Looking at these pirate members lying on the ground in disorder, Hody Jones is completely uneasy. How could such a cruel person come from here? He is even more terrifying than the previous Jinbei. Can this still be fun to play with?

This side is sad, but Liu Xu over there is smiling. He is naturally very clear about Hody Jones' purpose.

Most of the pirates or navy intercepted by him here were pulled into his own pirate group by him. For those who disobeyed, it is very simple, just kill them directly. This is Hody Jones, extremely cruel murlocs.

"Dabai, are you convinced now?"

Yuebu came to the top of the opponent's head, Liu Xu's eyes were shining with a dangerous light, I really want to thank this guy for reminding me of one thing, a very important thing.

One of the ancient weapons, Princess Baixing.

To be able to communicate with Neptunes, and they are thousands of meters in size, what a ferocious power it must be!

If she has any ambitions, she can slaughter a country casually. As long as her power is unleashed, what kind of new murloc pirates can't be wiped out by her in minutes?

Such a powerful power, although it may not necessarily be obtained by oneself, but one thing is very important, that is Fishman Island...

Murloc Island is the only way for all the pirates to go to the new world in the first half of the great voyage. Except for some brainless ones who will pass through the holy land of Marijoa, the others must pass through here.

In other words, once you master this, it is equivalent to mastering the gate of the new world. When the time comes to see which newcomer is unhappy or the person in that new world is unhappy, the rhythm of closing the door and beating the dog every minute.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, Liu Xu licked his lips, that's what he wanted!

Fishman Island, this young master is going to decide.

As for the new murloc pirates who are trying to overthrow the royal regime in Dragon Palace City, I will mourn for you in my heart. Whoever made you hit the guns, good boy, things will pass soon, bear with it.

"Serve? You lowly..."


Before he finished speaking, Liu Xu let out a strange cry, kicked down from the air, hit the opponent's head with one kick, and knocked him directly to the ground, leaving only half of his body on the ground.

And those cadres are retreating again and again, ah, is today the day of disaster for the New Murloc Pirates?Why does God send such a guy to punish them?

Ignoring those small cadres, Liu Xu walked directly in front of Hody Jones and squatted down, half-closed his eyes, and suddenly swung his palm.


Crisp and melodious, this is a decisive slap in the face, and suddenly slapped the captain who was livid and a little scared.

This, this is not in line with science, it should be tortured at the beginning, or all kinds of crazy and cool declarations, why is it like this?

Humiliation, this is humiliation.

Huo Di Jones, who came to his senses, had red eyes and gritted his sharp teeth with a cold glow, which made Liu Xu's goosebumps rise all of a sudden.

"Bastard, you actually frightened the young master like this."

Liu Xu got angry, and punched the opponent directly on the head, his right arm was also attached with the armed domineering color, the whole arm became pitch black, one hand grabbed the opponent's chin, and the other directly grabbed the opponent's chin. Teeth, pulled out suddenly.


With a muffled sound, a neat shark tooth was pulled out by him, and fluttered to the side.

However, the other party's teeth grew again immediately, bloodthirsty eyes stared at the other party fiercely, to actually humiliate him like this, this is disrespectful to the murlocs, bastard!

Liu Xu was also jealous. Why are all these shark murlocs the same? Could it be that their teeth can grow infinitely?This young master doesn't believe in this evil anymore.

Angry again, Liu Xu pulled out the opponent's teeth, repeating the same action over and over again.

But those cadres have already weakened their feet, devil, this guy is a navy, he is a devil at all.

On the contrary, Nami and the others broke out in cold sweat. Why did this scene look so familiar?I vaguely remember that Murloc Aaron had his teeth pulled out by him in the East China Sea, and he was brutally abused in the end. Is history repeating itself?

Sure enough, as they thought, Liu Xu pulled out for more than ten minutes in a row, and the neat teeth beside him had piled up a hill, and the number was really appalling.

"No matter how you pull it out, you can't finish it."

Liu Xu stopped depressed.

"Pull teeth with us shark murlocs? Humph, are you here to be funny?"

Huo Di Jones grinned coldly, despised Liu Xu directly, and finally found a little confidence in the other party.

Sharks can lose and grow teeth continuously, and can replace thousands of teeth in a lifetime.

And the shark murlocs inherited this point, and even played it very well. Their teeth can grow back quickly after falling out, and the number is even more terrifying, making people break out in a cold sweat.

Liu Xu was silent. This guy, if he doesn't do anything, he won't die, doesn't he know?

Unceremoniously, the domineering fist attached to the armed color smashed directly on his head. This kind of guy who is not smart just needs to hit him until his brain is bright.

"Oh, what a poor fellow."

Nami and the others, who already knew the ending of the future, sighed deeply, but they were also shocked by the effect of domineering arrogance just now, tens of thousands of pirates!

Although they are murlocs, they are not small fish or shrimps. They are living murlocs and pirates whose body shape surpasses that of ordinary humans!


Chapter 2594 The harem is very harmonious

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Sister Hancock, what was the captain's move just now? Is it domineering?"

Nami turned her head and asked the tall Hancock beside her suspiciously.

Hancock smiled and said: "It's the domineering look of a king. It is the domineering that only a person with the potential of a king can appear among millions of people. It is very powerful. It can have the effect of deterring the enemy. The one just now is The effect of Qin's domineering look and arrogance is very powerful."

The empress is so sure, so it's basically right.

Nami sighed fiercely, and said: "It would be great if I also have such a domineering spirit, so I don't have to worry about being bullied."

"Bullying? Whoever dares to bully you has to ask my concubine's opinion."

Hancock unconsciously reveals her arrogance, which is the temperament she should have.

Nami giggled, holding the back of her head with her hands and said, "Sister Hancock is the best."

"Nami-san, isn't sister Tina bad? Tina is very sad."

Tina was a little sour, anyway, they were the first to have such a thing with Liu Xu, how could they hurt her so much?

"Ah? Sister Tina is also the best, hehe."

Nami, a clever ghost, changed her tune all of a sudden, and a smile appeared on Tina's face, rigorous and comfortable.

"However, some people seem to have forgotten about us."

Robin shook his head, and read a book with both hands, reading?Is it appropriate to read a book in this scene?Robin big beauty.

Looking at Bonnie on the side, she nodded deeply, representing her silent protest.

"Robinson is of course also very good, Bonnie, little brat, what are you doing to join in the fun?" Nami first went over to hug the former's waist, then turned her head and said to the latter with a fierce look.

Bonnie became depressed all of a sudden, anyway, we were also supernovas before!

Although it was added later, and he is still a chef, but you can't help but treat the chef as the best person!

"Ha ha!"

Robin smiled softly, and Tina and Hancock also had a stronger smile on their faces.

Liu Xu's harem is very harmonious!

A few women frolicking together, this is a pain for the other two single dogs, the captain has a lot of women, but we can only fall in love with the five-finger sisters every day, this is the rhythm of death!

In other words, how did Brayton, a reformer, get along with the five-finger sisters...

"Bang bang bang!"

Liu Xu punched down with one punch after another, and didn't stop until the opponent's eyeballs circled, and gently blew on his fist, life is so delicate.

Look at that Hody Jones again, there are several towers standing on his head now, but it looks a bit like that.

"Don't pretend to be dead. If you pretend to be dead again, this young master will cut your meat bun to let you know why the flowers are so red."

Some threats made the other party agitated, his eyes stopped rolling, his mind became more flexible, and his waist was straight.

"Don't, don't, what do you want to explain, old man?"

Hody Jones was forced to be helpless, and he said such a thing to a human being, because the humiliation just now completely shattered his self-esteem.

Humans can't kill murlocs?Stop teasing, now this young master will beat you hard, and you will be planted in the ground, what can you do?

"That's right, if you do this earlier, you won't have to suffer so much flesh and blood. Say, how many murlocs and pirates under your command have not come? How many human pirates have not come?"

Breathing stagnantly, Hody Jones felt chills in his heart. What does this guy mean by asking this?Could it be that he wants to wipe out his own pirate group?

Oh, Shet, that's absolutely not, can't say, absolutely can't say.

"No, no more." Hody Jones stammered with a blank look in his eyes.

Liu Xu keenly caught this slight change, and slapped him directly, giving his head a new level.

"Don't tell me the truth? I don't have time to waste so much time with you. My time is very precious. Now, let me tell you, my time is very tight."

As he spoke, he pulled the opponent out of the ground.

He was so aggressive, Liu Xu just didn't give this guy time to slow down, otherwise when his murloc's animal nature flared up, he would ignore everything, and even more so, he would not be able to ask anything.

Hody Jones, who was dazed by the other party's continuous words, felt his body slacken for a while, but was pulled out from under the ground, which made him see hope all of a sudden.

"I said, I said, also, there are more than a thousand people guarding."

Answering quickly, Liu Xu let go of the hand holding the other party's neck, snorted coldly, and said, "Isn't it okay to do this earlier? I have to be a bitch and let this young master abuse you."

With that said, he walked towards Nami and the others.

Behind Liu Xu, Huo Di Jones stared at the other party with cold eyes for a moment, and when the other party walked away, he roared angrily: "I will definitely tear you apart."

After finishing speaking, he took the lead and slipped away, and those subordinates quickly followed.

Liu Xu turned around, damn it, he had already run away.

It seemed that he was fooled by the other party. When Liu Xu wanted to pursue him, he had already run away, and he was immediately depressed.

"Captain, why don't you go after him?"

Bonnie came over and said with a smile, holding a piece of barbecue in her hand, which made someone a little uncomfortable to watch.

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