And here in Colombia, his opponent is Bruno. The power of the sniper rifle has increased a lot under the use of armed domineering. Coupled with the transformation of the mad scientist Breton, a lot of functions have been added. At least, Bei's power is also sniping. It can be seen on the gun.

"Are you going to test my marksmanship?"

Columbia smiled, and the sniper rifle fired continuously, each time in a different direction, but the opponent used the power of the fruit of the door.

Superman is the door fruit ability, the place to open the door includes in the air, on the flame, on the human body, etc., no matter how hard the place is or the shape of no object, it can create a door, can provide a place of refuge, and can also be used in battle. Able to surprise, hit the enemy by surprise.

In the battle with the Colombian sniper, Bruno decisively used the door fruit's ability to prepare for a sneak attack as soon as he came up.

But it is a pity that for a calm sniper, all the subtle changes around him are in his hands, and even a slight change can attract his attention. Just a few black bullets.

"What a strong reaction."

Bruno has finally come to his senses now, the opponent's acuity is not comparable to his own at all, and relying on the ability of the fruit of the door, I am afraid it will only prolong the battle indefinitely.

After releasing his ability, he came out of the space created by the door fruit, and Bruno's body swelled up.

"So, you are now ready to fight head-on? I am so honored."

Colombia bowed again, but the sniper rifle had already pulled the trigger, because the opponent had already rushed over.

"Iron block. Broken!"

Bruno's fist smashed down, his defense increased a lot in the state of iron, and at the same time he was able to move in the state of iron, and his attack power would naturally increase.

A punch came with a whistling sound, Columbia has shot out several times in a row, and the whole person has also retreated quickly. It is of great benefit to him to open a certain distance.

"Ding Ding!"

The bullet hit the opponent's body, but there was a sound like falling on steel. It was clear and sweet, and Columbia frowned, ah, it seemed that he had to increase his strength!


Bruno's fist hit the bay, directly punching the bay into a depression, and the ground shattered.

When he got up again, Columbia's attack came again. This time, the attack was faster and more severe. The dark bullet passed the barrier of space almost instantly and landed on his body.


It was no longer a crisp sound, but a strong muffled sound, Bruno's body took a few steps back again and again, with one hand covering his chest, blood trickling down from between his fingers.


Chapter 2606 Comprehensive suppression

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


In his chest, a thumb-thick hollow appeared, but the bullet pierced through the iron defense and directly passed through his body.

"Can you still rely on this defense now? Sir."

Colombia smiled, and the smile was full of sunshine and warmth, making it hard to imagine that the attack just now came from him.

Instead of answering his question, Bruno went straight to the attack.

"Iron block. Wheel!"

Entering the state of iron again, Bruno charged towards Colombia quickly, like a bull rushing wildly.

"It's not good to be head-on!"

Columbia made a judgment in an instant, pulled the trigger continuously and retreated again, but wanted to fight at a distance, while Bruno ignored the bullet and charged by himself.

On Bonnie's side, her attack method is to change the age of the enemy's body unexpectedly, and the other is the attack of a dagger, close combat.

Her opponent is Otonashi, the fat Otonashi in a black suit is a comedy actor in her eyes, and he can easily end him.

He charged directly with the dagger in his hand, and Bonnie slashed at his calf.

"Iron block. Jade!"

Otonashi's defense method is to directly use the attack, the body jumps off the ground and rotates at a high speed, with the use of shaving, when turning to the enemy at high speed, use the iron block, then all the attack power will be concentrated at the top, after hitting the enemy, The power generated by the high-speed rotation is accompanied by a powerful attack.

If you are hit by this move, you will not feel good. The power to hit the sixth form is used continuously, so it is not so easy to resist.

Bonnie resolutely gave up the attack and retreated, and the opponent's attack also lost its target.

"Become a child obediently!"

Bonnie thought viciously in her heart, jumped towards Otonashi who was about to fall in the air, and slashed out with the dagger.

"Paper painting!"

When the attack came, Otonashi naturally used the paper painting in the six poses, his body fluttered in the air and made deft defensive movements, and the dagger's attack also failed.

"It's really boring."

Bonnie failed in one blow, her arrogant character began to emerge again, she became a little impatient, and then launched a more crazy attack.

And Robin's opponent is Cuozuo, the male lion Cuocuo has a fat body, long white hair hanging on the ground, a thick and thick white foundation on his face, and black oil paint on the outline of his facial features.The Dao Strength value is [-], which is barely considered acceptable.

"Dazzling Hundred Blossoms. Big Tree!"

Robin crossed her hands in front of her, and saw countless arms growing on her body, which finally turned into huge palms and grabbed directly towards the attacking snuggle.

"Yoyoyi, this is not allowed! Life return. Hair binding technique!"

The white hair that fell to the ground stretched and stretched freely like octopus claws and wrapped around the two giant hands, and immediately wrapped around the giant hands, wrapping them tightly.

"Return life. The lion points to the gun!"

The next attack of the snuggle also started, and some of the hair turned into fingers, and they attacked in an instant at the same time, attacking Robin one after another.

"Ha ha!"

Robin laughed, and saw that the arms growing from her suddenly turned into petals and floated away, and arms grew under the cuddling feet, directly grabbing his ankle and slamming it hard.

"Flower of Hell!"

Robin said something gracefully, and the snuggle who fell on the ground felt aggrieved all of a sudden, how could such a thing happen, the battle should be vigorous.

"Tsk tsk, this guy is going to die."

Seeing this scene with sharp eyes, Liu Xu made a judgment in an instant, and was tripped by Robin, so Robin's next move was to end his life.

Sure enough, the arm on the ground firmly pressed against his body after he tripped, and Robin's next attack also came.

"Rotating Flower!"

The fierce battle gave several women a good opportunity to show their fighting power. Liu Xu and Tina carefully observed the battle situation, and Bai Xing turned around trembling with fright. She was timid and had no resistance to such things.

"Secretary Tina, how long do you think it will take to resolve the battle?"

Liu Xubai was bored, and the outcome of the battle was already doomed. From the current situation, it could be seen that CP9 immediately became fatigued as soon as they fought. They didn't have much strength to fight back and were constantly suppressed.

Tina looked at it and said, "The battles of the others will end soon. The battle between Sister Hancock and Lu Qi is hard to say. It depends on when Sister Hancock gets tired of playing."


Liu Xu is embarrassing, Secretary Tina, can you be more tactful?This will hurt the self-esteem of facial paralysis, although what is said is the truth.

The battle between the Empress and Lu Qi is more like a game to the two of them. How could Hancock, one of the Qiwuhai, be weak? Even if Luqi is proficient in the six naval styles, there is still not much when facing the Qiwuhai. chance to overcome.

"Secretary Tina, do you want to join in the fun? It's a good game!"

Liu Xu smiled wickedly. These words put a lot of mental pressure on those struggling CP9 members.Damn, this guy is too insidious, he even wants to invite people to participate in the battle, is there such a bully?

Tina shook her head and refused, and the battle could be over soon.

Indeed, as the two of them thought, the battle between Lu Qi and Hancock was fierce, but only Lu Qi was injured, and the Empress was not injured at all until now.

"The situation is not optimistic."

Lu Qi glanced at those suppressed subordinates, his heart had already fallen to the bottom.

The empress' fierce attack continued, giving him a kiss gun from time to time, a sweet wind from time to time, and a captive's arrow and fragrant feet, suppressing him without much chance of counterattack.

There were even obvious wounds on his body.

The second time, he was hit by the Empress twice in a row. Fortunately, it wasn't the sweet fruit power that could petrify him, otherwise he would be in a miserable state by now.

"It's a serious thing to flick your eyes when you're fighting."

The empress despised the other party deeply, and then bullied her forward.


Chapter 2607 The teachers and mothers are so cruel, um, amazing...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Aromatic Feet!"

Jumping up and sweeping out, the speed of the Empress was still so fast, but Lu Qi stopped for a while, and turned to resist.

"What is this guy with facial paralysis thinking? He doesn't seem to be interested in fighting."

Liu Xu narrowed his eyes and locked on to Lu Qi. This guy has always been thoughtful, how could he be distracted during the battle?

Slowly, doubts made Liu Xu feel something, and he kept paying attention.

Facing the queen's sweet fruit attack, Lu Qi actually adopted a way of resistance, and saw him pick up a log on the beach and sweep towards the queen.

The power was so great that the surrounding air seemed to be torn open, and there was a sudden sound of wind.

But how could this log hurt the Empress?The queen's fragrant feet kicked the log directly, and the log instantly petrified and shattered.

However, in the end, the empress's fragrant feet were still blocked, and the scattered gravel continued to fly towards Lu Qi under her feet.

"good chance!"

A gleam flashed in Lu Qi's eyes, and he didn't resist any more, allowing the rubble to shoot at him.


Lu Qi's body was knocked flying by the gravel. This unprepared way made the Empress frown. What does this guy want to do?

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