of his hands, and soon collided with Akainu's magma arm.


The shock wave directly shattered the dog and slammed into Akainu's body at an astonishing speed.

Where did Akainu think that Whitebeard's reaction speed was so fast, and he was hit by the shock wave all of a sudden. Under the influence of the domineering force of the armed color, the shock wave directly hit his body.


Akainu spit out blood, and his abdomen sank. The whole person flew backwards quickly, and finally slammed into the ice and stopped.

Liu Xu in the sky secretly thought it was a pity that when the red dog suddenly intervened in the battle, a cloud of anger appeared in his heart. The power of the thunder of punishment from heaven is very powerful, and it is also the power of the natural system. If the red dog does not Be careful you can easily be seriously injured.

If Whitebeard hadn't warded off all the lightning bolts, then those lightning bolts would probably hit Akainu.

Therefore, in Liu Xu's view, Chiquan's sudden intervention in the battle was a bit disruptive, which made him even think in his heart that it would be better to kill Chiquan directly, so as not to hinder himself.

"Childish mouth!"

Akainu was sent flying, Qingzhi came up again, and the first appearance was the attack of Frost Asuka. It seems that these tricks have been used very skillfully.

"Hey, Qingzhi, this brat."

Whitebeard seemed to have a slightly better attitude towards Qingzhi, and with a grin, several shock waves passed by.

Like Akainu's, Frozen Asuka was directly smashed by the shock wave, and the remaining shock wave continued to hit Qingzhi.

There is no possibility that Qingzhi, who has learned from the past, was hit by this shock wave like Akainu, decisively used Shao to enter the air, and then used Moon Step to land on the other side.

"Frozen Time Capsule!"

The long-distance cold air bomb attack quickly approached Whitebeard.

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