Ah, it seems that the coated ships can't be bombarded with cannons, and they can't be attacked casually inside. Otherwise, once the film cracks, the endless pressure will be instantly suppressed, and the human body can be pressed into Bolognese.

The sea beasts and sea kings with their claws and claws stared at the four ships in front. The sea kings with thousands of meters were the most prominent, and they seemed to be a little indifferent. There was too little food.

"[-] million volts. A thousand birds fly!"

Black lightning flew out of Liu Xu's hands in pieces, and even directly passed through the membrane to form a black flying bird with a wingspan of about one meter in the sea water, and instantly hit these super destructive beasts.

Black lightning came in an instant, penetrated the body of the sea beast in front and bombed the sea kings behind. Thousands of black birds penetrated the bodies of these sea kings in an instant, and the ship continued to dive.

It was easy to defeat these sea kings, and Liu Xu gradually put away his lightning power. If he was killed by the sea kings under such circumstances, he would be the most tragic general in the history of the navy.

Regardless of the crazily stirring of the seawater by the sea kings above, Liu Xu turned his attention to another threat, the volcano!

The eruption of submarine volcanoes can release countless magma, and it will push the sea water to form a powerful impact, making it difficult for ships to resist such a force and be crushed.

Even covered by that magma, the ship will soon lose power, and the outer membrane will also be broken.

Liu Xu, who didn't want to die, quickly issued an order: "Nami, control the rhythm and dive, I will support you at any time."

Liu Xu is the only person who can attack here without harming the coating. That kind of lightning transcends space, breaking through space and directly acting on objects.

Nami received the order, and the nearly [-]-meter-long warship was in her hands like a lightly dancing elf, quickly skimming the magma, and the warships behind were not so lucky.

Liu Xu repeatedly used black lightning to crush the magma that they couldn't avoid, and finally dived to the trench below [-] meters. With the permanent record pointer gifted by Madeline, he could easily find the location of the fish-man island. .

The huge Fishman Island was right in front of him, Liu Xu looked a little excited, as long as he passed through here, he could reach the new world, sail freely in that sea area, and create his own brilliance.

As for the black-armed Zefa and the golden lion Shiji, then we have to take time to see how to deal with them.

Golden Lion Shiji was a powerful pirate at the same time as Garp. He once invited Roger to cooperate, but was rejected by Roger. For this reason, he had a fight with Roger at that time.

If it hadn't been for a storm that destroyed most of his crew and saved Roger, I am afraid there would be no era of great pirates now.

From this, it can be seen how strong the fighting power of Golden Lion Shiji is. Naturally, one must be cautious when fighting such a guy.

As for why he was defeated by that stupid goose of Luffy in the original book, it can only be said that it was caused by the halo again, and the straw hat boy who opened the halo indiscriminately has a very powerful effect.

However, when his halo collides with Liu Xu's, what kind of sparks will be created?

"Now entering the new world, there should be no chance to meet that stupid boy Luffy in the future, tsk tsk, I really want to see how he is fighting now, and whether he has awakened the domineering look of overlord."

Liu Xu thought silently, if he could abuse that guy, that would be a good choice.

As for the black wrist Zefa, this is a tragic figure who dedicated his life to the navy, but ended up with a tragic ending, which can only be said to be a moment of silence.

According to Sora's statement, trying not to hurt his life, it can be seen that Sora is still very impressed with him, and even has another purpose.

"Black Wrist Zefa, I don't know how shocking this guy's power is, I'm really looking forward to it."

Just when he was thinking about it, Nami had brought several boats slowly approaching the fish-man island, where a faint light could already be seen, and the incomparably huge fish-man island could be seen.

However, some figures suddenly appeared in front of their ships, blocking their way.

These people who suddenly blocked the way made Liu Xu frown. This familiar appearance was definitely the murloc.

And there are so many people, there are tens of thousands of people, this is the rhythm of committing crimes.

With so many murlocs appearing to surround them, the people on the four ships inevitably panicked. The number of enemies is so large, and they are all murlocs who are familiar with water. It would be very disadvantageous for them to fight here!

"New Murloc Pirates!"

Liu Xu directly told the background of some people, which surprised everyone, Pirates?There are so many pirates?

Looking at the murloc at the front, Liu Xu looked serious. This guy is a very ambitious murloc. I'm afraid his plan is gradually unfolding now, but he doesn't know if it's the most critical moment.


Chapter 2592 This is a guy who is looking for smoke

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The New Murloc Pirates, the main members are composed of most of the Murlocs and some human pirates, the sphere of influence is mainly concentrated in Murloc Island, and the base is Noah in Murloc Street.

This is the pirate group that Captain Hoddy Jones thoughtfully managed. It has been secretly active before, and the number is huge, consisting of murlocs and some human pirates.

Due to Jinping's betrayal in the Battle of the Top, now that he has given up the title of Qiwuhai, he can no longer stay here on Fishman Island, so as not to bring disaster to Fishman Island.

It is precisely because of Jinpei's withdrawal that the new murloc pirates are now on the stage. They have inherited the will of a murloc and are ready to subvert the entire murloc island.

This is a vicious pirate group, needless to say.

Hody Jones is a murloc who grew up with resentment towards humans and Zenghe. He is an extremely cruel guy. Intercepting these ships that are about to enter Murloc Island is also one of his means of strengthening his strength. one.

Looking at the murloc pirates in front of him, Liu Xu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "This is a guy who is looking for smoke. Brothers, copy guys are ready to do it."

Fishman Island is right in front of you, as long as there is a chance to rush over, only Huan Zhong can abuse these murlocs.

Huh?General Liu Xu, can we not play like this?There are tens of thousands of people here, and you can't kill them even if you lick them!

Liu Xu, who didn't know what his subordinates were thinking, was eager to get rid of these murlocs, at least they couldn't keep these silly and happy guys here to harass the people, and it's not good to scare the flowers and plants!

"General Liu Xu, we are too small to handle them."

Tina made up the knife silently at the side, making Liu Xu's expression stiff.

Miss Tina, can we not play like this?At any rate, let this young master deal with these guys first before talking about it!

Confused, completely confused.

But Hody Jones, who was in front of the murlocs surrounding them, laughed loudly and said, "Human navy? How dare you come here?"

The word spread in everyone's ears, and the navy wanted to give him a slap and make this guy sober. We are the elite of the navy headquarters. Hey, if you have the ability, let's go to the land and see who is dead or alive. .

"Hey, Dabai, stand there obediently and don't move, this young master will let you know how fast your teeth grow in minutes."

Liu Xu yelled directly, this guy is looking for death, it's impossible not to masturbate like this.

"Little ones, rush over and land on Fishman Island!"

With a big wave of his hand, those naval soldiers who had been with Liu Xu for a long time suddenly yelled, "Damn it, General Liu Xu is going to start flirting again."

Nami took the helm naturally and activated the thrusters at the rear of the warship, only to see the entire warship rushing out like a sharp arrow, and rammed into Hoddy Jones in the lead.

Um?The development of the plot is a bit wrong. Shouldn't you be so frightened that your legs tremble, and then kneel down and beg for mercy?

Hody Jones couldn't calm down any longer. The warship approaching [-] meters hit it at full speed. If it collided with it, it would definitely be a meatloaf.

Also, this bastard actually talked about his proud teeth. Uncle can bear it, but aunt can't bear it.

"Give it to me!"

Hody Jones roared, and the whole person swam directly to his side...

At the same time, the same goes for the murloc pirates behind him, who swam directly to the side.

huh?Could it be that this is the wrong way to open it?Don't you want to go up?Why did you escape?

Liu Xu laughed, it seems that they are also a little afraid of this warship!

Tsk tsk, maybe you can consider expanding the warship again to scare the dead fish to death.

The other three ships followed the warship and moved forward quickly, and soon broke through the layer of bubble film on the periphery of Fishman Island and entered it.

As they passed through the bubble film, the coatings on the four ships also shattered at this time, and the four ships landed firmly on the Fishman Island.

As soon as he landed, Liu Xu roared and said, "Little ones, get ready to fuck!"

After speaking, he jumped onto the top of the warship, looked at the murlocs outside the bubble wrap, and saw that this posture was about to be abused?

After the fish-man pirates in the sea avoided the collision of the warship, they gathered together in a depressing manner amid the roar of Hody Jones, and quickly landed on the fish-man island through the bubble wrap. There were tens of thousands of pirates. Makes people tremble.

A group of navy soldiers pulled out their weapons, and without saying a word, they started firing their flintlock guns, shooting directly at the murlocs.

"Dabai, my young master will let you understand why Hua'er is so popular now, are you ready for the rhythm of being abused?"

With a roar, Liu Xu quickly entered elementalization and rushed towards the opponent.

Hody Jones' eyes popped out, damn it, for giving such a "cute" title in front of so many of his subordinates, you would be sorry to the murloc people if you didn't kill you.

Thinking of this, Hody Jones' eyes were red, which was a sign of his anger and bloodthirsty.

"Blow the water!"

With a palm shot, a water polo was released from his palm, directly attacking Liu Xu's face.

"Huh? Are you looking for a smoker?"

Liu Xu yelled angrily, Dabai dared to resist, and he was sorry for not masturbating.

After the elementalization was lifted, Liu Xu kicked the flying water polo, and the crystal water splashed into the air immediately.

Howdy Jones over there was taken aback, so he just kicked the water polo away?Still let people live?At least it's mean, let us save face!

Damn, let's hide in the back first.

After disposing of the water polo, Liu Xu turned around and shouted, "Hide, I'm going to kill these guys."

Huh?General Liu Xu wants to pick tens of thousands?This is definitely going to be against the rhythm of the sky again, dodge, otherwise it will be a sad reminder.

With this in mind, these naval soldiers, Nami and others hid directly on the warship, and then saw a strong coercion coming from Liu Xu's body, instantly sweeping everything around, and continuously spreading to the distance.


Chapter 2593 Master the Gate of the New World

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"




The coercion rolled over the body of the murloc pirates, and suddenly these murloc pirates were hit hard, and many of them fell directly to the ground, their eyes turned white, and their saliva was drooling. Only the slightly stable breathing can prove this. People haven't hung up yet.

Tens of thousands of murloc pirates were directly stunned by this pressure in an instant, which shows the horror of the overlord's domineering, and it is indeed very useful when dealing with these little guys.

On the field today, only Hody Jones and a few cadres who were farther away were not directly stunned.

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