Under the influence of shaving, how could Blackbeard Titch be faster than him, and his right hook slammed into his face.

"Ugh! Pfft!"

Titch's head turned to one side, several teeth fell from his mouth, his face was swollen, and blood flowed down his nose and mouth.

"Huh... Tiqi! This old man will definitely kill you."

Kaputingba stood in front of the opponent, looked at the black beard who was rolling on the ground and said coldly.

The person with the ability of the dark fruit has to bear twice the physical damage, which is destined to bear a lot of pain.


Titch roared wildly, and now he feels his head roaring constantly, and his whole head seems to be hit by a warship, which is in great pain.

"What qualifications do you think you have to compare with Whitebeard, what qualifications do you have to compare with Liu Xu, what qualifications do you have to compare with the general, and what qualifications do you have to capture Ace?"

Every time Karp said a word, he slammed a punch, punching to the flesh, all of which fell on Teach, constantly venting the grief and anger in his heart.

Tiki kept screaming. In the heyday of Garp, he was a super strong man who pushed Roger the Pirate King into a corner several times. Even if he is getting older and his combat effectiveness has declined a bit, it is not something that Blackbeard can compete with. .

Every punch carried Garp's inner anger and endless murderous intent, and now he wished he could kill this guy immediately.

No, he must be beaten hard now, and slowly let him feel the threat of death, so that he can be worthy of so many people who died because of his greed.


Suddenly, Garp's iron fist slammed into a knife, and the dull sound made Garp, whose eyes were already red, come back to his senses, and he didn't want to punch him directly.


With another bang, the fist still hit a knife, but this time, the owner of the knife was directly bounced out, and it fell to a place more than [-] meters away.

"Shiliu of the Rain, the original warden of the big prison, tsk tsk, all these bastards are here?"

Liu Xu saw the identity of the other party at once, but felt that a fierce battle was coming.

Shiliu of the Rain, originally the head guard of the Great Undersea Prison, but because he was addicted to murder, he often murdered prisoners indiscriminately, and was sentenced to a suspended death sentence. He was detained in Level 6 of the Great Prison. Blackbeard released it.

Using a knife as a weapon, wearing a prison guard's hat and a pilot's cap, and smoking a cigar in his mouth, he is bloodthirsty. This can be seen from the expression on his face and bloodthirsty eyes, this is definitely not A simple character.

Blackbeard Pirates, this is a pirate group run by Titch, and everyone in it is a vicious pirate, or an extremely murderous villain.

Originally, there were only four crew members, and now he has expanded to many, and each of them has considerable strength, which many people did not expect.

In one day, his pirate group has developed to this extent.

The appearance of Shiliu of the Rain changed the expressions of many people, bastards, these guys actually ran out, it seems that there will be another battle this time.

"General Red Dog, General Yellow Monkey! These villains must not be allowed to succeed!"

Warring States shouted loudly, if the execution time was not approaching, he would now want to transform into a Buddha form and fight with the other party to completely end these villains.

The two rushed over after hearing the words. It seems that the situation is not so easy to deal with. What does this black beard want to do?

It was at this time that several characters appeared beside Blackbeard, and Garp immediately retreated.

"Caterina Tippo, Buster Choate, Pietro Pizarro, hmph, it seems that you have already made preparations."

Karp recognized these people right away. The people imprisoned at level 6 were all influential villains, so he naturally knew them very well.

He even grabbed some of them with his own hands.


Chapter 2571

"Navy hero, Vice Admiral Garp, long time no see, Muluhuhu..."

The most ferocious female prisoner in history, Katerina Tipo, smiled strangely, and seemed to be very familiar with Garp.

"Hmph, you villainous old men will definitely send you back to the big prison under the sea!"

Karp said sternly, he didn't feel any strange about the arrival of these people.

"Swoosh!" Two piercing sounds sounded, and Liu Xu and Qingzhi had already come to Karp's side and confronted these people directly.

"Lieutenant General Garp, this is only part of it, look over there."

Liu Xu smiled and directed people to look in the direction he said.

A giant, an incomparably huge giant is hiding behind the Navy Headquarters. Its huge body makes people's legs weak when they look at it.

This guy is even bigger than Little Ozzy's body, this, this is going against the rhythm of the sky.

"The huge battleship Safang Ulf, I didn't expect this guy to be released."

Garp grinned, these pirates are really worrying, and it's really troublesome to have to catch these guys again.

"In the name of the absolute justice of the navy, arrest you!"

The one who can say that is basically the guy Akainu. Although he exhausted a lot of energy, he still came here with Kizoru under the order of Sengoku.

I just defeated the Whitebeard Pirates, and now I have to face a Blackbeard Pirates again, and it's really unlucky that their physical strength has dropped so much.Could it be that today is a disaster day for the Navy Headquarters?

The arrival of the crew made Tiqi see hope, and the pain in his body gradually disappeared, so he stood up and laughed loudly.

Now that the arrival of these people can provide him with better opportunities, Qiwuhai's position doesn't look very good now!


There were a few more broken sounds, and several other people appeared beside Blackbeard Titch.

"Lafitte, Van Oka, Zisas Bagas, Poison Q, tsk tsk, what a power!"

Liu Xu revealed the identities of these people, but they were other members of the Blackbeard Pirates.

In this way, the entire Blackbeard Pirates gathered.

"Dear Mr. Captain, leave this to me."

Columbia came over, followed by Breton, Robin and the others did not follow, and now they are by the empress's side.

Several women exchanged something with each other in low voices. Although they looked harmonious, they felt the invisible smoke. It seemed that the situation over there was very dangerous!

Liu Xu had no reason to refuse the sniper's request. Although they performed well in the battle with Whitebeard, they were not very eye-catching.

So now there is a good chance to prove them, his target, sniper Van Oka.

"Captain, leave this to me, ahaha!" Brayton said, pointing at Zishas Bashas.

"No problem, these two will be handed over to you, be careful, don't get hurt by some miscellaneous things."

Liu Xu chuckled, despising the enemy strategically, and paying attention to the enemy tactically, this is not wrong at all.

When Liu Xu said this, those two people immediately became angry, and rushed towards them without saying a word.

"Come with me!"

Columbia and Breton shouted at the same time, and they ran in two different directions to get out of the too narrow fighting area. This is a very wise choice.

The Blackbeard Pirates have a total of ten people, and now two have been separated, leaving eight people to fight against five people, and the disparity in power has been reduced a lot at once.

It's just that Liu Xu is still a little uneasy in his heart. The three generals and his physical strength have been consumed a lot. If the battle continues, I really don't know what the final result will be.

Perhaps, the situation will be much more optimistic if the Warring States Period also makes a move.

When it is unavoidable, you can only use the Thor armor "Overlord Unarmor", which was originally prepared for Akainu...

"Kapp, Sengoku, from now on is the era of my Blackbeard!"

It's such a boring word again, Titch seems to be announcing something, the gathering of members of the pirate group has given him a lot of confidence, and it seems that the next battle can already see the end.

"Arrogant and ignorant!"

Liu Xu scorned directly, and Thunder Knife once again burst into dazzling purple light.

The battle was about to start, and Liu Xu had only one goal, to kill Blackbeard. As for who would get the dark fruit in the end, that was not his concern.

Such a powerful fruit, as long as it is not obtained by people like Blackbeard, then it is a blessing.

"Blackbeard, die!"

Liu Xu took the lead in killing the past, swung down with one hand, the dark purple light instantly illuminated the entire inner bay, and a huge blade flew out from the blade.

"Spring thunderstorm!"

The knife light compresses the surrounding air, and a harsh air-breaking sound suddenly sounded, and a long and narrow crack was drawn on the ground by the sharp air pressure of the knife light and continued to extend.

"Dark Vortex!"

The others quickly avoided, while Blackbeard confronted Liu Xu head-on, and black mist continuously emerged from his body and extended to the ground to form a stream of water.

The spring thunderstorm is approaching, but when it enters the black water, it encounters troubles. It seems that there is a strong resistance in front of it blocking its progress, and a strange force is constantly weakening the thunder and lightning power in the blade light.

"It's not right!"

Liu Xu narrowed his eyes slightly, and the appearance of the spring thunder storm was unexpected. It seems that this dark fruit still has many secrets that he has never seen before. I really don't know what kind of abilities he can develop in the future.

With the weakening of the lightning power, the light of the dark purple sword light gradually dimmed, and finally changed to a white sword light, but the lightning power inside was completely absorbed, leaving only the sharp characteristic.


As the black water flow became more and more, the knife beam suddenly burst open, directly compressed by the black water flow, shattered, unable to withstand the pressure and exploded.

It was the first time that someone blocked the spring thunder and killed him so easily, Liu Xu was also a little stunned.

Although the current spring thunderstorm is incomparable with the previous ones, it is already a very powerful force, and the dark fruit is indeed sturdy.


Chapter 2572 It's a pity that you don't become a saint

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The black water flowed continuously in the direction of Liu Xu and others, which reminded the generals of what happened just now. Qing Zhi was touched by the power of the dark fruit and temporarily sealed the power of the fruit. Now this thing must not be allowed to seal touches.

Retreating, the three generals decisively withdrew from this position, and went directly to a few members of the Blackbeard Pirates and started working.

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