"make a deal!"

Gilgamesh also knew that he opened his mouth like a lion, and since he had Liu Xu's promise, he would accept it as soon as it was good.

He takes out the King's Treasure, a key-shaped sword that leads to the "City of Gold".

The king's treasure is connected to the space of the treasure house, and the props in it can be freely taken out.

Sea God Necklace!

The aqua blue necklace appeared in Liu Xu's hand with a burst of blue light. It was a very simple necklace with aqua blue all over, except for some gold inlays on the rhombus pendant.

The necklace that suddenly appeared made Neptune suspicious. How did this necklace appear?I didn't see how he did it!But Nami and the others are very used to it, and they have long been used to his ability to suddenly make things out.

"The Poseidon Necklace can control the body shape and transform the legs at will. It is very simple to use. You can communicate with Neptunes, and naturally you can also communicate with this necklace. Just control it like this. However, if you take this necklace, all functions All will be lost, so unless necessary, it must not be taken down."

Liu Xu's words were serious, but his heart was trembling. Who wants to see those beauties with a huge body, as long as their proportions are similar to their own.

"Thank you, Lord Liu Xu."

Bai Xing took the necklace, and when the necklace was removed from her, it instantly became enormous, enough for her to wear it around her neck.

Amazing, amazing, there is such a thing.Empress Rao was used to it, and still couldn't help but marvel at how such a powerful function can change the size. Sure enough, this world is so magical, and there are many things that people can't understand.

Putting on the necklace, I saw that Bai Xing's body flashed a light blue halo, directly wrapping her body inside, making it impossible for people to see through everything inside.

Liu Xu can only feel through the power of the heart network that Bai Xing's body is gradually shrinking!

The brilliance dissipated quickly, and what appeared in front of everyone was no longer the height of more than ten meters before, but about [-] meters tall. The dress was similar to the original one, except that there were more white, straight and slender legs, pale pink like The short skirt with half the fish scales set off a touch of beauty, and her bare feet swayed, perhaps because the original fish tail had disappeared, and now she was a little uncomfortable, so she could only stand stably by holding on to the pillars beside the curtain.

Tempting, Shirahoshi's appearance is too alluring, almost hard for any man to refuse.

The most striking thing about her is not her beautiful appearance, but her temperament, which is weak, shy, timid, and innocent, which can easily arouse a man's inner desire for protection.

She is like a blank sheet of paper, allowing people to write freely in her life.

"Thank you, Lord Liu Xu."

Bai Xing, who had just shrunk his body, looked at Liu Xu opposite, and whispered something.

Nepton was already dumbfounded. His daughter, who was more than ten meters tall, was now more than one meter tall. Is this to challenge his psychological endurance?

Liu Xu chuckled, and the opposite Bai Xing had already jumped into the water and swam towards him, swimming gently, like an elf dancing in the water.

"Bai Xing, let's go out for a while now. Since you have become my disciple, you need to improve your strength in all aspects. Let's go now! The environment here is not so good, go to Mermaid Bay."

Shirahoshi got up from the water, and performed a palace-style courtesy to everyone present.

"My lords, please give me your advice."

After speaking, he followed behind Liu Xu and headed outside.

Mermaid Bay is a place where mermaids live in groups. Although it is a deep sea area, you can see blue sky, sunshine, and white clouds.

This place is so unscientific, it is so dreamy like a fairy tale world.

This place is as bustling as the towns on land, and all the people coming and going are mermaids, only a small number of murlocs.

Mermaid females can develop legs after reaching the age of thirty, while males cannot, and will always maintain the state of fish tails.

On Murloc Island, three populations of murlocs, merfolk, and humans live together, but the relationship between murlocs and merfolk is not so harmonious. On the contrary, humans are a little better.

It's just that there are too few humans here.


Chapter 2601 King of Sea Kings

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Bai Xing, who has never seen the scenery outside, is full of curiosity about everything. Touching it here, looking there, the funny and funny movements make people want to laugh.

Behind him, Liu Xu was with several women, looking helplessly at Hancock in front, why is there such a big gap?Why does Bai Xing have such a good impression of the Empress?Why did the empress take a fancy to Bai Xing at a glance?

After leaving Dragon Palace City, the Empress walked directly with Bai Xing. The simple words made Bai Xing extremely admirable. Even if she was shopping and looking around now, she never left two meters away from the Empress, causing Liu Xu to suffer internal injuries.

There is no love in this world anymore. Who can stand a big beauty and a little beauty together?

The complainer here, but the empress over there glanced at Liu Xu sideways, with a look of complacency in her eyes, look, we didn't take care of this chick so easily.


Suddenly Liu Xu let out a sigh, and Robin who was next to him suddenly crossed his hands in front of him.

"Dazzling Hundred Blossoms. Defense!"

I saw arms growing continuously on the ground beside him to form a wall to surround Liu Xu and others, and then there was a "bang", as if something hit the wall, causing the wall formed by the arms to shake slightly .

The attack disappeared, and the wall formed by the arms dissolved into the ground in an instant, and Robin's eyes turned to the attacker.

A shark man with long hair and a bun with a ferocious face, holding a warhammer in his hand, with a majestic appearance, behind him are more than [-] murloc pirates.

Huh?Murloc pirates appear here, do these unlucky kids want to die?

Liu Xu was surprised, where did these twenty or so murloc pirates get the confidence to dare to attack them?

"Hand over Princess Baixing, Dothan." said the leader of the hammerhead shark man Dothan.

The huge warhammer rested on his shoulders, and his muscles were filled with explosive strength.

"Hey, little ones, let's go!"

Liu Xu can only lament that the opponent's IQ is touching, and he dared to attack without knowing the situation clearly. Although we have not brought soldiers out now, it is not something you, a scum, can resist!

Breton smiled, opened the six guns in his abdomen, and shot out energy bullets in an instant, overturning the more than [-] murloc pirates, and only one Dothan looked at Breton dumbfounded.


Bai Xing suddenly screamed, covered his ears and closed his eyes and nestled in the Empress' arms, and then saw the Empress holding her waist with one hand, with a look of "Don't be afraid, my concubine", which made Liu Xu even more internally hurt.

"Flower of Hell!"

Robin also shot, only to see an arm suddenly grow under Dothan's feet and grab his ankle, tripping the stunned him.


With the continuous attack, two arms grew on Dothan's body, directly twisting his spine as he fell to the ground, instantly ending the opponent's statement.

The battle was fast, and it took less than half a minute to directly kill more than [-] murloc pirates, which shocked the surrounding mermaids who had no time to escape. This, this is too fast, right?

The more than [-] murloc pirates who fell and struggled on the ground were saddened. Although Breton's energy bullet hit them, it didn't hit them. It only seriously injured them. The scene of losing freedom in prison.

"These people are here to kill us, so don't pay attention to them. Now let's teach Bai Xing how to improve his strength, just walk around."

As he said that, Liu Xu left first. As for those murloc pirates, people from Dragon Palace City will naturally come to take them away later, so there is no need to think about it.


The terrifying power of the ancient weapon Poseidon is not her own power, but the power she can bring.

Neptunes, in the minds of many people, seem to be easily eliminated, and Neptunes with a size of hundreds of meters seem to be easily eliminated.

With her power, Shirahoshi can summon these Neptunes to fight for her and give her wholeheartedly.

So, are these sea kings really that weak?If it is such a Neptune, can it still be called a force that can destroy the entire world?

In fact, the sea kings are also divided into strengths and weaknesses, and the sea kings with a body size of more than a hundred meters are not the strongest among them.

In the new world, in the windless belt, powerful Neptunes with a size of hundreds of meters and thousands of meters can be seen everywhere, and those are the truly terrifying existences.

Some Sea Kings are even bigger than the Murloc Island, and if they hit directly, they can easily knock the Murloc Island into the air.

From this we can see how terrifying Shirahoshi who can summon them is.

Every time Liu Xu thinks about it, he always feels infinite emotion. This world is so crazy, so crazy that it makes people feel sick. Fortunately, most of those sea kings live in the windless belt or in the deep sea, otherwise the whole world would have been destroyed or killed by the sea kings long ago. flipped.

Neptunes, that is also wise!

In the open area of ​​Mermaid Bay, it is rare that there are not many mermaids living here, which happened to give Liu Xu a chance.

"Shi Xing, although you have the powerful power to summon the sea kings, your own power is still very fragile, so it is best to exercise your own ability. Is the king of the sea kings? In this case, you are likely to You will also have domineering arrogance, which requires waiting for an opportunity to trigger it. Now, I will teach you the domineering arrogance and the arrogance of armed arrogance, as well as some basic combat skills."

Liu Xu quickly entered the role and directly started his great teaching.

The rest of the Empress and the others turned around on the fish-man island very easily. No one knew how long they would stay here this time, so they took this opportunity to take a stroll.


A few days passed, Liu Xu was completely convinced, only the endless vicissitudes could understand his heart.

Bai Xing's learning ability is too, too weak.

After these few days, he still has no concept of fighting at all, but Liu Xu spends his days in chaos.

Fortunately, she finally summoned the Neptunes. A dozen Neptunes with a size of more than a kilometer shocked Liu Xu a lot. This is the ferocious summoning ability!


Chapter 2602 If there is something unhappy, tell us to make us happy...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


There is no doubt that these dozen or so Sea Kings can easily overthrow the entire Murloc Island.

When these Neptunes appeared, the entire Murloc Island was in a state of boiling. Is this the end of the world?How can there be such a Neptune, you don't need to attack, just smash your head off, right?

Fortunately, Liu Xu quickly asked Bai Xing to dismiss the Neptunes, otherwise this matter would be discovered directly.

"White Star, be careful when fighting, don't wait for someone to hit you before making a move."

Liu Xu sighed helplessly, watching the battle between the team members and Bai Xing who were temporarily transferred to serve as training objects, he could only sigh.

The two of them persisted for half an hour at the beginning, they were all observing, and they seemed to have a good posture.

However, why did the team members attack her only when they attacked her?Is there such a hindsight?


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