"Liu Xu, after our consistent research, you have some kind of unfair treatment to us, which makes some people very sad."

The Empress mustered up the courage to say this sentence, and her heart was shaking violently. She said it so clearly, he should be very clear, right?

Liu Xu was stunned when he heard this, and kept turning his eyes around the women, was he treated unfairly?No, I've always been fair, I gave them the same, promised the same, what's unfair?

Can't figure it out, Liu Xu struggled, and suddenly an idea flashed into his mind, combined with their expressions, unfair treatment?Ah ha ha, that is really unfair treatment!

"This young master understands, then, next, this young master will treat you fairly, hehe!"

As he spoke, he pounced on him, the first target, Robin!

In the room, after a little struggle, the five women were still gathered here by Liu Xu. Without further ado, they were stripped into little white sheep, unscrupulously admiring the five bodies that made men crazy. , I want to cover up but I'm ashamed.


Liu Xu swallowed hard, and pressed down instead.

The first target is still Robin. Among these women, only Robin and Bonnie have not been taken yet. It is time.

A crazy day, a crazy atmosphere, time gradually passed by Liu Xu's crazy but gentle means, this day also changed the fate and relationship of several women.


Half a month later, the square of the Navy Headquarters was already buzzing with people. Countless navies gathered in the square. Today is of great significance to them. promotion ceremony!

The title of Thunder Emperor of the End Times was duly won. Liu Xu won this title in the war by virtue of his tyrannical thunder and lightning power, as well as some other titles.

As a swordsman, he used his powerful swordsmanship to fight against Whitebeard and the captains, which gave him another title: Great Swordsman. Crazy Sword!

In comparison, the title of Crazy Blade seemed to satisfy him more.

With the arrival of Sengoku and others, the memorial ceremony for General Akainu officially kicked off.


The constantly improving power, in the first half of the great voyage, came to this world for more than three years, and now he has finally ascended to the extremely high throne of the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, that means more power, freedom, strength, etc.

Unless it is an important matter, the Navy Headquarters generally does not restrict the freedom of the strong general level, which has many more benefits than the lieutenant general.

In more than three years, his strength has improved a lot. This can be seen from the fight against Whitebeard, although it seems to be a fake.

The New World is a desirable sea area. No one knows if there will be a new Four Emperors. If there is, it may be the local pirates of the New World, or the pirates of the Great Route or the Four Seas.

In Liu Xu's mind, the Four Emperors who rule the new world are not so terrifying now, they are all human beings, and they are all strengths that have been improved step by step. As long as he puts in enough effort, he will definitely be able to achieve that level, even higher.

"The original commander, Akainu, died heroically in the war with the Whitebeard Pirates. We express our deep condolences. He was a hero and a righteous navy. His enthusiasm and dedication are worth learning from all of us... …”

The Warring States Period seemed to be a lengthy eulogy speech, only to hear Liu Xu groggy. I really didn't see that this guy still has such eloquence. Is it true that leaders must have such skills?Tsk, it's too powerful.

"Now, the Navy Headquarters has added another Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, the Thunder Emperor of the End Times, General Lei Emperor Liu Xu!"

After the long discussion, the Warring States finally said something that made people feel comfortable. It's not easy. It's finally over. After talking for more than three hours, everyone will fall asleep.

"Now let General Lei Di speak."

The Warring States made up the knife at the right time, and one sentence made the people below wailing all over the place, again?Is this to torture them again?

Liu Xu's mind is full of black lines, big brother of the Warring States Period, we have to think about the soldiers below, if we continue, they will have the urge to become a navy.

After thinking about it, Liu Xu stepped forward, cleared his throat, and said, "Dear colleagues, I think you all know me better, so I'll make a long story short. I hope to work together with you in the future to uphold the justice of the navy. Thank you!"

After speaking, he retreated behind Sen Guo.


Warring States was puzzled, General Lei Di, this seems a bit out of order, right?Why only so few words?This is really a long story short.

"Oh! General Lei Di! General Lei Di!"

The soldiers below roared loudly, venting their surprise.

This general looks more and more pleasing to the eye. It's really just a long story short. There are not so many official words, so I feel really comfortable.

The promotion ceremony gradually came to an end amidst the noise. Liu Xu followed Zhan Guo and others to the banquet hall, and it was another busy time.


Chapter 2579 General Thunder Emperor, leave the headquarters

"Mr. Captain, when shall we go to sea?"

Columbia and others were also a little anxious to stay in the Navy headquarters.

Although they don't need to do anything, and they are very free here, it will inevitably feel a little strange.

Especially the guy Breton, who was a member of the Pirates before, although the bounty is only a million.

Liu Xu glanced at him, and said leisurely: "You can go to sea soon, go take over that team today! You two can come with me. Hancock, you stay here, a bunch of stinky It's just a man, nothing to look at."

Hancock and the other girls nodded slightly. Since that day, the relationship between them has become closer.

In a word, they have met each other frankly, seen the most secret places, and even patronized each other, so there is nothing they can't let go of. If they get along, they will be very harmonious.

"Let's go!"

With a big wave of Liu Xu's hand, the three of them walked directly to the place provided by Zhan Guo.

The first feeling when I came to the military camp was chill, and the second feeling was laziness.

Contradictory, very contradictory feeling.

A trace of laziness could be sensed amidst the chilling killing. This strange situation caused the three of them to frown greatly.

When the soldiers at the gate saw the person coming, they immediately saluted and said, "General Lei Di!"

Liu Xu nodded and said, "It's clearer than you guys, call your captain over here."

Long before, the Warring States had already given an account of the members of this team. At this moment, they belonged directly to Liu Xu's army, and the former major general had already gone to get his lunch.

As the messenger left, two first-class soldiers who looked like captains ran over quickly, moving quickly and agilely.

The difference between them can be found only from the first glance. The quality of these two people is very high, and the visual power should also be very good.

But there is one thing, that is, the unruly and unyielding eyes in the eyes. Judging from the eyes of the two, it seems that the relationship between the two is not so harmonious, and there is a little taste of competitors.

"General Thunder Emperor!"

The two came to the front of the three of Liu Xu and saluted directly, speaking in unison, standing up straight and meticulous.

"Interesting, there is still such a little inside story about Ganqing."

Liu Xu smiled inwardly. It seems that subduing this army will not be a very troublesome thing, and he will be able to go to sea soon.

The temperament of the troops has always been related to their leaders and their experiences.

Judging from the current situation of the two, their strength should be very good, and they are iron-blooded men, there is a competitive relationship, and they were under the same major general before.

Then, they must have refused to obey anyone before, which also led to the same situation with their soldiers, which was a bit unruly.

Also, because of their overall quality, they can be said to be the most powerful soldiers in the headquarters, and under this aura, there is a sense of laziness.


Two hundred soldiers stood in unison, staring at the man in front of them.

If it's the major general from before, then I'm sorry, we still have to train and rest, so we don't have time to talk to you.

But this one is different, he killed Whitebeard and Blackbeard, and he is also a strong man at the general level. It can be seen from the war that he is killing every minute.

Tsk tsk, I can't accept it!

"Very good, I like your attitude. Remember, keep your wildness and your strength for me. You like to fight? Then continue to fight. Now you are temporarily incorporated into the second and third teams, Work hard, whoever is stronger will get him a higher number, it's that simple."

Unexpectedly, Liu Xu affirmed their strength as soon as he came up, but he also mentioned the concept of competition, which made their hearts instantly hot.

Damn, the position of the second team is ours, um, we can also consider the first team.


Two hundred soldiers responded loudly, Liu Xu turned his head and said to the two captains: "Go ahead, Belsham, you are the captain of the second division, and Chad, you are the captain of the third division, lead your respective teams to get ready." , Tomorrow, head to Sanctuary Marijoa."

Without too much nonsense, Liu Xu left directly after explaining the matter, in a hurry.

After leaving the barracks, Breton said: "Captain, this unit looks good, but I'm afraid it will be difficult to tame in the future."

Breton, who had also seen the Navy in the new world, gave it a high rating, but was also a little worried.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "What are you afraid of? Compared with those old-fashioned soldiers, I prefer such wild ones. Only with competition can they make progress. Their future achievements should be very high. Hahaha, I really look forward to whether such soldiers can Flourishing in the new world."

"Ahahaha, Captain, it should be fine..."

Breton echoed, and began to ponder.

The three returned to the villa to rest, and they will set sail tomorrow and enter the new world soon. No one can predict what will happen next.


In the early morning of the next day, Liu Xu took a few companions and led fifty soldiers and captains to the port, where two warships had already docked. Like Liu Xu's before, they were all about forty meters long and dark purple in color. warship.

There was a captain standing on the deck of the two warships. It was Bersham, the captain of the second division, and Chad, the captain of the third division. The two were ready to go, and the soldiers behind them also showed a different style. The brightest star in the port.

Just like when they went to sea before, Zhan Guo and others all came out to see them off, causing other admirals to look sideways.

Damn, they are all human, why is there such a big gap?In other words, he doesn't remember the past, does he?

Some of the generals in the Navy Headquarters who have fallen into trouble have not been cleaned up. This is somewhat of a little regret in Liu Xu's heart, and he can only deal with them later.

At that time, maybe it only takes one sentence to decide their life and death, and there is no need to try to get them into a trap and be killed as before.


Chapter 2580 Departing from the Holy Land, Malijoya

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"General Lei Di, you must be extremely careful when you arrive at the Holy Land Marijoya. The situation inside is not so optimistic. If you have any difficulties on the way, please contact me right away. I can contact Princess Madeline."

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