However, Lu Qi, who was attacking continuously, changed his face. He didn't feel like hitting the enemy's body. Instead, he hit the air with every finger, which made him feel stuffy and almost vomited blood.

"Kiss the gun..."

The Queen's voice sounded behind him, and I saw the Queen's index finger lightly touching her lips, a small peach heart appeared between her fingers, her right hand aimed at Lu Qi's back in a pistol position, and the peach heart instantly Fly out from your fingertips.

But in her original position, her body gradually faded, and finally turned into nothingness.

Speed ​​is also the afterimage caused by extreme speed.


Chapter 2604 Bai Xing, let's see how your teachers and wives fight...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Lu Qi had already reacted when he felt the enemy disappear, and without even thinking about it, he stepped directly into the midair, narrowly dodging Hancock's attack.

A peachy heart flew past him, and finally landed on a shell, which instantly petrified.

The power of the sweet fruit can instantly petrify people and objects.

"Hmph, Aijia must teach you a lesson."

The empress looked up at Lu Qi in mid-air, her eyes were full of confidence and arrogance, she would not take a CP9 member seriously.

The face of Lu Qi above is stern, and Qiwuhai is not so easy to deal with. If he is not careful, he may die here today.

The power of the cat and cat fruit was instantly activated, directly transforming into the state of a leopard man.

"Land foot. Leopard tail!"

Lu Qi snorted and swooped down from the air, his tail quickly threw a spiral slash like a beast's tail, and in the blink of an eye, he was approaching Hancock.

"Captive Arrow!"

Empress Hancock's reaction to the battle was also quick, and she had already thought of a countermeasure in an instant. When her finger touched her lips lightly, a huge peach heart shape was formed, and she gently pulled back with her slender hand, and a large number of pink arrows shot forward. Fang Taoqi flew out in the shape of a heart, and shot straight at Lu Qi who swooped down in the sky.

The face of Lu Qi during the attack changed, and the pink arrow was constantly enlarged in his eyes. Lu Qi, who had heard a little about her power, knew that she could not resist it, or she would be sad at any time.


Lu Qi, who had the same reaction speed before the battle, reacted quickly, forcibly terminated the attack and used the sixth form to avoid the large number of pink arrows.

"Bang bang bang!"

All objects hit by the pink arrows are petrified in an instant, whether it is trees, sand, any objects are petrified in this instant.

Lu Qi gently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. The power of the Empress is so terrifying. This kind of fruit power is not simple. If it is petrified, his life will come to an end.

"Blindly escaping is not enough!"

The empress has sharp eyes, but she accurately judged the opponent's strength. It seemed that this guy didn't dare to fight her at close range.

In close combat, it is difficult to avoid the power of the sweet fruit.

Fragrant foot is her usual move, but she has also evolved another attack, that is, the arm, and the arm can also use the same effect as the fragrant foot, and it is more flexible and changeable.

"Lanjiao. Kaibird!"

Lu Qi, who didn't dare to fight at close range, immediately thought of the attacking move. He entered the air and kicked continuously with his feet, and flew out a white bird-like slash from his feet, which seemed to be very powerful.

The rapidly approaching bird made the Empress frown, and then her feet were a little out of the attack range of the white bird's slash.


Kaibird landed on the ground with a bang, and the surrounding beach was instantly blasted with a ten-meter-long crack, bottomless, and dense cracks spread all over the surroundings.

"Shave! Point the gun!"

"The power is not small, but the speed is too slow."

The queen's voice appeared behind him again, and Lu Qi was in the air.

"Aromatic Feet!"

The fierce wind came, and Lu Qi was shocked. The speed of the other party was so fast that he could not see clearly. How is this possible?

This is the fact, the Empress' attack has come, Lu Qi's attack has already been prepared, and it is too late to dodge, so it can only attack!

I saw that Lu Qi's ready shaving and finger guns were used instantly. The target of his attack was not the Empress, but his own chest.

"Iron block!"

"Bai Xing, let's see how your teachers and wives fight..." Liu Xu said to Bai Xing, a troubled apprentice.

Nami, who has practiced the Sixth Form of the Navy for more than three years, has achieved a lot now. At least she has created her own moves. The daily practice of perseverance is much faster than that of others.

Kalifa is the only woman in CP9, and she is also a very strong powerhouse, at least in the first half of the Great Route.

"Death refers to the gun. Whip!"

Kalifa's arm springs quickly like a spring, which not only increases attack speed, but also increases strength.

The continuously bouncing arms attacked, and Nami was two meters in front of her. This distance basically belonged to the attack range that could not be evaded.

"Iron block. Empty city!"

The blood flow in Nami's body accelerated, and the power of the iron block did not make her body swell, but her skin became shiny and bright.

"Boom boom boom!"

The continuous finger pistol attacks hit Nami's body, and a muffled sound made people want to vomit blood. Nami's body took two steps back and stopped, accepting all the opponent's attacks.


After the attack, Kalifa retreated quickly, which felt a bit like shooting and running.He stopped and looked at Nami opposite, with a little doubt in his eyes.

It is not as hard as the one that attacked the iron block in the past, but a very hollow feeling. It seems that there is no substance in the opponent's body, and the attacking force penetrates directly through her body to the back.

Nami took a look at her body, and there was no other injury except the first one. From this, it can be judged that her research results are still very useful.

Flicking her curly orange hair, Nami was full of confidence.

"This is the six-style naval skill that I created. You are not the only ones who can create it, I can too!"

Kalifa pushed her glasses and was speechless. She learned the Six Forms and developed some skills. This is actually not difficult. The key lies in the practicability of the developed skills. This is the most important thing. .

The empty city developed by Nami is undoubtedly very useful. It can defuse attacks, and can maintain free movement and attacks within a certain limit. Even if it is besieged by the enemy, it will not be a big problem.

"Nami's strength is getting stronger and stronger!"

Liu Xu's eyes lit up and he praised fiercely. Although these moves were pointed out by him, they were also created by Nami himself. He just gave him an idea.


Chapter 2605 Fighting cp9

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"General Liu Xu, Tina is very happy."

Tina was still so stable and calm, carefully observing the battle situation, as long as anyone could not withstand the opponent's attack, then she would immediately help.

"Master Liu Xu, Master Tina, what are you talking about?"

The timid and shy Bai Xing didn't dare to watch their battle, but turned around and closed his eyes, holding his hands tightly, but he also heard the conversation between Liu Xu and them.

"Children don't understand these, and they will gradually understand later."

Liu Xu rolled his eyes directly, and immediately blocked her words.

But he was a little pissed off. It's true that Bai Xing is timid, but it's a bit too much now, isn't it?Don't even dare to take a look, is this trying to end the hard teaching of the past few days?Master Liu Xu was angry.

Bai Xing looked aggrieved, and really didn't understand why the other party didn't tell her that he wasn't his teacher?

"Lanjiao. Bailian!"

The opponent's speechlessness was exchanged for Nami's rapid attack. She quickly jumped into the air, kicked down with her feet, and half-moon-shaped slashes flew out from under her feet, like white lotuses, layered on top of each other, with a range of Under deliberate control, a ten-meter radius of Kalifa's body was enveloped.

The speed of the slashing was very fast, and Kalifa had no time to dodge, so she could only use iron blocks to resist and withstand this ferocious attack.

"Bang bang bang!"

After the slash fell, the dust rose, and a thick fog of dust appeared around Kalifa, which completely blocked her body from it at once.

"Golden Bubble! Bubble Master. Soap Sheep! Soap Sheep Cloud. Otsubo!"

The sound came from the dust fog, and I saw a smooth ground with a radius of [-] meters on the beach instantly, and then a large number of bubbles flew out of the dust fog and rushed towards Nami in the sky.


Nami was surprised for a moment, and then Yuebu escaped from Bubble's attack and fell back to the ground.

But as soon as it fell to the ground, the body staggered and almost fell, and the ground became extremely smooth.

"The power of the devil fruit?" Nami frowned, and an idea appeared in her mind, "Lanjiao Bailian!"

Another white lotus fell, and the white crescent-shaped slash directly hit the ground, but it shattered the smooth ground, which was simple and rude.

And the dust and mist over there gradually dissipated, revealing Kalifa inside.

The white bubbles wrapped her body and formed the shape of a white sheep, which made Na's head full of black lines.

"So ugly..."

Nami is not calm anymore, are you here to be funny or to fight?Can you stop using these moves that look disgusting at first glance?

At least you make it more gorgeous, or make it more fierce, the state of this Aries, no matter how you look at it, people want to eat you!

Khalifa's face darkened, and she quickly got rid of the state of soap sheep. It is very serious for a woman to be called ugly, so she can't continue!

"Good opportunity! Tangerine finger gun. Broken dance!"

Nami accurately seized the opportunity of the opponent's ability to disarm, and the whole person danced gracefully like a dancing orange elf. At the moment of dancing, countless shock waves flew out of her body and arrived in an instant.

Kalifa secretly hated, and her mind was spinning rapidly about how to deal with this move. In the end, she chose to escape gorgeously.

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