"The alliance treaty can be abolished!"

"Yes, that's it."

The three princes shared the same hatred and were aggressive. Thinking of the failure of this mission, they felt aggrieved in their hearts.

Neptune had already covered his eyes, why are the silly children so ignorant, it would be death to say this directly!Anyway, at least wait for people to leave and then talk quietly!

"Abolish the alliance treaty? How pure and righteous is this young master, how can he do such an inhumane thing? Abolish the treaty, that will be spurned by everyone, the final result!"

Liu Xu's eyes were shining dangerously, and the strange purple lightning flashed in his eyes, and his whole body was surrounded by electric arcs.


Chapter 2609 Target: Flying Pirates

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



Shark Star's facial muscles trembled violently a few times, this guy wants to make a move?Fuck him guys.

The trident in his hand was raised and was about to be swung down. Liu Xu came first and grabbed the opponent's wrist easily.

The power of lightning rushed into his body in an instant, and tens of millions of lightning rushed in madly, making Shark Star sad all of a sudden, and his skin became scorched black. This has a tendency to grill fish!

"do not want!"

Neptune, who covered his eyes, was in a hurry. If this continued, the eldest son would die.

Liu Xu let go with a cold snort, and a bright smile soon appeared on his face.

"Well, the current situation of Murloc Island, you should be very clear, only under my protection can you continue to survive. Once you lose my protection, it will soon be swallowed up by powerful pirates from the new world. As for What Jinbei asked you to pass on, hehe, don’t pay attention to him, he’s just an idiot.”

The hearts of the three princes trembled. Damn, how did this guy know about this?No one should know about it!

It seems that a secret was exposed, and the three princes were dumbfounded at once, and Nipton was also stunned. How does this guy know everything?Is he a god?

Shocking a few people with Jinping's existence, Liu Xu smiled again and said: "The Flying Pirates and the New Murloc Pirates, I think you have a certain understanding by now. Without my help, your regime will be completely destroyed. It will be overthrown by it, there is no doubt about it. Therefore, you must ask me. And if you want to find helpers in other places, then this young master does not mind helping these two pirate groups create a little opportunity to destroy Dragon Palace City how?"

Liu Xu's grinning words were heard by several people as the declaration of the devil, and they were stunned all of a sudden.

Now that I think about it carefully, even Whitebeard has been killed, and it is not an easy task to wipe out a Murloc Island.

You committed a crime, what did you do to resist others just now?This shark brain, we are so incomprehensible.

"Now, while the young master has not changed his mind, tell your decision, nod if you agree, and shake your head if you refuse, eh?"

So cruel, this man is so cruel, this stick and carrot move is used smoothly.

The four nodded again and again, like a chicken pecking at rice.

Funny ending, the three princes wanted to use their power to drive this man away, but they were threatened by their words. This is a very sad thing.

"Very good. Now, my young master will deal with a pirate group first, and then the Flying Pirates, Xiaobaixing's enemy!" After speaking, he turned around and left, just like that.

But the four people's eyes popped, Little Baixing?This guy actually called Xiao Baixing, and called him so intimately, bastard, what the hell did he do.

This is a bit unfair...

After leaving the main hall, Liu Xu directly found his navy soldiers, Columbia and Breton. Those women were still having a whisper meeting, and they had no time at all.

"Little ones, the pirates are gone, the flying pirates, until they eat flying!"

Liu Xu waved his arms and led more than [-] people to the location of the Flying Pirates. Some of them had already reached the point where they had to be wiped out.

"Captain, are you going to kill him directly this time?"

Breton laughed, his blood was boiling in his heart, this was a crazy pace.

"The Flying Pirates are a deep-sea pirate group sailing around Fishman Island. There are many members, and they occasionally appear in Fishman Street. We just need to wait there."

Columbia said with a smile, but he has already investigated the matter of the Flying Pirates.

Liu Xu nodded secretly. Each crew member has different abilities, and each one will play a major role, which will be of great help to their voyage in the new world.

Fishman Street is the lair of Vanderdeacon IX and Hoddy Jones. The most important point is Noah. Their lair is placed in Noah, a huge ship equivalent to half the size of Fishman Island.

Fishman Island is a very strange and dreamy island. There is not only land, but also rivers and seawater. There will be water even in houses, which is convenient for fishmen and mermaids. It is a very wonderful place.

Getting to other places often requires mermaid taxis, which rely on bubbles to float in the air and reach almost any place.

More than [-] people occupied dozens of mermaid taxis and rushed to Fishman Street, attracting the attention of many people along the way.

"Little ones, beat me up later, beat me hard, I'm not responsible for beating you to death or maiming, do you understand?"

Liu Xu is doing the general mobilization of the left back, why does he feel like he is parading in the middle now?It seems that this place basically belongs to his territory.

The alliance treaty signed with Neptune seemed to be a cooperative relationship, but only Neptune and the three princes knew clearly that this was basically selling the Fishman Island to him and making it his private domain.

Because, the Alliance Treaty did not mention the words World Government or Navy Headquarters.

In other words, once this relationship is admitted, Liu Xu will completely control the gate of the new world.


Murloc Street Noah and a group of Flying Pirates held a banquet excitedly to celebrate their upcoming victory.

There has been news from the new Murloc Pirates that they will be able to attack Dragon Palace in a short time. From then on, they are the masters of Murloc Island, and they can take everything from Murloc Island.

"Hehehehe, after destroying Neptune's regime, the entire Fishman Island is mine."

Vander Daken IX laughed loudly, knowing Bai Xing's ability, he had already imagined that no matter what, he must get her, and if he got her, he could have everything.

As for the cooperation with the new Murloc Pirates, it depends on the mood at that time.

"Captain, we can't wait for when we can attack."

The murloc pirates under him shouted, seeing that there are thousands of them, there seems to be no comparison with the new murloc pirates!

There are tens of thousands of pirates in the New Murloc Pirates, including not only Murloc pirates, but also human pirates, which is a huge number.

Although Liu Xu has captured a lot, it doesn't mean that his current strength is smaller than that of the Flying Pirates.


Chapter 2610 Indiscriminate bombing and setting off fireworks

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"No more than three days at the latest, and we can act immediately."

Vander Daken IX could already imagine himself sitting on the throne, surrounded by Shirahoshi calling for sea kings to patrol the entire island.

"Bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, a violent explosion interrupted everyone's laughter, and Vanderdeaken IX spat out the food in his mouth. Damn, someone attacked?Who is so brave?

Glancing away, I saw dazzling flashes from dozens of Yuren taxis, followed by countless cannonballs and beams falling, bombarding the murloc pirates on Noah's deck with nowhere to escape.

Even if there are tens of thousands of pirates on the huge Noah's deck, it is trivial. These thousands of pirates seem to be nothing.

"It's really a huge ship!" Liu Xu covered his forehead with one hand and looked into the distance. How good it is to get such a big ship, and see which islands are not happy to crash into, and the rhythm of smashing the islands every minute! !

"Come on, keep bombing. Brayton, work harder."

Liu Xu watched leisurely as the uniform rifles of more than two hundred soldiers continued to attack. These rifles were all equipped with sharp attack weapons such as thermal shells and shock shells.

Breton was almost full of firepower. The laser cannons in both hands and the six guns in his abdomen were dispatched at the same time, and two small artillery guns were also raised at the shoulder blades, but this was not a shell attack, but a flame attack. Inspired by Belle, countless fireballs with a diameter of more than half a meter flew out of the small artillery and landed on Noah's deck, and the fire spread rapidly.

Colombia's sniper rifle switched magazines again and again, and countless bullets flew out of the sniper rifle. His targets were only those tall murloc pirates, and he ignored the other minions.

Overwhelming bombing, this is a good way to say hello.

Van der Daken IX is about to vomit blood, who is attacking?Could it be Dragon Palace City?No, when did Dragon Palace City have such a powerful force, it's unscientific!

"Fight back, fight back!"

Roaring again and again, some of the subordinates finally reacted. The long-range lethal weapons are nothing more than guns and cannons.

The firepower counterattacked, and the Flying Pirates counterattacked quickly after a short period of confusion, suppressing the firepower on Liu Xu's side at once, scaring the mermaid taxis almost to run away, this business is not easy to do, the taxis are all It's time for battle.

"Braton, they're humiliating you." Liu Xu yelled angrily, the veins on Breton's forehead popped up, damn it, you're looking for death, right?

"Profound Truth. Intercontinental Missile!"

I saw him open a gap along the middle with his arms open, spit out two cyan missiles from inside, and threw them directly without thinking.

The end of the cyan missile held up a blue high-temperature flame, and instantly fell on Noah's deck.


With two loud noises, almost half of Noah's broad deck was covered with flames and thick smoke, and the screams of fish-man pirates continued to be deafening.

"Tsk tsk, what a brutal bombing, grilled fish is a good choice."

Liu Xu pinched his chin with one hand, half-closed his eyes and nodded repeatedly.

Breton laughed wildly. This is a recognition of his modification skills. Look at what those bastards have been burned. Sure enough, Lao Tzu is the most talented modification scientist in the new world.

Columbia smiled and said, "Scientist, this is a bit bloody, I don't approve of it very much."

"Go, go, what do children know?"

Breton is a straightforward person, so he doesn't care about this at all. Besides, he is happy now. If there is another shot, wouldn't the deck of the Noah be directly bombed?

Columbia is upset, this scientist is too ruthless, he is completely inferior to him!In other words, should I also reform myself?Anyway, I was on the warship before him!

For a time, the gentle gentleman was forced to actually want to transform his body.

"Bastards! Bastards! Bastards! Who the hell are these bastards?"

Vander Dyken IX's face was ashen, and he coughed several times violently as he was choked by the thick black smoke.

Up to now, they still don't know who the enemy is. This is completely humiliating them!

The angry roar reached Liu Xu, and he pushed back directly.

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