However, God just likes to joke with him, so Neptune waved his hand directly and said, "I refuse!"

huh?Rejected again?This is a bit unscientific, right?

Liu Xu's face turned dark all of a sudden, big beard, you are shameless!

His fists were clenched tightly, wishing he could punch him right now.

Nami and the others knew very well that the respected Lord Liu Xu was about to lose his temper, so hurry up and dodge it quickly.

"Big Beard, you must understand the current situation of Fishman Island, and you must also understand your current situation, why is your brain so unenlightened, this young master is for your own good, you must understand this young master The good intentions. Now, you can't use your life to make jokes, for example, someone is trying to kill you now, you have to pay attention, don't you?"

Liu Xu's eyes were half-closed, a faint light flashed across his eyes quickly, and he raised one hand.

Neptune broke out in a cold sweat, isn't this guy going to kill himself?Oh, Shet, the Navy isn't a good guy, my God, do you want to grant his request?What should I do after I promise?

Anxious, uneasy, and fearful, Neptune racked his brains to think of a way, but he still didn't know how to speak.


With a muffled sound, Liu Xu waved his raised hand fiercely, and saw an object flying quickly into the distance.

"Ah! I'm going to die!"

Neptune yelled when he heard the voice, almost crying with tears in his eyes.

Liu Xu's eyebrows were tangled together, and he couldn't help shouting: "Big beard, why are you crying like hell? This young master didn't beat you, but saved you. We are such an excellent young man, you want to wish this young master, you Is it due to beating?"


Chapter 2597 Alliance Treaty

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Neptune's personality is too childlike, and he can even cry and beg others, often making a fuss about it. The people of Fishman Island are deeply poisoned and have long been used to it.

Looking at the calm expressions of the guards next to him, it can be seen that people have long been used to it. A king who often ignores his own ministers and sneaks out to patrol alone, what else can they say?

Liu Xu grasped this characteristic of his character, and immediately went crazy.

With a roar, Neptune seemed to understand something, and the howling of ghosts and wolves stopped instantly, with a dull expression.

"Huh? Didn't hit me?"

Confused, what does this mean?What did he hit just now?

Liu Xu took a step forward and grabbed the other party's beard, and shouted: "Big beard, don't you know that someone tried to kill you just now, and it was this young master who saved you?"

The guards who were very calm around had already surrounded Neptune and the two of them, guarding them tightly, someone sneaked up, it was clear just now!

"Who? Who wants to kill me?"

Neptune is embarrassing, why is there such a thing?Unscientific!

"Vanderdeken IX, you should be familiar with this person, right?"

When a name came out, Neptune was startled, and the muscles on his face trembled.

"It turned out to be this guy, the hateful bastard, he appeared again."

Liu Xu let go of his beard with a chuckle, and said, "Now you should understand my sincerity, otherwise I won't save you, so I am a good man."

Neptune felt powerless to complain, are you a good person?If you are a good person, there will be no bad people in the world, what a "rich second generation".

Vander Daken IX was a bastard in Neptune's heart. It was a crime for an extremely ugly guy to write a love letter to his fourteen-year-old daughter.

After the pursuit failed, he unexpectedly attacked Bai Xing one after another, so frightened that Bai Xing had already stayed in the hard shell tower for more than eight years, and he dare not come out until now.

"So, now let's talk about this cooperation issue. You have to know that what Vanderdeaken IX is just a scumbag and wretched uncle, but his ability is very troublesome. So, as an ally's Conditions, how about I kill that guy?"

Liu Xu laughed wildly in his heart, thanking this wretched uncle for his help, otherwise he would really have to rely on force to conquer Murloc Island, which would be a very sad thing.

The extremely tyrannical king of the sea kings, the mermaid princess Shirahoshi, is an existence that people yearn for. She possesses the power that is believed to be able to destroy the world. If she can be trained well, she can guard the entire fish-man island with her own ability. .

Tsk tsk, raising a mermaid here seems like a very good thing.

Cooperation again?Neptune was deeply entangled in his heart, and looking at Dufang's posture again, if he didn't agree, I'm afraid it would still be a difficult life... Hey, I don't know if the people from the Whitebeard Pirates came over.

"Okay, then let's talk about cooperation."

Neptune finally let go. Without backup, the entire Murloc Island is very dangerous now.

First of all, there are the murloc pirates here, and then there are countless other powerful pirate groups in the new world, as well as the slave hunting team that captures slaves, which are all huge disasters.

Several people returned to the huge hall in Dragon Palace City and started talking.

The alliance treaty is very simple. The entire Fishman Island and the surrounding waters accept Liu Xu's protection. During this period, no matter it is the navy, pirates, world nobles, or anyone, Liu Xu must help if there is any sign of attacking the Fishman Island, including protecting this place. He must also protect the mermaids and murlocs when the slave hunting team appears.

Correspondingly, after Liu Xu paid for the fishman island, he must also pay something. First of all, he planted a special naval flag belonging to Liu Xu in the Dragon Palace City, and planted a flag in every place where he could land on the fishman island. The flag symbolizes the acceptance of his asylum here.

At the same time, the Fishman Island must also prevent some pirates or forces that are hostile to Liu Xu from entering and leaving the New World. The Sea King Poseidon and the Mermaid Princess Shirahoshi will continue to stay in the Fishman Island, but they must accept Liu Xu's training.

There is nothing in front. The most important thing is that Princess White Star makes it difficult for Neptune to accept. That is his precious daughter, or Poseidon, the sea king known as one of the ancient weapons. Why is this guy embarrassed to speak?

For a time, Nepton thought that he was definitely coming for Shiraishi, but now that the alliance treaty has been signed, he cannot be allowed to change.

"Don't look at me with those little eyes, this young master is not that Vanderdeken IX, nor is it a scumbag, the training of Bai Xing is for the purpose of kindness, otherwise she will be acquired by others, do you think Fishman Island can still exist? ?"

Liu Xu cut off his thoughts, so relaxed!

The alliance treaty was signed. Although it seemed that the Fishman Island had taken advantage of it, Liu Xu had taken advantage of it.

The ancient weapon Poseidon, the king of the sea, is such a powerful force. Now Liu Xu is training his strength. Isn't this a proper joke about the future of Fishman Island?

So Neptune was still aggrieved, but he couldn't refute it.

In the face of absolute power, Neptune understood, no matter how childish he was, that if he refused, the entire Murloc Island would be a bloodbath.

Instead of surrendering after being killed by countless citizens, it is better to directly choose to sign an alliance treaty, at least it will look better.

"This guy must be aiming at Shirahoshi."

Neptune was completely sure in his heart that this alliance treaty was completely for Shirahoshi, and it might be for the entire Murloc Island.

Controlling Bai Xing is equivalent to controlling Murloc Island!

Liu Xu is feeling better now, the first step of the new world has been determined, as long as the flag is planted and mobilized here, the entire Murloc Island will be under his control.

Well, there are still some small smashes that need to be dealt with!


Chapter 2598 Princess Baixing

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Now, take me to meet Shirahoshi, why don't you accept my training now!"

This remark made Nepton's heart more certain, and his face changed again and again, what should I do?

"Can I say no?"

Neptune spoke cautiously, keeping his last hope.

Liu Xu frowned. This young master is doing it for your own good. It would not be a good thing for the entire Murloc Island if Bai Xing's power didn't come up. Are you stupid?

Columbia, who was on the side, shook his head and bowed slightly: "Dear Mr. King, our captain asked to see Princess White Star, it is better for you to allow it, it is very beneficial to you."

Even a gentleman can't stand it anymore, he is always so procrastinating, when will he be able to renovate the world?

Robin also said: "Your Majesty, our captain did it out of good intentions, you should agree!"

After repeated bombings, Nepton's face was almost the same color as his beard. How can these guys make it seem like they are heinous villains, that is their own daughter.

"Okay, I'll take you there. But there is one requirement. We must stop Vanderdeken IX's actions against Bai Xing and ensure Bai Xing's safety."

When it comes to the safety of his daughter, Neptune is still cautious, although often lacking.

The hard shell tower, this is Princess Baixing's bedroom and shelter from hunting.

Because Van der Daken IX has been intimidatingly pursuing White Star and attacking the gate for a long time, there are many weapons thrown by Van der Daken stuck on the gate. Accurately throw the weapon to attack the target, and it does not matter from which direction.

However, if the attack is stopped halfway, it will not be able to attack the target, and he can only remember two marks at a time, which is a weakness.

In order to be able to attack Princess White Star in the future, King Van der Deacon IX had not washed his hands for eight years, and the sourness was unbearable for ordinary people.

The weapon inserted into the hard-shell tower made Liu Xu frown, using this thing to scare his future apprentice?Is this the rhythm of death?

Thinking of this, Liu Xu drew out the thunder knife directly, and saw a flash of purple light, and the countless weapons inserted on the hard shell tower were instantly shattered by a force and turned into nothingness.

Putting the knife away, Liu Xu stretched out his hand and was about to retreat to open the door, but his movements suddenly stopped, his ears moved, and he quickly turned around and punched.

When the fist was swung out, there was a piercing sound of piercing through the air, and Liu Xu's fist turned into pitch black.


The fist collided with the object flying in front, and I saw a meteor hammer with a diameter of more than two meters rebounding rapidly towards the flying route.

This sudden change made Neptune and the others stunned, but they quickly realized that it was the wretched uncle who came to attack again.

Liu Xu snorted coldly, and said: "This girl is looking for death, she didn't kill him just now, but now she's here again, you think I won't get angry if I'm kind, don't you?"

With the expansion of Xinwang's ability, his face changed again. The wretched uncle is wretched, and he ran away, bastard, why is this guy so fine?

In his heart net ability, the other party has run far away, and it is still a little troublesome to chase after him.

Van der Dyken IX clutched his right hand and quickly slipped away. He was already filled with infinite sadness. Today's two sneak attacks failed to achieve results, and he even injured his hand.

Damn it, if you don't put some medicine on this hand, it will be useless, and applying medicine, it means that the mark about Bai Xing will disappear.God, what a sinful thing that is.

"He ran away, and I'll kill him next time."

Liu Xu muttered, it is still his future apprentice that is important!

Neptune nodded a few times, and then the guards opened the door, and Liu Xu walked in directly.

The space in the hard-shell tower is huge. In order to facilitate Shirahoshi's activities, many areas in the room are submerged underwater.

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