Jin Gu has been spraying a lot, so, why is this the case?We want to kill each other, not run away, Your Excellency, Captain of the Third Division.

Joze ignored the water spray from his partner and made a few gestures directly to the pirates under him. I saw that these pirates quickly gathered over. With two captains sitting in the town, the people from Pokemus did not dare to come over.

Retreat, retreat quietly, more than [-] pirates rushed towards the boat, Liu Xu, who was confronting Pokmus, didn't notice at all, and now he is fully focused on the other party, look how good this lion head is , maybe that can be done.

"Pockmus, would you like to let my young master's Scientology teach you to transform your body and create a good lion body, hehe, transplanting your head and heart, what a wonderful thing!"


Without much to say, Pokemus slammed directly over, no matter who he is, do it first and then talk about it.

Liu Xu also threw a punch, also armed and domineering, but blasted the opponent's punch out, and directly bounced hundreds of meters and slammed into a tree hard.

"My young master will let you know why the flowers are so popular now."

Liu Xu snorted and rushed over, armed and domineering?Then let's see who's armed color is stronger.

"Bang bang bang!"

With a violent punch, Pokmus, who hadn't reacted to being punched by Liu Xu, was sadly urged. Every punch hit him on the head, messing up his coquettish afro , with a bruised nose and swollen face, dizzy head, looks so funny.

The three hundred pirates were sweating profusely, dammit, do you want to support them now?Uh, forget it, the captain was kicked away, and he still can't go there and be abused.A dead fellow is not a poor fellow!

Under this idea, no one came to support, but silently blessed in my heart and became a spectator.

"Hurry up, learn how to bark like a lion, or this young master will kill you."

"I would rather die than surrender!"

Like a lion?Impossible, that is absolutely impossible.

"Learn now, or it won't be as simple as pulling a beard later."

"Not learn!"

Still so resolute and decisive, it is admirable!

"Study or not?"

Liu Xu slapped him left and right, slapped him across the face, and then slapped him naked in the face.

"No...don't study."

Pokmose's voice is already trembling, this guy, this guy is a demon.


Chapter 2618 Fishman Island succumbs to his power, um, under protection...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Yeah? Pointing gun secrets. Millennium kill! Do you want to learn?"

Liu Xu turned him over, and a thousand-year-old bombarded him.


The three hundred pirates instinctively tightened their legs, and when the chrysanthemum tightened, the feeling was absolutely uncomfortable.


Pokmus was silent for a moment, then let out a loud roar, almost jumped up, and was kicked down by Liu Xu again.

"Learn or not? Pointing to the spear mystery. Thousands..."

"Roar! Roar!"

Before the words were finished, Pokemus, who was already collapsed in his heart, roared again and again. It turned out to be like a lion's roar.

"Master Pokmus..."

The hearts of the pirates also collapsed. If the aunt saw this scene, what a sad thing it would be!

"Hey, get up."

After Liu Xu said a word, Pork Mousse stood up in a hurry, his face was purple, his legs were tightly gathered, and his buttocks were also tightened. That feeling is still very weird.

Pokmus's heart is broken. He has been on the sea for so many years. He has experienced countless battles, big and small. Even if he was beaten badly before, he can bear it. A great help, in the new world, it is very prosperous.But, but, everything is tears!

After being blasted hard with that invincible move, Pokmus already had the urge to hit the wall.

Moreover, he was forced to brag like a lion, even if he looks like a lion, you can't humiliate him like this, it still makes people live.

Those [-] pirates decided decisively not to support them if they were killed. Whoever supported them would be fools.

Liu Xu laughed straight, sure enough, sometimes he had to resort to extreme measures.

Even Lu Qi, a cold-faced man with a paralyzed face, would face a sudden change every time he mentioned this powerful move. How could Big Brother Pokmus endure it?

"Lion Head, are you still honest now?"

"Roar! Roar!"

Pokemus responded most simply and directly. Tears were already in his heart. After the first battle today, it must take a long time to cultivate and fight. The physical injury does not matter, but the spiritual injury is the most serious.

"Hey, that's right. Then, it's time to teach those two guys a lesson."

Liu Xu laughed out loud, and turned around to teach the Whitebeard Pirates a lesson, but he was dumbfounded when he turned around.

Damn, where are the Whitebeard Pirates on Mermaid Beach?

He turned his eyes and quickly locked on to the two ships on the sea surface that were about to break through the bubble membrane, furious.

"Blessed with [-] million volts. Kirin!"

Liu Xu let out a loud roar, and Leizhu quickly created a thundercloud. Deep purple arcs flickered in the thundercloud, and in the blink of an eye, it condensed into a unicorn beast and swooped down on the two pirate ships below.


The roar of thunder sounded, and the unicorn landed in the middle of the two ships. The sea surface was instantly filled with dark purple lightning, and the current carried by the unicorn also floated in the air and passed through the two ships.


There was a shrill scream from the pirate ship. The penetrating power of the deep purple lightning was very powerful, and it was a blessing of [-] million volts. How could ordinary pirates be able to bear it?

In the blink of an eye, dozens of pirates had already collapsed on the deck, their bodies scorched black, their life and death unknown.

Even Diamond Qiaozi and Jinguduo were affected by the arc, and there were spots of scorched marks on their bodies.

"This guy can be so far away..."

Jin Guduo's face was full of shock, and the speed of the pirate ship was much faster, breaking through the bubble wrap and heading towards the deep sea.

"Tch, I was still escaped."

Liu Xu despised it for a moment. Originally, he wanted to save at least one captain's life, but now it was impossible.

But it's good now, if you spread the news that Murloc Island belongs to you, some people will have to think about it if they want to come up with some crazy ideas in the future.

There are advantages and disadvantages, and it cannot weaken the strength of the opponent, but it can bring a certain degree of security here.

Haha, Fishman Island has succumbed to his lust ever since...

Ah bah, under protection.

Turning around again to face the remaining pirates, this turn was immediately messy in the wind.

The mermaid beach is very clean, there is no debris, the pirates, all slipped away!

This was a sad thing, the corner of Liu Xu's mouth twitched a few times, and finally he sighed, this good lion ran away, what a crime.

All the members of the two pirate groups slipped away. Liu Xu was in a mess for a while and returned decisively to Dragon Palace City. There are still many things to deal with there, so he must rush back to deal with them!

Several people in Dragon Palace City were full of thoughts, and Neptune and the three princes were the most entangled people.

Now that Liu Xu's strength has been shown and he has completely rescued the Fishman Island, even if they refuse to admit it, the residents of the Fishman Island will probably be grateful to him.

If Liu Xu is kicked out, the residents of Fishman Island may not know what their attitude will be. This is a very tangled matter.

Moreover, under a powerful force, any resistance is useless, and will only bring disaster to them in the end.

"Father, I can only fully admit that General Liu Xu has become the guardian of the Fishman Island. Now I am afraid that he will regard the Fishman Island as his territory in the future, and we are just his subjects."

Shark star is full of worry, this is the most serious matter, will Liu Xu's existence impact their regime?

After this battle, Neptune still has lingering fears.He has always been a child with a temper. Now he only knows that the Fishman Island was rescued, and he was rescued by Liu Xu.

"Idiot, if people wanted our regime already, how could it be so troublesome, idiot."

huh?Neptune's attitude made the three Sharks dumbfounded. What rhythm is this?Could it be that your father has fallen too?Oh Shet.

"Then, if the people from the Whitebeard Pirates..."

Shark Xing said cautiously, this used to be Whitebeard's territory, when they call, they have nothing to say!


Chapter 2619 Bai Xing begs to take it away

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"This, this..."

It was only then that Bipton remembered that there was such a thing, and was immediately entangled.

"Don't worry, the Whitebeard Pirates won't come here again, and Charlotte Lingling, the aunt of the Four Emperors, probably won't come here to make trouble either."

Liu Xu's words came over, with a relaxed tone.


Neptune turned his head and saw that Liu Xu had already walked over, surrounded by soldiers who were cleaning up the mess.

"How to say?"

Shark Star seemed to understand something, and asked cautiously.

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