The room had a huge bed with long draperies, bedside tables, two bedside lamps, and intricately carved chandeliers.

The seventeen-meter-tall Bai Xing shrunk when he saw the door opened. It doesn't seem like it's dinner time, nor is it when the father and the others see him, how can the door open?Did that person call in?

This thought made her timid even more afraid, curling up, covering her eyes with her hands, leaving only a gap to observe.

When Liu Xu and others came in, they saw this scene and were deeply speechless.

Miss Baixing, you are a mermaid seventeen meters tall, how big is your hand?Even if only a little bit is set aside for observation, it is huge for us, okay?We are not blind, don't fool us.

Neptune's heart throbbed when he saw this. His daughter has been here for eight years. What a cruel thing for a child.

"Bai Xing, your father is here to see you."

In a word, Shirahoshi who covered his eyes trembled, and gradually lowered his hands, but his eyes were still tightly closed.

"Bai Xing, can't you even hear my voice?"

Neptune almost burst into tears, daughter, we haven't seen each other for a few days, why are you like this.

Hearing his words, Bai Xing opened one eye to observe carefully, this look, ah, it's really the father, who are the others?never seen it.


Crisp and sweet, soft and weak, it is pitiful.

Although her body is huge, her character is like this. She doesn't speak loudly, seemingly for fear of arguing with flowers and plants.

Liu Xu's eyes lit up. With a height of [-] meters, why is he the same height now as he will be two years later?Will it be longer in the future?

This height is actually nothing to some giants. There are many more horrible people. However, it seems that I have never seen any giant beauty, which is a very sad thing.

Think about the beautiful and weak Princess Shirahoshi summoning countless huge Neptunes to protect her, and then said softly to the enemy: "He bullied me, punish him."

Then, countless sea kings rushed directly to bite the enemy, or directly swallowed the enemy, what a wonderful thing this is!

Liu Xu couldn't calm down anymore, the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.


Chapter 2599 Ancient Weapon

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Bai Xing, father brought some people to see you, I believe you will soon be free again."

Neptune grinned, but he also dug a hole for someone directly.

Liu Xu curled his lips, but he didn't care too much. Anyway, he was going to get rid of the Flying Pirates and the New Murloc Pirates. No matter what hole you dig, I will fill it up.

Bai Xing's gaze turned to Liu Xu and the others, looking at them with a pair of big blue eyes flickering, as if thinking about something, with both hands on that white and lovely breast, with a little fear in his expression.

This expression made Liu Xu and others praise him angrily. Look how good this child is, only fourteen years old!

If this were a little more mature, how many women would commit suicide with shame?

Wearing a fish-shaped hair accessory, she has wavy and flowing pink long hair, and her bright blue eyes are full of curiosity and agility. Her beautiful appearance is like a white jade pearl that attracts people's attention. The upper circumference, and the pink fishtail in alternate shades are full of a strange beauty and temptation.

The pitiful expression and the eyes with a little fear made people attracted to him at once, and there was also a feeling of caring in his heart.

Perfect, this mermaid princess is so perfect.

Even beauties like the Empress and Nami couldn't help admiring her. Her attitude towards this mermaid princess is very good. Although she is huge, her proportions are perfect. Besides, she looks like a little sister, right?

Liu Xu grinned, and said with a smile: "Bai Xing, I'm Liu Xu, admiral of the Navy Headquarters. It's the first time we meet. Please give me your advice."


Such a thought flew through the minds of Columbia and others, how could General Liu Xu speak like this?Absolutely unscientific, there must be some conspiracy.

"Master Liu Xu, it's the first time we meet, please give me your advice."

Bai Xing shrank back a bit, but was a little scared by the other party.

"Nepton, talk to Shirahoshi, it's not good to go on like this."

Liu Xu was speechless, we look so pure and kind, how could we be villains?What do you mean by this action?

Nipton despised for a moment, look, it was his daughter who was smart, and suddenly found out that this guy is not a good person.

After that, I started to introduce it to Bai Xing. After more than half an hour, I finally explained the matter clearly, which gradually reduced Bai Xing's fear.

"Master Liu Xu, can you really help me?"

Bai Xing's eyes were shining with dazzling light, God knows how much she yearns for the life outside, everything outside has a fatal attraction for her.

If she can go out for a walk, it will definitely fulfill her wish for so many years.

After all these questions have been asked, there is no possibility for Liu Xu to deny his ability, and he said in a very bachelor way: "Of course, there is no difficulty at all, as long as those two pirate groups are dealt with, everything will be fine. "

Nami and the others were in a mess for a moment, is everything okay?

Mr. Liu Xu, you really have some kind of purpose, otherwise, I have never seen you being so kind to anyone, what is the reason?

"Sure enough, Liu Xu must have wanted to get close to Bai Xing. By the way, why?"

Several crew members who didn't understand what the white star represented were tangled up, and Liu Xu hadn't said it yet, which made them a little tangled up.

"Captain, Princess Bai Xing is she in the end..."

Breton, a scientist who has seen strong winds and waves in the new world, was puzzled and intuition that there must be something extraordinary.

The eyes of the others turned instantly, including Nipton, with a nervous expression.

"Nepton, you don't need to be so nervous. Each of my crew members is a very upright person. If they knew about this, they might try their best to protect Shirahoshi. Shirahoshi's identity..."

After a series of words came out, Neptune hesitated for a while and ignored them. What happened today is so weird that I still haven't figured it out yet!

But a few crew members were dumbfounded, ancient weapons?Summoning Neptunes?The power to destroy the world?Oh, how tough it is!Those sea kings that are several thousand meters in size, wouldn't they destroy a country every minute?

At the same time, I also felt sympathetic, losing my freedom because of this identity, this is really a crime.

Losing your freedom in this freedom-loving world is one of the hardest things.

"It has been decided that she will be protected by her concubine in the future. You must not refuse, right? Because the concubine is so beautiful."

Unexpectedly, the first person to speak turned out to be the female emperor Hancock. Her face was arrogant and narcissistic. The familiar movements and the familiar tone made people sweat.

The most beautiful woman in the world spoke, Liu Xu's eyes widened and he was in a mess.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

The empress squinted at the other party, her head raised high.

"No problem, no problem."

Bonnie's eyes were full of obsession, and her little head shook like a rattle in response.

Everyone was speechless, is it appropriate for the Empress to seduce her sisters like this?Does this mean to make the sisters obsessed?

Liu Xu couldn't figure out what the empress was thinking, so he said directly to Bai Xing: "Bai Xing, then you understand now that you will be my disciple from now on. So, you need to follow me to practice and improve your strength , this will not only protect yourself, but also the Murloc Island, are you willing?"

protect yourself?Protect Fishman Island?Doesn't that mean you can go out?Bai Xing's twinkling eyes twinkled with little stars, and he nodded repeatedly: "I am willing, please give me your advice, Master Liu Xu."

Ahhh, it went smoothly unexpectedly, Liu Xu had a bright smile on his face.

Neptune bearded, in the end your daughter obediently followed us, this is predestined, and it cannot be changed!

Neptune was so sad, how could he accept that his daughter was kidnapped so easily?He was under a different pressure in his heart, which made him almost collapse.


Chapter 2600 Gilgamesh

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Okay, then it's decided. I'll take you to practice outside, um, on Murloc Island! It's just that your body still needs to be changed. I'll see if there is a way first."

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu communicated with Thor in Nine Songs of Mieshi, and wanted to find something that could change the size of Bai Xing.

"Change body size? I didn't, you ask someone else!"

"other people?"

Liu Xu was slightly taken aback.

The divine sense was swept away in Nine Songs of Mieshi, and besides the thunderstorm area where Thunder God was located, several other areas responded.

Liu Xu tried to communicate, but...

His spirit nearly collapsed.

Liu Xu's current mental strength can only communicate with three people at most, but there were five people who spoke at the same time just now.

And there are more people around the corner, they are all restless guys!

Seeing that Lei Shen and Liu Xu are doing well together, although they are both overlords, they are still under the roof, so a little flexibility is still possible.

After some communication, Liu Xu decisively found someone who could "help" him, Gilgamesh.

The real identity is the fifth king of Uruk, the city-state of Sumer in ancient Mesopotamia, the protagonist of the oldest human epic "Epic of Gilgamesh", and the oldest "hero king".

He has the divinity of "two-thirds of God and one-third of man". He has an arrogant personality. He used to be a tyrant who thought he was invincible, and he has the prototype of the Noble Phantasm held by all heroes.

"Collected all the treasures of the world" is Gilgamesh's mantra, so looking for treasures, he is the most suitable.

"This king naturally has treasures that change the size of the body."

"Great, give it to me!"

"Okay, but you have to let me out."


Don't say that Liu Xu doesn't have this ability now, even if he has, his head is caught in the door and he wants to let Gilgamesh out, it's all food in the bowl, there is no reason to spit it out again.

"In this way, in the next world, let Thor replace you."

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