Liu Xu swallowed hard, clearing away the foundation of all Tianlong people in the new world?Doesn't that mean that their power should be completely disintegrated, that is to say, those Tianlong people should be killed.God, how many shocks would that cause?Will it be attacked by many Tianlong crowd?

"From now on, you are the noble of the world and have the same identity as the Tianlong people. Use this identity to fight against other Tianlong people. Neither the Navy Headquarters nor the World Government can do anything to you. After all, it is a matter within the Tianlong people. The world government has no right to interfere."

Madeline has huge ambitions and plans against the sky, and she is currently implementing them.

Integrating all Tianlong people means the birth of one thing.

The king, the king who truly ruled the whole world was born, the most powerful and richest king in the world... Such an identity is more terrifying than One Piece.

"Let me think about it."

Liu Xu's eyes lit up, Madeline's purpose was somewhat similar to his own, the supreme throne, that is the supreme throne!

All of this seems to be echoing my own purpose, tsk tsk, is it my brother's aura again?

"Don't think about it, just decide!"

Madeline didn't give him time to think, and directly settled on this matter, causing Liu Xu's eyes to narrow slightly.

Big beauty, a little too cruel!

Thinking of this, Liu Xu moved a little closer to the other party, even leaning directly on the other party's body, turning his head to the other party's ear.

"If I help you accomplish this, what's in it for me?"

The scorching air blasted into Madeline's ears, making her feel a little strange, why did this man change so much all of a sudden?Stimulated?

Step back a day gently, eh?No way out?

The two bodies were tightly pressed together, Liu Xu turned his head and looked into her eyes, waiting for her last words.

Madeline moved her body, but she still couldn't break free from the opponent's suppression, she could only frown tightly.

"I'm already your woman, what else do you want? Isn't everything in me already yours?"

The remarks were very inspiring and made someone think differently.

"Really? Do you know what happens when a man and a woman are in the same room? Especially when the two are still in a very close relationship."

Liu Xu smiled charmingly, and hooked his hand on the other's exquisite white and tender chin.

The meaning was already obvious, Madeline naturally understood.

"So, it's best for women to listen to men obediently, no matter what."

"Really? What if I want to counterattack strongly? You, listen to me obediently."


The fiancée who has established her identity for more than three years, the aloof Princess Tianlongren, the peerless beauty who made countless people crazily yearn for, finally lost in the crazy journey, although she persisted until the last moment.

Liu Xu's heart is a bit conflicted. From this incident, it can be seen that he definitely has that kind of feeling for her in his heart, which is a good thing.

But the problem is that this Tianlongren princess has a very proud personality, and she is completely Her Majesty the Queen, who has made countless people surrender to her.

Even a queen like the empress showed her weak side under her power, and was attracted by her every move.


Chapter 2590 I will compensate you now

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


In his thinking, all women are equal, there is no distinction between high and low, let alone any hierarchy.

At most, that is, they themselves decide on a big sister to speak on their behalf.

After all, he has no way to say that he takes care of everyone to the extreme, and it is inevitable that there will be places that he cannot take care of.

So he was conflicted, would Madeline set up some kind of hierarchy?Or according to what she said before, these are just concubines?

Tangled, too tangled.

It may take a certain amount of time to change her view, after all, she is not so easy to win, although an intimate relationship has already taken place now.

Lie down halfway, looking at the sleeping beauty with her head leaning against her chest, she was full of thoughts.

At this time, he unexpectedly discovered the strange tranquility of the other party. Although there was still that lofty queen aura between her brows, her quiet sleeping posture and steady and long breathing made her look more like a goddess who had strayed into the mortal world. Can't help feeling pity.

Reaching out to smooth the slightly messy hair on her forehead, Liu Xu sighed softly.

It was just such a sigh that the other party reacted, and his eyes suddenly opened, like a dazzling galaxy, the slightly upturned eyelashes trembled slightly, and suddenly attracted people's eyes.

"You want to go back on it?"

At this moment, there was extreme indifference in those deeply fascinated eyes, and he sat up with his arms propped up, looking directly at the man who had taken away his most precious thing.

Dangerous, dangerous aura came from Madeline's body, making Liu Xu's eyes tremble. This feeling turned out to be domineering?

Looking at the objects that are constantly being suppressed to flatness and the cracks gradually appearing in the surrounding walls, all this shows that what she releases is the domineering arrogance!

"No, it's just a little emotional."

Liu Xu quickly explained, no matter how you put it, it is impossible for him to be that kind of man, how could he just leave after eating and wiping it off?A man like that doesn't deserve to be called a man.


Madeline gradually put away her domineering look, and there was still a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"Of course, of course it's true. We've all been like this. Do you think it's possible to deceive you?"

Liu Xu gave a dry laugh and scanned the other party's body.

Madeline didn't show any embarrassment at all, she nodded and lay down again without saying a word.

The atmosphere seemed a bit awkward, Liu Xu thought for a while and asked, "Did you use the domineering look just now?"

"What? Is it strange to have the overlord color? The overlord color is one's own qualifications or heredity. As the descendant of the twenty kings who founded the world government, do you think it's strange that I have the overlord color?"

Madeline's plain words left Liu Xu speechless for a long time. Indeed, since he is the descendant of those kings, how could he not have the look of a domineering king? It's a bit strange for him.

After staying for more than an hour, as the sunlight invaded the room, Liu Xu simply washed up and left the room. After questioning the guards, he went to another room, where five women lived together.

Facing the suspicious gazes of the women, Liu Xu blushed and coughed a few times.

"Huh? The smell is very strong, not from us."

The beautiful cook, Bonnie, came over, leaned her head and nose to sniff him, and finally looked affirmative.

It seems that her ability to eat goods still makes her very discerning, at least she can tell who the smell on Liu Xu belongs to at once.

Liu Xu laughed dryly, all of them seemed to want to eat him, what does this mean?

"Well, it's like this..."

He decisively recounted what had happened, only to hear a few women blushing and scolding coquettishly.

"Well, now I'll make it up to you."

Seeing the flushed faces of several women, Liu Xu couldn't hold back all of a sudden, and rushed towards them.


For half a month, I stayed in the Holy Land Malijoya for half a month, got a deep understanding of the affairs of the Tianlong people and the sphere of influence of the world government, and stayed with Madeline for half a month. .

Of course, he is not a person who treats others favorably. Naturally, the other five beauties cannot be neglected.

It's just a pity that after all, it was still impossible to gather the six women together for a good carnival.

Madeline couldn't let go of this face, she wouldn't do such a thing, at least for now.

The imprint on the Empress's back had already disappeared, and under the action of a bottle of potion, the imprint quickly disappeared, returning to the smooth and smooth skin before, which made her feel grateful to Madeline, which was really weird.

Today is the time to set sail again. To the new world, you can go directly from the holy land of Marijoya, but you have to give up the ship.

For Liu Xu, who worked hard to build a warship, it was really reluctant, and finally decided to sail from the bottom of the sea. The ship has been coated and can set sail now.

The five women and Liu Xu stood on the deck and waved goodbye to Madeline who came to see her off. Today is also the time to say goodbye.

"Liu Xu, I will find you anytime!"

Madeline said something towards the warship, her voice was very soft, but it could easily reach the warship.

Afterwards, she turned and left directly, followed by more than a hundred guards who followed their duties diligently.

Liu Xu looked in her direction, then turned around and waved his hand, saying, "Set sail, target, Murloc Island!"

Murloc Island is located [-] meters below the seabed of the holy land of Marijoa. It is a must pass to reach the New World. It is also the birthplace of most of the Murlocs and Mermaids.

Ships that want to come here usually have to cover their hulls in the Chambord Islands, and they can reach here safely by sailing with currents.

The residents of Murloc Island are mainly Mermaids and Murlocs. So far, the attitudes of Mermaids and Murlocs towards humans are not very good.

Especially the murlocs, they treat humans with disgust, and being able to kill humans is a very enjoyable thing for them.

The Mermaids on Fishman Island are different. Although they are on guard against humans, they will still be more welcome if they enter the new world.


Chapter 2591 One thousand meters underwater, the Murloc Pirates

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Dive to [-] meters underwater. Not every ship can reach it safely. After all, the underwater pressure is huge, and there are sea beasts with a body size of tens of meters, as well as those huge sea kings, and underwater volcanoes erupt at any time. A fatal threat to ships.

Among the four ships that were constantly diving, Liu Xu's mental network power was always on to pay attention to the situation of these ships. As long as there was an emergency, he could happen in an instant and make a judgment.

The sea water is very dim, and there is not a trace of light in such a deep water. The ship turned on the searchlights to patrol back and forth continuously, and all the lights on the ship were also turned on, providing some brightness to the surroundings.

However, the light suddenly appeared in this dark seawater, and it felt like a moving target.

Among the power of the heart network, countless sea beasts and sea kings swam here, some of which are tens of meters in size, and some are hundreds of kilometers in size, which is very terrifying.

More than a dozen sea kings swam over, looking at the bright light with ferocious eyes.

This little thing doesn't seem to fill my stomach, I'm really disappointed.

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