"Lanjiao. Bailian!"

Nami made a preemptive strike, her body jumped into the air, and she stepped down with a swipe. Countless white crescent-shaped slashes were stacked like a white lotus, covering a range of tens of meters. Within this range, the power of the white lotus was maximized.

"Captive Arrow!"

The Empress's sweet fruit was activated again, and countless pink arrows flew out from the heart shape.

"Dazzling Hundred Blossoms. Dancing Cherry Blossoms!"

The attack power of Robin's flowers and fruits is also not small. I saw that countless arms suddenly grew on the ground and turned into cherry blossoms flying all over the sky. The cherry blossoms swept across the pirate's body, leaving small wounds.

"Prison prison. Torture!"

Tina's sill fruit ability exploded, and her arms extended a black iron fence to trap some pirates inside. Then I saw that the black iron fence extended out countless sharp iron thorns, instantly passing through the sea trapped inside. Thief body.

The joint attack of the four beauties resulted in countless deaths and injuries to the New Murloc Pirates. The Empress's Captive Arrow can be petrified whether it is an item or a creature, and it is a large-scale attack. In this case, she instantly clears a large area of ​​space. .

Although Nami's naval six-style attack was a physical attack, it was also extremely lethal to these murlocs. Under Bailian's power, they cleared an area of ​​tens of meters in the blink of an eye, and pushed all the way to the gate.

Although Tina's threshold fruit is more reflected in catching pirates, some of the improved tricks are also very powerful. Countless iron thorns pass through the murloc's body, bloody and brutal, directly ending their lives.

With the cooperation of several people, the number of the new fish-man pirates in the banquet hall continued to decrease, which made Hoddy Jones furious and questioned again and again.

What a sad reminder!

It's not good to provoke anyone, but to provoke them...

"Attack immediately and kill them."

Howdy Jones roared, and the pirates under him quickly organized to use firearms to attack. It's just a pity that ordinary firearms don't have much effect on a few women. fighting?

Huo Di Jones' liver and gallbladder are torn, why are all Liu Xu's women so fierce?It's easy to hit a hundred one by one.

Damn, this is simply an insult to the great murlocs.

"Yatake shark!"

Playing in person, Hody Jones threw his hands forward, and countless water droplets flew out from his palms, piercing through the pirates in front and flying towards the empress. The power of the water droplets was even more ferocious than guns.

Moreover, he completely disregarded his partners.


Some pirates screamed, the water droplets passed directly through their bodies, and the severe pain made them wailing again and again.

The whistling wind sounded, and the arrow of the empress's captive shifted its direction, turning those water droplets into petrification in the blink of an eye, and a large number of pink arrows flew towards Hody Jones.

How could Hodi Jones, who had seen the power of the Empress, dare to meet him, a donkey rolled and escaped the opponent's attack, and instead a drop of water flew out.

"An annoying guy."

The empress glanced coldly, and transferred the arrow of the captive again, a large number of pink arrows attacked, whether it was a pirate or a water drop in front, it was instantly petrified.

The speed of the four of them destroying the pirates is very fast, but the number of pirates is too large, which makes them a little overwhelmed. If this goes on, they may consume a lot of their physical strength.

"Nami, Robin, Tina!"

The empress gave a coquettish cry, and the three women left the battle at the same time. They had understood something and hid beside Bai Xing in an instant, while the empress jumped high and landed in the middle of the pirates, and was instantly surrounded.

"court death!"

"Tear her up!"

The pirates are overjoyed, this is actually sent to the door to find death, thank God.

But what happened next made them stunned, no, it should be said that they had a quiet sleep.

I saw the Empress's eyes suddenly changed, extremely sharp, a huge pressure came from her body, and swept everything around her in the blink of an eye.

As if a strong wind was blowing, the pressure hit everything in the banquet hall, and those pirates fainted as soon as they felt the darkness in front of them.

Overlord is domineering!

This is the domineering look of the empress, who can mentally suppress all enemies in an instant.

Hody Jones hid behind the pirates and trembled, bastard, it was such a move as expected.

Chapter 2613 My King

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


When Liu Xu eliminated tens of thousands of his subordinates, he understood that the other party definitely had the ability to deal with a large number of people in an instant. When the empress was about to act, he thought of this possibility and hid directly at the gate. Just avoided the domineering crush of the domineering look, and escaped a catastrophe.

"Damn it, she must be killed."

Hody Jones' eyes flashed fiercely. Things have come to this point, and it is impossible to escape.

Suddenly, he seemed to have heard something, and turned his head quickly, the sight of which made him almost tear his heart out.

Behind him are countless members of the New Murloc Pirates, who have already taken control of Dragon Palace City after entering it, and are determined to overthrow Neptune's regime.

However, why the densely packed pirate members of more than [-] people were torn apart by someone inside?

"It's this guy again."

Hody Jones felt that his brain was not enough. Isn't this guy going to clean up the Flying Pirates?How did it appear?Damn it, Vander Daken IX won't be able to resist him for a long time!

It was Liu Xu who rushed in. After entering Dragon Palace City, he was the first to bear the brunt. He used the thunder knife to open the way in front of him, and directly killed a bloody road. The road behind him was full of murlocs and pirates staggering here and there. , the blood has already stained the ground of Dragon Palace City red, which is extremely dazzling.

"Da Bai, this young master will definitely kill you!"

Seeing Dabai's figure from a distance, Liu Xu was immediately furious. This guy dared to show up, and he would feel sorry for the common people if he was immortal.

The thunder knife in his hand swung out the light of the sword again, and the dark purple light of the sword seemed to strike straight at the banquet hall.

"I flash!"

Hody Jones' eyes popped out, and he avoided it properly, and pulled the murloc pirate beside him as a scapegoat for him.


In the end, the knife slashed the banquet hall, directly dividing the banquet hall into two, and the empress and others inside also ran out in an instant.

The pirates around the place where the sword light passed were directly torn to shreds by the powerful pressure, and the blood was scattered like a blood mist.

"Liu Xu!"

The empress and the others rushed to Liu Xu's side as quickly as possible, and the surrounding pirates immediately gave way. Fighting these guys would be a bit courting death!

After observing, there were no problems with a few people, and I was relieved. Then I looked at the tens of thousands of murloc pirates and human pirates around, and suddenly smiled fiercely.

"Little girl, get two sea kings to try and see if you have learned anything these days."

"Huh? I dare not."

Bai Xing hesitated for a moment, but he still didn't have the guts!

Liu Xu frowned, patted her small head, and said, "Bai Xing, you have to overcome this fear, it's okay, I'm by your side, everything will be fine."

Liu Xu's words and actions made Bai Xing's fear gradually relax, and he began to close his eyes and try to summon.

She began to summon the sea kings on her side, and the queen and others on the other side formed a circle to protect them, and the next moment was to witness the miracle.

"Kill her!"

Hody Jones seemed to understand something, and yelled at his subordinates frantically.

After being yelled at by him, those subordinates immediately started to act, and rushed towards them without saying a word, seeing that this posture had a tendency to kill them directly.

"You scumbags just watch the show obediently."

Liu Xu's eyes shone with a strange purple light, and a strong dark purple arc suddenly burst out from his body, and the arc rushed towards the surrounding pirates under his control.


There is no volt limit for the deep purple arc, let Liu Xu control it, this appearance will directly have an intensity close to [-] million volts, and it will easily overwhelm these pirates, scaring the other pirates from stepping forward, but they also dare not go ahead. so leave.

In their minds, Hody Jones used to be like a god of war, invincible. Under the influence of this kind of power, they didn't dare to run away at all.

Moreover, the murloc's bloodthirsty instinct is also controlling them, which is a very contradictory situation.


A few strange roars came, and the entire fish-man island fell into darkness in an instant, making people look up to the sky involuntarily.

In the sky, outside the bubble wrap of Fishman Island, several giant sea kings were cruising gently, their heads breaking through the bubble wrap and appearing above the crowd.

The gigantic, thousands-meter-long Neptune's huge head looked at the negligible crowd below, and its sharp teeth made people shudder.

Some of these sea kings have the head of a dinosaur, the body of a fish, some are like a seahorse, and some are like a sea snake. Each one is very strange and huge.

Bai Xing here, she has already started to communicate with these sea kings.

"Everyone, thank you."

The words were a little soft, and those sea kings roared when they heard the words, and they responded to her words instantly, and the way of responding was very strange. It turned out to be similar to brain waves, and the voice appeared directly in Bai Xing's heart.

"King, my power is your power!"

This sentence easily reflects the attitude of these Neptunes.


Shirahoshi is the king of all sea kings, he can order them at will, and they still obey absolutely.

"Thank you, please drive these bad guys away."

Bai Xing was a little excited in her heart, summoning these sea kings brought out the brave side in her heart, at least now she was not as timid and afraid as before.

"Yes, my king!"

The sea king responded with a sound, and then turned his head to the pirates who had been shivering with fright, and let out a sigh of relief.

Although the giant sea kings do not have many attacking moves, with the help of their huge bodies, any movement can turn the world upside down.

It spewed out in one breath, and it was like a hurricane, blowing directly on everyone below.

"This is sour..."

Liu Xu was speechless, the stench was really unacceptable.


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