It seemed that no one came to stop Little Oz. This was a great opportunity. Little Oz rushed directly towards the execution platform.


Little Oz entering the inner bay is like a moving fortress. Every step on it will cause a lot of casualties to the navy soldiers along the way. In view of this situation, countless navies have begun to withdraw, and many navies have been withdrawn from the harbor, and they are constantly used. The flintlock sniper at the pirates below.

"You are not allowed to hurt Ace, he is a very kind person!"

Little Oz let out a loud roar, and the sound rushed past with a wave of air, which made people's eardrums hurt.

"It's a huge body, but the reaction speed is too slow."

A lieutenant general of the giant clan came under him, looked at the body that was countless taller than him and admired it, and then chopped down with the big knife in his hand.

However, things were not as he said. Little Oz's reaction speed was not slow. When his big knife was about to hit, he raised his foot to avoid the attack, and then slapped it with a palm.


The whistling wind sounded, and the lieutenant general of the giant clan was stunned for a moment when he missed the target with his knife. When he felt the opponent's attack, the big knife slashed upwards again.


It's a pity that his attack failed. Little Oz's body has a very strong defensive power. Even if the lieutenant general uses the armed color domineering, it is difficult to kill him all at once.

The big knife was slapped flying, and the incomparably huge palm also pressed down directly on the body of the lieutenant general of the giant clan.


Little Oz patted the palm of his hand, and the lieutenant general of the giant clan could already feel the power of that palm. If he was hit, the consequences would be disastrous.


Fortunately, things didn't go as he thought, and there are always people who like to appear at critical moments.

Several lieutenant generals appeared, joined hands to block Ozzy's palm, and then began to attack continuously.

The giant general reacted quickly, took his own sword and joined the battle.

On the Empress's side, her opponent is Blenheim, captain of Division [-], a muscular man more than four meters tall, with a single ponytail, a gray beard, and a gray vest. Purple skull logo with white beard.Gray trousers tucked into boots, the weapon used is a knife.

"There are all these smelly men around, and he is the only exception."

The Empress was thinking silently, maintaining a deep contempt for the captain of the Ninth Division. Apart from Liu Xu, which other man can fall into her eyes?

"Sweet and sweet!"

The heart-shaped light emitted by the hands in the gesture of love, the light continues to expand and expand, enough to surround Blenheim, who is more than four meters high.

The light released by the queen with the sweet fruit will instantly petrify those who are attracted by her beauty when hit by the light.

This kind of power is terrifying, because the empress is known as the most beautiful woman in the world, her appearance is enough to make normal men think, and she can easily capture these people and petrify them.

It's not enough, but now there is an exception. If these attacks of hers are not effective for people who have no lust.

Blenheim let the light shroud him, his face was serious, and he rushed out with the knife in his hand.


Chapter 2564 The Queen's First Kill

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



The empress was puzzled for a moment, then understood something, a look of contempt flashed in her eyes, this guy is not a normal man.

Afterwards, the Empress also rushed over. If the sweet and sweet wind didn't work, she would attack meleely. Using other means of attack, she would definitely be able to kill this person.

"Aromatic Feet!"

Approaching quickly, the Empress leaped high and kicked over, her movements were sharp and resolute.

With her graceful figure and slender legs, this scene made many navy and pirate eyes sparkle with love, but she was directly captured by her.

However, how can a captain-level powerhouse be so easy to deal with?

Blenheim directly used the knife in his hand to block, easily blocked the empress' kick, and exerted force with his right hand to bounce the opponent's body away.

The power from the blade made the Empress fly backwards, but she reacted in a split second, and returned to him with a few consecutive somersaults in the air, and kicked it down again with a fragrant kick.

Aromatic Feet, this is the attack developed by the Empress using sweet fruits. It also has the effect of petrifying the opponent, and when petrified, it can kick the enemy into pieces with one kick, that is to say, if she is kicked by this kick, That would be tantamount to waste.

Moreover, this move of hers is not as lustful as Sweet Ganfeng, as long as it hits, any object will be petrified, even a tree.

Blenheim didn't expect the Empress to be so agile, but she was able to escape this move anyway.

With his feet firmly on the ground, Blenheim's body rushed into the air to avoid the Queen's attack, but this seemed to be in the Queen's arms.

The queen, who missed her opponent, quickly landed on the ground and quickly aimed at Blenheim in the air.

"Captive Arrow!"

Touching his lips lightly with his fingers, a huge pink peachy heart-shaped substance was formed, and he pulled it back like a bow and arrow. A large number of pink arrows shot out from the heart, directly attacking Blenheim in the air.

"Huh? Dangerous!"

Blenheim in the air felt a strong crisis, but how could he avoid this attack with nothing to borrow?


Blenheim cursed secretly, his eyes turned hard, and he turned the knife in his hand to his feet, stepped on the blade with both feet, and ejected to the side with a little reaction force.


The pink arrows brushed past him, and he was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. When he turned his head to look, he saw that the pink arrows fell on some navy and pirates, and then their bodies were petrified in an instant. , Even some of the arrows that fell on the ice turned the ice to petrification... Moreover, his weapon was also quickly turned to petrification by the hit.

"The Empress is so strong!"

Blenheim thought silently, it goes without saying that the opponent is very strong, so what should he do now?How do you deal with losing your weapon?

This side was tangled, but the female emperor over there was chasing after the victory, and her slender feet stepped on the ground and moved quickly and jumped again.

"Aromatic Feet!"

After another move, Blenheim instinctively rolled to the side, narrowly dodged the opponent's attack, and rushed forward instead, trying to resist with his physical strength?

"Huh? Armed and domineering? What will Aijia do?"

The empress quickly discovered the difference in the other party. It turned out that this was also a master with armed domineering, no wonder he dared to attack like this.

However, using domineering is it?

"Overlord color!"

Suddenly, the Empress's eyes were sharp in an instant, and an invisible pressure came from her body. This pressure swept everything around, not only the pirates, but also a lot of the navy under the shroud of this momentum.


The body of the person shrouded in this momentum trembled, and his eyes lost their vigour.

"Bang bang bang!"

Countless pirates and soldiers fell on the ice, but they were directly oppressed by this momentum and their spirits were unbearable, and they fell into a coma.

And Blenheim's situation was not so optimistic either. Although he did not pass out directly, the overlord's domineering arrogance made his body stagnate for a while, and it was at this moment that the queen's attack came instantly.

"Aromatic Feet!"

He kicked out and hit Blenheim's neck directly, only to see his neck instantly petrified and then shattered.


Blenheim's body fell to the ground, but the Empress didn't even look at it, her eyes turned to the execution platform, as if the mission had been completed.

The empress became the first person in Qiwuhai to kill a captain-level powerhouse.

It is unbelievable that the female emperor of one of the Seven Martial Seas will kill a captain-level powerhouse of the Whitebeard Pirates, which makes many people astonished. How did she do it?

The ingenious use of domineering color can also play a powerful role in battle.

A person with the qualifications of a king can only appear among millions of people. This kind of domineering at the highest level makes people feel a sense of fear.

Many people don't know what this means.

Some other powerhouses of the Whitebeard Pirates have seen this situation, but they have already understood that there are also a few in their Pirates who have the domineering look of the king, Whitebeard, Ace, these are all powerful men with the aptitude of the king By.

Although he has been under Whitebeard for many years, even if he does not faint when facing this kind of domineering, he will still feel some discomfort.

When a master makes a move, it is often the moment that decides the victory or defeat. The Empress uses this ability to directly eliminate a captain-level powerhouse.

Seven captain-level powerhouses, and now seven captain-level powerhouses have died, which is a huge blow to the Whitebeard Pirates.

The pattern of this world has been changed by Liu Xu single-handedly. The captains who did not die in the original book died here one by one, and the gears of fate have changed.

No one can predict how the direction of the world will change in the end.

Looking back to Liu Xu, the battle with Whitebeard became more and more fierce, and the joint efforts with Qing Zhi to suppress Whitebeard finally achieved some results, and it was already difficult for Whitebeard to move forward.


Chapter 2565 Events in Naval History

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"General Green Pheasant!"

Liu Xu shouted loudly, and Qingzhi, who was using the ice saber to fight against Whitebeard, backed away immediately. Liu Xu, who was in the state of thunder of punishment in the air, waved one hand, and dozens of huge black lightning beams fell in the air, and the others quickly followed suit. swoop down.

"It's time to end!"

Liu Xu thought silently in his heart, he has been fighting for so long, if the battle is not over, it will be a little bad for the future plan, so we must make a quick decision.

The black lightning beam fell, and the white beard looked gloomily, without flinching. As the strongest man in the world, he did not flinch at all.

"Shatter. Shock wave!"

The power of the lightning beam looks more terrifying than the lightning, and Whitebeard did not dare to be careless, having been injured by lightning before.

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