Chapter 2614 either fight or roll

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Without hesitation, he directly released countless electric arcs to form a circular protective shield to surround his people, completely cutting off the stench.

And those pirates were not so lucky. They couldn't stand under the blow of the hurricane. They were easily blown over and hit the ground hard, losing their intuition.

Several sea kings blew down in one breath, directly causing tens of thousands of pirates to stumble, and most of them have lost their intuition.

"I'll flash again!"

Hody Jones made a decisive decision and quickly ran out of Dragon Palace. The situation was stronger than others, and now he just wanted to run far away, away from Murloc Island, away from Neptune, and everything here.

But, did Liu Xu let him run away so easily?

He quickly captured his position under the net of his heart, and a chidori flew and blasted out. The bird hovered in the air, penetrated Hody Jones' body, and completely ended his life.

Everything is so simple and rude.

"That's it for now!"

Liu Xu's eyes flashed with a dangerous light, and he directly elementalized and sent down the wrath of thunder, destroying these pirate scum directly and turning them into the most primitive dust.

"Everyone, thank you, go back!"

When the crisis was lifted, Shirahoshi immediately directed the Sea Kings to evacuate.

"Yes, my king! My king, please call us again if you need anything."

Neptune responded and left directly.

"What a fun fight!"

Liu Xu smiled and lifted the elementalization, and the group was destroyed, and another group was destroyed, which directly wiped out the new murloc pirates completely, and resolved the crisis of Dragon Palace City and Murloc Island.


The faces of the three princes became embarrassing, why is this guy so tough in battle?

Oh, sure enough, it's just as Mr. Jinpei said, this guy is too dangerous, it's better not to resist.

Liu Xu's heart network power captured these emotional changes, and he immediately smiled. It seems that the current Murloc Island has completely fallen into his hands.

The gate to the new world, this is the biggest bug.

"Huh? Why are these people here?"

When he was about to release the ability of the heart network, he suddenly found some people, and they were very familiar people.

"Little ones, go to see some old friends with this young master. We haven't seen each other for a while. They will definitely welcome us."

Liu Xu laughed straight, making people instinctively feel that nothing good will happen.


It is still Mermaid Beach. At this moment, some uninvited guests have come to Mermaid Beach, which makes people very tangled. What should I do now?

"Has he come here already?"

When the visitor looked at the flag planted on the beach, his expression changed instantly.

"Yes, it is this young master who is here. Now this is the territory of this young master. I accept the protection of my young master. Do you have any opinions? Captain of the third division and captain of the eleventh division of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Liu Xu's voice came suddenly, and his words also confirmed the identity of the person who came, it was a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, and it was led by two captains, with a total of more than [-] people.

The captain of the [-]rd division, Diamond Joze, and the captain of the [-]th division, Jin Gudo, of course, there is no need to question the combat effectiveness of these two captains. After the battle on the top, this is the first time they have appeared in front of people.

With the familiar flag, familiar voice, and familiar appearance, the faces of the two captains suddenly became ugly, with raging anger burning in their eyes.

It is this person that makes it difficult for the current Whitebeard Pirates to gain a foothold in the New World. Without the old man Whitebeard, the Pirates are now blocked everywhere and are struggling in the New World.

Although the pirate groups under Whitebeard did not appear to be rebellious before, over time, these pirate groups will gradually be annexed by other forces, especially the other Four Emperors, who may be annexed at any time. There may be a situation where the three emperors stand together in the world.

At that time, the Whitebeard Pirates will no longer have a foothold and can only retreat to the first half of the great route, which will be a great shame.

Liu Xu is now the number one enemy of the entire Whitebeard Pirates, there is nothing wrong with that.

Everyone wanted to kill Liu Xu, not only because the Pirates couldn't gain a foothold, but also because their most beloved father was slaughtered by Liu Xu himself, and the body was mutilated, not even a single corpse was left.

"Admiral Liu Xu of the Navy Headquarters!"

Diamond Qiaoz uttered the other party's name viciously, and the pirates under him were also facing a formidable enemy. Liu Xu's power is too strong, I am afraid it will be difficult to complete the mission this time.

Liu Xu chuckled and said, "What's the matter? I haven't seen you for almost a month. Do you miss me very much?"

"Of course, of course I miss you very much, and I think about killing you all the time." Jinguduo said coldly.

His character as a strong man is also very resolute, he will not be intimidated by the enemy, and he can often become more courageous as he fights, bursting out with terrifying power.

The pirates under him were already in a siege. Liu Xu rushed over by himself and did not lead his men. In his opinion, there was no need for that.

"Tell me what is the purpose of you coming to my site!"

In one sentence, Liu Xu thoroughly declared that the Fishman Island already belonged to him, and no one could take it away from him.

"Of course I'm here to recover Fishman Island, otherwise what do you think it will be. This is the place where Dad guarded before his death."

Diamond Joze has turned into a diamond man. In the face of a powerful enemy, he can only prepare first.

"But, the surname is Liu now, hahaha..." Liu Xu laughed, and said unceremoniously, "It's either fight or get lost!"

Provocation means directly provoking these two captains and provoking the entire Whitebeard Pirates.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although the Whitebeard Pirates have been weakened a lot after the Battle of the Top, they still exist like giants in this part of the New World.

Except for the other three Four Emperors, they will not lose to any force, this is what they are proud of.

In particular, now that Ace has returned to the Whitebeard Pirates, the combat effectiveness of the captain of the second team is very sturdy.

Moreover, he is still very young and has the possibility of improving his strength.


Chapter 2615 There is no need to fight

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Give us back the Fishman Island, and we will pretend we haven't seen you today."

Jin Guduo suppressed the mad rage of murder, and said this sentence very calmly, which is quite different from his image!

Liu Xu was a little dumbfounded, please, a strong man, don't talk like that, please?That will make people feel very weird, although I don't know how your mentality will change after the top battle, but at least it looks a little similar to your appearance!

"No, no, that's impossible, well, let's stop talking nonsense, want to fight? Come and come, I welcome you at any time. Hey, the Whitebeard Pirates' power in the new world is very good now. Isn't it? Why don't you add a few more ingredients?"

A deep purple arc appeared beside him, and Liu Xu waited for a word from the other party. As long as he agrees, let's start the war!

His words made the two captains hesitate for a while. Diamond Joze lost an arm. Now his combat effectiveness is not as good as before, and there is no chance of winning.

"Captain, you have to bite off a piece of his flesh if you die."

The subordinates are filled with righteous indignation, this guy is too irritating, do they really think their Whitebeard Pirates are weak?

Xinwang accurately captured the psychological activities of these people, and Liu Xu directly contemptuously said: "Just treat you as weak, how about it? If your death can make me achieve something, then I will kill you without hesitation. Even if the world If you have opinions about me, I am still me, the ultimate king walking on the path of the supreme throne, so what can you do?"

Liu Xu's heart was full of pride and ambition, and the deep purple arc instantly created a thundercloud on the Mermaid Bay, and the thunderbolt with the thickness of an arm landed directly, smashing the talking pirate without warning!

The sudden attack shocked the pirates. This guy is getting more and more ruthless.

"Come on, let this young master see what arrogant capital you have!"

Liu Xu laughed wildly, and made an elemental impact in an instant, and the sky full of thunder and lightning descended from the thunderclouds in response to his call.

"Wait a moment!"


Liu Xu slammed on the brakes, and it was a tragedy in an instant.

"Don't you guys just say it first? Damn."

Liu Xu got angry and roared loudly.

Sometimes some things are very helpless, which makes people feel so depressed that they want to vomit blood.

Obviously you are ready to raise your gun and go into battle, but people tell you that you have relatives, which is so depressing.

Liu Xu's face was dark, what's going on with Diamond Qiaozi?

Wait?Wait for a yarn!The most enjoyable thing is to have a fight, a proper chance to get a kill.

"Liu Xu, we don't need to fight you."

Diamond Joze breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the other party finally stopped, otherwise it would be really sad.

"I just want to protect these people, at least allow them to leave here safely, so we don't need to fight."

With an affirmative tone, even Jin Gudo turned his head to look at him, when did this guy become so smart?The opponent is an enemy!

Liu Xu was almost speechless, everyone wanted to leave safely, but the question is is it that easy?

"Hey, make it clear! I slaughtered Whitebeard, several of your captains and captains, and took over Murloc Island. We are mortal enemies."

It was a kind reminder, just because he was afraid that the stupid big man would not be able to figure out the key when his brain was hardened by diamonds.

Diamond Joze frowned and said coldly, "I know that if I can't beat you, I can only escape. If you can escape, there may be a chance in the future."

Diamond Qiaoz said it very calmly, and there is a reason for saying this.

Since you can't defeat the enemy, then run away first, and you may have a chance to defeat the opponent in the future.

Said so openly that he wanted to escape, so Liu Xu could only sigh that the other party's brain was almost the same as that of Luffy!

Don't look at the blood of the family, but in some situations that are really invincible, he still chooses to escape directly. That kid has done a lot of things.

Moreover, every time he said it openly, as if escaping was despising the enemy, making people want to catch up and screw the kid's head off.

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