
Chapter 2584 Goodbye Madeline

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"What did these two men mention? Could it be..."

Liu Xu suddenly thought of a possibility, and almost spit out a sip of water. Could it be that Uncle Kong wanted to do that?

Sure enough, Sora quickly determined what he was thinking.

"Yes, let's arrest these two people! Although Zefa did not make any offensive actions against the World Government, after all, he betrayed the Navy Headquarters and set up a NEO Navy claiming to be the commander-in-chief. The reputation of the Navy Headquarters and the World Government There was a shock, so he was arrested. But try not to take his life."

These words were a bit tangled and contradictory, Liu Xu frowned, what was Kong thinking?Casualties will inevitably occur in battle, who can grasp it so accurately?Also, with regard to the character Zefa, is it really necessary to arrest him?Hey, things are too troublesome.

"Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief, I understand what you mean. If there is any encounter at that time, let's make a decision. Now I can't promise you anything."

Kong's eyes flickered brightly, and a faint smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Very well, then let's prepare for a big fight! Remember, the two devil fruits must not fall into the hands of pirates."

At the end, he added something, Liu Xu nodded slightly and left the office.

"Two devil fruits? Can't let the pirates get them? Tsk tsk, this rhythm is good, when the time comes, hehe... Uncle Kong, don't blame us."

Thinking of this, Liu Xu's footsteps became much lighter.

But he didn't know, when he left, Kong in that office suddenly laughed.

"Karp, you found a very interesting little guy, I don't know if he will be like you, hahaha!"


After leaving the empty office, Liu Xu led a few people waiting outside the door and more than [-] soldiers, followed the mighty navy soldiers who led the way and went directly to Madeline's residence.

As for the two devil fruits mentioned by Commander Kong, as well as the black-armed Zefa and the golden lion Shiji, these things will be dealt with slowly.

At present, it is better to clarify some things about the Tianlong people here, so as to save time and sorrow.

The residential and commercial areas of San Marigioa are full of luxury, with tall buildings, Gothic buildings and a large number of top restaurants.

Most of the residential areas are residences similar to mansions, some are even a manor or a castle, and some are high-rise buildings. Basically, no buildings are the same.

"General Lei Di, this is where the Heavenly Dragon Princess Madeline lives."

The soldiers who led the way also lowered their voices a lot after entering here. The people who come and go here are all Tianlong people. It is very eye-catching to bring so many people here.

Liu Xu raised his eyes and was speechless at this sight. The most eye-catching building in the entire residential area turned out to be her residence.

It is almost exactly the same as the European castle in the impression, with a romantic and solemn temperament, a high foyer and a grand gate, round arch windows and corner stone masonry, all of which are full of grace and luxury.

Many guards in black suits are constantly patrolling in the castle, and there are people stationed at all possible places that may be crossed.

Luxurious, Madeline's residence is really luxurious, Liu Xu was really shocked, such a building, such a high-strength defense has never been seen even in the Navy headquarters.

"His Royal Highness Bai Fumei's noble princess!"

Unable to hold back a sigh of admiration, Liu Xu suddenly realized that the world was too crazy.

The faces of the other people were also very strange. Although they had known for a long time that General Liu Xu had a fiancée from a Tianlong person, and her status was still very detached, they did not expect to be so detached!

Only Tina is relatively clear about Madeline's identity, so she feels very at ease.

As soon as they reached the gate, a group of strong men in suits came out, and they seemed to be ready.

"General Liu Xu, please follow me."

After finishing speaking, the strong man led the way directly, and Liu Xu's subordinates also followed into the inside.

Under the leadership of the man in the suit, he soon saw Madeline, but there was a small accident, only Liu Xu and his few women were able to enter inside.

When you come to someone else's territory, let's show some face. Liu Xu left a group of people outside and walked in with a few women.

The spacious and luxurious room was exactly the same as the one she had in the naval headquarters.

"You came."

As soon as the door was closed, a clear and cold female voice appeared. Liu Xu followed the voice and looked over, still wearing the familiar attire.

A very beautiful and charming woman, brown curly long hair is neatly trimmed, tall and slender, eyebrows like crescent moons, eyes like stars, face like lotus, smile like a witch, every frown and smile touches people's hearts.

She was wearing red crystal high-heeled shoes, which perfectly set off her slender and straight calves. She was wearing red half-finger gloves with gold trim, which set off her white and slender slender fingers. The red satin windbreaker covered up her exquisite figure. stand up.

It seems that she likes this kind of dress very much, and has always been so.

At this moment, she was leaning on the red bench sofa, squinting at the people at the door, her eyes revealing a touch of pride and confidence.

"Madeline, I have come to see you as promised, do you have anything to say now?"

Madeline didn't answer his words, but got up and sat upright, and gently pointed to the sofas below.


Liu Xu raised his eyebrows. Every time he faced this woman, he always had a strange feeling. It seemed that what he was facing was a queen who looked down upon the world.

However, there is the queen of the daughter country who I think is authentic by my side, and I have never felt such a strange feeling on her body!

She walked over with a few women, and after she sat down, Madeline said: "I've been waiting for you for a long time, and your speed is very slow, which makes people a little disappointed."

"Also, who are these?"

As she spoke, her eyes turned to the five women, her fingers tapped on the armrest lightly, thoughtfully.


Chapter 2585 Did you tell me?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Huh?Why did the topic turn to women?

Liu Xu was puzzled, and said very bachelorly: "My woman, what's wrong?"

"Oh?" Madeline raised her chin slightly upon hearing this, "Did you tell me?"


Liu Xu sprayed decisively, tell you?Why should I tell you?

Messy, utterly messy.

The faces of the five women were also filled with displeasure. This Princess Madeline is too condescending. Who does she think she is?Really.

"Stop talking nonsense here, why do you want to tell you? Humph, whoever he wants to be with is his freedom, and you have no right to interfere."

Nami was the first to come out to oppose, full of righteous indignation, and the stalwart that was difficult to grasp was surging due to the atmosphere.

The other women are attached. The first impression of this woman is destined to not be so good. I really don't know how the two of them have such a relationship.

"Little girl, sit down and ask you later."

Madeline didn't care about Nami's words at all, and didn't even look at her.

Nami is extremely angry, this princess is so irritating, it is simply unbearable, and she will immediately refute her words.

"Nami, sit down, I'm here!"

Liu Xu's voice sounded at the right time, suppressing Nami's anger.

Nami snorted and sat down again.

"Madeline, I once said that I won't be the only woman of you. This has been made clear a long time ago. Moreover, since you want to be my woman, you can only be my woman alone. You understand."

Liu Xu's words were not polite, even domineering.

His woman will not have only one, but his woman will always have only one man like him, this will never change the fact.

Madeline remained silent. Liu Xu had said these words before, and she had already promised at that time that it was not in her character to violate her promise, so she would not pursue this matter any longer.

"That's my rudeness, sorry. But, I hope you can explain one thing clearly. Why did you have sex with other women before marrying me? You are very disappointing."

intimacy?These words were said by Madeline as if they were very common things, without the slightest bit of embarrassment.

Still with that lofty posture, her beautiful eyes are soft and cold, as if she is judging a courtier.

As a princess of the Tianlong people, she has such capital and absolute authority.

The indifference on her side and the obvious questioning gaze really made several women tangled up, and a red cloud flew up on their faces.

This, Her Royal Highness seems to be very sturdy, stronger than any of them.

In other words, it seems that she is the first woman to establish a relationship with Liu Xu, and those relationships have not occurred until now.

In this way, did they intervene forcibly?Snatching away the first time that should belong to her, this, this...

Thinking of this, the displeasure on the faces of the women gradually disappeared, and turned into embarrassment, the psychological defense line was completely defeated by Madeline's words, which showed the ferocity of the other party.

Liu Xu also had a weird face, why are you so direct, can't you be more tactful?

Now, uh, what should I say?Could it be that there is going to be a tearful battle between the original partner and the third, fourth, fifth, and N?Tsk tsk, no way, that's the rhythm of death!

With a little hope, Liu Xu coughed and said, "This, can you not talk about this?"


Madeline's tone was very slow, making people's emotions change along with her thoughts, it seemed that every word of her had the ability to change people's emotions.

Disillusioned, Liu Xu only felt chills in her heart. She wouldn't want to dwell on this issue, would she?Meow meow, it's impossible to make a big move.

"Well, you should understand that when a man and a woman are together, it is easy to have a detached relationship. Everyone has a desire for these things in their hearts, and if they get along for a long time, if you love me, is it strange to have a relationship? You and I are in a relationship. We're not going to spend more than three days together, right?"

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu stared fixedly at the other party, and Madeline also looked at him with beautiful eyes, with no sadness or joy on her face, only the "dong dong" sound of her fingers lightly tapping the handrail echoed in the room. , making people's heartbeat fluctuate with the frequency of tapping.

Looking at each other for a minute, Madeline still maintained that state, the look in her eyes seemed to be looking at a very ordinary thing, and what Liu Xu said didn't seem to have any influence on her.

Liu Xu felt a little defeated and collapsed, so it's easy to spark sparks when looking at each other like this, okay?What should I do if the young master can't bear it anymore?

After a while, Madeline withdrew her gaze from his eyes, leaned on the sofa again, stroked her hair lightly and said leisurely: "You can't talk nonsense! Don't say such orders in my place. If people are disgusting, it doesn't matter if you have sex with them, but her, do you understand what that means?"

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