
Under the control of Xinwang power, even though the caravan in front has been out of sight, it is difficult to see clearly even with a telescope.

But Liu Xu was able to control their direction very accurately, guiding Nami to constantly adjust the speed and direction.

Caravan sailing, Columbia and others have felt something and came to the balcony.


Chapter 2621 New World Station

"Mr. Captain, is there any problem with the caravan ahead?"

Columbia smiled. Just now he had observed through a sniper rifle. It didn't seem like a big problem!

A few women were also puzzled. What did they do to follow a caravan?There is no need to rob anything, why bother?

Liu Xu smiled lightly and said, "Sniper, do you still remember that we found a merchant ship in the East China Sea? That merchant ship was full of munitions, do you have any impression?"

When he said Colombia, he immediately remembered it, including Tina.

I once found a merchant ship in Rogge Town, and it seemed that he said it arrogantly when he was inspected. In the end, he also said that Doflamingo, one of the Shichibukai, is a big girl, and asked Liu Xu on the spot. He was laid to rest and the ammunition was confiscated.

And that merchant ship seems to be the merchant ship of the Revolutionary Army, used to transport arms.

"You mean this caravan also belongs to the Revolutionary Army? And it's still transporting arms?"

There was obvious shock in Columbia's eyes. Seven or eight merchant ships came to transport arms. Are they planning to attack a kingdom?

"Yes, it is the merchant ship of the revolutionary army, so now we will follow him behind, and we will take him directly when it is almost time, hehe, give that guy a surprise."

A hidden anger flashed in Liu Xu's eyes, only Columbia and Tina noticed it, and they fell silent for a while.

That guy, the guy who once appeared in the East China Sea and disappeared, gave them too much shock. That kind of power was completely devastating to them at the time, and it was unbearable.

"If I meet him again, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist him!"

Columbia sighed for the last time, but he was also lost his temper by that character.

Tina shook her head secretly. She didn't think her strength could compete with that guy. After all, the disparity in strength was too great to resist.

Liu Xu laughed, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Don't be so discouraged, isn't this young master still here? Well, anyway, as long as you see his power, you can kill him directly. The revolutionary army, hmph, a group of Kidnapping criminals who started wars in the name of justice."

The revolutionary army was indeed such an image in Liu Xu's mind.

Perhaps the Revolutionary Army once brought benefits to some countries, but looking at the entire world, how many people support the actions of the Revolutionary Army?How many countries can truly achieve peace and freedom with the help of the revolutionary army?Save the world?Overthrow the world government?Liu Xu scoffed.

It has been ruled for [-] years, and the world has been peaceful except for pirates. Although wars break out in some countries occasionally, they are harmless.The revolutionary army threatened to overthrow the world government and expose the ugly side of the world government.

Which dynasty, which powerful dynasty did not have a dark side?If that dark side had not been used, the world would have been in chaos.

He still agrees with the shady methods of the World Government.Don't be kidnapped by morality, just do your own justice.

"Dear Mr. Captain, is this really okay?"

Columbia is a little speechless, what if that guy shows up again?What if the revolutionary army came to besiege?

As if he already knew what was on his mind, Liu Xu chuckled and said, "Don't worry, don't worry if that guy reappears again, I have everything to do. Don't worry about the attack of the revolutionary army, they don't have the strength and courage to face me right now. , unless, they want to fight those guys."

Without saying who they were, Liu Xu laughed a few words, it's all that simple.

Columbia bowed slightly and left, and there were still a few people who were confused. What the hell was going on?What characters did you meet in the East China Sea?

"Tina, can I tell my concubine?"

The empress looked forward to her beautiful eyes, Tina held on for a while and then quickly fell, and several women got together and began to communicate.

However, Liu Xu let out a deep breath. Even if he met that guy again, he believed that this time it would definitely not be the same as before. With his own strength and Nine Songs of Mieshi, he would definitely be abused.


As the fleet sailed, an island appeared in front of them, a very large island.

In addition to the lush green forest, there is actually a huge town where people come and go, but it is a little dilapidated.


Information about this town appeared in Liu Xu's mind. It is a huge town, and it is also an area where armed coups are frequent. Some coups often break out, and it feels a bit desolate.

The folk customs are sturdy, and the combat effectiveness seems to be good.

"It's decided, this will be our residence from now on."

Liu Xu directly announced that this place will be his residence in the New World.

"Residence? Interesting decision, ahaha."

Breton laughed loudly, also a little excited.

How comfortable it is to set up a resident in the New World. Apart from those powerful forces, who can own a resident in the New World?

Now that I have just arrived here, I am going to lay down a resident. High-profile, this is a bit high-profile, but the higher the profile, the better.

Unfortunately, Liu Xu's thinking is not like this. This is a place where armed coups are frequent, but it is also relatively hidden, and not many people are willing to stay here.

On the coast of the island, several merchant ships had already docked, and the crew on them began to carry the goods. Each box of goods was heavy, and it took three or four people to lift it.

On the coast, there are hundreds of armed personnel strictly guarding it.

After observing it for a while, Liu Xu ordered the fleet to turn around, stop at another coast of the island, and disembark!


Arms is very important to any force. If it is said that the world's most abundant arms are the World Government, the investment of various funds makes the World Government's arsenal very full.

Arms also means wealth, which is completely a symbol of Pele!


Chapter 2622 Sneak Attack on the Revolutionary Army

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


More than two hundred soldiers disembarked from the warship. To describe it in one sentence, it was the ghosts entering the village quietly.

The sound of footsteps was kept to a minimum, passing through the dense jungle, all rifles were at the ready.

Liu Xu's heart net has always been shrouded on that coast. There are more than a hundred armed personnel. These people should be handed over to the Revolutionary Army. They presumably are those who were planning to launch a coup in Vera. Unexpectedly, the Revolutionary Army actually supported their coup.

Gradually approaching the coast, more than [-] soldiers opened the front line. The rifles in their hands were already aimed.

Columbia and others are also ready to attack, Breton is already gearing up, and the Empress and others are relatively leisurely, so little people are completely ignored.


Liu Xu yelled softly, and more than two hundred soldiers pulled the triggers almost at the same time, and the bullets roared out of the barrels, hitting the more than one hundred armed men in an instant.

The Colombian sniper rifle also quickly fired twelve bullets, and the domineering bullets attached to the weapon exploded directly on the coast. Twelve large craters with a diameter of more than seven meters appeared on the beach impressively.

"There is an enemy attack!"

The moment the gun rang, the armed men reacted, and when they looked in the direction of the source of the sound, the bullet had already arrived. All of a sudden, hundreds of these armed men were killed, scaring the other people to seek cover quickly.

However, this seems to have no effect. Columbia's bullets are like bamboo poles that drive livestock out of the bunker and gather in one direction.

"Profound Truth. Intercontinental Missile!"

Breton's eyes were fierce, and a green missile was thrown from his hand, and the armed men who were driven out flew over directly.


With a loud bang, the missile exploded, and the sky-high flames and thick black smoke came from the location of the explosion, and a shock wave instantly affected everyone on the coast.

At the center of the explosion, the people inside were bombed to pieces before they could even let out a scream, ending their lives.

The only people left are those in the revolutionary army. Although they can also become armed men with weapons, this is obviously not a climate.

Another round of rifle bombing directly ended the lives of hundreds of revolutionary troops here.


Liu Xu snapped his fingers. It is interesting to eliminate the opponent with zero casualties. It is reckless to rush up to all kinds of hand-to-hand fights as soon as he enters the field.

The guns were put away, and there were less than ten people standing on the shore. The weapons in their hands had already been thrown away. How could they dare to be stunned?

Liu Xu walked over directly with the people, only more than a hundred meters away from them.

"What? It turned out to be the Navy?"

The people in the revolutionary army were dumbfounded, how could it be the revolutionary army?Shouldn't it be people from Villa who came to attack them?How could it be so sinful?

"Big brothers of the Revolutionary Army, good morning, what a beautiful morning!"

Liu Xu's joking voice made people want to beat him up, but who dared to move?

"Navy, fight!"

A man in the revolutionary army rushed out with a loud shout, causing Liu Xu to raise his eyebrows, and raised his hand to stop the soldiers from attacking. This guy has courage!

"Water rush!"

Unexpectedly, when the guy rushed to the front, he suddenly waved his fists, and two high-speed rotating water jets flew out of his hands.

"Ability person? Boring."

Liu Xu's eyes lit up, but he didn't think too much about it. Armed domineering aura was attached to his fist, and he smashed the two jets of water directly.


The capable man roared again, and saw that the calm sea suddenly surged, and the sea water turned into a twenty-meter-high waterfall and pressed down here.


Liu Xulei drew his sword out of its sheath and slashed horizontally. The deep purple light of the sword flew out and cut the waterfall into two sections.

"Fifty million volts blessing. Chidori sharp gun!"

The electric light condensed and ejected at the fingertips to form a small beam of light, which directly penetrated the heart of the capable person. The other members of the revolutionary army were also smashed by Breton's guns in the moment they rushed up.

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