Qingzhi took a lazy glance and performed elementalization, but what happened next made him sad. After Tiki's fist touched his body, his ability instantly lost its effect, and the elementalization was forced to be released. Fruit The ability also seems to be sealed at this time.

"what happened?"

Qingzhi thought, what kind of characteristics does this guy's power have?To be able to seal his frozen fruit power in an instant, what is the mystery of this.

When Liu Xu saw being attacked, he slapped his forehead, and suddenly forgot the ability of this fruit. Oops, that guy Qingzhi won't be killed just like that, right?

Thinking of this, he also quickly raised the thunder knife and rushed over.

The most vicious ability in the history of devil fruits, possessing the gravitational force of darkness, when the body changes into darkness, it can inhale, compress and shatter everything that comes into contact with darkness.

And has the ability to attract people with abilities from a distance, and the ability to temporarily disable people with abilities by contact.

Because of the gravitational force itself, people with this ability absorb more damage than ordinary people, and suffer twice as much pain as ordinary people, which means that they cannot avoid physical attacks by changing their own nature.

Such a powerful devil fruit is basically the nemesis of all fruits, and its ability is too abnormal.

Qingzhi's frozen fruit ability was blocked by ice, and the whole person fell in the direction of Tickey. Tickey quickly took out a three-claw hook and put it on his left hand and grabbed it towards the opponent's chest.


The clothes on Qingzhi's chest were torn, and blood ran down the wound to stain a large piece of clothing. Three neat wounds were juxtaposed. The strong stinging pain kept Qingzhi's mind clear.

Blackbeard Titch's three-claw hook, even if the red hair was accidentally injured before, coupled with his current dark fruit ability, Whitebeard's carelessness will be counted.

"Hey hey hey, general Qingzhi? That's all!"

Tiqi laughed wildly, and sure enough, he is the destined king of this world, even without the power of the Shaking Fruit, he can easily fight against the general with the Dark Fruit.

If Qingzhi knew what he was thinking, he would definitely be very sad. After all, he had experienced a war just now, and now his physical strength is very serious, right?

After all, Liu Xu's rescue action was a little slow, and he slashed at Tiqi with a single knife.


Tiqi pulled out the gun and pulled the trigger, a bullet flew out instantly, and the person retreated more than ten meters.

The bullet collided violently with Liu Xu's knife, and the bullet deviated from its trajectory and flew far away.

Liu Xu squatted down and checked Qingzhi's wound. The wound was either very deep, or just looked a little scary on the outside. There is basically no serious problem after a little recuperation.


Chapter 2569 What do you want to do to the man who mourns his family?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, the opponent's fruit ability can seal the power of the devil fruit, at least the natural ones can be sealed, and the others are not very clear."

Qingzhi stood up clutching her wound, blood gurgling down her face.

The fruit's ability was temporarily sealed, and now he couldn't use the power of the frozen fruit to freeze the wound, and could only let the blood flow.

"General Aokiji, your fruit ability will be restored after a while. You must be careful when fighting Tiki, you must not let him attack, even if you touch it, your power will be sealed."

Each fruit has a unique ability. Someone once imagined other powerful fruits, such as the fruit of the sea, the fruit of light, the fruit of elements, etc. Will these fruits that are already against the sky exist?

If so, where would it be?Devil fruit still has too many unknowns, no one knows what kind of fruit will appear in the future.

Liu Xu's words gave Qingzhi a great shock, will he be sealed if he comes into contact with the fruit ability?Tsk tsk, if you fight him, you can only use physical skills?It seems that the Navy Six-style has time to go crazy!

Tiqi on the opposite side heard Liu Xu speak out about his fruit ability, and his face darkened instantly. How could this guy know his fruit ability?Could it be the devil fruit illustrated book?Impossible, probably not.

Nowadays, no one has a complete Devil Fruit illustration, how could he know?

"Liu Xu, who told you about the power of the dark fruit?"

Tiqi put the pistol back. This kind of thing only plays some auxiliary role at critical moments, and it seems that it is not suitable for frontal combat now.

Liu Xu looked at each other coldly, and said in a cold voice: "Tiqi, you don't need to know so many things, all you need to know is that you will surely perish here today. The throne of One Piece, that's not something you can climb of."

After the words fell, the thunder knife in his hand shone with a dazzling deep purple electric light, and the Ark Proverbs created thunderclouds again, and the entire sky welcomed the darkness again.

"Hehehehe... It would be nice to have his body!"

Moria laughed and said, his hands moved unconsciously, no matter how evil he looked.

"Wait until you have that life."

Hawkeye glanced at him, thinking stupidly in his heart, doesn't this guy know how powerful Liu Xu has reached?Being able to confront Whitebeard and defeat him, is this something Shichibukai can do casually?

"What do you want to do to the man who mourns his family?"

The Empress's gaze was instantly cold, which surprised the others.

Ah, what happened to this empress?Her man?My God, this is already a famous flower?

If they knew that a detached relationship had already occurred after the first meeting, then these people would collapse, completely collapse.

The battle of Qiwuhai has also ended. Jinpei and Xiong are not in serious trouble. They followed the Whitebeard forces and evacuated to the outside. Now they are heading into the distance. Only five people in Qiwuhai are left watching on the harbor. The battle is over, and now it's time for the Navy Headquarters to pick up the slack.

As soon as the pirate army retreated, Sengoku's heart settled down. Although Tiqi, a fool, came out, he was in tolerance.

After all, the two sides already have a little deal in it, maybe, now they can give him the position of Qi Wuhai.

It's just that the purpose of this girl seems to be too cruel, to capture the power of the Zhenzhen fruit?Oh, I am afraid he is not just as simple as a Qiwuhai.

Zhi Jiang, the Warring States Period, definitely had such ingenuity, and suddenly thought of many possibilities.

"Garp, go and support me too!"

Karp looked at Ace in front of him, the time was getting tighter, and there was another half an hour before the execution time, hey.

Out of sight, Karp, who was bound by the shackles of naval justice in his heart, sighed deeply, then jumped off the execution platform and charged directly towards the black bearded Titch.

"Marshall D. Teach, let the old man know enough is enough!"

The speed of Karp's impact was very fast, and he came to Tickey's side at once, and the domineering fist covering the armed color directly slammed it down.

Admiral Garp, the naval hero, finally made his move!

When the Whitebeard Pirates attacked, he didn't take any action. He only punched Luffy twice when he was looking for death to teach him a lesson. Now facing Blackbeard Tiki, he finally couldn't hold back the raging anger and grief in his heart and shot. .

A punch full of armed look and arrogance blasted out, and Liu Xu, who was about to rush up and prepare to have a big fight with Blackbeard, evacuated properly. He didn't even think about doing a backflip to avoid it. The body bombed in the past.

Stopping beside Qingzhi, the corners of Liu Xu's mouth twitched. Garp was about to go crazy. Sure enough, there was still countless anger in his heart.

"Lieutenant General Garp is about to start being brutal. Could it be that he's ready to become supernatural?" Liu Xu said, shaking his head.

Qingzhi turned her head slowly and asked, "What is a super god?"

"You do not understand."

Resolutely too lazy to explain a word, Qingzhi stopped looking at him with a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, and turned to look at Garp's battle.

Karp punched him, and Blackbeard laughed loudly, all the strength in his body burst out, and his veins were exposed.

"Dark cave!"

In an instant, a surging pressure came from him, and the surrounding air changed direction at this moment, and all objects seemed to be controlled by some force to fly towards the sky.

Above the head of Blackbeard Titch, a dark hole like ink floated in the air strangely, and there was nothing inside, like a ferocious beast lurking in the dark, wanting to choose and devour.

There seems to be a strange gravitational force in the hole that absorbs everything around, even the light is attracted in.

Weird, powerful, shocking!

Blackbeard's move shocked everyone. This guy actually possesses such power?Is this the power of the dark fruit?It really is a dark force that can cover the earth!

Karp's fist that was about to hit Titch was attracted by the gravitational force and deviated from the direction, and the whole body flew towards the black hole.


Chapter 2570 The Founder of the Navy's Six Styles

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Hey hey hey! Garp, you are nothing more than that!"

It was the same thing again, it was said to Whitebeard before, but now it is used on Garp.

Garp, who was attracted by gravity, didn't panic at all, and there was a deep disdain and anger on his resolute face.


With a loud roar, Garp's armed domineering power was fully manifested, and his body fell back to the ground in the blink of an eye, no matter how strong the gravitational force was, it couldn't shake his body.

All the surrounding objects were absorbed by the black hole, and even some naval soldiers who were relatively close could not bear the gravitational force and were absorbed in, as well as buildings, warships, etc.

After absorbing so many things, the black hole does not see any expansion or contraction, as if it exists in eternity without any change.

It seems that it is a bottomless pit that can never be filled.

"Karp's Navy Six is ​​not easy!"

Liu Xu sighed fiercely. The Garp just now was obviously landed with a shave, and he still has this vision.

"Navy Six was proposed by Lieutenant General Karp. He naturally has very high achievements."

Qingzhi silently made up the knife beside him.


Liu Xu couldn't help laughing. He really forgot that Garp had such a past. He was the advocate and even the creator of the Sixth Navy Style. That is not a transcendent achievement that ordinary people can have.

The power confrontation between the two didn't last long. In just ten seconds, Tiqi gave up the absorption of the black hole. Since it is useless to Karp, use other ones!

"Dark water!"

He stretched out his left arm, black ripples appeared in his palm, and a more powerful gravitational force burst out, tearing Garp's originally upright body and wiggling it a few times.

"Fist bone. Explode!"

Karp snorted lightly, and his body no longer insisted on standing in place, but rushed over, and his speed was a little faster under the action of gravity.

An uppercut is thrown, and it is still a domineering fist with armed color. This is one of the nemesis of the natural ability person. If you are hit by such an attack, you will directly hit the main body.

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