The same is true for Karp. Seeing Liu Xu approached Blackbeard, he naturally would not take credit for it, and instead sought out the largest battleship among the Blackbeard Pirates, the huge battleship Saffan Ulf!

As the water kept approaching, Liu Xu frowned tightly. If this guy keeps doing this, it will be difficult to get close to him, unless he does not rely on the power of thunder and lightning, but instead uses the power of a swordsman or the Sixth Form of the Navy.

However, it is still impossible to let that thing touch it. The power of thunder and lightning can play a major role at critical moments.

Determined to pay attention, Liu Xu entered the air with the moon step, and the power of thunder and lightning was temporarily put away.

Entering the air, the black water flow lost its effect. Tiqi opened his mouth wide and laughed, forcing a strong man who had wiped out the white beard so that he dared not stay on the ground. What a joyful thing this is!

"Lan feet. Chaos!"

Lan's feet that fell from above, a wide range of slashes made by swinging both feet at high speed in the air, countless white crescent-shaped slashes flew out from both feet and landed on Blackbeard Tiki below. The random attack range was very wide. It was another attack that fell from the air, and it was generally difficult to resist.

The dense slashes covered Blackbeard's body range and his possible escape route, and it seemed that this posture was still very good.

"Hey Hey!"

Blackbeard Titch kept laughing, Navy Six?These moves look familiar, but so what?Physical attacks still couldn't kill him, at most it just made him feel severe pain.

Sure enough, with the powerful power of the dark fruit, Blackbeard resisted these slashes, and took time to use the three-claw hook to cut some slashes, avoiding some fatal injuries.

"Ah! It hurts! It hurts!"

After the slash, Blackbeard fell to the ground and struggled, but he was tormented by the indescribable pain. However, his willpower was also very strong, and the power of the dark vortex was still there, making it impossible for Liu Xu to use the power of thunder and lightning. come to assault...

Physical attacks don't have much effect. The power of the Navy's Sixth Form is a physical technique that exceeds the limits of the human body, but when it comes to the ground, it is still a physical attack, and it does not have much effect on the natural system.

Sure enough, Titch struggled for a while, and then the pain disappeared, and he stood up again, this time he jumped directly into the air.

"Xiaoqiang is really unbeatable. It's a pity that you don't become a saint."

Liu Xu muttered, and then used the moon step to avoid the attack of Blackbeard jumping up.

The attack of the three-claw hook failed, and Blackbeard jumped up again as soon as it fell to the ground, and used the three-claw hook to attack again, and kept repeating this method.

Jumping up on the ground to attack targets in the air may be foolish, but it is still very practical for him who has no air power.

At least there is still a chance to attack people, although I don't know when this opportunity will appear.

"Flea, keep jumping!"

Liu Xu unceremoniously sarcastically said that fortunately, he still has the power of the Sixth Form of the Navy. Otherwise, when Blackbeard jumped up and used the ability of the dark fruit to sneak attack him, it would be a sad reminder.

Called a flea, Blackbeard became angry all of a sudden, flea?How can our image be a metaphor for something so humble, at least a hippopotamus?

"Dark water!"

It was Darkwater's attack again, and Blackbeard, who had been unable to attack for a long time, stretched out his hand and aimed at Liu Xu, but he was going to use the gravity of the dark fruit to attract him.

The idea was good, but Liu Xu didn't give him this chance. When he raised his arm, he retreated decisively, and suddenly appeared tens of meters away, beside Blackbeard.

"Good opportunity!"

"Thousands of birds fly!"

Pieces of purple light shot out from his hands quickly, forming birds with a wingspan of about one meter, hovering from the air and rushing directly to Blackbeard's position.

The number is thousands, and a thousand birds sing together, deafening!

Thousands of dark purple thunder and lightning birds chirped at the same time, and the sound was enough to shock people's hearts, but also make people feel trance.

Swooping down, a thousand flying birds swooped and attacked Blackbeard below, their sharp beaks opened, and they approached Blackbeard with the momentum of thunder.

However, the black beard didn't have much fear of the flying birds in the sky. Instead, he used the power of the dark vortex to wrap his body and turn it into a black sphere.


Liu Xu couldn't help shouting, Blackbeard used such a method to defend, so that the power of Chidori's flight could not be exerted at all, and even the flying bird disappeared quickly when it touched the black sphere, it was actually absorbed by the power of the dark fruit.

The sphere surrounding Blackbeard was formed by the condensed dark vortex, and naturally it could easily attract birds and absorb the power of the lightning.

Controlled by his mind, Liu Xu controlled the swooping birds to escape, but those birds were still pouring into the black sphere continuously, which made his heart feel sad.

Gravity, the gravity of the dark fruit directly pulls the bird over, which is really a crime.

I really don’t understand how people like Blackbeard came up with these attacks. Although there are still many abilities that have not been exerted, with this ability now, this is already a nightmare for all Devil Fruit users, and it is their nemesis. .

Since you can't control it, then give up!

Liu Xu resolutely gave up the control of the birds, allowing all the birds to fly towards the black sphere and be completely absorbed by the seal.

"Could it be that this guy has been in such a state that no one can do anything to him?"

Liu Xu couldn't help thinking this way, maybe there is another way to get Blackbeard into the sea water, then no matter how strong his strength is, he still has to kneel.


Chapter 2573 Tiqi wants to run away

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


There is also armed domineering, use the armed domineering to catch his body, one hit will kill him!

Just like when Garp hit Blackbeard just now, that is, he used the domineering armament color to completely beat Blackbeard.

What's more, Liu Xu suddenly thought of a problem. He didn't have to worry about the power of thunder and lightning being sealed by the dark fruit, because although the power of lightning had the characteristics of a devil fruit, it was not a devil fruit after all.

The dark fruit can only absorb Liu Xu's lightning attack, but it cannot seal him, unless Liu Xu eats the devil fruit! "

Thinking of this, Liu Xu breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the dark fruit can't seal his power, then everything will be fine. It's time for Blackbeard to try something more painful.

After thinking about it, Liu Xu held the knife in his right hand, and his left hand was covered with armed domineering, while the domineering domineering was always ready.

"call out!"

Liu Xu landed on the ground with the razor, and then used the black sphere that quickly approached the periphery of Blackbeard several times in a row.


With a punch, the fist covered with armed domineering power was as powerful as Mount Tai. Under this punch, the black sphere was directly blown away, and the black beard inside was also blown out.


The black beard inside the sphere is confused and puzzled, what is going on?Why can the opponent attack him without being sealed when he touches it?By the way, domineering must be the role of domineering.

He suddenly realized that it was only now that he remembered that there was such a cruel thing, which made him feel uneasy.

If other capable users had armed arrogance, would they attack themselves directly like him?

Damn, the dark fruit still has such a big weakness, and it has to bear twice the pain, this is simply a pit.

But he was bluffed by Liu Xu's punch. Others who were hit by the dark fruit would directly seal the power of the fruit, and the consequence of being sealed with the power of the fruit was that the power was lost in an instant, making it difficult for them to adapt to not having it all at once. The situation of the fruit ability caused fatigue, and then he was easily caught or killed by him.

Otherwise, how did Ace get caught by him before?Not so.

One punch worked, and Liu Xu smiled. Through this test, the power of thunder and lightning has not been sealed. It's just a pity that it is still difficult to use the power of lightning to attack him, unless it is attacked by surprise. Him, so that it can have an effect.


The sphere wrapped in black beard hit the ground and bounced again. It hit the ground several times in a row before stopping. When he stopped, he directly released the power of the dark vortex. Looking at Liu Xu in the opposite sky, he was in doubt, maybe he still Having not fully understood the power of the fruit of darkness, it is really a wrong choice to come here to be seduced now.

With such thoughts in mind, the arrogant Tiqi already had the idea of ​​retreating, and it could even be said that he wanted to slip away by himself.

Let them go to hell with those partners and the like, they are just some powerhouses they found randomly, as long as they have a breath, they can still find these powerhouses in the future.

He who advocates strength will not value these partners very much, as long as he is strong, he will have whatever he wants in the future.

After ascending to the throne of One Piece, there will be a bunch of strong men crying and begging him to accept them as partners.

It is with this idea of ​​power that Blackbeard is ready to evacuate.

However, Liu Xu has been staring at him, how could he let him leave so easily?

Swooping down again from the air, Liu Xu's fists were domineering with a black armed color, and at the same time, the thunder knife on his right hand also flashed a hidden thunderbolt, which was a kind of black lightning.

"Dark Vortex!"

Seeing the domineering look of the armed color, Blackbeard again, very single, directly blessed the power of the Dark Vortex on his body to form a sphere to wrap him up.

Liu Xu's fist also landed at this time, and the obscure black lightning bolt on the thunder knife also shot out.

Liu Xu's fist fell, and the black lightning inside the Lei Dao's body was also instantly dispatched, directly bombarding the black sphere. The black lightning was so obscure that no one could discover its existence.

The speed of the black lightning has exceeded the speed of light, and its strength can smash the space. Liu Xu is using this characteristic to attack now.


There was another muffled sound, and the black sphere covering Blackbeard's body was blown away again, and the black lightning also eroded in instantly.


The black sphere flew out backwards, but the black beard inside suddenly let out a shrill scream, the power of the dark vortex began to become unstable, and the black sphere suddenly burst open.


Liu Xu seized this opportunity and dispatched instantly, holding the thunder knife in his hand, charged at the speed of thunder and lightning, and slashed down with the knife.

The black sphere exploded, and Blackbeard's body inside was naturally exposed. The power of the dark vortex disappeared in the blink of an eye, and a dark scar appeared on Blackbeard's right arm, which ran through the entire arm.

Although his body was also black when he used the dark fruit, the black color is very different now, with a little bit of light faintly glowing from the scars, showing a state of lightning.

Blackbeard now wants to die, didn't he just punch him?How could there be such a strange feeling, and how did this feeling of being directly penetrated by lightning come from?Wouldn't his fruit power be absorbed by the power of the dark vortex?Damn, is it using the domineering arrogance of armed color to open a gap?

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was. Blackbeard swallowed hard. This young man's brain was so evil that he even thought of attacking in this way.

Poor, how did he know that the black lightning attacked him directly through the barrier of space, and did not contact the dark vortex.

When the knife came down on the head, Blackbeard rolled away without thinking, and Liu Xu's attack also lost its effect.


As soon as the knife went down, the place where Blackbeard had been before collapsed, and he cut a crack hundreds of meters long. In the crack, a dark purple arc flashed faintly. This arc is carried by the weapon itself.


Chapter 2574 The hearts of the team are scattered!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

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