"Just now the captain of the third division and the eleventh division of the Whitebeard Pirates came over, and I ran away. Charlotte Lingling's Pokmus also came, and I also ran away, what do you think? Woolen cloth?"

This remark made the people present take a deep breath and ran away two powerful people at once. Is this going to go against the sky?


"If it's fake, forget it, let's not talk about this. Now let's tidy up here, Bai Xing's training will continue. Little Bai Xing, come to my bowl, uh, come here..."

As he spoke, he waved to Bai Xing, who trotted over all the way.


The matter of Fishman Island came to an end, Liu Xu finally breathed a sigh of relief, the gate of the new world is now in his hands, and the next step should be to go to other places to see and see.

"Little Baixing, from now on, you will practice hard here on Murloc Island. Teacher will go to other sea areas to work hard, and I will come back to see you when the time comes!"

Touching Xiaobaixing's pink hair, Liu Xu laughed straight away. After wasting a few days here, it's time to see the navy branch here. It seems that there is a lieutenant general in charge!

Bai Xing trotted over, his body shook when he heard the words, he grabbed Liu Xu's justice coat and said, "Teacher, can you not leave?"

She was so pitiful that she wanted to cry.

Although it didn't take long, it was this teacher who inspired her inner courage, made her dare to face her inner fragility, and even summoned powerful sea kings, female emperors and others. These are all very good. Sister, I am really sad.

Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, why did he do this?Can you agree happily!

"Little Baixing, the teacher still has a lot of things to do. It is impossible to stay in one place for too long, so I can only leave. Well, I will come to see you soon."

"No, I don't want you to leave."

Bai Xing kept shaking his head, big teardrops dripping down like pearls.

Liu Xu scratched his hair, why didn't he realize that this little apprentice was so clingy?Now even if I pack it, I still won’t go back!He looked at the empress and the others for help, but saw that their smiles were not smiles, as if there was something hidden in their smiles.

Suddenly, Bai Xing seemed to have thought of something, and said, "Teacher, why don't I go to sea with you?"


Liu Xu resolutely sprayed, this, this, this young master is not the strange uncle who abducted little loli, you are easy to be misunderstood, okay?

Sure enough, the people in Neptune suddenly became nervous, God, you can't leave, what will happen to this fish-man island if you leave?Besides, you are only fourteen years old, how could you run away with a man?

Seeing that Liu Xu didn't answer, Bai Xing seemed to remember something, moved a little closer to him, and pressed his whole upper body on top of him, and said with a small mouth, "Teacher, just promise me!"


Liu Xu gasped, feeling the shock coming from his arm, and his heart surged. This, who taught her this?Could it be?

Turning his gaze to Nami, he saw that she was smiling wickedly at the moment, no need to think about it, she must be right.

Miss Nami, it's against the rules for you to teach children like this, and accidents will happen if you are not careful.

Suppressing the extreme feeling of being secretly refreshed, Liu Xu pulled his hand out of Bai Xing's white and lovely face, coughed hard a few times, and said ruthlessly: "Little Bai Xing, this is not allowed, your current one who has always been It’s too weak, it’s very dangerous at sea, and you don’t want the teacher to keep taking care of you while you’re fighting, right? The teacher knows you’re a good boy, so you should practice hard here, and the teacher will pick you up when the time comes OK?"

no effect?Bai Xing felt a burst of disappointment, why was the trick they taught so useless?It's unscientific, they say it's very effective!

Feeling infinitely disappointed, Bai Xing still said: "Teacher, Bai Xing understands, Bai Xing will cultivate hard, and you must come to pick me up when the time comes!"

"no problem!"

Liu Xu smiled brightly. God knows how uncomfortable he was when he said those words just now. It didn't fit our gorgeous image at all. When did he say such things?

The Empress and others were surprised, isn't this guy very erotic?How could he be able to endure such an action as Bai Xing?Weird, so weird.

"Nepton, this phone bug is handed over to you, if you have anything to do, use it to contact me directly!"

After handing a phone bug to Neptune, Liu Xu immediately turned around and led more than [-] people to evacuate decisively without looking back.

"goodbye teacher!"

Bai Xing waved his little hand behind him, and Liu Xu raised his hand and waved it, with a pretentious rhythm, naked, it seemed that this gesture was very handsome.


Above the surface of the sea, Liu Xu and others let out a deep breath. After staying underwater for such a long time, they finally returned to the top and took a good breath of fresh air.

Although it was similar on Murloc Island, for them who were never used to large sea kings and sea creatures floating above their heads, this was the most comfortable place.

Still on the balcony on the third floor, Liu Xu lazily leaned on the beach chair. Navigation in the new world needs to rely on the permanent record pointer, otherwise it is easy to be affected by the changing environment.

Just like now, less than half an hour after coming out, countless thunderclouds condensed in the cloudless sky, the wind was strong, and the thunderclouds gradually formed a tornado posture, and it seemed that a storm was coming.

The other two warships and the crew of the pirate ship to which the Empress belonged frowned. This situation is very bad, the waves are too big, even a huge warship is a little troublesome.

Thunderstorm is coming soon.

Chapter 2620 Thunder Man

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Captain, you are ready."

Brayton cheered on the deck. Thousands of small black oval iron boxes were placed on the deck at this moment, but they were Brayton's devices to promote and store lightning energy.

"Oh? Then let's get started and get ready to accept the gift of nature!"

Liu Xu responded, and then released a bolt of lightning towards the sky. The raging thundercloud suddenly rumbled, and countless thunderbolts fell towards the main ship.

Please call brother "Ji Lei Man"!

"Ah! Look over there."

"My God, General Liu Xu's warship was struck by lightning."

The other soldiers were dumbfounded. What did they do to make God smash directly onto the main ship?sin.

But Breton laughed loudly. This is a gift from nature. These storage devices have even more powerful functions!

Brayton, a powerful mad scientist, is keen on transformation and creation. He created intercontinental missiles, Dongfeng missiles and so on.

There are also these energy storage devices, which are no longer simply promoting energy storage, but have other powerful functions.

The energy of lightning is undoubtedly powerful, and if the lightning of nature is collected and used to attack at a critical moment, will it have the same effect as a grenade?Or even more powerful?

The small black iron box is no more than the size of an egg. It can hold two or three in one hand. It contains a powerful lightning force. Once the lightning force inside is triggered, the lethality must be amazing.

The thunder and lightning in the sky continued to rage, and was finally pulled into the small iron box.

When more than an hour passed, the thunderclouds in the sky gradually dissipated, and Brayton below also laughed. He was very satisfied just now.

The small oval-shaped iron box is very suitable for throwing. He ordered the soldiers to collect these things. Breton laughed wildly. The battle from now on is all about scaring the dead!

"Scientists, share some with soldiers, it is necessary during battle."

Liu Xu stopped his wild laughter with one sentence, and his face suddenly became stiff.

General Liu Xu, the great Mr. Captain, can you talk about it after we finish laughing?It is very hard to stop suddenly like this.


Breton gave each soldier three of them, and consumed more than [-] of them at once, which seems to be consumed very quickly, and then he had to explain how to use them, tsk tsk, these days are not so easy.


"The new world must have a resident!"

Liu Xu frowned and thought, a garrison must be assigned by every powerful force, and it is very meaningful to be able to exist as a wartime command post, refuge, etc., to coordinate and dispatch in a unified way, and to gather countless powerful people.

Although the navy has its headquarters in New World, Liu Xu prefers to stay here in comparison...

"Cake Island, Punk Hazard, Thunder God Island, Palm Island... Hey, why do these places pop up in my head, each one is famous in the New World, and they are all very dangerous places!"


In the new world, there are still many pirate groups that do not have their own residences. They are like tramps on the sea wandering around. If they are lucky enough to find one, that is their luck.

And if you are unlucky, you may be killed, swallowed by Neptune, or dried up by bad weather. These are all possible things.

Therefore, although the new world is the sea area where the four emperors rule the world, it is also a sea area with constant disputes and various bloody and cruel seas.

In the caravan here, who would dare not sail under the protection of some pirate groups or navy?

Asking these pirates to take shelter and sailing would naturally require huge funds, and in order to make up for these funds, it would only be possible to use trade items to raise prices wildly.

Now, there is really a caravan that has shown great courage. Without the escort of the pirates and the navy, they are sailing unscrupulously in this sea area.

"Nami, can you see it?"

Liu Xu asked, Nami on the deck was watching carefully with a telescope, and saw a caravan without escort here.

If it is a small caravan, it is justified, but this caravan consisting of five or six merchant ships must have very expensive goods.

"I can see that it should be a caravan that has just entered the new world, otherwise they should have asked the pirates or the navy to escort them."

Nami analyzed it carefully, but did not make a direct judgment.


Liu Xu nodded secretly, and then the power of the heart network unfolded, extending towards the caravan.

"Kula, how long will it take to reach Villa?"

A voice caught his attention.

"There are still two days to arrive, this time the delivery is a bit troublesome, and you have to be careful."

"The coup provoked this time should be able to overthrow them. Although it is a small town, it is very important!"

"So hurry up and send these arms over to give the brothers of the revolutionary army the greatest support."


Vera?arms?Revolutionary Army?

These three key words set off a big wave of wind in Liu Xu's heart. He never thought that any caravan he encountered would be from the revolutionary army. This can also explain why they didn't invite navy or pirates. Escorted.

In the Revolutionary Army, there are also some powerful people. Although they are often active underground, their strength cannot be ignored. Whether it is in the four seas or in the entire great route, they will always exist.

"Nami, keep a distance and follow my command to sail."

Liu Xu pulled a smile from the corner of his mouth, but he already had an idea, and his mind was firmly locked on the people on the caravan.

Nami heard the words and slowed down, and the speed of the fleet's sailing slowed down.

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