"The people who wiped out you dirty guys, what a drop."

Humiliation, naked humiliation, how could VanderDayken IX and his pirates bear it?No need to think about it anymore, these guys must have something to do with the mermaid clan, otherwise why would you say that about them?

"Bang bang bang!"

Continuous bombardment, the remaining fish-man pirates continued to bombard with the weapons in their hands, and they were about to destroy these guys who humiliated their race.

About [-] pirates launched a counterattack, pulling triggers and firing cannons beside the roaring flames.

"It's time to shiver, Breton, let's make another shot and let the beautiful fireworks bloom!"

Liu Xu roared, the little bug dared to resist, this is unscientific.

Breton laughed, "Absolutely. Dongfeng Missile!"

I saw that his abdomen was almost completely opened, and he took out an army green missile from it and threw it at those murloc pirates.


The murloc pirate was dumbfounded when he saw the opponent throwing the missile. What happened just now is still vivid in his memory, flash?Forget it, blow up that thing first!

Countless bullets bombed the Dongfeng missile, but they failed to bomb the Dongfeng missile. In the end, the missile exploded on the deck.


There was a more violent explosion than before, and the deck was instantly covered in flames. The whole Noah trembled violently and uttered a few fragile groans, but it was also severely injured.

"Let you feel embarrassed."

Liu Xu said in a relaxed and happy manner, this is the rhythm that is needed. See how happy these murloc pirates are, can't they do it now?

The entire deck was covered with dense cracks, and the flames devoured the bodies of most murlocs, forcing them to jump off the deck to relieve the flames on their bodies.


Chapter 2611 Two shots killed, Dragon Palace attacked

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Like dumplings, countless murloc pirates jumped into the water directly, but Vander Dyken IX was a little sad, the clothes on his body were burned, so he had to tear off the clothes directly.

He didn't dare to enter the seawater, because he is also a person with fruit ability, if he enters the water, he will drown and die!

Jump off the deck, his landing spot is land.

"Columbia, it's time for you to play."

Liu Xu cheered up the opponent with a word, aimed the black sniper rifle in his hand, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


With two loud noises, a small flame burst out from the muzzle, and two pitch-black bullets flew towards Vanderdeaken IX, who had just landed.

Vanderdeaken IX, who had just landed, hadn't recovered from the missile's attack, and was shot in the forehead, as well as in the heart.


The place passed by the black bullet exploded in an instant. It was the power of the armament and domineering. Coupled with the special bullet, it was easy to make the head and heart of Vanderdeaken IX burst directly, and the brain and blood were mixed together. The body collapsed suddenly.

Quick, accurate, and ruthless, this is Colombia's spear technique. It can be said that taking the enemy's head from a thousand meters away is what is required.


"Keep bombing!"

Liu Xu had no intention of making a move at all, and continued to direct his men to bomb, all kinds of cannons and firearms bombarded the murloc pirates who fell into the water, and the sea water was dyed bright red in the blink of an eye.

"Huh? So weak?"

The power of Liu Xu's heart network unfolded to ensure that no murloc pirate could escape here. In his perception, Liu Xu wanted to hold his head and let out a mournful cry.

You should resist at least, isn't it animalistic?Explode!

However, these murloc pirates were terrified by Liu Xu's various cannons and laser beams. The three missiles killed more than [-] pirates before, and most of them were burned or injured by shock waves. How can they be capable now? Launch a counterattack?

Targets, these are live targets, they are basically for Liu Xu's soldiers to practice.

The strong bombardment by the soldiers and Breton lasted for half an hour. The bodies of thousands of fish-man pirates floated in the sea, dyeing the sea bright red, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

"Clean up the battlefield and cremate!"

Liu Xu gave the order, and more than [-] soldiers quickly jumped out of the mermaid taxi and began to pack them up. Cremation of the enemy's corpse is very important to prevent the outbreak of various diseases and leave a good reputation for themselves.

As the flames rose, the corpses of thousands of murloc pirates were piled up in one place and cremated.

Thousands of murloc pirates were turned into ashes under the powerful and rapid bombing, and were directly wiped out by Liu Xutuan. This seems incredible, but it was also thanks to Brayton's three missiles, which properly scared those murloc pirates Liver and gallbladder split.

However, three missiles are already the limit of Breton. The manufacture of such missiles requires very complicated procedures, and coupled with its danger, he cannot carry them all at once, otherwise he will be in trouble himself.

If he accidentally exploded at that time, his transformed body might not be able to withstand it.

Destructive weapons, Breton's missiles are his destructive weapons, and will only be used in critical and necessary situations.

After dealing with all the murloc pirates, Liu Xu headed back home and rushed directly to Dragon Palace with more than [-] people.

In the cruel and merciless slaughter, the lives of thousands of murlocs were reduced to ashes in less than two hours.


Outside Dragon Palace City, Liu Xu's expression changed when he just came back here. There was no one guarding the gate, and there were bloodstains scattered around it. The gate was open, all of which showed what happened here.

"Go in!"

Liu Xu snorted coldly, someone dared to make trouble when my young master was out working. Did he eat the heart of a bear, the guts of a leopard, or a pig's brain and lungs?

More than two hundred people rushed in at once, and some screams of killing could be vaguely heard, which was deafening.

"His uncle, anyone who makes trouble on this young master's territory will be killed without mercy!"

There was raging anger in Liu Xu's eyes, and the soldiers under him, especially the soldiers of the first team, were also angry.

After following Liu Xu for more than three years, they have already cultivated a kind of character. Some people dare to make a mistake in the territory we fought so hard to kill him.

More than [-] ferocious beasts came out of the cage, and Liu Xu stood in front with a dark face, and could already see some intruders at this moment.

Pirates, pirates again!

And it is composed of murloc pirates and human pirates, which is very iconic, that is the new murloc pirates.

"Damn, that guy dared to sneak attack while this young master was away and kill him."

Liu Xu, who recognized the identities of these pirates, was even more angry. He was actually a pirate under that guy Dabai. Wasn't the lesson taught to that kid not enough last time?

Alright, now I will give you a final ceremony.

In the banquet hall in Dragon Palace City, Hody Jones, who hadn't appeared for a few days, reappeared in front of people, and unceremoniously controlled the three princes in his hands. Several guards protecting Neptune persisted, and the empress and others also it's here.

"Nepton, your regime ends today."

Neptune laughed wildly. He is cruel and cold-blooded, and he doesn't care about how many people he sacrifices, as long as he can kill the people here, the Fishman Island will belong to him from now on.

What an exciting thing to build a murloc empire.

"Hand over Bai Xing, you may still have a chance to survive!"

Hody Jones looked at Shirahoshi, although he didn't understand why the other party's body shrunk, but no matter what, that kind of power must be obtained.

How could he, who had seen Bai Xing's power before, allow this person who could destroy him at any time to exist?

"Don't think about it."

Neptune roared, his beard almost flew out of anger.

The three princes roared again and again, and shouted loudly to let Bai Xing and Neptune leave, which shows that the relationship between them is still very harmonious.

At this moment of life and death, they still think about their loved ones. This is the difference between a mermaid and a murloc.


Chapter 2612 It's not good to provoke anyone, but to provoke them......

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Want to attack Xiaobaixing? Have you asked Aijia what he means?"

The queen's face was full of contempt, her head was raised high, and her typical contemptuous actions made people feel inferior.

The peerless queen can make countless people crazy, and the same is true in the face of these murlocs.

"Sweet and sweet!"

The hands in a loving gesture released a love-shaped light, and the pirates in the banquet hall were instantly enveloped by the light, and the pirates instantly petrified.

Sweet and sweet wind, anyone who is touched by the light will be attracted by the beauty of the empress, and instantly petrified, and only some people who have no lust at all or have diverted their attention can be spared.

In an instant, more than [-]% of the pirates were directly petrified by the female emperor, and it was really dumbfounding to suddenly come to such a hand...

This woman, how can this woman have such a strong power?What exactly is going on?

Just when Hody Jones and the others were taken aback, Robin also made a sudden move.

"Flower of Hell!"

I saw that countless arms suddenly grew under the feet of those pirates, grabbed the petrified pirates directly, and yanked them to the ground.


The stone statue hit the ground, and with a few "clicks", the bodies of these petrified pirates suddenly shattered and turned into stone chips.

Cooperation, perfect cooperation, Robin's flowers and fruits cooperate with the sweet fruits of Goddess, this is simply the rhythm of killing the audience.

The perfect cooperation between the two made the surviving pirates of the new fish-man pirates dumbfounded, and they hurriedly greeted their partners outside the banquet hall to come in, and the spacious banquet hall was instantly crowded again.

"Ready to fight!"

The empress said softly, and the women immediately got ready, Bonnie stood by Bai Xing's side, and the others rushed towards the pirate.

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