"It's actually a person with the ability to use sea water. Is this a rhythm against the sky?"

Liu Xu glanced at the corpse of the capable person, and finally shook his head. It should have been just manipulating a little sea water in some special way, otherwise he would have been famous long ago.

If you just create a tsunami or something on the sea, how about killing other capable users in minutes?Sea water is always the weakness of devil fruit users.

"Count the spoils, and the warship will come over and carry it up."

Liu Xu let out a loud roar, looking at the densely packed boxes, he felt a sense of relief. This is a huge wealth, seven or eight merchant ships, and the munitions inside are priceless, definitely hundreds of millions or even more.

A group of navy soldiers cheered, and some quickly drove the ship over, while others ran to the merchant ship, unloaded all the munitions inside, and moved them into the warship.

After explaining these things, Liu Xu started to work on other things. A flag, a flag exclusive to his warship, was planted deep on the coast, thus declaring his sovereignty over the island.

"Tina, get ready to complete our mission in the town of Vera! From now on, this is our headquarters in the New World, our residence."

There was another burst of cheers. The members of the first team were the most excited. Station, what a refreshing term. In the first half of the great route, there is a large territory on the empty island. How cool is it to have a station here?

"Little ones, hurry up and get ready, kill the rebels in Vera, and build our own base."

Liu Xu roared, and the soldiers moved more quickly. Some began to collect the corpses for cremation, and some continued to carry the ammunition. It took more than two hours to finish the processing, and went directly to Vera.

It is not a small matter to transport arms to Vera in large quantities, which means that the revolutionary army is likely to have a big move, and it is even possible that the leader or high-level cadres are nearby at the moment.


Chapter 2623 Just change the dynasty...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Although Liu Xu didn't know exactly how powerful the revolutionary army was, he knew very well that as long as he fought against the opponent, he must be sure of winning with one blow, otherwise, some things could only be hidden.

Resolutely, attacking Vera directly, it is very important to take this place in the shortest time, and build a strong defensive force, even if the people of the revolutionary army attack, they will have a certain degree of confidence to resist.

Vera is not a small town. There are about [-] ordinary residents here, which is about the same number as some small kingdoms.

In the world of Pirates, there may be one or two countries on a huge island, both of which are also kingdoms, but there is a huge gap in size.

This is a place where armed coups often occur, this is a place that has been baptized by war, and this is a place where people's customs are strong.

At the same time, this is also the place Liu Xu likes.

When Liu Xu was about one kilometer away from Vera, he had already felt the power of Xinwang. The people here are indeed fierce and aggressive, so it is no wonder that coups often occur.

"After going in, kill the reactionaries directly, um, why don't you kill the ruler here too, just change the dynasty..."

Liu Xu explained the matter. The navy soldiers armed to the teeth still have a great advantage over the militants here. At least one top three is no problem.

A detailed and meticulous plan emerged in Liu Xu's mind. To capture the thief, first capture the king, kill the big head, and the rest of the soldiers are not easy to deal with.

With such thoughts in mind, Liu Xu's troops started to move, and without a word, they rushed directly towards the entrance of the closed great town.

"Enemy attack!"

As soon as the naval soldiers moved, those soldiers patrolling the gate had already found their traces.Intuition that this should be the guys who are going to launch a coup d'etat to attack, and suddenly sounded the alarm.

The piercing alarm sound echoed throughout the town, and all the residents hid in their homes for a while. This is a habit they have developed for countless years. As soon as the alarm sounded, they would hide in immediately.

They don't pay too much attention to who is in power. Here, the person who launched the coup may succeed today, but another wave of people will carry it out tomorrow. This is a very common thing.

It is really normal for a few people in power to change in a year, as long as they do their own things well.

The gunshots sounded suddenly, and the soldiers in the town attacked first. Cannons and rifles spit out fire snakes, forming a dense fire network.

The eyes of Liu Xu, who rushed to the front, were all blazing, and his whole body was elementalized, releasing a large number of electric arcs to change the trajectory of those shells and bullets, and all of them fell on him.

"Bang bang bang!"

The shell exploded on his body, brilliant sparks lit up in the air, and Liu Xu was directly swallowed by the flames and thick smoke.


There was another loud noise, and the flames and thick smoke exploded in an instant, and Liu Xu appeared in front of everyone intact.

"One hundred million volts. Fury of Thunder!"

The Ark Proverbs quickly created a thundercloud in the sky, and dark purple lightning as thick as an arm descended from the thundercloud, hitting the defenses in the town in an instant.

[-] million volts against ordinary soldiers like them would be a devastating blow.

Under the penetrability and high temperature of the powerful current, the body instantly turned into nothingness.

"Rush in!"

With a loud roar, Liu Xu manipulated the thunder and lightning to directly smash the closed gate, providing the navy soldiers with a way to break through.

There was rumbling thunder from the thunderclouds in the sky, and the entire thundercloud covered Vera. It was like the end of the world. The sky was completely dark, and the electrons in the air were full of violent breath, making people's bodies appear some discomfort.

It seems that there is always some electric current passing through their bodies. Although it will not cause harm, it always makes them feel numb and numb, which is difficult to resist.

The soldiers in front were completely killed, and the soldiers inside quickly filled their positions.

Battles in cities and towns have a characteristic, that is, there are many alleys and many bunkers. Under such circumstances, Liu Xu landed on the ground, giving his soldiers a chance to perform.

"Bang bang bang!"

The navy soldier moved forward quickly, aiming the rifle in his hand at the enemy and quickly pulled the trigger. As the bullet flew out of the gun chamber, it accurately hit the enemy's head and completed a headshot.

These soldiers trained in Colombia, their spear skills are naturally the most elite in the Navy headquarters.

The fighting power of the first team is the strongest. They have followed Liu Xu for the longest time and have also received training for the longest time.

From the point of view of this marksmanship alone, killing two people, the second and third teams only killed one person, and this is the difference.

The gap between the second team and the third team felt insurmountable, and they even gave up competing for the title of the first team.

Exciting gunfights, the whole town was detonated in an instant, and the sound of gunfire and artillery was everywhere.

"Huh? That's right, I've rushed over."

Liu Xu's mind moved, but his eyes turned to the outside of the town. There, a team of about [-] people was rushing towards here. Everyone was holding weapons, and they were the troops who were about to participate in the coup d'état.

"Here is up to you, Colombia, capture the thief first, find the leader here and kill them, and destroy their command Mishijiuge!"

Liu Xu quickly issued an order, and then rushed out of the town with his whole body. Columbia also got out of the gun battle immediately and began to look for the leader here.

"One hundred million volts. Fury of Thunder!"

Liu Xu, who came outside the town, looked at the troops below in the air, with a playful smile on his lips, this place will belong to me from now on, how can you allow these unstable factors to continue to survive in this world?

Thundercloud responded to his call, and the thundercloud covering the entire town quickly expanded to cover the head of the troop, and countless thunderbolts fell in an instant.


Chapter 2624 Publishes the founding declaration

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu, who came outside the town, looked at the troops below in the air, with a playful smile on his lips, this place will belong to me from now on, how can you allow these unstable factors to continue to survive in this world?

Thundercloud responded to his call, and the thundercloud covering the entire town quickly expanded to cover the head of the troop, and countless thunderbolts fell in an instant.

The troops that were marching in a hurry were suddenly dumbfounded. What happened to these thunder and lightning?Is it not that God is helping them, but destroying this place?

These coup troops who rushed over were stationed not far from the town. When they saw someone attacking the town and thunderclouds fell, they felt that it was a good opportunity. This was simply arranged for them by God. Now they just need to go Take over towns easily.

Unexpectedly, this thunder cloud even attacked them.

Under Liu Xu's control, the thunder and lightning covered all the coup forces, and they were also ordinary soldiers. How could they have the power to fight against the [-] million volt thunder and lightning?

The falling thunder and lightning directly smashed their bodies. There was no bloody picture, no bloody smell, and no terrifying scene like Shura's hell, only the land that was turned upside down by the lightning bombardment.

Turned into ashes, the army of two thousand people turned into ashes under the raging of thunder and lightning, becoming the smallest dust, which is actually even more terrifying.

The power, the power gap is too huge, these ordinary soldiers have no possibility of resisting under Liu Xu's command.

Perhaps it is a cruel thing to eliminate these ordinary soldiers, but in this era of pirates, an ordinary person may gain great power and finally resist you.

Therefore, killing danger in the cradle is actually protecting yourself and the people around you.

People are dying every day, and they don't care if there are so many more. Liu Xu's thinking is so straightforward.

Anyway, these are not ordinary residents, they are soldiers, and since they become soldiers, they must have the awareness to sacrifice their lives.

Which of these people who initiated the coup would be such a simple person?Not all for their own benefit.

Therefore, Liu Xu had no reason to kill these people.

After the [-]-man army was settled, Liu Xu ignored the dilapidated place and flew directly into the town to wipe out the soldiers here as much as possible to prevent future troubles.

The gun battle continued, and the thunderclouds covering the entire town and the sound of gunfire made the tough residents start to fear. The end of the world is nothing more than that!

After more than an hour of gun battle, with Liu Xu, Breton and the Empress opening the way, the gunfire became less and less, and the streets were full of traces of being struck by lightning, but it was Liu Xu who used the power of lightning to attack Turning the corpses of those people into ashes is the simplest and direct way to destroy the corpses.

"Dear Mr. Captain, their leader has been captured."

Columbia came back with a burly man in his hands, but that didn't affect his footwork or sniper fire.

"This is it?"

Liu Xu glanced at the burly man thrown in front of Columbia and asked, this guy doesn't look like anything special!

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly killed, killed so many people."

The leader trembled, are these guys all demons?He actually killed so many soldiers under him, even the militants who faced the coup had never suffered such a large number of casualties!And they, relying on more than [-] people, wiped out [-] soldiers of their own, this is a rhythm that is against the sky!

Liu Xu glanced at him, and lazily said: "Stop talking so much nonsense, anyway, you have captured this place, and now this place belongs to me. Tsk tsk, what a cool thing. Everything here has nothing to do with you Well, starting today, this young master is the king here. If you don’t have the ability to build this place into a kingdom, then this young master will build it.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Columbia, who was beside him, directly killed him with a shot, and no longer gave him an extra chance to speak.

In the town, the gunfire gradually slowed down, and finally disappeared completely. At this time, Liu Xu's heart network covering the town was also put away.

"Gather all the residents, hehe, a general becomes the king, this must be a very exciting thing."

As soon as the words fell, the soldiers under him immediately began to organize and began to gather these residents together.


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