He punched his fists left and right, and saw white light appearing at his fist, and an oppressive shock wave blasted towards the lightning beam that fell from above, unceremoniously.

"Bang bang bang!"

The shock wave collided with the thunder and lightning beams, and they almost did their best to disperse the beams of light and bounced back, all the way to the sky to punish the thunderclouds.


The white beard who resisted the beam of light grinned, but the next moment his face changed, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Behind him, Liu Xu's fist turned into a black beam of lightning and rushed directly into Whitebeard's back, completely piercing through his chest.

"The Thunder of Heaven's Punishment, there is no rule that it must fall from the sky, because I am the owner of the Thunder of Heaven's Punishment!"

Liu Xu's eyes were cold, but he was also a little excited. Whitebeard had been pierced through his chest. Now that the war was at its last moment, Whitebeard was still unable to break through and reach Ace on the execution platform!


The white beard was pierced through the chest. This is something that no one thought of. Things were changing so fast that even the Warring States and others didn't think of it. How did this happen?

The pirates shouted, desperately trying to get rid of their opponents and rushed to Whitebeard's side, but they were always entangled by their opponents, and it was difficult to break through for a while.

It was boiling, and the navy began to boil. The strongest man in the world was pierced through the chest by Lieutenant General Liu Xu. This is an event that will be recorded in the history of the navy.

"Hmph, brat, you have pretty good strength to be able to hurt this old man."

A terrifying hollow appeared in the chest, and Whitebeard endured the severe pain and laughed, but also released the power of the shaking fruit.

The speed of the shock wave was too fast, and Liu Xu was directly bounced off by the shock wave when he couldn't dodge in time, and hit hard on the wall of the harbor.


Whitebeard roared, and Ace, whose eyes were cracked, trembled, tears could no longer hold back and flowed down his eyes.

Whitebeard's body suffered heavy injuries, but now he couldn't move forward to continue the rescue, so he could only yell in grief and indignation.

But Ace regretted even more, and he didn't know how to interpret the regret in his heart.

Liu Xu's actions completely shattered the last hope in his heart. How could his father survive on the battlefield after suffering such a serious injury? This is a serious problem.


Suddenly, a figure ran up the execution platform and grabbed Ace with one hand.


Sengoku and Garp were both shocked at the same time, who would have broken through here at this time?

When I looked at it, it was Luffy, the straw hat boy.

"Bastard, get down!"

Garp was startled in his heart, why this brat ran up at this time, this is the rhythm of death, idiot.

Thinking like this, Garp slammed a punch with a domineering look on his fist, and punched Luffy unceremoniously on the head.

Luffy, who had already seen hope, was punched flying, and looked at Garp in astonishment. Hope was in front of him, but it was so slim.

I can't believe it, how could my grandfather attack me? Does he really want to kill Ace?

"Luffy, run away, the farther the better."

Ace yelled in the direction of Luffy's fall, using all his strength.

He didn't want to, but Luffy was relieved because of his words, and he threw his arms back, then stretched forward and stretched, and finally grabbed the execution platform slightly, and his whole body flew towards the execution platform again.

As a result, there is no doubt that Garp was knocked out again.


Garp, who beat Luffy twice, was panting heavily. This is already the best opportunity, that kid must grasp it well!

It's a pity that Luffy's brothers are deeply in love, and now after all, he can't understand what he thinks.


Suddenly, the execution platform was shrouded in a shadow, and a wild voice resounded in the ears of several people like thunder.

Little Oz broke through the obstruction of the lieutenant generals all the way to the execution platform. He did not pay much attention to the seriously injured Whitebeard. In his mind, Whitebeard would not be defeated so easily, even if he was seriously injured.

A big hand grabbed Ace, Ace's eyes were wide open, this idiot, why did this idiot rush over, he will die!

Sure enough, the Warring States period, which had been waiting for a long time, made his first move, and directly used the power of the Devil Fruit to strike a shock wave, but he did not transform into the form of a Buddha.

The golden shock wave rushed towards Little Oz and quickly hit his chest.


With just one punch, little Ozzy's body, which was ashamed of even the lieutenant general of a giant, suddenly flew up and fell to the rear.

"Hehehe, he's mine now."

Moonlight Moriah laughed, and the place where Little Ozzy fell was exactly in his direction.

"Shadow Gun!"

Regardless of the indiscriminate bombardment of the bear, he has been attracted by Little Ozzy's body, and if he is turned into a zombie, what a powerful force it must be!

The shadow on the ground turned into a spear, and the huge and sharp spear flew towards little Oss's body.

It's just a pity that he is destined to be unable to fulfill this wish.

The tyrant bear had already turned against each other in this battle, so how could he let the opponent attack Oz so easily?

"Strengthen the pressure cannon!"

The bear's hands kept pushing out, and countless pressure cannons flew out of his palms, hitting Namuria's back directly.


Moria was naturally aware of his actions, and his heart suddenly became sad and angry, and the attack of the shadow horn gun was about to arrive.


Chapter 2566 The source of evil, black beard debut

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



In the end, Moria gave up the attack. If he wanted to attack Little Oz, he would definitely be hit by the bear's pressure cannon, and he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

Liu Xu, who was in the ruins of the harbor, had already come out. Witnessing the impact of Luffy and Ozzy, he could only sigh in his heart, that Luffy really had a halo indiscriminately.

Looking at Crocodile again, his golden hook has been interrupted at this moment, and there are several captain-level masters bombarding him.

Looking at the entire battlefield, the Whitebeard Pirates suffered heavy losses, but the Navy Headquarters did not suffer so well either.

Several lieutenant-level masters were killed, and two Shichibukai entered the camp of the Whitebeard Pirates. From all these, it can be seen that the losses of both sides are similar.

In this case, killing the opponent's leader is crucial.

No longer paying attention to the matter on the execution platform, Liu Xu continued to stare at the white beard, now it's time to give him the final blow.

The chest was penetrated, and the vitality of Whitebeard was gradually declining.

"call out!"

Once again elementalized and flew over, Liu Xu suddenly shouted.

"White Beard, as the strongest man in the world, I will give you the most luxurious funeral!"

"Hmph, then come on!"

White Beard Tingba's body didn't bend in the slightest, and even the severe pain could hardly change his mind.

The Naginata slammed to the ground, and Whitebeard used all his strength to slash his arms to the sides.


With a loud roar, white cracks appeared in the surrounding space, densely covering the entire area, and the power of the shaking fruit kept pouring into the ground.

Liu Xu didn't bother to pay attention to him, and started communicating with Thor instead.

He didn't kill Whitebeard's power. The Heaven's Punishment just now consumed too much of Liu Xu's power, and now he can only rely on the God of Thunder in Nine Songs of Destruction.

Liu Xu held the handle of the Thunder Knife with both hands, the tip of the knife facing down, and all the energies in his body gathered at this moment.

The power of the Zhenzhen fruit began to work. I saw that the ground of the entire naval headquarters began to vibrate. The irregular vibration made the ground uneven, some sinking, some rising, and countless cracks appeared on the shaking ground. The navy and the pirates fell into it.

"It's so strong, this is the power of the Zhenzhen fruit!"

In a place inside the Navy Headquarters, Tichi felt excited by the vibration of the ground. This kind of power is this kind of power.

"Next is the performance that will shock the world, prepare to reveal it!"

Tichi laughed, and the pirates in prison uniforms behind them smiled slyly. From their bodies, they could feel the cold murderous intent, which was an instinctive murderous intent.

On the execution platform, Karp and Sengoku both looked livid. Whitebeard had been forced to such an extent, and now he was going to fight with all his strength.

The power of Whitebeard can easily destroy the entire naval headquarters, and the power of an earthquake is unstoppable!

"Everyone, evacuate immediately! Absolutely, you are not allowed to stay here!"

Whitebeard's earthquake began to play a role gradually, shouting at his pirate group and its forces. After hearing it, the pirates were not willing, but they quickly evacuated under his strong order.

A terrifying, terrifying and gloomy aura was condensed over the naval headquarters, and almost everyone could feel the oppressive aura.Whitebeard, he is going to work hard.

At the same time, Liu Xu's attack was also ready.

"Heaven strikes thunder and slays the real dragon!"

A dazzling white light flashed from Liu Xu's body, illuminating the entire Navy Headquarters, and the Navy Headquarters seemed to be bathed in white light.

Tiny electrons gradually escape from the tip of the knife, and these electrons float gently in the air, emitting white light.

Electrons emitting white light fell from the sky and turned into white thunderballs. Thousands of thunderballs circled and flew towards White Beard.

Shock, magnificence, obsession, envy and other emotions emerged in everyone's eyes. The attack of Thunder from Heaven and Tu Zhenlong was very gorgeous, so gorgeous that people couldn't help but be moved and obsessed with it.

The ground trembled violently, and a thunderball fell from the sky. At the same time, a figure quickly jumped towards the position of the white beard.

"Blackbeard! Marshall D. Teach!"

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