The person who suddenly appeared made Whitebeard furious. This situation was caused by this person. The source of all evil was this person. We must, absolutely, kill him!


With a loud roar, the muscles of Whitebeard's whole body swelled up, and the naginata was held again, and the power of the Zhenzhen fruit was manifested again, and he slashed towards Tiqi with a knife.

"Hey hey hey, Whitebeard, your era has passed, and the next is my Blackbeard Tiki's era!"

Blackbeard laughed. In his eyes, Whitebeard has become a thing of the past. As long as he carries out his plan, the next is his own era.

With a single slash, Blackbeard easily avoided it, but Whitebeard no longer had much power, and there was no way he could exert his due power.

"White Beard, you are already in the past tense!"

Tiqi laughed loudly, he didn't pay attention to the countless thunderballs in the sky.

Liu Xu, who was manipulating the thunderball in the sky, narrowed his eyes when he saw Blackbeard. This guy finally came out, so let's take this opportunity to kill him too.

Thinking of this, Liu Xu manipulated the countless thunderballs to attack downwards, and went straight for Baibeard and Tiqi.

The impact speed of the thunderball was very fast, and it was already in front of him in the blink of an eye.


Blackbeard squinted at Thunderball, but he didn't seem to pay attention to it. He, who possessed the Dark Fruit, seemed not afraid of these attacks.

Whitebeard's body had just stood upright when he was attacked by thunderballs. Countless thunderballs passed through his body, causing his body to tremble and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The resistance was useless, and the white-bearded Naginata supported the Naginata to support the body.

The other Blackbeard was also attacked by the thunderball. He, who was transformed into darkness, was pierced by the white thunderball, and his originally confident face suddenly became weird.


Chapter 2567 The world's strongest fell, and the knife buried Tiki's conspiracy

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Pain, the dark fruit needs to pay more than twice the pain as the price, and now what he is suffering is the pain of double the damage.

"Ah! It hurts, it hurts."

The severe pain all over his body caused him to fall to the ground and roll around, while the thunderball's attack continued.

Liu Xu, who is well aware of the powerful power of the dark fruit, will naturally not let go of such a good opportunity to deal with Tiqi. If he gets the ability to shake the fruit, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The power of the thunder from the sky and the real dragon slaying Tu Zhenlong kept passing through the bodies of the two, making the pirates who had evacuated in the distance roar loudly. Their father is now suffering unimaginable pain.

His consciousness became more and more blurred, and Whitebeard knew that he could not hold on for a long time, and if he continued, it would be useless.

It's just a pity that the above Ace still can't be rescued, which will definitely become the biggest regret in his heart.

"Titch, the person Roger chooses will not be you, you will never get it, just die!"

In the end, Whitebeard looked at Titch and said something like this, making Titch, who was rolling on the ground, stop, panting heavily.

"Whitebeard, you have no power, you are not qualified to say this. Hmph, I will let the world know what the Blackbeard era is!"

Arrogant and reckless, advocating strength, and at the same time extremely fearful of death, this is Blackbeard.

However, Whitebeard had no chance to hear what he said, and saw his eyes staring at the direction of the execution platform with anger, and he no longer had any breath of life.

"Huh? Dead?"

Tiqi was puzzled for a moment, and then laughed out loud. This is the rhythm that God wants to help him!Very good, then we will accept the ability of the shaking fruit.

However, the thunder ball passed through his body again, not giving him a chance to continue laughing, nor giving him a chance to display the dark fruit ability.


Tiqi screamed again, and then something more terrifying appeared in his eyes.

After passing through his body, countless thunderballs bombarded Whitebeard's body, and the densely packed thunderballs directly strangled Whitebeard's body continuously, leaving no wreckage in the end.


Ti Qi was dumbfounded, looking at Liu Xu in disbelief, he, how could he do this?Even the body of Whitebeard was destroyed?This, this is not in line with the demeanor of a master, right?

Liu Xu didn't bother to pay attention to him. It was the wisest choice to dispose of Whitebeard's corpse. If he kept Whitebeard's corpse when he knew that the other party had the ability to take away Whitebeard's ability, he would be a fool...

Furthermore, White Beard has nothing to do with him, and even a hostile relationship in some respects, so why must his body be kept?

Liu Xu's actions made many people confused. Therefore, this is not in line with the way some strong people handle things. It's weird. What's wrong with it?

"Tiki, you want to use the power of the dark fruit to capture the power of the Whitebeard's shocking fruit, but now I will not let you do so, what can you do?"

The sound waves rolled, and in an instant, they passed through the entire naval headquarters and passed to everyone's ears.

Capture ability?Titch?God, how is this possible?

For a moment, the faces of those who were originally surprised by Liu Xu's actions became even more weird. They have never heard of such things as seizing abilities, so how could this be possible.

"Asshole, you ruined my good deed!"

Tiqi yelled, although he didn't know how the opponent knew his ability, but now he couldn't control so much, he had to kill the opponent, even if he pulled those guys out, it didn't matter.

His words confirmed what Liu Xu said, and he had no objection to Liu Xu's actions in an instant, even those pirates.

Originally Tiqi was a traitor, and today's incident can be said to be caused by him, and now they want to take away the old man's ability, otherwise they would not agree.

Although Liu Xu's method was a bit harsher, it was barely acceptable.

"Tiki, it's time to clean up you. Humph, call out the crumbs you've collected. A one-time solution is perfect!"

Saying so, Liu Xu's eighth strike of Zilei, relying on Thunder God, also gradually dissipated.

The first eighth hit blocked Whitebeard's shock wave, and the second eighth hit gave Whitebeard a gorgeous funeral. Although the battle was short with the power of Thor, it was extremely exhausting.

Chiquan and Qingzhi were able to fight on an island for ten days and ten nights, and finally both sides stopped fighting when they had no strength to fight anymore. However, Liu Xu exhausted all his physical strength in less than a day. His physical strength is not enough, but the intensity of the battle.

Continuously killing the captain-level powerhouses, resisting the captain-level siege, and then fighting Whitebeard, this is a very exhausting thing.

Taken together, he still has about one-third of his stamina left, and it is difficult to support a strong attack.

Warring States, who executed the Taishang, looked at Liu Xu who was gradually falling, and then yelled at Qing Zhi, "General Qingzhi, support Lieutenant General Liu Xu!"

As a veteran powerhouse in the Warring States Period, he could naturally see Liu Xu's state, and gave the order with a faint worry in his heart.

And Garp was still lamenting the death of Whitebeard in his heart, and soon turned to Ace.

If Whitebeard dies, then Ace will have no chance of surviving.

The Whitebeard Pirates retreated under the orders of Whitebeard before his death. Now that they have reached the outside of the harbor and boarded the pirate ship, it is very difficult to come back to rescue them.

"Ace, destiny!"

Garp sighed deeply, almost bursting into tears. If possible, he would not want to see his grandson die.

Now, everything is empty talk.

After Qing Zhi received the order from the Warring States Period, he rushed there quickly. The other two generals also lost their battle targets, but they did not go to support Liu Xu, but came to prepare to watch the show.


Chapter 2568 Dark fruit, the most vicious and evil

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


In their hearts, one Tiqi is definitely not enough for the three generals to make a move together, which will belittle their identities and weaken their prestige.

Furthermore, their consumption is also a lot, especially the sad guy Akainu, now that he can continue to persist here is already a very good thing.

"Well, Lieutenant General Liu Xu's fighting power is really strong, and he actually killed that man." Huang Yuan said boredly.

The red dog beside him snorted, stared at Liu Xu with sharp eyes, and said, "It's just that his luck is better, but his luck can only go so far."

It seems that there is something in the words. After taking a glance at it, Huang Yuan turned his head. Basically, no one knows what the wretched man is thinking. This is where he is black.

After the thunderball disappeared, Tiqi stood up and looked at Liu Xu with red eyes. It was the man in front of him who shattered his dream of becoming the number one in the world. Now, he must be killed, and he must not be kept.

"Dark water!"

Tiqi faced Liu Xu with one hand, and black swirl marks appeared from around his palm, and a powerful attraction kept tearing Liu Xu's body.

"Oh? The power of the dark fruit? It's just that you don't seem to have developed it very well!"

Liu Xu sneered. Tiqi, who got the dark fruit, didn't have much time to study this fruit, so naturally he couldn't exert all his strength.

"Hey, the gravitational force of darkness can accurately attract the body of the capable person, and there is no possibility for you to escape."

Arrogance and arrogance are also in line with his consistent character. He admires power and has longed for the dark fruit for a long time. He has been lurking in the Whitebeard Pirates for at least [-] years for this devil fruit.

Now that his wish has come true, it naturally breeds his arrogance and arrogance.

The gravitational force kept attracting Liu Xu's body, but it stopped soon.

In addition to being the owner of lightning power, Liu Xu is also a swordsman, the owner of the six naval styles, and the owner of the three-color domineering energy. How could he be so easily controlled by his move?

The Thunder Knife was unsheathed again and directly plunged into the ground. Liu Xu's forward body stopped immediately, and two Chidori sharp guns flew towards Tiqi when he raised his hand.

The deep purple chidori sharp gun approached quickly, and the restless electrons surprised Tiqi. He had seen such power before in Liu Xu's battle, so naturally he would not be so stupid to directly resist this move .

Dodging is the best choice, but how could he be faster than the beam?It was directly pierced by Chidori sharp spear in both shoulders, and the dark water stopped.


Tiqi screamed again, making people who didn't know think he had suffered some inhuman treatment.

Only Liu Xu knows very well that this guy's fruit ability is really cruel, and its power is absolutely powerful. It can create a black hole to attract all objects, but due to its nature, he cannot elementalize to avoid physical damage, but has to bear it. Twice the pain.

However, as long as a person's mental endurance is strong enough to endure what ordinary people can't bear, then he can use this fruit to exert extremely powerful power.

"Frozen Time Capsule!"

Qingzhi rushed over at this time, and the first shot was a long-distance air-conditioning bomb attack, trying to freeze Tiki directly.

But Titch was already prepared, and rolled on the spot to avoid his attack, and at the same time jumped up and punched Qingzhi.

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