"Do you need care?"

The yellow monkey who rushed over from behind stopped beside the red dog, his mouth was raised high, and behind him were several chasing captains.

If possible, now Akainu wants to kill this wretched man, Kizaru, with one punch. He has a black belly. This guy is too black-bellied. This is the rhythm of dragging himself into the water!

Several captains quickly pursued after the three generals left the battle, especially the Phoenix Marco, who was the fastest, and quickly caught up behind him, followed by several other captains.

Now that the yellow monkey appeared beside the red dog, it was undoubtedly saying to the captains: "Look, there is an injured one here."

Kizaru still had a smile on his face, and what he said seemed to be polite, as if he was very concerned about this injured colleague.

Akainu's face darkened, but he couldn't attack at this time. Once there was an infighting, it would be much easier for the captains at the back to kill them.


Gritting his teeth and talking, Akakenu's resolute Chinese character face couldn't help twitching, what happened to these two colleagues now?Why do you always feel against yourself, motherfucker.

"Ah, it seems that the battle over there is more dangerous."

Huang Yuan suddenly turned his head to look at the battle on Liu Xu's side, and said so, his footsteps also started to move.

This scene made Akainu's heart come to his throat. Is this guy Kizaru trying to kill him?Bastard, what does this mean?

However, Huang Yuan, who had only taken two steps, stopped again, looked at the captain who had already caught up behind him with a smile, and said, "I'm just kidding."


Akainu wanted to spit two liters of blood. Kizaru's words were too exciting. Now it's on the battlefield, so it's not a place to joke, understand?

In any case, Akainu's heart was relieved, and he breathed a sigh of relief.


Chapter 2562 The Whitebeard Pirates suffered heavy casualties

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Flash Kick!"

The phoenix Marco, who rushed up first, was furious. Kizaru had left the battle before, which made him feel a great insult. This time, he rushed over, but Kizaru seemed to be ready.

The right foot flashing with dazzling yellow light threw out, and the phoenix Marco swooped down from the sky, but hit his flashing kick head-on, and was kicked and flew to the side.

However, with his super resilience, he stood up quickly, and this kick also quickly extinguished his anger and regained his former calm.

Diamond Joze also rushed up. Although he was knocked away by Qingzhi's ice spear before, he did not suffer much damage in the incarnation of the diamond man. The impact of the ice spear was finally unloaded on the ice surface by him. Very smashed a big hole.

"Shine. Crash!"

Another signature collision skill, Diamond Joze slammed into Kizaru all of a sudden.

Maybe all of these strong captains have armed domineering, and the three generals do not dare to be careless in the face of their attacks. It is possible that they will bring armed domineering in every attack. If they are hit, it will be very sad. .

It was easy to avoid Joz who was rushing towards him, and the Akainu beside him also shot at this time.

"Ming dog!"

It's this move again. When I used this move before, I was smashed by Whitebeard's shock fruit. Now I use this move to deal with Diamond Joze, can it work?

The answer is still positive. Diamond Joze has the strongest physical defense, but for attacks like fire and magma, his defense is still slightly weaker.

The hot magma fist slammed into the opponent's heart, and the tyrannical impact actually resisted his ramming body, and kept pushing back.


The body that Diamond Joze collided with was resisted, and he was furious. He continued to increase his strength and continued to charge. His feet stomped on the ground. Forced to retreat by Akainu's power.

In the end, Diamond Joze was sent flying again and slammed into several captains who were rushing from behind.

Being hit by someone with such a huge body as Joz, and the fact that the other party is now a diamond man, it is undoubtedly a very tragic thing.

Coolier and Speedokil, who were at the forefront, could not dodge in time, and were directly hit by Joz, and Lakyo was also affected, and his body fell to the ground with a staggered body.

"good chance!"

Akainu saw the opportunity with a flash of light in his eyes, and quickly appeared beside Lakyo who fell down using Shaved.

"Ming dog!"

With another punch, Akainu's magma fist slammed down instantly, and Lakyo, who fell to the ground, was punched firmly in the head before he had time to react.

If Akainu's punch hits directly, even Whitebeard's head will be smashed, not to mention Lakyo's head.

Without any suspense, Lakyo's head was directly smashed by a punch and turned into nothingness under the power of the magma. He didn't believe that he would be killed so simply.

Life and death, often only in an instant.

If you don't pay attention during the battle, you will be killed by the enemy. You can't blame anyone for this.

After killing Lakyo, Chiquan's heart was full of high fighting spirit. After fighting for such a long time, he finally killed a captain-level powerhouse on the other side. Counting the three that Liu Xu killed before, there are now four The captain was killed, which is a very good result.

"Yeah? I actually killed one."

Huang Yuan was embarrassed, and felt very regretful. Among the three generals, it seems that Akainu has the best result now, and he is the first to kill an enemy.

So, should he come too?

Thinking like this, Kizaru quickly found his target and rushed over with a wretched smile.

An important partner was killed by the enemy, and the remaining captains were immediately angry. Marko, Fossa, and Izang rushed up and surrounded Akainu. Countless attacks were fired in an instant, with armed colors. The bullets, the flaming fire knives, and the unparalleled strength, the three people's attacks surprised Akainu and hurriedly dodged.

But Kizaru, who rushed out, had already found a target. This time, the power of the water-releasing fruit did not break out, and attacked directly towards Coolier, who was knocked away by Diamond Joze.

"Laser beam!"

The fingertips shone with yellow light, and Kizaru's attack came crashing down.

The power of the laser beam can easily destroy several buildings, so its power cannot be underestimated.

Kuriel, who was knocked away, hadn't stood up from the ground. At this moment, he was aware of Kizaru beside him, and his eyes suddenly widened. When did this guy...

The laser beam fell, and the light-speed attack instantly penetrated Kuliair's head, and then another laser beam flew out, this time his heart.


The laser beam hit Kurial accurately, and his body trembled for a while, and then he was directly pierced by the laser beam.

After the laser beam penetrated his body, it began to explode. It exploded like a dazzling firework, and billowing black smoke rose from the place where Kuriel died.

After solving a captain-level powerhouse, Kizaru took aim at Spidokir who was also knocked into the air. It seems that this is the captain of the [-]th Division. That's great. Comrade Kizaru created a good opportunity for us!

With that thought in mind, he used the speed of the Glitter Fruit to come to Speedokil in an instant, and the laser beam began to condense again.

Spidokir was not far from Coulier's position. He naturally saw the scene of the other party's death, his eyes turned red immediately, and he wished he could stand up now.

However, the damage to the body was not small, and he did not recover for a while.

It was at this moment that Kizaru came to him, causing his red eyes to flash with panic. Damn, this guy is here.

This idea has just flashed, and the laser beam of the smiling Kiaboshi's fingertips has already fallen, and without hesitation, it penetrates his head. This is the best way to die simply enough.


Chapter 2563 Qiwuhai's opponent

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



The photon exploded again, and Kizaru turned around with a laugh. The smile on his face was so wretched, but he was so satisfied that he killed another captain-level powerhouse. It was a really happy life.


A roar sounded behind him, and Huang Yuan turned his head slowly, yo, it's Diamond Qiaozi, it seems that his defense is very strong, and he can't take it down for a while!

Kizaru, who had just completed the double kill, slipped away decisively, and immediately intervened in the battle between the Akainu and the others.

Diamond Qiaozi watched the two partners being killed in front of his eyes, and the flames of anger burned in his heart, wishing to kill the yellow ape immediately to avenge his partners.

However, his combat power was greatly reduced after being crippled with one arm. How could he kill a general so easily?

Perhaps his biggest reliance now is that tyrannical defense.

If you want to make some achievements in attacking, it is still relatively difficult.

The melee of several people began, and on the sea outside the Inner Bay, a huge figure was walking towards here. The sea could not even submerge his legs, which showed his huge height.

With each step, the surrounding sea water continued to churn, and it continued to wash into the inner bay like the waves.

"Little Ozzy, it's Little Ozzy here."

"Ah, Oz is here at last."

"It's great that he's here, too."

The pirates immediately became excited when they saw this huge figure. With his participation, the battle should be very beneficial.

Little Oz is also one of the captains of the forty-three pirate groups under Whitebeard, a giant family, with infinite strength, and a very good relationship with Ace.

The arrival of Little Oz made many navies terrified, and they were dumbfounded when they saw the body that was bigger than the giant lieutenant general. How to fight such a huge body?

Moonlight Moriah, one of the Seven Martial Seas, smiled when he saw Little Ozzy. What a wonderful body, if made into a zombie, it will definitely increase the combat effectiveness of the zombie army a lot.

"Cut, I'm still hanging on!"

Looking at the tyrant bear who was fighting with him, Moria was suddenly entangled. The bear's strength is very strong, and now he has no way to get out of the battle to kill that Ozzy.

On the contrary, Doflamingo was very excited, but he had two opponents, Hai Xia Jinping, and Atmos, the captain of the thirteenth division. The entanglement of these two people also made him have no time to fight against Little Oz. It's a pity.

The remaining three Shichibukai Hawkeye, Empress, and Crocodile also have no way to escape from the battle. Even if the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates cannot defeat Qiwukai, they can still fight Qiwukai for a long time a period of time.

"Don't break his body, it's mine."

Moria didn't have time to deal with Little Ozzy, and worried that such a good material would be killed by someone, so he yelled immediately.

Unfortunately, no one paid any attention to him at all.

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