
Many of Liu Xu's abilities were modified on the basis of Thunder.

According to his thinking, since he has the attribute of lightning, he must fully utilize the power of lightning.

"Next time you won't be so lucky."

Liu Xu curled his lips in disdain, raised his knife and continued to attack. At the same time, the armed domineering look covered his hands, and the domineering domineering look was always ready.

However, Garp’s battle with the gigantic battleship Saffon Ulf was not very vicious. Ulf’s ability mainly lies in defense and physical attack. With the blessing of his huge body, his physical attack was suppressed. raised to a very powerful level.

However, when facing Karp, he showed extreme panic, as if he had seen something terrifying.

"Oh, it's Lieutenant General Garp."

Ulf took a few steps back again and again, each step made the ground tremble violently.

"Wulf, who asked you to come out to disturb the tranquility of this world, the old man will send you back, or kill you."

Garp's ferocious aura burst out, and the armed domineering of his fists was almost raised to the highest level by him, which scared Ulf on the opposite side to tears.

This naval hero is getting more and more terrifying. Damn it, I should have known that I would stay in prison. Although there is no freedom, I can control my food and shelter anyway!

With a punch, Garp appeared on Ulf's head using Shave and Moon Step, and smashed it directly with a punch.


Ulf's huge body made his speed relatively slow. He was smashed by Garp and fell directly to the ground, pressing his hands to the top of his head.

"Ah! It hurts!"

Clutching his head, Ulf continued to roar, and this punch was like a mountain hitting his head directly, making him in agony.

Howling in pain for a while, Ulf stood up, turned his head and slipped away. As for the benefits that Blackbeard promised before, I will ignore it for now and talk about it later.

Each of these people who were released from prison is a vicious murderer. If they can join the Blackbeard Pirates, they will join because it involves their own interests. At least, they must be freed from prison.

Therefore, these people may not really follow Blackbeard to conquer the world.

After all, these people are all people who have experienced big storms, and Blackbeard's current strength is not enough to make them surrender just by meeting them once.

Seeing Blackbeard being beaten up by Liu Xu, the hearts of his team were lost!

"Want to run? That depends on whether the old man agrees or not."

Karp laughed, and chased after him without saying a word, sea water?When did Garp ever get scared?

Garp, who didn't use Devil Fruit, was naturally not afraid of sea water. In addition, he had powerful physical skills such as the Sixth Form of the Navy. He easily caught up with Ulf and punched him again.

Ulf was punched in the back, and his body fell forward with a stagger, falling directly into the sea water, thrashing and struggling.

Karp didn't talk nonsense with him, and landed directly on his body, punching punch after punch, venting the anger and anger in his heart at once.

It seems that this guy is Blackbeard Titch's subordinate, so I will teach him a lesson now, and then I will clean up the Blackbeard guy.

Ulf was destined to be tragic. He was quickly knocked unconscious under Garp's iron fist. Some naval soldiers drove directly to the warship and used ropes to pull his body back to the big underwater prison.

After dealing with such a vicious pirate, Garp's eyes turned to another person, a guy that many people are very familiar with, the former guard of the Great Underwater Prison, Shiliu of Long Rain!

Quickly locking on to the target, Garp jumped directly towards Shiliu of the Rain. In his mind, the Blackbeard Pirates must be killed!

Ten people have successfully captured one, and the three generals are also quickly looking for their opponents to fight, which is also very exciting. The entire inner bay is full of all kinds of light of natural fruits, and the incomparably gorgeous moves make people look very excited.

The battle between Liu Xu and Blackbeard didn't have so much suspense. With the assistance of the black thunderbolt that can shatter space and the domineering armed color, every punch and every thunderbolt directly hit his body, causing serious trauma to him. All the members of the Blackbeard Pirates were shocked.

Isn't Blackbeard Ting Niu's?Why is the combat power so weak, and there is not much counterattack force?

Blackbeard relies too much on the power of the dark fruit, and now the dark fruit has only just been developed, where is it possible to exert the power of the sky-defying level?Apart from the power that Qingzhi sealed the frozen fruit at the beginning, there was not much that could shock people.Even, some people think that the power of the dark fruit is nothing more than that.

Powerful physical attacks and elemental attacks beyond space, and the intense pain made Blackbeard's eyes widen. He never thought that this would be the current situation.

Now his heart is crying, why is the power of the dark fruit that he has been searching for for more than [-] years so fragile?

Liu Xu's lightning power does not belong to the power of the devil fruit, but has some characteristics of the devil fruit, such as being able to elementalize, and will also be attacked by the armed domineering and natural elements, and will also be blocked by the dark fruit, but But it can't seal his ability, and he is not afraid of sea water.

In fact, this is the case at the most basic level. As for the degree of development, it is the result of hard work the day after tomorrow.

There is no suspense, Liu Xu used the black lightning to the extreme, and he also tried his best to show his armed domineering aura. When most of his physical strength was exhausted, instead of resorting to defensive recovery, he took a swift and violent offensive, trying to kill him in the shortest possible time.

Seeing that Blackbeard didn't have much physical strength, and the pain in his whole body made him almost die, but Liu Xu was ready to deal him the final blow.

"Spring thunderstorm!"

Raising his hand, he made another saber attack. This saber poured most of Liu Xu's strength, and the black saber light with a width of more than ten meters flew directly towards Heibeard who was lying on the ground.


Chapter 2575 Thunder God Armor "Unarmor of Overlord"

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Thunderbolt, this knife has injected the power of black thunderbolt!


Blackbeard already understood why he was attacked by the natural system. Now that he saw the black blade glow, he immediately thought of a possibility, and jumped to the side without hesitation.

However, how could his speed be faster than the spring thunderstorm infused with black lightning?

This kind of power that transcended space landed on his body in an instant, and suddenly there was a loud noise in the entire inner bay, and the area where Blackbeard was was instantly filled with black lightning, making it impossible to see the situation inside clearly. .

"Bang bang bang!"

The black lightning erupted, and the range of hundreds of meters centered on the explosion suddenly collapsed.

The hard and thick ice layer was directly shattered, and the crystal ice crystals were instantly shattered by the lightning just after they floated into the air.

Liu Xu took a deep breath, and the thunder knife was also sheathed at this time, and the power of Xinwang could accurately determine that the opponent was still alive.

Under the detection of Xinwang, there is no heartbeat, no sound, Blackbeard, absolutely cannot survive under this knife!

Sure enough, when the black lightning gradually disappeared, the situation inside appeared in front of everyone.

There is no black beard, black beard's body has disappeared, there is only a large pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters that was bombed out by a single blow, the sea water below continues to pour into the inner bay from this large pit, and the ice layer of the entire inner bay appears to be shattered Shape, may be broken at any time.

Blackbeard disappeared, how did this disappear?This is a question for everyone, did he escape by any means?

The navy and the pirates were puzzled, especially the pirates. When they saw that the black beard disappeared, they turned their heads decisively and ran away. Everyone disappeared, so they didn't need to continue fighting here.

Resolutely retreated, the three generals did not go after them, chasing these pirates with most of their physical strength exhausted, the battle would be very hard, and they might even be killed by them.

Garp is not the case. He chased those pirates directly. His physical exertion is so little that it is almost negligible. He can eliminate as many as he can now. Otherwise, these pirates will be lost to the great route. A disastrous time, one that affects the reputation of the World Government and even the Navy Headquarters.

Moreover, these people are the subordinates of Blackbeard, and it would be a good thing if they can kill them.

Liu Xu knew very well what would happen to Blackbeard. He was supposed to get the Zhenzhen Fruit and become the Four Emperors in the new world. Now he has no possibility to return to this world, unless there are ghosts in this world, otherwise he will definitely not Appear.

Elementalization, Liu Xu's body quickly entered elementalization, and lightning covering the entire naval headquarters appeared in the sky. Liu Xu swung down with one hand, and countless dark purple arcs fell at this moment, directly bombarding the ice layer that was about to shatter .

"Thunder God Armor 'Overlord Unarmor'!"

Liu Xu silently summoned the Thunder God Armor, and after removing the elemental body combined with the Overlord's armor, he quickly entered...


He directly merged into the thunder and lightning, and disappeared.

Basically all the navy looked at the ice layer that was gradually split by lightning, and the sea water returned to the inner bay, which made them cheer. The inner bay is a defensive focus of the naval headquarters!

Liu Xu, who has used the Thunder God Armor ability, turned his eyes to the red dog who has little physical strength, and a sneer hangs on the corner of his mouth, red dog, now is the time to pay the price for your so-called absolute justice, those people should also appear .

As if to prove his idea, a few people suddenly jumped out from behind the execution platform, one of them kicked directly towards the Warring States period, and the others directly grabbed Ace's body and jumped into the air, constantly moving towards the distance. go.

What they used turned out to be the Sixth Form of the Navy!

This kind of situation made everyone and all the navies look over, what is this situation?Why would anyone still attack?What's going on here?


Warring States blocked the foot of the incoming person with one hand, but when he was about to fight back, he saw the incoming person, and was suddenly dumbfounded. That is to say, the few people with Ace were getting farther and farther away.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, Ace is now in our hands."

Having said that, Lu Qi quickly left with a shaved body, leaving behind a stunned and shocked Zhan Guo, who was actually protected by his words and handed over to them?World government?What's going on.

When he came back to his senses, he saw Lu Qi, who had shrunk to a black spot, gritted his teeth angrily, and chased after him.

And the moment Lu Qi and the others appeared, Liu Xu also took action. The three generals were standing under the execution platform. Now everyone's eyes are on the execution platform. Now is the best opportunity.

Without hesitation, Liu Xu directly turned into a hidden electric arc and hit Chiquan's body, rushing his body into the inner bay in an instant.

In the inner bay, the ice layer of the inner bay has almost disappeared, and the endless sea water is constantly emerging.

The other two generals discovered the situation, their faces changed suddenly, and it was too late to rescue them.

Akainu's body went directly into the sea water without a doubt, and the ability of Rock Berry was sealed in an instant, and there was a sense of powerlessness throughout his body.

Akainu, who had consumed almost all of his stamina in the battle, was thrown into the sea without even time to react. The thunder and lightning in the sky were still raging, and the last layer of ice was gradually shattered.

Under the sea, Akainu looked at the person who appeared in front of him with wide eyes. He really wanted to kill him now, but he couldn't do anything about it. His power was sealed and he had no chance to use it.

A gloomy look flashed across Liu Xu's eyes, and the Thunder Knife came out of its sheath and chopped off Chigou's head, and a deep purple thunderbolt smashed Chiquan's body into pieces, and the blood scattered in the sea water.


Chapter 2576 I declare that the war is over!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Fear, puzzlement, unwillingness, regret!

Akainu really couldn't figure out how the opponent attacked in the sea, why would he not be sealed with power after entering the sea, and why could he still move freely?Too many doubts made Akainu die.

Looking at the head in his hand that was unwilling to close his eyes, Liu Xu raised his thunder knife twice to finish him off completely, and then turned into a thunderbolt and merged into the falling thunderbolt.

To be quick and decisive, to hide the truth, this is Liu Xu's final plan. He also made a plan for the red dog, and now is the time to implement it.

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