The information in hand now is about the change of Qiwuhai, which is basically the same, that is, two people have been eliminated and two people have been added.

During the Battle of the Top, Junxiong's sudden defection and Jinbei's rebellion led to the deprivation of the title of Qi Wuhai.

Qiwuhai is a sharp weapon used by the world government to maintain the balance of the world, so naturally it will not leave the remaining positions empty.

Two powerful pirates boarded the throne of the Shichibukai, Trafalgar Law, and Kenfa Caribou, these two people were invited to become the king of the Shichibukai, and once again strengthened the power of the world government and the Navy Headquarters.

However, these two people made Liu Xu completely entangled. How could it be these two people?

Needless to say, Caribou has strength, but it seems that he can't play a big role in the new world... Then there is only Luo, how can he become Qi Wuhai?

The character Luo left a deep impression on Liu Xu. Although he was abused in the Chambord Islands, it is still possible to show his strength.

And the most important thing is that this guy seems to be developing a cooperative relationship with that kid Luffy, tsk tsk, why are there always people in Qiwuhai who have a relationship with that kid Luffy?Could it be that the aura is indiscriminate again?

"General Liu Xu, there is information from Princess Madeline's subordinates."

While thinking about it, Tina walked in and handed two documents to him.

Liu Xu took it over and looked at it, and was immediately puzzled. It was information about the sand crocodile and Moonlight Moria.

According to the intelligence of Madeline's subordinates, the two of them are already on their way to the new world, and will arrive in the new world very soon.

These two people are more or less related to Liu Xu, and this is what confuses him.

"Secretary Tina, what do you think they are doing in the new world? Are they here to disrupt the situation here? Or do you think that this is an opportunity to enter the new world when Whitebeard has died? Oh, their heads are covered with ass. Did you kick?"

Liu Xu's face was full of helplessness. If the two of them appeared in front of him now, they would inevitably be sprayed by him.

Tina thought about it carefully and said: "It is possible that Moriah withdrew from the New World. Crocodile was not in the New World before. I think they should have seen the opportunity now and want to take a share of the pie."

share?Liu Xu snorted heavily, and said, "These two old boys are too shameless, want a piece of the pie? My young master will give them a cup of poison at that time, otherwise they will be rewarded."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"



Qiwuhai's entry into the new world is no small matter, and it is of great benefit to the current Navy headquarters.

After the fierce battle of the Battle of the Top, the first half of the current great route is different from the previous one, and there is no need for too many Qibuhai to sit in the first half.

Therefore, it is the default attitude for the two Shichibukai to enter the New World Navy Headquarters. If the New World is so chaotic, let them make it even more chaotic.

"Tina, pay more attention to Crocodile and Moonlight Moria. If possible, we can cooperate again. The more chaotic the new world is, the more opportunities we have."

Liu Xu let out a smirk, remembering that these two people still have a vital role to play.

What is Shichibukai doing here?Grab the site!

At that time, most people's eyes will be attracted by Qiwuhai, and the navy will quietly fire guns behind him, trying to kill people every minute.

Tina nodded to Liu Xu who was used to all kinds of wretched ways. This matter was too easy.

"By the way, leave the soldiers to sit here, and we will go to Vangley Island, where there are still important things to do."

Finally, Liu Xu gave the final notice, and Tina left immediately, calling everyone together.


Chapter 2627 Terror defense, secret infiltration

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Vangare Island does not belong to the current sailing route. Like the first half, there are several routes that can lead to the final land. Once it deviates from the route, it is difficult to move forward. Coupled with various extreme weather effects, Most people still follow the route honestly.

There are no navy soldiers who respond to each other, no huge warships, only the Queen's Nine Snakes Pirate Ship, on which are the majestic and eye-catching warriors of the daughter country.

Since it is a family of Tianlongren, they must be familiar with the navy. Basically, no navy will take the initiative to find Tianlongren, unless there are many big things, especially in the New World.

If it was a pirate visit, it would be easy to explain, after all, this is a sea area where pirates are popular.

Leaving more than [-] soldiers behind, Liu Xu led hundreds of fighters from the Nine Snake Pirates, as well as the Empress and others.

The sailing time is very long, and it needs to pass through several areas with extreme weather, some are icebergs, some are submarine volcanoes, and there are extreme weather such as blizzards.

The two Colombians sighed, there was really no way to survive on this ship, the two were actually arranged to the basement by the fighters of the Nine Snake Pirates, the reason was...

You are men.

They were very dissatisfied with this, Liu Xu is also a man, why!But the words of the fighters hit them hard.

That is the man of the Empress, the one whom the Daughter Kingdom wants to support.

It was very comfortable to hear such words in Liu Xu's ears. With the laughter along the way, the Nine Snakes pirate ship gradually approached the Fanger Islands.

"Damn, what a dazzling light."

Liu Xu couldn't help covering his eyes, a ray of light shone on his face, and so did the people around him.

In the front, according to the record pointer, it should be Vangare Island. However, the defense of Vangare Island is too sinister, right?

On the islands around the Fanger Islands, except for one with obvious military facilities, the others seem to be uninhabited islands.

However, there are watchtowers on those islands to monitor the surrounding sea area all the time, and the searchlights have been following them since entering here, which is too sinful.

"What a strong defensive force, there are too many watchtowers!"

Colombia has been able to clearly see through sniper rifles. Looking along the coastline, countless watchtowers are lined up like a strong defense line, which is enough to scare many people to death.

"The pirates in front stop!"

A loud roar came from the front. At this moment, there were still several kilometers away from Vangoli Island. However, five patrol ships rushed over and surrounded the Nine Snake Pirates at once, and countless searchlights fell on the deck. on everyone.

"This is a perfect score!"

Liu Xu exclaimed fiercely, patrolling?Yes, it is a patrol ship.

When entering this sea area, you can already see the patrolling ships. The Nine Snake Pirates broke through countless ship defenses and came here. I did not expect to cause such a big turmoil.

What does that mean for patrolling the nearby waters?It means that the surrounding sea area has been encircled by the Dongri Kingdom, and the nearby sea areas belong to the Dongri Kingdom.

"Stop the boat!"

Liu Xu was depressed for a moment, and the Nine Snakes pirate ship also stopped.

As soon as the pirate ship stopped, someone from the ships surrounding them shouted loudly: "We don't welcome pirates here, leave immediately!"

The five ships are very similar to warships, but they also have obvious surprises, that is, a flag, a sun flag.

"How dare you use the sun flag?"

Such a flag made Liu Xu's heart skip a beat. Damn it, it turned out to be this kind of flag, and I wanted to kill him just looking at it.

"We're just adding a little bit of supplies."

Liu Xu responded loudly, the coat of justice on his body had already been removed, and so did Tina's.

"Pirates are not welcome here, your life and death have nothing to do with us, leave immediately!"

The people on the ship yelled again, which aroused Liu Xu's anger. He wished he could fly out and kick this guy to death, but he had to slap him.

However, this can only kill him [-] times in his heart. Now it is obvious that there is no conflict with them. Once there is a conflict, it will definitely attract everyone's attention, and then it will be sad.

"Turn around and leave!"

With an order, the Nine Snake Pirates quickly changed the bow and left, and the ships followed, and stopped following when they left about ten kilometers.

"Liu Xu, do you want to kill him back?"

The female emperor's eyes burst into murderous intent, and she dared to despise her man. If it weren't for Liu Xu's existence just now, he would have killed those guys long ago.

"No, it's too eye-catching. Let's wait until the sky gets darker before acting. We can just go, and the boat will find a place to dock!"

The pirate ship sailed all the way, and finally found a small island and docked after breaking away from the range of the Vanger Islands.


When night falls, the night sky is covered with black thunderclouds, and the bright moon has been covered by thunderclouds. As the so-called night black wind kills the night, this is the best time to sneak in.

Liu Xu's gaze was fixed on the sea area ahead, and the power of his heart net was constantly released. Those people on the ships patrolling the sea were clearly captured by him.

"Let's go, it's very hard to maintain this state."

Liu Xu chuckled, the thunderclouds in the sky were summoned by him in order to create a chance for himself to sneak in.

Summoning thunderclouds in a large area requires precise control of power, and it lasts for a long time. Naturally, it consumes a lot of physical strength and energy.

Two small boats, Liu Xu and others jumped out of the small boats. These small boats are equipped with wind shells and shock shells, which can increase their speed in the shortest time.

Starting off, the two small boats set off quickly under the power of Bei, and continued to charge towards Vangare Island.

Under the cover of the night and the heart net, the boat quickly broke through the defenses of the watchtowers of the surrounding islands and entered the waters of Vangare Island.


Chapter 2628 The first step to destroy a kingdom controlled by Tianlong people

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"If you have the power of Shirahoshi, you won't be suspected if a Neptune eats them every minute."

Liu Xu looked at the ships in the distance and said viciously, Bai Xing's power is too cruel.

The Empress nodded in agreement, it was true, these guys will definitely kill them when the time comes.

The boat quickly approached the coast, and after entering, Liu Xu directly sank the two boats to the bottom of the sea, completely erasing their traces.

And the few people who landed on Vangoli Island were completely messed up. Damn, this is still an island, it's a military base, no, it's even more terrifying than a military base.

The outskirts of the Fange Islands are forests, and there are only three roads leading to the kingdom inside. In this forest, there are countless turrets and watchtowers. There is a turret every one kilometer, and a watchtower every three kilometers. It's against the rhythm of the sky!

Moreover, there was a team of ten soldiers patrolling in the middle of the turret, blocking the possibility of intruders attacking from different angles.

There are countless checkpoints on the three roads of about [-] meters wide, which are strictly guarded, and everyone who enters and leaves must be checked.

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