Sengoku said with a serious face, showing concern that was different from ordinary people.

"Boy Liu Xu, you don't need to listen to this guy from the Warring States Period. Princess Madeline must have known about it before you arrived at the holy land of Marijoya. If there is any difficulty, she will directly help. At the critical moment, Hahaha, take out that flying dragon gold hairpin, it's not a small deterrent."


Liu Xu resolutely sprayed, these two old guys mean the same thing when they say it, if you have any troubles, just go to Madeline, is it true that you really want to be my young master?Am I always the kind of person who needs a woman to fight for me?

"Understood, I will find her if I have something. Hmph, I was looking for her in the past. Hancock, have you dealt with your business?"

It is a major event for the Empress to leave Nine Snakes Island for the New World, at least for the entire Daughter Country of Nine Snakes Island.

The citizens of Daughter Country will not let the Empress leave so easily, at least, let them arrange some people to be in charge of guarding.

At the insistence of the people, the empress agreed to some people to follow and protect.

After all, she is the queen of a country, so she has to be a little bit powerful when she travels, so as to show her uniqueness.

The three warships and the Queen's Nine Snake Pirates set sail properly, and a group of senior officials of the Navy Headquarters saw them off at the port.

"Warring States, how long do you think that kid can last?" Kap asked with a laugh as he watched the warship drift away.

"There are too many variables in the new world. I don't know. It could be a year, a decade, or even longer. Of course, it's better not to have that kind of thing happen."

Sengoku's eyes showed a wise light, and his heart was also looking forward to it.

"Hahaha, I do hope he can stand there. After all, that was our dream. The strength of the Navy Headquarters is too weak in the new world. Now it is more suitable for him to take the lead."

Garp laughed loudly. It has always been his dream to strengthen the naval headquarters, and now he finally has a chance to realize it.

The Warring States was stunned, and then he laughed, which made people very surprised, the Marshal of the Warring States actually laughed?Is this the rhythm to be scary?

And Liu Xu, who was on the voyage, came to the balcony according to the old rules, but now Columbia and Breton have withdrawn to the deck, very consciously.

All five of them were Liu Xu's women. It would be impossible for bachelors like them to stay there.

And what Bonnie said made Liu Xu dumbfounded.

"It's so strange. Why haven't those people who sent us to the Chambord Islands seen it? It doesn't make sense!"


Did someone guide the supernova to the Chambord Islands?This matter surprised Liu Xu, how could this happen?Isn't the supernova gathering in the original work a coincidence?

Liu Xu hurriedly said: "Bonny, tell me about this, what's going on here?"

Bonnie was stunned, she didn't understand why Liu Xu's reaction was so intense, she didn't know how to speak.

"Speak quickly, just speak slowly, don't be too nervous."

Liu Xu slowed down his tone, and the corners of the mouths of the women twitched. It seems that you are the one who is nervous!

After listening to his words, Bonnie also came back to her senses, and after sorting out her thoughts, she spoke slowly.

The gathering of supernovas in the Chambord Islands is indeed guided by some mysterious figures. They have been collected in various sea areas and even in the first half. After giving various promises of the new world, the supernovas could not resist the temptation and rushed to the Chambord Islands one after another to prepare Enter a new world.

I don't want to, but I met Liu Xu when I was in the Chambord Islands, and I was beaten countless times, and those mysterious people never appeared again.

This incident made Liu Xu startled into a cold sweat. There is such a thing in Supernova. So, who is this person who guides them?

"Do you know the identities of those people?" Liu Xu asked seriously.

This matter is no small matter, and we must pay attention to it. He seems to feel a kind of uneasiness in the dark, as if a pair of dark hands shrouded the world, making him immediately cautious.

Bonnie shook her head, her face full of confusion.

"I don't know, we don't know the identities of those people at all, and they haven't been exposed from the beginning to the end. They only said that they would come out to help us at critical moments, but we haven't seen anyone until now!"

Liu Xu's complexion changed, he hid it really well, these people were able to hide it so deeply, even when he entered the Chambord Islands, he didn't find anything unusual.

"Bonnie, this matter is very important, be sure to pay close attention to it, and talk about the characteristics of those people."

"Well, they are all wearing black robes, very ordinary robes, and there is nothing special about them. Ah, yes, they usually act together with at least five people, and the others don't know."

Saying it means not saying it, Liu Xu was ashamed, many people in this world have black robes, at least five people acted?Ordinary pirates have more than five people to act together!

To no avail, after asking about this matter, there is still no solution, and Liu Xu's worries are getting more and more intense.

The others seemed to have sensed something too, and the women fell silent for a while, not daring to disturb Liu Xu's thinking.

During Liu Xu's rapid thinking, the four ships also slowly approached the holy land of Marijoya.

The holy land of Marijoa, one of the roads leading to the new world.

This is the power center of the world government and one of the residences of the world's noble Tianlong people. It seems that the power and power of the whole world are gathered here, which makes people sigh.

How many people can enter such a power and political center?

It is the safest way to go to the New World from here, but you need to apply to the World Government. At the same time, due to the high mountain form here on the Red Earth Continent, the ship cannot go over it at all, and can only abandon the ship.


Chapter 2581 Looks like I'm still not famous enough!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


There is another road leading to the New World, and that is the Murloc Island located [-] meters below the seabed of the Red Earth Continent, from where one can also enter the New World.

It's just that the ship needs to be coated before going, and there are various sea beasts under the sea, some even reach thousands of meters in size, and only one swing can destroy the ship.

Therefore, if the Navy Headquarters leads to the New World, except for a few who use the Holy Land Marijoa, most of them still start from Fishman Island.

Located on the Red Earth Continent, you can see the majesty of the holy land of Marijoya, with its towering spires, prosperous market, and a large quiet luxury residential area. Elite guards patrol the residential area and perform their duties.

The area where the Tianlong people are located is that quiet area, there are few disputes, and the disputes between the Tianlong people seem to be very few.

Although there are many people, there is relatively little communication between them.

The warship is docked at the port under the Red Earth Continent. On the port is a patrol team composed of navy and world government soldiers. Liu Xu's warship can be seen from a distance.

"Who, get off the ship for inspection!"

The soldiers of the World Government shouted loudly. Hundreds of soldiers stood by, with their spears aimed at the warship.

And those marines slapped their foreheads, motherfucker, don't you know that it is the warship of the newly promoted General Lei Di?Now there is a good show to watch.

The warship dropped anchor, Liu Xu frowned, and led the soldiers directly off the warship. More than [-] navies and several famous people descended on the port.

"Navy, reveal your identities."

The soldiers of the World Government frowned when they saw Liu Xu and others. These people did not look weak, and they brought so many people into the seat of the World Government. What are they doing?

At the same time, those navies ran directly over and gave a military salute.

"General Thunder Emperor!"

Those words made the soldiers of the World Government stunned, and then they were dumbfounded.


A soldier couldn't help exclaiming, "Damn it, why is the general here?"Why have you not been notified?

In other words, the general is not very arrogant here, this is the world government, and there are world nobles who are high above.

"What's going on?" Liu Xu asked the navy who came over.

A person who looked like a captain stepped forward and whispered.

After listening to Liu Xu, he was immediately happy, there is such a thing.

Tsk tsk, this Holy Land Marijoya is so interesting, it's surprising that the Tianlong people can influence it to this extent.

"In other words, you should visit the head of the world government and lead the way!"

After Liu Xu said a word, he left directly, as if he didn't even notice those World Government soldiers.

"Stop, who allowed you to leave like this?"

The captain of the World Government soldiers was angry, he was so arrogant, don't they know who they are?asshole.

Liu Xu's footsteps stopped, and he slowly turned to face the hundreds of World Government soldiers.

huh?To be so arrogant directly to the generals of the Navy Headquarters, what are their identities?What's the basis?

"Looks like I'm still not famous enough! I don't even know the bastards holding chicken feathers as arrows!"

Liu Xu had no good words as soon as he opened his mouth, and directly ignited the captain's anger.

As an admiral of the navy headquarters, he naturally has his own arrogance, just like the team in the headquarters, if they are going to get angry when they meet, then Liu Xu will not hesitate to put them down.

Now the captain of the world government soldiers seems to be a little out of his mind?Could it be that this is going to let him step on people here?Just arrived in the world government's territory, you have to be ready to step on people, a good rhythm.

The soldier captain opened his eyes angrily, roared, and said, "No matter who it is, anyone who wants to enter the holy land of Marigioa must undergo an inspection. Now stop immediately and accept the inspection."

The soldiers under his command are a little confused, Captain, is this a bit too much?This is different from those guys in the past, it's not something that can be checked casually.

Liu Xu nodded slightly and walked towards the captain, resting his right hand on the handle of the Thunder Knife and slowly pulling it out, "Then, how do you want to check it? Sui Sui."

Contempt, complete contempt for the captain, as the thunder knife was drawn, the port was instantly flooded with purple lightning.

Threats, upright threats, even if they have that identity, they still threaten them.

I learned from the words of the navy soldiers that the identities of these soldiers stationed in the World Government are not simple. It was arranged by the Tianlong people here to observe all the people who entered the holy land Marijoa, and they would report to the Tianlong people anytime and anywhere.

After a long time, these soldiers naturally developed a posture with their eyes above the top. Everyone who enters here will be checked by them, and not many people have gotten angry. Only those world-famous top powerhouses do not need to accept it examine.

After all, those characters are too famous, and although Liu Xu is also very famous now, but they don't know it yet, and committed crimes.


Seeing that Liu Xu was so strong, the captain was a little dumbfounded, and wished he could slap himself.

Damn, I was so frightened just now, I shouldn't have!

Sure enough, habit is a terrible thing.

"Please wait, General Liu Xu!"

Just as Liu Xu was getting closer and closer, a steady and deep voice suddenly appeared, and a group of about twenty people, a strong man in a black suit, appeared, with uniform steps, serious demeanor, and serious eyes. long hours of training.

The appearance of these men in suits made the faces of the soldiers change suddenly, even the captain's eyes widened and he was stunned.

"Why did you come here?"

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