Use the Thunder God Armor "Overlord Unarmor" to hide, and then use the name of smashing the ice to elementalize into thunder and lightning, and then the appearance of CP9. When everyone's eyes turned to CP9 and the Warring States Period, he made a decisive move and directly knocked them down. In the sea, completely end his life.

Every step is interlocking, as long as there is a little carelessness, it may be noticed.

The appearance of Lu Qi and the others had already been contacted. They had let Lu Qi and the others go before they were in the Seven Islands of Water, and offered to handle a matter for them unconditionally.

Lu Qi agreed. As a strong man, he did not break his promise. Although he knew that this matter would bring them a devastating disaster, they finally carried it out.

However, they will have to live in hiding in the future, and perhaps entering the new world will be their best choice.

Liu Xu's plan against the red dog not only killed the red dog, but also framed those who had bullied Robin before, killing two birds with one stone, which is amazing.

Admiral Akainu, one of the highest combat forces in the Navy Headquarters, was finally completely terminated under Liu Xu's plan.

The thunder and lightning in the sky lasted for another half a minute and then stopped. Liu Xu's figure appeared high in the sky and said loudly: "I declare that the war is over!"

One sentence made all the navy boil. Although this was not announced by the Warring States Period, Liu Xu not only killed several captains in this war, but also killed Whitebeard, and even Blackbeard might be Killed by him, just such an achievement can replace many people's mouths.

The effect was the same. The jubilant navy soldiers shouted Liu Xu's name loudly. At this moment, the three words Liu Xu resounded throughout the Navy headquarters, which made him feel refreshed.

Landing next to Qing Zhi and Huang Yuan, Liu Xu glanced at them and asked, "By the way, where's that guy Chinu?"


Both Qing Zhi and Huang Yuan were puzzled at the same time, then shook their heads and smiled wryly, Lieutenant General Liu Xu, you played too hard.

"I don't know, maybe he was seriously injured and went back."

Qingzhi was talking lazily, but she didn't point it out directly. How could the matter about Chigou just now be hidden from the eyes of the two of them?

Besides, as long as you think about it, you can understand what's going on. Besides him, who else would knock Akainu into the water at this time?Poor, the admiral ended up drowning, tsk tsk, what a crime.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, I asked knowingly, where do you think General Akainu went?"

The wretched male yellow ape still maintained a wretched smile, his thick lips curled up, and he spoke at a steady pace.

"Well... who knows, maybe he was seriously injured and went to rest, why don't you go and see him? After all, they are colleagues!"

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, you are too bad."


The war is over, and the war with the Whitebeard Pirates, one of the Four Emperors of the New World, and its Pirates is finally over. The impact of this war is far-reaching.

With the death of Whitebeard, the position of the Four Emperors is vacant, and the territory of the new world will soon be captured by other Four Emperors, or a new Four Emperors will be born.

All this is still unknown, no one knows how things will develop in the future.

In the conference room of the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku, Garp, Qingzhi, Huang Yuan, Lieutenant General He, and Liu Xu gathered together. Everyone has their own views on this war.

After discussing for a long time, Sengoku said: "The death of Whitebeard this time will definitely shake the new world, and even the whole world will shake, so we must always be prepared. Whitebeard Pirates The forces will soon be hit in the new world, and this is our opportunity, the opportunity to enter the new world!"

The wise general Warring States, his eyes are always so far-reaching, and he always sees farther than others.

Seeing infinite opportunities from Whitebeard's death, the strength of the Navy Headquarters has always been very weak in the New World, and now is a good opportunity to improve the strength of the Navy Headquarters.

After the death of Whitebeard, the new world will inevitably be turbulent. When the new world is in chaos, the naval headquarters will rise in the chaos. This is his idea.

Liu Xu nodded again and again, and at the same time another thought came to him.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, I request to go to the new world to lead the forces of the naval headquarters to conquer the new world, so that the naval headquarters has a pivotal position and power in the new world."

Huh?Asked so quickly?The eyes of Zhan Guo flashed brightly, and he said seriously: "Lieutenant General Liu Xu, you have to understand what the new world means. It is a world completely different from the first half of the great route. It is very dangerous there. Are you mentally prepared?"

Liu Xu just wanted to give him a blank stare. Your words are a bit inconsistent. After all, you must also have plans in your heart to want me to go to the new world.

"Of course, the more dangerous the better, so that you can constantly improve yourself, right? Then, when will I start? Also, what kind of troops are you going to equip me with?"

The key question is coming. It is said that the team promised by the Warring States period has not yet been handed over, and the conscience of this old man is greatly broken.

Receiving Liu Xu's affirmative reply, Warring States laughed, and said: "At that time, I will give you the best troops, but it will take a while before you can go to the new world. Now I need you to stay here for a while. The headquarters sacrificed heroically, now is the most critical time for the Navy headquarters, I am worried that some pirates in the first half of the great route will take the opportunity to jump their heads, and you can also play a strong deterrent here."


Chapter 2577 Red dog was drowned by sea water...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


When it comes to Akainu, Sengoku has a weird expression on his face. He went to chase CP9 before, but in the end he still couldn't catch it, so he had to give up and return to the Navy headquarters.

And as soon as he came back here, he learned the news of Chiquan's death. According to Liu Xu, Qingzhi and Huangyuan, he died of serious injuries and fell into the inner bay and drowned.

In this way, the Warring States almost sprayed water and drowned?

Go cheating!

Immediately, a possibility came to his mind, Liu Xu definitely had something to do with this guy.

However, he didn't bother Liu Xu either. He was already dead anyway, so there was no point in pursuing it now. That might make another high-end combat power of the headquarters disappear, which is not worthwhile.

Therefore, everyone basically tacitly understood the matter of Akainu, and no one said it explicitly.

"I understand, then I will stay here for a while, but before I enter the new world, I want to visit the holy land of Marijoa first, that woman asked me to go there, hey..."

When talking about Madeline, Liu Xu's face was full of aggrieved and curious, what important things would she need to do by herself?Really looking forward to it!

"Princess Madeline? No problem, you can just take someone to the holy land of Marijoa when the time comes, and someone will pick you up there..."

"Boy Liu Xu, be careful when you arrive in the holy land of Marijoya. There are many people there who are very mysterious. It's better not to provoke them easily."

Garp laughed loudly at this moment, and seemed to be in a good state of mind.

From the beginning of the meeting, he kept a smile on his face and didn't speak, until now he finally spoke.

Ace was not slaughtered, and Luffy was also taken away by Whitebeard's men, which was a great joy for him.

Although the Navy Headquarters will lose a little face, it doesn't matter. It is worthwhile to be able to return the life of my grandson.

Failing to execute the descendants of One Piece will make people question the power of the Navy headquarters, but after killing Whitebeard, all the doubts will soon disappear, and there is only admiration left.

Whitebeard and One Piece were strong men of the same era, and killing him seemed to be more pleasing than the descendants of One Piece.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, get ready and announce that you will become the admiral of the Navy headquarters in a few days."

In the end, when Zhan Guo said such a thing, Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, unexpectedly, this matter was a bit unexpected.

Looking at Garp, Lieutenant General Crane, Qingzhi and Kizaru, they all nodded in approval, as if they already knew about this matter.

"Only the four people present suggested that the three major generals in the navy headquarters were not complete due to the death of Admiral Akainu, and your outstanding performance in this war, so they unanimously suggested that you be promoted to the admiral of the navy headquarters. Liu Xu, this name is still very good, right?"

Speaking of the back of the Warring States, there is also a deep smile on his face, Liu Xu, that is the guy he and Karp are looking forward to very much, although it seems that sometimes he will do something that makes them headache...

Liu Xu was speechless. After a long silence, he said with a bright smile: "So, I understand. Thank you for your approval. I will work harder."

The battle recovery of the Navy Headquarters is underway, and the news that Liu Xu is about to become an admiral is also spreading at this time.

Just after the war was over, he was preparing to be promoted to admiral. In an instant, the entire first half of the great route was full of wind and clouds, and Liu Xu's performance in the war was also publicized by the Navy Headquarters, which made people even more dumbfounded.

Kill Whitebeard?Killed Blackbeard?He also killed several captain-level powerhouses. Is this the rhythm of defying the sky and supernatural beings?

Each of the captain-level powerhouses was able to set off a bloody storm in the first half of the Great Route, and now a few have been killed at one time. Could it be that the war was for him to kill people?

Speechless, countless pirates were speechless in an instant, and even the activities of some pirates became regulated. It seems that they are now sitting in the navy headquarters, and they are still honest in the first half of the campaign. Just a little bit, maybe one day people will run out and abuse us when their brains are twitching.

Liu Xu doesn't want to know about the ups and downs outside, and the best choice is to relax properly.

Returning to his villa from the conference room, several people have gathered in the hall, and they are all women.

Empress Boya Hancook, Tina, Nami, Robin, Bonnie, a total of five women are here, and everyone looks very serious. It seems that they have discussed something before, and now they are silent. Seems to be waiting for something.

"Huh? What's wrong with you?"

As soon as Liu Xu came in, he was frightened by the posture of several women. What kind of rhythm is this?Could it be that they were deadlocked?

"Liu Xu, you are finally back, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The empress looked forward to her beautiful eyes, and immediately abandoned her former empress posture.

In her words, love is like a storm that can change a woman.

"Well, tell me what's going on with you!"

Liu Xu is full of curiosity and worry. Each of the women here has their own unique features. Do you want to force yourself to choose one like in the legend?

As soon as this matter was mentioned, a red cloud appeared on the faces of the several women, which made Liu Xu even more suspicious. The atmosphere was too weird, and there must be a demon when things go wrong, and there must be something hiding himself.

"Come on, I hope you can all be frank. We have nothing to say to each other. We are all so familiar with each other. Why do we hesitate?"

Frowning tightly, Liu Xu walked to a chair and sat down, waiting for the replies from the women.

Now they are even more entangled. Look at me, I think it's not just who should tell you.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2578 Promoted to Headquarters General

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Nami, why don't you go and talk?"

Tina whispered, it seemed that the relationship between the two of them was the closest among these women.

"Uh, forget it."

Nami smiled awkwardly, how can such a thing be said, it is the most fatal.

Turning her eyes to the empress, she immediately took care of it.

"Sister Empress, why don't you tell me?"

The empress frowned lightly, biting her fingers lightly on her mouth with a pitiful look, and said: "Nami, you will definitely not force me to become a concubine, right?"

Nami's eyes changed for a while, but in the end she was decisively defeated. She was also a woman, and when she faced the empress, she was equally heartbroken. This woman was really too beautiful, so beautiful that she couldn't help but be fascinated.

Whispering, the five women whispered, and the final result was that the Empress came out to speak.

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