Lu Qi, who fell hard on the beach, clutched the place where the gravel was embedded, his facial muscles twitched a few times, and he let out a hard breath and shouted.

"Stop it, stop it all!"

At the same time, Liu Xu also said something loudly.

"Stop, let's see what the facial paralysis wants to do!"

Liu Xu, who noticed Lu Qi's tricks, stopped the fight. Now it's time to see what he wants to do. It's best not to do anything bad.

The fighting people separated quickly, and the empress and others all returned behind Liu Xu.

Bai Xing stuck out his tongue, and thought to himself: "Masters and wives are so cruel, um, amazing..."

Kalifa helped Lu Qi up, feeling a little dissatisfied with his order, although stopping the battle saved her life...

"Lu Qi, what do you want to do? Tell me, and see what tricks you can come up with."

Liu Xu grinned, the strongest CP9 in history?Isn't it hurt now?

Lu Qi's face is still so stern, it seems that it is difficult to change his expression.

"If you go back safely, it will be easy to be suspicious. Now you can go back, at least you won't be killed. Therefore, there is no need to fight."

His words made everyone's heart skip a beat, he actually did this for such a purpose?

Liu Xu also suddenly realized that Lu Qi was not such a simple character, he had no intention of fighting from the beginning, this paralyzed man knew how to choose.

From the moment he knew who the protector of this island was, Lu Qi felt deeply helpless.

The character of Liu Xu has always kept a strong shadow in his heart. From the first meeting to teach him to learn the Navy Six Styles, he was pointed at the gun by someone. The Millennium Killing ended, and later when we met in the Seven Islands of Water, all kinds of things Not happy, this guy is purely out to get him.

fighting?To regain face?Go to hell, his cold and handsome guy Lu Qi is not so stupid, since he knows the power disparity, why fight?The meaning is enough, so that when I go back, I will be suspicious of other people's aunts, and then kill them, which is not worthwhile.

"Get out of here, get out now!"

Liu Xu is embarrassing, those who dare to love have made up their minds long ago, there is no love in this world, and the facial paralysis is all about thinking about it.


Several subordinates are dissatisfied, why retreat?

"Go back, saving your life is the most important thing."

Lu Qi's simple sentence made several people shut their mouths. He has the absolute right to speak in this team.

"Lu Qi's facial paralysis must have a bigger purpose. He is definitely not a quiet person. What is the purpose of coming to the new world?"

Staring at the back that was getting further and further away, Liu Xu suddenly became puzzled and frowned.

Lu Qi's choice made people puzzled and puzzling. What purpose did he enter into the new world?Was it really because the World Government was hunted down to the point of being unable to get in here?

CP9's hiding ability is very strong. It can be seen from this that they can hide for several years without being discovered in the seven islands of water. Therefore, if they hide in the four seas, they will never be discovered.

now what?Could it be that he is unwilling to be lonely, and still wants to live a chic and passionate fighting life?

Liu Xu couldn't calm down any more. This doubt kept circling in his mind, which made his brain almost burst.

"Go back, today's training is over here. Perhaps, it's time to use that power."

Liu Xu said with a smile, what kind of power?Oh that would be fun.

A group of people went back to the palace, with countless doubts circling in their minds.

If a spy organization like CP9 joins Big Mom's team, you should pay more attention to many things in the future. CP9 can penetrate into every hole, and it is very powerful in collecting intelligence.

When everyone returned to Dragon Palace City, Liu Xu ran out alone, went directly to the place where the humans lived, and quickly found a few people.

"What is the purpose of CP9 appearing here?"

Liu Xu looked at the few people below who frowned. They all wore black suits, half-inch hair, and black ultra-black sunglasses. They looked very good in all aspects.

Madeline, this is the power that Madeline possessed, an extremely huge underground intelligence network.

Madeline once gave Liu Xu a flying dragon gold hairpin. With this flying dragon gold hairpin, she can mobilize the power of any faction she belongs to to help. I don't know where her intelligence network covers. Liu Xu came to This place where humans live together is also for the purpose of trying.

However, it was this test that made him deeply sigh. It was really a sturdy intelligence network. If he allowed himself to develop such an intelligence network, it might take a long time, at least a few years would be impossible to complete.

"General Liu Xu, I haven't investigated clearly for the time being. Some time ago, CP9 and others entered the new world, and they were quickly taken under the command of the aunt and became an independent pirate group under her banner. Then they went directly to Fishman Island. The specific purpose is not very clear. However, judging from all indications, CP9 must have other purposes, and there may be a cooperative relationship with Big Mom."

The man in black suit replied respectfully. On the left side of the necks of these people, there was a tattoo so tiny that it could only be seen clearly with a magnifying glass. It was the tattoo of Feilong Nobile.


Chapter 2608 Whisper, secret, fun

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


After listening to the man in the suit's report, Liu Xu was startled. This is really the case. It seems that what he thought was right.

CP9 must have some kind of purpose in entering the new world, but what purpose do they have when they are hunted down by the world government now?Is it revenge against the world government?No, not likely, they wouldn't be that stupid.

"Is there any other news? How many people like you are there in the new world? Where are they distributed?" Liu Xu tapped his fingers on the handrail, and at first glance they were all so similar to Madeline's.

"Well, the rhythm of this bullshit is naked, it's really comfortable."

Liu Xu thought to himself, it seems that there is a feeling of controlling the overall situation, which is very comfortable.

"General Liu Xu, there is no other news for the time being. It is not clear about our distribution. We can only be responsible for intelligence collection in this area. It is forbidden to set foot in other areas, and intelligence personnel in different areas are also prohibited from communicating."

so harsh?Liu Xu was dumbfounded. The intelligence organization organized by the little girl was too cruel, but it also ensured that the intelligence in a certain area would not be leaked, and it could also ensure that other intelligence personnel would not be involved if it was discovered.

Suddenly a crucial question appeared in his mind, and he quickly asked, "Are the forces of the Whitebeard Pirates still here?"

Fishman Island used to be Whitebeard's territory, so naturally some people might appear.

"No, nothing has been found so far."


Liu Xu let out a sigh of relief, so don't worry, as long as these guys don't show up here, then he will have more time to do things.

On the other side, in the bedroom in Dragon Palace, five women and a little girl gathered together. Under the strength of the empress, Bai Xing did not return to live in the hard shell tower, but stayed.

In the words of the Empress, now she is the one I want to protect, who dares to touch her?

"Little Baixing, tell me about your past."

The empress was leaning back on the sofa comfortably, and so were the other people. The huge dormitory specially prepared for them had all kinds of living facilities.

Bai Xing fluttered his big eyes, and obediently told the story of her childhood, including the story of her mother, Empress Otohime.

A few women sighed and laughed at the same time. What happened to her when she was a child was quite funny!

"Then if you are bullied in the future, you can just call the sea kings to come over. It can scare people to death."

Bonnie laughed and spoke directly.

"This one……"

Bai Xing pointed her fingertips, as if she didn't dare.

"Little sister Bai Xing, how about summoning two sea kings to help my sister tow the boat?"

Huh?These words are a bit out of rhythm, the Empress's eyes are shining brightly, and the Neptune tugboat is moving forward, which is in line with the gorgeous and noble image of the Empress!

The same is true for Nami, she nodded deeply and said, "It makes sense."

"Indeed, Tina is very supportive!"

Tina also helped to speak from the side.

For a time, Bai Xing was fooled by a few women, and he didn't know what to do. Finally, he nodded stupidly. Nami and Bonnie suddenly cheered, and there was a good show to watch.

"Little Sister Bai Xing, can't you tell your teacher about this? This is a whisper between us, do you understand the secret?"

Robin played the image of a gentle big sister and said with a smile, making Bai Xing nod repeatedly, whispering, secret, and fun.


It was already dusk when he came back from the intelligence personnel. When he first arrived at the gate of Dragon Palace City, he saw that the guards around him seemed a little weird, and they looked at him with strange eyes.

"What's the matter? Tell me." Liu Xu walked over lazily and said lazily.

"General Liu Xu, that, that, the three princes are back."

The guard was stuttering nervously, thinking about the ashen faces of the three princes when they came back, it was terrifying to think about it now.

Three princes?Liu Xu struggled for a moment, isn't that the other three sons of Neptune?

Tsk tsk, it's hard for Empress Otohime to give birth to three sons who look completely different, although this is determined by their genes.

It's better to be Bai Xing, a typical "big" beauty.

"Also, His Majesty Neptune told you to go find him when you come back."

The guard said another word carefully, submissively.

Huh?Does the bearded man still have something to look for?Liu Xu thought for a while and went straight in, heading for Neptune's main hall.


"General Liu Xu, these are my children, the eldest prince Shark Star, the second prince Huangxing, and the third prince Crashing Star."

Neptune rolled his eyes around and introduced them one by one.

Three princes with different shapes, each with a different appearance, this is one of the characteristics of the mermaid clan.

Just when Liu Xu was about to speak, the shark star said directly: "The Fishman Island does not need the protection of the navy, we already have asylums, and they will come back again!"

These words made the originally dull atmosphere drop to freezing point all of a sudden. Does this mean to drive Liu Xu away?

"You mean, let me go?"

Liu Xu half-closed his eyes and walked over to grab the opponent's clothes, looking fierce.

Good guy, you dare to yell in front of this young master.

"The Murloc Island is safe under the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates. Let your navy protect it? That will only lead to disaster!"

Shark Star is not afraid of the opponent's strength, even if the opponent is a general, so what?Could it be possible to kill him?

Liu Xu let go of his hand when he heard the words, nodded and said, "It seems reasonable, but the alliance treaty has already been signed, and there is no room for you to change it."

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