Bai Xing threw the weapon in his hand aside all of a sudden, with a grievance on his face, she didn't want to, how bad it would be to hit someone else.

"Don't be too bad, if you continue like this, you will only get weaker and weaker. Forget it, I'm afraid of you, take your time!"

Liu Xu looked up to the sky at a forty-five-degree angle and forced back tears. This teacher is no longer able to be a teacher. It may take more than ten years to teach her to fight, so forget it like this, otherwise, what will happen to my journey in the new world? manage?

"Mr. Captain seems very troubled, hey."

Columbia sighed, but what does the smile in his eyes mean?

"Hmph, Liu Xu will find a way."

The empress raised her proud head and despised the opponent with her chin.

Shirahoshi sticks out her tongue. Fighting is not her strong point. There are countless guards and powerful sea kings. Does she still need to fight?Just act as a Summoner completely...

"Huh? There are still many acquaintances!"

Liu Xu, who was about to go back, suddenly stopped, his eyes flashed brightly, and he said with a smile.

Turning to look sideways, several people appeared in his sight.

CP9, the CP9 that disappeared for a while, actually appeared again, and it appeared here on Fishman Island, which made people's doubts pop up all of a sudden.

Six CP9 members appeared in Liu Xu's line of sight, Lu Qi, Gabra, Bruno, Nugget, Otonashi, and Kalifa.

The original Kaku had already been killed by Liu Xu, so naturally it would not exist.

"Facial paralysis, why are you here?"

Liu Xu glanced at the other party with puzzled eyes, without any concealment.

"It's really unlucky to see you again."

Lu Qi said with a blank face, his eyes were always indifferent and cold.

Others, such as Bruno and Kalifa, glared at them. It was because of this guy that they were hunted down by the World Government and kept fleeing, and ended up where they are now.

Liu Xu half-closed his eyes and pulled Bai Xing behind him, and said, "Face is paralyzed, your words make me very uncomfortable, be careful, I will beat you up."

Threat, threat again!

When CP9 met him again, he was directly threatened. This made the already unhappy people even more angry.

"People from CP9 are here again? Heh, how lucky!"

The empress and the others came over, and they instantly overwhelmed each other in terms of numbers.

"General Liu Xu, we have long been strangers to each other, this time has nothing to do with you, it's just a coincidence."

Lu Qi with a paralyzed face spoke, but showed his attitude.

But Liu Xu laughed, and said contemptuously, "Facial paralysis, do you think this young master will believe it? Cough cough, tell us about your miserable life during this period to make us happy."

The murderous intention flashed, and Rao Shilu, a cool and cool brother, couldn't help but reveal the murderous intention from his eyes.

To make fun of someone else's tragic past?Can you be any better?Maybe you want me to kill you.

Lu Qi's heart was burning with raging anger, and he wished he could kill him now.

"You want to know?"

The ruthless handsome guy stopped a few of his subordinates who were about to go berserk with a cold face. Absolutely, absolutely, he must not be irritated by this guy. Who knows what loopholes he will catch to plot against them.

It's a pity in Liu Xu's heart, it's a pity that this fish doesn't take the bait.

"Of course, let's hear it. I really want to know what you have been doing and how you are doing. Anyway, we were all colleagues before!"

The words that seem to be very concerned are not pleasant to listen to in the ears of several people, and Lu Qi also explained their experiences during this time.

Since Ace was rescued in the Battle of the Top, the members of CP9 began to flee directly.

Their direction was not to leave the great route, but to go in the opposite direction. They came directly to the fishman island and entered the new world. They threw Ace to the pirate group under Whitebeard and began to wander in the new world. stand up.

The combat effectiveness of the former CP9 members is still very good, at least they can survive on the great route.

However, you still have to avoid the eyeliners of some pirates and the world government, otherwise you may be discovered and killed at any time.

CP9, that is the public enemy of pirates and the world government!

The days of hiding did not last long, and after only a week, a person found them.

Aunt Charlotte Lingling, one of the Four Emperors!

The aunt who was planning to go to Fishman Island encountered CP9, suppressed them directly, and made them a hidden force under her banner.

Things are dramatic, but so simple and crude.

After hearing these words, Liu Xu sighed greatly, this is simply a life full of surprises!

Betrayed from the world government, and now they are still able to work under the aunt's subordinates. Could it be that God doesn't accept them?

"So, what are you going to do here now?"

It seems that now Big Mom is ready to capture Murloc Island and take it as her own.

Tsk tsk, this is the rhythm of a good fight!


Chapter 2603 The fishman island will be named Liu from now on

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Lu Qi's face changed drastically, he pressed his hat hard, and said, "Now we're just here to scout and see if there is a place suitable for making desserts."


Liu Xu burst out laughing resolutely, covering his stomach and laughing loudly.

CP9 becomes a scout?And also a scout who scouts desserts?If this word gets out, how many people will laugh to death!

The empress and the others also laughed, the powerful CP9, the secret service organization of the world government would be reduced to such a point, this is the rhythm of laughing to death!

"Shut up, it's not a good thing you did." Kalifa became uneasy, pushed her eyes and said coldly.

Lu Qi was also greatly stimulated by the other party's laughter. They had never imagined that they would be reduced to this level. It's actually not bad to work under the aunt's hands. If it's reconnaissance or fighting, then it's fine.

But this kind of work is the greatest humiliation to them.

The past is unbearable to look back on, and looking back, there is only sadness everywhere.

"Go back and tell that ugly woman that there is already a new asylum here in Murloc Island, and that is my young master, Liu Xu! You have a paralyzed face, go back obediently, there is no dessert she wants here, only fighting. If she wants to meddle, then This young master welcomes her very much. But first, let her weigh whether she is as resistant as Whitebeard."

The words were very strong, and Lu Qi and the others changed their expressions. This place has already been taken under Liu Xu's command. Damn, how is this possible?

Thinking carefully about the temperament I saw when I landed, no wonder it looks so familiar, it turned out to be this guy's banner.

Unfortunately, this matter is not good.

"Is what you said true?"

Lu Qi's face was ugly. If they didn't complete the task, then they would really have a hard time explaining it.

"Of course it's true! Go back and tell Charlotte Lingling that the Fishman Island's surname is Liu from now on. If she still has any inappropriate thoughts, then my young master welcomes her to fight at any time. At that time, the fish will die and the net will be broken."

Liu Xu's words are very simple, it seems that he is not worried that the opponent will come to attack, it seems that he has the certainty of victory.

In addition to Lu Qi, the expressions of the other CP9 members changed drastically, bastards, they have already hurt them a lot before, and now they want to let them return empty-handed?God, who could have imagined the nerve-wracking look of Auntie when she got angry.


Gabra yelled directly, there is no need to say too much now, let's beat this pissed off guy first.

"Finger gun. Ten-finger gun!"

Gabra's body rushed out in an instant, his hands and ten fingers were slightly bent, palms were clasped together, and then he attacked the enemy with the original high speed of the finger gun. The sharp nails on the ten fingers gave a lot of deterrence.

"Whoosh! Dang!"

A figure stood in front of Liu Xu, only a muffled sound was heard, and Gabra's body that rushed over was instantly bounced off, and was intercepted by Bruno who followed closely.

"It's very rude to take action on our captain, let's pass this one first, ahaha!"


Directly using his modified body and tyrannical armed domineering to block the opponent's enhanced version of the finger gun, this requires great courage, as well as sufficient self-confidence and strength.

"Come on, I'll kill you first."

Gabra pouted in disdain, and then rushed directly over.

Brayton simply pointed his hands at the position where he rushed over, and a dark hole appeared in his palm.

Laser cannons, Breton's body has countless modified weapons, which convert energy with thunder and lightning, and the attack power is very powerful.

Two yellow lights appeared in his palm, and then bombed out in an instant.Light speed attack, this is also a light speed attack!

Gabra in front evaded the moment the yellow light appeared, and flew to the side, while Breton grinned, opened the six guns in his abdomen and started bombing, making people sweat. , this guy is so cruel.

Someone had already taken the shot, and the rest of the people had no reason to stand and watch the play, so they rushed out.

The people on Liu Xu's side also responded immediately, and the empress was the first to fight.

Her opponent is Lu Qi, the strongest in CP9, and only this person can make her want to fight a little bit.

Nami's opponent is Kalifa, and it is also a contest of the six naval styles, each with its own advantages.

The opponent of Bruno, a fruit-capable user, is Columbia, his opponent is Robin, Otonashi's opponent is Bonnie, and only Tina and Liu Xu have no opponents.The two stood beside Bai Xing, and directly started the mode of watching a big show.

"Aromatic Feet!"

Hancock moved very quickly, his footsteps changed a few times before rushing towards Lu Qi, jumping up and flying.

Lu Qi is the strongest CP9 with [-] Dao Strength, so naturally he will not be hit casually by this kick. When Hancock is about to kick him, he shaves and hides, then turns around.

"Finger gun. Huang Lian!"

Bend the index finger, and then stab Hancock's body with the super-high speed of shooting, and then change the position of the next shot up, down, left, and right. The action is very fast, and only a little afterimage flashes and it is completed. Dozens of attacks.

Suddenly, the wind sounded, and the fierce air pressure approached Hancock's body and penetrated her body in an instant.

Fast, too fast, Lu Qi's move is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

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