The empress seemed to have let go of some of the grievances in her heart, and she spoke a lot more freely, but it may take a long time to truly erase the resentment towards the Tianlong people.

Madeline raised her eyebrows, raised her jaw slightly as if pointing something, and said, "No matter what he will go through, you will always follow him, right?"

It seems to be asking, but she is very sure, and she doesn't even give the Empress a chance to refute.

"of course."

"So, what about the future? If what he does in the future is unacceptable to you, what will you do?"

future?This word made the empress frowned slightly, why bother to ask so many questions?Didn't you already answer clearly just now, will you follow him all the time?

"Of course the future will follow him. Love is like a storm, which can never be stopped."

Having said this, the empress' eyes softened, shining with a crystal soft light.

With an affirmative answer, Madeline then sat upright again, and said softly: "Very good, you have passed my test thoroughly, you are qualified to follow him, give your heart and soul in the future, you won't regret it."

"Thank you."

With a slightly grateful tone, Liu Xu was really surprised that such words were uttered from the mouth of the Empress, a woman who is proud, narcissistic, and easily despises others.

Liu Xu now feels that his brain is not enough, what on earth is Madeline going to do?Can you stop being so secretive and be more straightforward.

From entering the room at the beginning, Madeline's forceful words, and Liu Xu's relationship with other women first, to the matter of the empress later, everything seemed to be firmly seized by Madeline, pulling everyone's attention Thoughts followed her.

She is so smart and wise, this princess is not simple at all!

"So, how about you?"

In the end, the Empress turned her gaze to the other four women, with a hint of doubt and majesty in her eyes.


Liu Xu gasped, and was taken aback by the other party's look. Her eyes were very sharp. Even if she was a delicate and weak woman, such eyes were enough to make many people's hearts beat wildly.

"Of course we followed him."

When asked about it, Nami was the first to come out and express her opinion. There must be no hesitation in this matter.

An affirmative answer, the answers of the several women were all consistent, causing Madeline's eyes to shine, and she said leisurely: "Very well, then remember your choice, and no one will be allowed to change it in the future. "

"Of course it won't change!"

Tina said with certainty, the tone of the women was a little weaker than the other's without knowing it.


Chapter 2588 Well, you can give it a try

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Papa! Papa! Well, the matter is over here. Now, it's time to talk about the two of us."

Liu Xu walked up to the other party and sat down directly, his eyes swept over her body unscrupulously, unaware that there was anything wrong with it.

"Don't look at me like that, it's annoying."

Madeline's eyes were slightly cold, could this guy have changed?Impossible, absolutely impossible according to the information obtained.

"I once said that one day I will make you surrender to me and show you the side that a woman should have. I will do what I say."

Liu Xu's unscrupulous eyes were full of strong desires. He had been led by this woman for more than three years. Now it's time for the peasants to turn themselves into landlords. They must, definitely, definitely whip this woman severely Let her know that we are not so easy to bully.

A woman should look like a woman, no matter how noble your status is, no matter how powerful your strength is, no matter how powerful your power is, you will eventually become a little woman, no surprises.

The naked words made several women present feel ashamed, how, how could you say such things to her?Not so good?

On the contrary, Madeline accepted such words naturally, and asked back: "Then do you have such ability now?"

"Do you think I will have such an ability? Now, I am an admiral of the Navy Headquarters, and I have created my own glory. Do you think I will have it?"

"Then, you can give it a try."

Madeline's tone was flat, and Liu Xu always felt that his fists hit the air, and he was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

"You guys go out first! Hancock, come to me tonight and help you get rid of that mark."

After the words fell, the women hesitated for a moment before getting up and leaving, while the Empress was trembling in her heart, showing a little excitement.

Eliminating that imprint is too important to her, I believe it will make her see a different life.

After the women left, there were only two people left in the empty room.

After a full half a minute, Madeline spoke first, and said, "Your current achievements have surpassed the average person's by a lot, do you want to try it now?"

Huh?Liu Xu was a little dumbfounded. Is this the rhythm of giving benefits?

God, it's too exaggerated!

Sure enough, she is not an ordinary woman, and her work is elusive.

When happiness comes, there will always be a little unreality, a little disbelief, and a little nervousness.

Liu Xu became nervous, what should he do now?How to clean up this mess?A few women were waiting outside, but now he is doing these things here, isn't it good?At least, at least wait until the dead of night to quietly drip!

"Heh, don't be nervous. Since you have performed very well during this period, try again when you have a chance. I believe it will not be far away."

Seeing Liu Xu's distressed appearance, Madeline seldom laughed. When she smiled, she was like a fragrant lily, and when she smiled, she was like spring flowers and autumn moon.

All over the country and the city, the six palaces have no color, and Liu Xu can't help but be attracted by this beauty.

This woman can always make his mood fluctuate violently.

This woman occupied a corner of his heart for more than three years.

This woman made two shots in more than three years, but it was one of the foundations for her such high achievements.

"Now, are you interested in hearing about the Tianlong people's family? The [-] existing families, except for some waste materials, I believe it will be very helpful to you in the future. A deep understanding of the past and their current situation of these families, in the future Only when you meet them can you think of a solution. These people are different from supernovas and white beards, they are the kings of the underground, and they have the power to shake the whole world, and even subvert the whole world."


Liu Xu sprayed decisively, the king of the underground?The power to subvert the entire world?God, what else is there that he doesn't know?Commander Kong has said a lot before, is there anything else he missed?

"Tell me! What's going on with the Tianlongren family, and your family, why didn't I see other Tianlongren."

"I know you'll listen."

Madeline's legs were stacked together, and every move she made showed her aristocratic demeanor that was different from ordinary people.

The only remaining member of Madeline's family is a Celestial Dragon like her, and in the entire holy land of Marijoya, this seems to be a family that is about to decline.

However, things are indeed moving in this direction.

The previous family was extremely powerful and had a very high status here.

But when his parents got old, only Madeline was the only nobleman left in this family.

When everyone thought that this family was about to decline, Madeline went against the trend and tried her best to turn the tide. She actually steadily maintained the family's reputation and even strengthened the entire family.

Now her family has a very high status in the holy land of Marigioa, and it also occupies the most luxurious area in the residential area.

But this situation may not last for a long time. With the passage of time, it may be a few decades before she grows old, and the family will come to an end.

Liu Xu doesn't know how much effort she has put in to support such a huge family, but she also deeply admires it. Although she didn't say it clearly, she is definitely an astonishing king.

Some of the other Tianlongren families also have extremely powerful forces. Behind them, they affect the trade, intelligence, economy, power, etc. of the entire world, and they are very powerful.

When their power is exposed to people, it will cause great shock.

There are forces of Tianlong people in the four seas, but they are hidden in the darkness.

There are also the first half of the great route. Of course, these are not scum like Roswald St. in the Chambord Islands, but powerful, mysterious, and powerful forces that envelope the entire underground world.


Chapter 2589 The real king of the whole world

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


In the new world, the sea area where the Four Emperors ruled the world, and the territories of the pirate groups from all sides there, but in such a territory, there are also the forces of the Tianlong people, very secret forces.

Madeline's family is an incomparably huge family, supported by her alone, the powerful intelligence network almost covers the entire world.

It can even be said that her family is a well-deserved top family in the Holy Land.

It's just that she still has a feeling that it is difficult to break through the sea area in the new world.

Liu Xu's heart was beating violently when she said everything about the internal affairs of the Tianlong people. What is the purpose of this woman?Why do so many things?

"Having said so much, what do you want to do?"

In the end, Liu Xu couldn't help but ask.

Madeline said softly: "If my family develops according to the current situation, it will be completely terminated when I die. In order to prevent this situation from happening, I must find a suitable man, someone who can make my family happy. I trust the man who has the ability to help me support this family. In the future, his children and I will inherit this family and rule the world. In order to prevent future disputes from affecting our children, we must integrate all Tianlongren families into one Together, this can avoid disputes.”


Liu Xu took a deep breath and integrated all the Tianlongren families. God, what a powerful goal this is. According to what you said, there are so many powerful existences in the Tianlongren family. Is it so easy to integrate?

Also, why did you think so far?future child?Is that all good in the future?

For a time, I can only express my deep helplessness for her strange idea. What else can I do?

"What? Do you think there is something wrong with my thinking? Don't you want our children in the future to not be bullied?"

Madeline stood up and looked down at him, a ball of flame condensed in her beautiful eyes, as if it could burn people alive.

Liu Xu sweated profusely, and said quickly: "No, no, how could I have such an idea. Ah, no, now is not the time to talk about this! Now you should talk about your plan, what exactly do you want to do? "

"Hmph, count you acquainted."

Madeline snorted and sat down again, tapped the armrest lightly with her fingers, her anger was immediately suppressed, as if it had never happened, it was still her unique noble temperament.

"New world, the new world you are about to go to. Pull out the foundation of the Celestial Dragons there, and the Celestial Dragons' family in the Holy Land Malijoya will lose their right-hand men. Together with my other troops, I want to clean up the Celestial Dragons here. easy."


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