"Why did I let you go? It seems that I have no reason to let you go!"

Liu Xu smiled, and spoke very directly. The deep purple arc was released again, and the sky continued to flash and thunder, and the arm-thick thunder fell from the sky, directly smashing the pirates behind Diamond Joz into pieces, but It's not polite at all.

Fight as soon as you say it. Where can the Navy and these pirates have so much gossip to chat?Just do it directly.

How could Diamond Qiaozi and the two of them expect that Liu Xu's actions would be so straightforward, and they would wipe out several of their subordinates in one fell swoop.

"Liu Xu!"

Diamond Qiaoz yelled, and his diamond-shaped body slammed into the opponent.

"It should have been like this a long time ago." Liu Xu laughed, "Lanjiao. Great whirlwind!"

"Bright Clash!"

The moves of the two collided at the same time, and the sparkling collision of Diamond Joze had unparalleled power, and it was easy to smash the giants away. Even an ordinary pirate ship would be completely shattered by him.

However, Liu Xu's big whirlwind is an improved version of the sixth style. He jumped out towards Qiao Zi, his feet swirled like a dancing whirlwind, white slashes flew out from the soles of his feet, and his feet also stepped on the opponent's body.


Joz's forward body suddenly stopped, and he quickly flew backwards; he knocked a dozen pirates to the ground at once, struggling hard.

With one move, Diamond Joze was kicked away with just one move, and Jin Gudo, who was about to do it, stopped, bastard, if you fight him now, there is no chance of winning, unless all the captains are brought over, then Can hit.

"Liu Xu! We don't need to continue fighting."

Diamond Joz stood up, still insisting on his previous sentence.

The two deep cracks on his diamondized body looked particularly frightening. Lanjiao, that was Lanjiao. The effect caused by the big whirlwind, cutting Diamond Jozzy's body into two cracks was indeed terrifying enough.


Chapter 2616 Did you ask me for my opinion?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu rolled his eyes. This young master is a navy. The navy is going to develop in the new world. Of course, big pirates like you can eliminate as many as possible. There is no possibility of a truce.

"Kill them!"

A burst of screams came from behind the pirates, and through the continuous screams, people's hearts trembled violently.

Liu Xu was about to chase and stopped, who could it be?Murloc?Mermaid?

Turning his eyes, he saw a group of pirates landed on the Mermaid Beach, and immediately slaughtered the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates. The weapons in their hands were constantly crushing like cutting scarecrows. The number of thieves dropped sharply.

Liu Xu was dumbfounded, what's going on?Pirates dry pirates?Don't you know that there is another admiral of the Navy headquarters here?Are these people out of their minds or what?


The sudden appearance of such a pirate made the people of the Whitebeard Pirates bewildered. What the heck is going on?Why would anyone attack them?

"Pockmus, it turned out to be this guy."

Jin Gudo saw clearly the person leading the team at the front, and immediately frowned tightly, a strong uneasiness growing in his heart.

"Pockmus? Isn't that the subordinate of the Fourth Emperor Charlotte Lingling? Could it be that Ludge made the report so soon? It's unscientific, it shouldn't be in this rhythm!"

The group of pirates that appeared suddenly numbered about [-]. The leader was a man in sunglasses with the appearance of a lion, with a fluffy golden explosive head, a beast face with obvious canine teeth and beards, a pink suit with a waist Wearing a knife, such an image is very familiar in the whole new world, one of the four emperors, the powerful subordinate of the aunt, Pokemus.

The number of [-] pirates has suppressed the more than [-] of the Whitebeard Pirates, plus Pokermus, who can be said to be the number one thug under Auntie, does not need to think much about this battle, the Whitebeard Pirates There is no chance of winning.

Under his leadership, dozens of Whitebeard Pirates were killed in an instant.

"Pokemus, what are you doing here?"

Diamond Qiaoz yelled loudly, this damn guy actually came to make things worse, it is unforgivable.

"The third division of the Whitebeard Pirates vs. Diamond Joze, what do you think I'm here for? Gah."

Pokemus has a big mouth, and his character is just like his appearance, irritable, but he is not an impulsive person, irritability is just a phenomenon.

Joz's face darkened suddenly. This guy must be uneasy and kind when he comes here. What should he do now?Not only is there a strong enemy like Liu Xu, but there is also a strong player like Pokmus, so it's not easy to fight today.

Pokmus didn't even look at Liu Xu, and his small eyes under the sunglasses stared at Diamond Qiaozi. This guy is a guy with a bit of combat power. It seems difficult for other people to get into his eyes!

"Whitebeard has been killed, how much power do you still have now? This place in the New World is the emperor's world. It belongs to the Fourth Emperor. No, it belongs to the Three Emperors. What can be done?"

The blow, the naked blow, Diamond Joes and others were furious. Originally, the situation of the Pirates in the New World was not so good. Now that the scars are uncovered, it is really bloody pain!

"Pokemus, get out of here, we can ignore your offense this time."

Diamond Qiaozi's face was ashen, but his words were obviously weaker.

Without such a powerful emperor as Whitebeard, the Whitebeard Pirates would not be able to compete with other Emperor Pirates, unless they could give birth to another emperor and re-establish the foundation of their Whitebeard Pirates.

"Hahaha, it's so funny, gah..."

Pokmus laughed, but then rushed straight up, his fists turned black, but they were armed and domineering.

Pokmus is good at melee combat. Armed domineering is his strong point, as well as sword skills. His sword is rarely shown. I believe that when he uses this sword, the combat power will be sturdy. .

Under the domineering fist of the armed color, Diamond Joze glared, his left arm directly swung out, his right arm was weak and weak, but it had been abolished.


The strong collision, the fists of the two collided, causing a burst of gas, and the surrounding pirates instantly freed up space for them to fight. The other pirates did not take action. These soldiers are not in his eyes at all, and they can be killed easily.

The figures are staggered, and the punches of Diamond Joze and Pokemus are comparable. Neither of them were injured. This is just a test.

They turned around quickly, and the two fought again. One was using an armed-colored domineering fist, and the other was an armed-colored domineering owner, who was also a devil fruit capable person who could transform into a turtle and had extremely high defense.

Both of them are also famous in the new world for their defensive power and close combat. From the first collision, they seem to have similar combat power.


Pokemus is still taking the initiative to attack, the black fist is constantly bombarding, and Diamond Joze is constantly defending, in order to resist the attack of this powerhouse.

"It seems that the strength is about the same, but the diamond man should be defeated soon. Also, you have been fighting in my territory, have you asked my opinion?"

Liu Xu muttered, he was supposed to fight the Whitebeard Pirates, but now he was left alone, which made people depressed and entangled.

It seems that he is the strongest here, right?Why is no one paying attention?Is it a matter of character?

Just as he thought, the battle between the two was stalemate at the beginning, but it didn't take long for Diamond Qiaozi to be a little tired of coping. With the loss of an arm, his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced, and he fought desperately when he entered the field. The other party, it seems, did not.


Chapter 2617 Mousse, teach me a lion call

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The dull sound kept coming, and Diamond Joze was already a little anxious, and the situation would be very unfavorable if he continued to fight.

Fortunately, there is another captain here, Jin Gudo.

Seeing that the situation was already a little dangerous, Jin Guduo joined the battle without saying anything. The iron arms in both hands were his best weapon, and he was also a good hand in close combat.

Every captain of the Whitebeard Pirates has a reward amount of more than [-] million, and it is estimated to be more than [-] million by visual estimation. People like Ace already have a reward amount of more than [-] million...

As for the phoenix Marco, the bounty amount of more than [-] million is definitely an existence that can fight against the general after all.

The amount of reward offered by the captains will not be too outrageous. Liu Xu's estimate should be more than [-] million Bailey.

Experience, this is definitely experience!

With the addition of Jin Guduo, the pressure on Diamond Joze has been reduced a lot, and the strong confrontation, the two can still have a little advantage in the battle against [-] million Bailey's Pokermus.

Working with Jin Gudo while losing an arm, it quickly became overwhelming.

And the other pirates have also started fighting. Losing the deterrence of the captain, the pirates under Pokermus rushed up immediately. More than [-] faced more than [-]. There is no need to think about this ending.

As for Liu Xu, he was still left alone, and even pirates who passed by him didn't even bother to look at him.

navy?One?Forget it, save it, one mouthful of saliva can drown him.

"This, it seems a bit contemptuous! Everyone, isn't this appropriate?"

Liu Xu is angry, we are also the navy anyway, even if you don't want to pay attention, don't get so close to hurt people's self-esteem, mother.

The voice spread throughout the entire Mermaid Bay, causing the faces of the Whitebeard Pirates to change, oh, forgot that this guy still exists, it's a sin.

However, some of Pokmus' subordinates turned their heads and shouted loudly: "Who are you, a navy dares to be fooled here."

"court death!"

Liu Xu yelled back, jumped out and rushed directly to the talking pirates. Without any fancy moves, he grabbed the opponent's head and twisted it five times. He couldn't die any more.

Afterwards, Liu Xu rushed directly to the middle of the three fighting with elements, and kicked Diamond Qiaozi and Jin Guduo away with two kicks.

"You really think this young master is easy to bully, don't you? Pokmus, now give this young master an explanation."

"Who are you?"


Pokmus narrowed his eyes, who is this guy?Why is there a navy here?His fighting power seems to be pretty good. By the way, is he an enemy now?

Liu Xu was silent for a while, bastard, this guy is so annoying, I'll be sorry to my aunt if I don't teach him a lesson.

"Liu Xu, Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Pokmus, now my young master suddenly wants to keep a lion in captivity, what do you think?" The voice was low, like an emissary from hell, cold to the bone.

Huh?Liu Xu, Admiral of the Navy Headquarters?Pokmus' heart skipped a beat, why does this name sound familiar?What's going on, where did you hear about it?In other words, it seems that it is difficult to fight a strong general level.No, he said he wanted to raise lions in captivity?

At this time, Pokemus finally figured out that this guy was actually making fun of himself, unforgivable, really unforgivable.

His irritable temper suddenly rose, and his armed fists were ready to smash the enemy in front of him at any time.

"Joz, how about we..."

Jin Guduo looked at Liu Xu, and it seemed that now was a good opportunity to kill him and take back the Fishman Island.

Joz nodded and said solemnly: "You think well, now is the best chance to evacuate."


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