The slender hand pointed at the empress Boa Hancock, making several women confused. So, what does she mean by this?What happened to Hancock?Why target her?

As soon as Liu Xu's face changed, he thought of many things in an instant.

This Tianlong princess has a noble status and has an extremely powerful underground intelligence network. She knows many things about herself, even some things she didn't notice.

Then, she can easily obtain another identity of the empress.She must have already obtained the information of these women around her.

"what do you mean?"

Liu Xu stood up abruptly.

"You seem to care?"

The corners of Madeline's mouth curved slightly, her tone was neither slow nor slow.

There are too many meanings in one sentence. This woman who has always maintained mystery and nobility makes people unable to understand her thoughts. It seems that there are too many things in her heart, which are shocking.


Chapter 2586 The Queen's Secret

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"I naturally care about the woman who is destined to follow me all my life. So, what do you mean?"

Liu Xu's face was a bit ugly. The Empress is a person with strong self-esteem. Once others know her former identity, it is hard to imagine what kind of state she will be in. I am afraid that anything may happen.

Sure enough, when Madeline asked those words, the Empress' face suddenly turned pale, her beautiful face was bloodless, and the pupils of her eyes trembled slightly, as if she had suffered some major blow all of a sudden.

All kinds of things from the past kept appearing in her mind, and the mark of shame on her back might follow her all her life until the end of her life.

If there is no accident, this matter will be permanently sealed, and no one else will know.

Now, the empress understood all of Madeline's words. The other party definitely knew her other identity and her past of despair. So, what should she do?

"It sounds good, I'm very satisfied." Madeline glanced sideways at Liu Xu, her slightly raised head was full of demeanor, showing her nobility and aloofness, "However, what can you do for her? What can you change for her? Can you get rid of that kind of thing?"

Several consecutive questions made Liu Xu's heart beat violently. Every question she asked was straightforward, straight to the point, and touched the depths of his heart.

I once thought of a way to help the Empress get rid of such a mark, but in the end I still didn't think of a way to solve it.

In other words, her words seem to imply another meaning, could it be that she has any way to solve it?

"I will find a way to solve it, and when I can't solve it, I will keep this secret forever."

Liu Xu's words were so firm that the other party turned their heads to look at him, and a flash of joy quickly flashed in their beautiful eyes.

This man is getting more and more interesting.

Several other women intuition that there must be something important here, and it is about Hancock. Once this thing is exposed, I am afraid it will surprise many people.

"What if, I have a way to remove that mark?"

In a word, the two people saw hope and made them ecstatic.

"What can you do? How to solve it?"

Liu Xu took two steps forward, clenching his fists slightly.

"You are so excited now, sit down and I will talk to her in person."

Madeline pointed at the seat, very forcefully.

Liu Xu felt aggrieved all of a sudden, what the hell is going on.

However, now that it involves such an important matter as the Empress, one can only sit down and wait for the development of the matter.

The empress also stood up, quickly stepped forward and walked directly to the sofa where Madeline was, staring at her closely.

"What conditions do you want, say it, and what I can do will definitely help you do it."

Although the most important thing is held by the other party, the Empress still has her usual arrogance and will not admit defeat so easily.

The queen of a country and the princess of a Tianlongren family stand together, and the identities of the two alone can attract the attention of countless people. In addition, their unique and beautiful looks add countless auras to them.

Standing together, two people seem to be able to attract all eyes and become the most dazzling star.

"Very stubborn eyes, but, only this is not enough."

Madeline looked up at the empress in front of her, her face expressionless, it seemed that the identity of the other party did not put her under any pressure.

"What do you need me to do?"

The simple answer is that both of them are standard queens, but they are slightly different in breath and temperament.

"Since it's such a shameful thing, these people present are people who are closely related to you. Do you dare to tell your past here?"

Madeline's tone was very flat, as if this was an insignificant matter.

The empress's persistent face changed, and her eyes were sharp in an instant. Unlike the coldness of the other party, her sharp eyes carried a kind of anger.

"If you can say it, then your mark can disappear immediately."

Throwing out an extreme temptation, this condition has an irresistible temptation for the empress, but she really can't open her mouth to say those things.

In the first confrontation between the two, the Empress seemed to be at a disadvantage, being restrained by Madeline, she was walking according to her thinking and route.

"Speak up! I don't like waiting!"

As if hypnotized, Madeline's words made the empress's fair hand tighten, and she struggled and wavered inwardly.

"That's enough, don't force her anymore." Liu Xu couldn't stand it any longer, so he stood up and said.

"It's none of your business, sit down. If you don't say anything, is it appropriate for these people to hide these secrets?"

Madeline didn't look at him, her gaze was still on the Empress's face, even if the other party was the high and mighty king of a country, even if she was the powerful Qi Wuhai, she would not flinch in the slightest.

Liu Xu's breathing was stagnant, what Madeline said was very correct, it was indeed an inappropriate thing.

Even when the few of them were making troubles together, the empress was always covered with a layer of coat on her back, and few women noticed her secret.

However, paper cannot keep fire after all, and there will always be a day when it will explode.At that time, I'm afraid there will be some grievances between them.

The Empress' clenched fist gradually loosened, and the struggle in her eyes gradually loosened.

"Okay, I said!"

The Empress' clenched fist gradually loosened, and the struggle in her eyes gradually loosened.

One sentence made Liu Xu look complicated. Has Hancock really prepared himself?

If it is to eliminate the imprint, will it affect her heart in the future?

Unknowns, these are unknowns, and Liu Xu dare not say for sure about such a wonderful thing as the human heart.


Chapter 2587 screening and statement

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"You should have been like this a long time ago. You have to let go of everything by his side and only focus on him." Madeline nodded lightly, and said: "If you can't do this, then the only option is to leave .”

Her words were very certain, which made other women feel weird. What did she mean?What is this for?

The Empress nodded and said, "Then you all just listen!"

Immediately, the empress told her past, from being auctioned off as a slave of the Tianlong people when she was young, to being rescued as the king of the daughter country and Qiwuhai, bit by bit, without any omissions.

Nami and the others were stunned. It was really surprising that this empress Boa Hancock, known as the most beautiful woman in the world, would have such a dark past.

To be imprinted with such a mark represents the status of a slave, an inferior status.

However, she became the famous Qiwuhai and the queen of a country, and no one in the world knows about it.

Crazy, so crazy.

Telling her past in one breath, the empress clenched her fists tightly, and continued to look at the princess Tianlongren who made her feel a little powerless. Next, what kind of trouble is she going to make?

No, after hearing what she said, Madeline didn't laugh, but her beautiful eyes revealed a look of relief, she stretched out her hand to grab the Empress, took her to the sofa and sat down.

"That's right, it's good to say it, so that you won't be on guard all day."

Smile, there was an obvious bright smile on her face, which surprised Liu Xu. Could this woman be a multi-faceted girl?

The empress was also stunned. In her mind, the princess should have tried her best to humiliate her and completely crush her. How could she be talking to her like this now?

Weird, so weird.

"Aren't you trying to humiliate me?"

The empress looked at each other with doubts, struggles, humiliation, anger, and unwillingness.

"What does your past have to do with me?" Madeline's light words completely refuted the Empress's words, "He is very worrying, so he needs women who follow him wholeheartedly. I will take care of these women one by one. Screening, you have passed."

The Empress was stunned, and said, "Thank you."

Unknowingly, Madeline was influencing her thoughts, and even influencing the thoughts of several women present.

filter?Can they be passed?

With such a strange feeling, they actually longed to be screened by Madeline, and felt a little anxious, what kind of screening would she carry out next?

Looking at Madeline who seemed to exude some kind of strange aura, the other women secretly sweated.

Admiration, complete admiration, it really is Madeline of Queen Fan, every word is straight to the heart, and the aura she inadvertently reveals makes people deeply influenced by her.

Strong, decisive, wise, and proud, her image has already been established in the Navy Headquarters, and even Sengoku and others can only follow her wishes when facing her.

"Those things have been said, so what now? What are you going to do now?"

Madeline still maintained a leaning posture, her eyes swept towards the empress sitting next to her.

She is such a magnificent beauty, even she was a little surprised when she saw it. It seems that there is no other beauty like this in this world.

"Now? Follow him, it's that simple."

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