Against the sky, the defensive power of this island is completely against the sky. If a normal pirate group came to attack here, they would all have to kneel.

"Captain, this power is too terrifying!"

Brayton, a well-informed veteran, couldn't help swallowing, saying why did the captain come here?Can you choose to leave?

Liu Xu wiped off the non-existent sweat on his forehead, and said, "Calm down, calm down at this time. No matter how terrifying the opponent's power is, we have to get there. The goal is Dongjing, the capital of the Eastern Sun Kingdom. Let's get there!"


Master Liu Xu, are you sure this is not a joke?Kill the capital of that kingdom?This is the rhythm of dying every minute!Judging from the military power seen now, the armed forces in this kingdom must be terrifying. If they attack them, what should they do if they are besieged?

"Let's go, go directly to the capital East Longitude, our goal is the king here, after we get there, find some ministers to start. Remember, this is a kingdom that sells arms and harms the world. We are the party of justice, we are justice Angel. Take it easy and do it!"

As Liu Xu said so, the whole team also started to set off at this time, entering from the forest.

If you want to explore the way with the power of Xinwang, it is relatively easy to pass through this heavy defense.

It's just that this cautious feeling makes people a little uncomfortable. Thinking about the previous battles, when was it not a high-profile point to fuck them?Which time didn't you go straight to the lair and kill them?

Rich, too rich.

Along the way, Liu Xu kept feeling, how much Bailey would be consumed by such a huge defensive force every year!

It is definitely a terrifying number, and it will definitely surprise people.

"Snipers, scientists, clean up Bailey here!"

Before Liu Xu could speak, Nami couldn't bear it anymore.

Her eyes are full of Bailey's light, and she is smart enough to know how rich the kingdom is from everything around her.

Since Liu Xu wants to kill this kingdom, what about Bailey here?

There is only one answer, please scrape it off, if you don’t accept it, I’m sorry for the common people.

"Yeah, that's a great idea, Nami, you're amazing."

Liu Xu turned his head and kissed him hard, what a comforting thought!

If the Tianlong people are in control behind the scenes, it is doomed to the prosperity of this kingdom.

Madeline's request was to cut off their capital chain and weaken their power, this was a necessary idea.

And the two heart-eating pills exchanged from the collection king can manipulate people's thoughts and memories, so it means that as long as they eat this thing, everything will be solved.

However, the Heart-Eating Pill is too expensive, and only one percent of the original energy can be exchanged for one. There is no way to exchange it in large quantities. Let them eat the heart-biting pill, so as to achieve the purpose of sealing and even controlling the family.

After sneaking all the way, it was not until dawn that he was able to leave the outer defense and continue to move towards the east longitude.

East Longitude, here is the political power center of the East Japan Kingdom, it controls the economic lifeline of the entire East Japan Kingdom, and it also controls all power.

Unlike other kingdoms, there have been almost no rebellions here. The two rebellions in history were also destroyed by the powerful power of the Eastern Japan Kingdom, completely wiped out and uprooted.

So, until now, there is no rebel force at all.

From a distance, the shadow of the east longitude can already be seen, the bustling city is so bustling that it is shocking.

If you compare it with the first half of the Great Route, then the prosperity here is not weaker than that of the Chambord Islands.


With an order, the group quickly went and entered the East Longitude.


A bustling city, the capital of Vila.

The first impression of Vera is that of Jagged Blood. This is a city built through blood and fire. This is a city that has survived through the years.

The second impression is that it is prosperous, it is a paradise for business and trade, it is the center of the economy, and it is a symbol of wealth.

There is no city that can compare with this place, and behind the prosperity, there is an unknown amount of darkness hidden.

The city defense army can be seen everywhere, with bright armor, sharp weapons, and strict order.

Business activities can be seen everywhere, shouting hawkers, luxurious restaurants, and the spirit of spending a lot of money.

Attractive enough, everything here is attractive enough.

Even Liu Xu, who thought he had experienced strong winds and waves, couldn't help but be attracted by this place. Everything here is much better than outside.

Is the kingdom controlled by the Tianlong people really that powerful?

"Everyone starts reconnaissance, finds the high-level officials here, and kills them after dark!"

Liu Xu's plan has come out, and it has been arranged for everyone.

Assassinate officials, this is the first step.



Chapter 2629 A mere housekeeper is so arrogant?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The sun is shining brightly, and now is not the best time to carry out the mission. Instead, Liu Xu wandered around the city, took a good look at the scenery here, and scouted the defense structure here.

Night fell gradually.

A black cloak, and the body was strengthened with armed color, and the skin began to become dark and fully integrated into the moonlight.

The six-style moon steps easily transferred in the air, and quickly came outside the palace.

The towering walls, tight defenses, and constant patrolling guards.

Compared with other kingdoms, the soldiers here are much more rigorous, and the number is also much larger.

Sneaking in, Liu Xu looked left and right to find the best time to break through the defense system inside in one fell swoop, and the power of Xinwang was instantly deployed.

Using the mind net to capture sound is perfect. This invisible force cannot be noticed by people, and it can perfectly carry out reconnaissance.

Soon, Liu Xu had already determined the direction, and dodged past without saying a word.

In the king's bedroom, a thin, middle-aged man dressed in Chinese clothes and a crown on his head, about two meters tall, with sunken eye sockets, was sitting weakly in the corner. a king?

His eyes fell on the huge bed in the bedroom, which was originally his place, but now, everything has changed.

A middle-aged man with a fat body, facing fiercely, with a fat head and a belly full of fat, without a trace.

A curvy beauty, wearing a phoenix hairpin, panting coquettishly, with only crazy pleasure and morbid desire in her eyes.

The identity of the man is unknown, but the identity of the woman can be seen at once, the concubine, that is the king's concubine, a woman exclusively for him.

In the king's bedroom, a middle-aged man was wantonly enjoying the king's woman, while the king watched silently from the side, his body trembling.

Weird, this thing is too weird.

"What a crazy scene!"

When Liu Xu came outside the bedroom, he saw this scene. Although the closed doors and windows blocked his view, he easily pierced the wall when he heard the sound, exposing two small holes for observation.

Shocking, this picture is too shocking.

"Damn, this world is unscientific, and the king hides aside to watch big plays. Could it be his special hobby?"

Liu Xu asked maliciously, but shook his head again. If this situation were to be placed on a normal person, it would definitely mean that the middle-aged man would be castrated and then soaked in a pig cage.

"Jin San eunuch, did you see that, this is your woman, the taste is really good, hahaha..."

The middle-aged man laughed wildly, the name he said made Liu Xu almost spit it out, Jinsan eunuch?

Damn, this name is so hilarious, no wonder his woman is under someone else, tsk tsk, if this is the case, it would be scientific!


Liu Xu moved his eyes away from the two small holes and let out a hard breath.

Then, he slipped away decisively and began to scout in the palace.

"Tsk tsk, look at this sturdy guard, handsome enough. Damn, I was wrong, enough beasts, we like it."

Liu Xu hid behind a huge pillar, looked at the passing guards and exclaimed, but he seemed to find something. These guards seemed to have entered the concubine's bedroom, right?

A few guards went in, and soon a surprising voice came from inside. Of course, Liu Xu couldn't be more familiar with this voice. He just heard it for a long time!

"Do you dare to feel that the women of Jin San eunuchs have been used by others? Make a crime, and then go to other places to see."

Liu Xu chuckled, and then slipped away again.

The defense in the entire palace is very strong, but what he saw here always made Liu Xu sigh, this, this is too open, it is almost like American soldiers entering the Prime Minister's Palace, completely wanton and reckless!

Of course, there are still very few guards who can do this, and there are only about a dozen or so who have done this kind of thing.

The other guards are in charge of defense, and they don't have the time to do it!

However, it seems that the matter of the king has not been spread. This is known from the conversations of the guards. Most of them don't know about the king, and even those of the guards and concubines. No one knows.

It's just that the following incident made Liu Xu completely messed up. He had no choice but to go back to the king's side, not daring to look at other things.

There are three princesses in the Eastern Japan Empire, and the three princesses are not very old, only in their teens or twenties, but these three princesses have a lot more tricks and various tricks.

The three of them faced more than twenty guards at the same time in the same bedroom, which shocked Liu Xu completely, and he slipped back to the king directly.

As soon as he came back here, he heard something that surprised Liu Xu, but it was about the identity of this middle-aged man.

"Butler Bartholomew Chawade, are you satisfied?"

Jin San eunuch asked cautiously, several concubines had already been overthrown by him, and they were resting with their eyes closed, while the butler Bartholomew Chawad was enjoying the fruit comfortably while reminiscing about what happened just now.

"It's quite satisfactory, Jin San eunuch, you have to thank me, if it wasn't for me, this incompetent man, to comfort those concubines, they would have run away long ago, and your head will not be as simple as a green hat .”

Arrogant, extremely arrogant, this is Chavard.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Jin San eunuch bent his waist and replied respectfully, everything seems to be very used to it!

The butler of the Bartholomew family?Liu Xu frowned, could it be that this is the steward of the Tianlong family?Tsk tsk, it looks crazy, and the words are so arrogant.

It can also be known from their follow-up conversation that this Chawad is just the one who spoke on behalf of their patriarch, and he is also the head of the Bartholomew family in the East Japan Kingdom. There are several strong guards around him. Simple.

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