"Little maid, Bonnie, this is a bit misbehaving! I haven't even eaten yet!"

After speaking, Liu Xu snatched the barbecue and enjoyed it by himself, and said vaguely: "Don't chase after him, why chase after him, it will be useful in the future!"

Bonnie held back her mouth, Master Liu Xu, you are too bullying, I am hungry!

But the barbecue was already in someone's stomach, and he could only swallow while looking at the other's shiny hands.

"Mr. Captain, what are you going to do with him?"

Robin closed the book and looked at Liu Xu with dark and bright eyes, as if he could always play some different tricks.


Chapter 2595 The Mermaids Who Lost Asylum

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Hey, of course, it's to create momentum for my young master. I didn't expect it before. Now there is such a good opportunity in front of me. How can I miss it!"

The smile on Liu Xu's face made people's hairs stand on end. What kind of bad idea is this girl trying to come up with?

The few women who didn't understand what he was thinking simply stopped thinking about it. Anyway, the sky fell and he was still there. What were you afraid of?

"Little ones, jump up these fish and take them to meet our future allies."

Liu Xu's eyes shone like stars, and a perfect plan emerged in his mind.

Fishman Island, this is a very special and enviable place!

It was Whitebeard's territory before, and no one dared to invade it, not to mention the Qiwuhai like Shipei guarding it behind.

With Whitebeard's death and Jinbei's departure, there is now an empty stage here.

Even if there are some people from the Whitebeard Pirates guarding here, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

You know, this is the gate to the new world, how many people would want to seize it, some are human traffickers, some are emperors who rule the new world, and some royal nobles.

Murlocs and mermaids are the love of human traffickers, and these can be auctioned for very high prices, especially the mermaid beauties, which are even more heaven-defying, they are simply moving Bailey.

A group of navy soldiers raised their arms and shouted, and directly took a bunch of ropes from the warship and walked towards the murloc pirates, one by one.

Tens of thousands of murlocs, this is a lot of work, Liu Xu waited until his liver was shaking before waking up these murlocs and controlled them well.

Finally, it was done, and Liu Xu led the people directly to Longgong City.

Walking on the road of Murloc Island, this group of weird combination is destined to attract the attention of many people.

The navy seldom appears here, and even if it does come here, it is basically a direct pass, because this is Whitebeard's territory, and the navy will not stay here.

And now not only the navy has appeared, but tens of thousands of murloc pirates have also been captured, which makes them uneasy, but it seems that they have nothing to do now!

In the case of losing their guardians, their power was reduced to the extreme. In the face of the pressure of the powerful pirates from the new world, they were like a boat in the sea that could capsize at any time.

Therefore, the situation is unknown now, these mermaids can only watch those murlocs and pirates mourn for a while, who makes you so terrified!

Well, let's make people jump up now!

At the destination, Dragon Palace City, Liu Xu ignored the other mermaids, even those graceful mermaid beauties just took a glance at their long-sightedness and retreated decisively.

Outside the Dragon Palace, a group of mermaid guards looked nervously at the mighty team in front of them, almost crying in their hearts, ah!

How did you meet such a tough person?It's not here to attack, is it?Cough cough, should I consider reporting first?At least he could find an excuse to slip away first.

Standing still, Liu Xu looked at the mermaid guard and said directly: "Please go and inform Neptune that General Liu Xu of the Navy Headquarters is coming to visit."

Huh?Admiral of the Navy Headquarters?Why does this sound familiar?A guard seemed to remember something.

"Okay, this is the report."

After saying that, he ran away.

And the rest of the guards cursed in their hearts, she is too shrewd to think of this way, this is definitely the rhythm of slipping away!

Not long after, the guard ran back again.

"General Liu Xu, Your Majesty Neptune invites you in."

With a respectful attitude and a sincere tone, Liu Xu nodded, patted the other person on the shoulder and said, "Yes, he has a future and is much smarter than others."

Said and walked in with a few partners, the remaining soldiers continued to watch over the pirates to ensure that they had no chance to escape.

Neptune, the royal family of Dragon Palace City, the ruler of Murloc Island, his orange-red hair and beard are his symbols, and his surname is closer to that of a human.

"You are General Liu Xu?"

Neptune looked at the opposite person suspiciously, no matter how you looked at it, it was suspicious!

Although I have already understood a little bit, but it is too young, so young that I can't believe it.

Liu Xu rolled his eyes at him, sat down leisurely, and said, "Of course, what do you think? Neptune, your news is not so closed, is it?"

Nipton smiled awkwardly, then clapped his palms, and some mermaid beauties brought fresh fruit, and he had already thought about the next words.

"So, General Liu Xu, according to my guard's report, you seem to have caught some murloc pirates? I don't know why you are doing this?"

The relationship between the Murloc Pirates and the Mermaids would naturally not be good, and the two sides were even hostile in many cases.

There will always be situations where murlocs and pirates kill mermaids. He is naturally happy to catch some pirates now, but the person who caught these pirates turned out to be the navy.

This made him a little uneasy. You must know that this place was sheltered by pirates before!

"Why else? It's just that it's not good to come here empty-handed, so I specially bought some specialties. Hey, I'm exhausted, I just don't know if you're satisfied?"


Once accepted the protection of Whitebeard, one of the four emperors, and ended the tragedy of the mermaid and the murlocs being arrested and auctioned, the fishman island was jubilant for a time.

However, after Whitebeard's death, Murloc Island also fell into a kind of panic, which spread to everyone.

Losing the asylum, and stretching out such a special area, the rhythm of being abused every minute.

Amid all kinds of fears, the new fish-man pirates surfaced, making the already uneasy mermaid even more panicked.

Neptune already knew about Liu Xu from Jinping, and also had some understanding of such a young general as him.

It is precisely because he knows something about him that his heart is full of worries now. This guy will not suddenly lose his nerve when he comes here, and bomb the Murloc Island, right?Also, will he be detrimental to Fishman Island?


Chapter 2596 Meeting Ceremony

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Under the influence of various factors, Neptune's worry was almost written on his face.

Liu Xu's answer made him dumbfounded, specialty?Are murloc pirates a specialty?General Liu Xu, let's have a good chat, don't be so irritating, okay?

"General Liu Xu, what is your purpose? Are you going to the new world?"

Neptune asked cautiously, his liver almost trembled. Will this guy say something terrifying again later?

His idea was confirmed, Liu Xu smiled when he heard his words, waved his hand and said: "Nepton, you know the current situation of Murloc Island, it will be very dangerous for you if you lose your asylum. So you need a protector now, what about this young master, with a compassionate attitude, he cannot bear the invasion and bullying of the Murloc Island by foreign enemies, so he is ready to accept the identity of the protector of the Murloc Island, what do you think?"


A sip of the fresh juice spewed out gorgeously, Neptune opened his mouth wide, this guy, isn't this guy too ruthless?

He is a generous and kind but rather childish person, but he is also a king, a king who loves his people like a son. How could he accept a patron of unknown origin?

"I reject!"

Resolutely refusing, Neptune turned his head, dammit, this guy is definitely here to make trouble, and now I can be sure.

Liu Xu narrowed his eyes slightly, released the power of his heart net, deliberately lowered his voice, and said, "Oh? You refuse? Don't you know that Murloc Island, which has lost its asylum, will be attacked at any time? Hehe, if you want Why don't you take a look at the meeting gift I gave you first?"

"Meeting ceremony? It can't be those murloc pirates, right?"

Neptune kept thinking to himself, besides those murloc pirates, what else could there be?

"Hey, let's go and have a look, although you already know it's a Murloc Pirate."

Liu Xu put away his heart net, and laughed.

Neptune was so frightened by his smile that his body trembled violently, and he felt annoyed in his heart. He almost forgot that this guy's temper was not that good. If it was like what Jinbe said, he would be killed at any time. !

Poor thing, Liu Xu has established a very fierce image in some people's minds after the battle on the top, and he is a demon who kills without blinking an eye.

If he knew, it would only be a cry of injustice. All of this is the fault of the system. He asked this young master to kill so many people.

Depressedly following Liu Xu to the gate of Dragon Palace City, Neptune glanced at the captured murloc pirates, his eyeballs almost popping out.Why are there so many murlocs?God, why didn't the guard make it clear?

For a time, Nepton's eyes turned to the guards at the door, and those small eyes could not wait to swipe the other party a thousand times, are you so rude to the king?Why didn't we make it clear just now that they caught tens of thousands of pirates, so that we could be a little mentally prepared, bastard.

The guard's body trembled fiercely, and he quickly stood up straight without looking sideways.

"I'll let you clean the toilet next time."

He, who has always been generous, still didn't think of any terrible punishment, so he could only make this decision in his heart.

"Your Excellency Neptune, are you satisfied with this gift?"

Liu Xu said with a smile, his eyes showing narrow eyes, big beard, all this can only be blamed on your guards, people like to bully the king, tsk tsk, you just accept your fate!

Xinwang's advanced ability is to be able to hear people's voices. Liu Xu imitated Enilo's Xinwang and used the power of lightning combined with knowledge and domineering to be able to hear people's voices.

Just now, the heart network opened up to listen to the other party's voice, but he found out about this matter, and immediately came up with a plan to scare you, the bearded beard.

"Satisfied, satisfied."

Neptune's small eyes showed deep anxiety, this general is too ruthless, really too ruthless, if you catch a hundred or eighty pirates, it's fine, but why do you catch so many?

This number almost captured half of the new Murloc Pirates, right?God, there are more than [-] murloc pirates, and now they are lifted up by ropes, that is a delicious murloc skewer.

"Then, you can accept this great gift! Now let's talk about our affairs, how about?"

Things seemed to be proceeding step by step according to Liu Xu's plan, and he saw the dawn of victory.Hope is ahead, just a little more effort and you'll be done.

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