Liu Xu got the exact answer, and immediately made complaints about it.

"Then it's decided now, don't abandon, don't give up. Fuck them!"

Liu Xu laughed, and then the power of the heart net spread out, looking for all the clues of the patrol team, and quickly captured a few people.

"Sniper, [-] meters from [-] o'clock, kill him. Scientist, [-] meters from [-] o'clock, kill the guy inside. And..."

Under Liu Xu's heart net, the people inside had no possibility of escaping, and they were quickly captured by him.

"Two o'clock, breakthrough!"

After Liu Xu said a word, he rushed out quickly, under the cover of armed domineering and black cloak, he rushed out like a ghost.

Colombia is setting up a sniper rifle and constantly fiddling, aiming at the arranged characters and directions.The sound of the sniper rifle is too loud, and the position will be revealed very quickly, so it can only be killed in one hit.

And Breton also followed Liu Xu's example, using armed colors as a cover to attack and followed behind.

If those strong men knew that the two of them were using armed colors to disguise, those strong men would probably vomit blood. This is a heart-wrenching rhythm!

In the direction of two o'clock, when Liu Xu and others rushed over, it happened to be the time when the patrol team left, and there were only four seconds before the next patrol team passed by here!

The race against time to describe is now, almost at full speed, the two rushed over at once, like a gust of wind swept past and entered quickly.


Chapter 2632 Killer and Conspiracy

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Three seconds, it took only three seconds to break through the barrier in front of them, rushing in just as the next team was patrolling, Liu Xu and Breton breathed a sigh of relief, exciting, too exciting.

Moving apart, Brayton headed towards one o'clock, where there were two people he needed to kill.

Liu Xu also took action, locked a position and rushed in.

There is no dazzling thunder and lightning power, no earth-shattering domineering power, only low-key and obscure knife light.

Liu Xu staged a perfect assassination operation, quietly appearing behind the enemy like an elf in the night, and with a flash of knife light, perfectly ended the opponent's life without making a sound , placed the corpse, and came to the next target.

The capable person, the capable person has been found here, but Liu Xu did not panic.

Looking at the two capable users who were in communication in front of him, Liu Xu raised his physical and physical strength, Shaved instantly appeared between the two of them, pulled out the thunder knife, turned his body, put the precious knife back into its sheath, and left without looking back. here.

Turning around gorgeously, Xinwang observed that Breton had already rushed outside, but the two people he wanted to kill had already been killed by him, and he did not make a sound, and directly used the power of armed arrogance to spin the enemy's head three hundred times. Sixty degrees, ended their lives.

Looking at the night sky, Liu Xu mobilized the power of thunder and lightning to summon thunderclouds.



The moment the thunder sounded, Columbia pulled the trigger, and two pitch-black bullets flew out in two different directions.

Liu Xu twitched his mouth and left the manor.

Early the next morning, Liu Xu and others came to the street. They were dressed in ordinary clothes, and their deliberate makeup concealed the unique temperament of several charming beauties. They just made people feel stunned, but they would not appear in a state of obsession.

In the tavern, Liu Xu sat around a table and enjoyed breakfast to their heart's content. The situation of last night has been reported, and Liu Xu is very satisfied with it.

Action last night, perfect!

Five women assassinated more than two dozen high-ranking officials without causing a commotion all night, and that's the perfect thing.

In addition to the fact that Liu Xu and the three were in Guangdong last night, they killed more than [-] officials in total, which is not a small number.

There are not many high-level officials in a kingdom, and those who can really speak up are those civilian officials who control the army and have extremely high power. Thirty people, this is basically a limit.

The east longitude of the capital is completely boiling!

People who woke up early in the morning found the uneasy atmosphere in the air. A large number of city defense troops stepped up patrols in the capital. From time to time, a large group of patrolling soldiers passed by, searching for every suspicious person.

The entire capital went into a state of alert on this day, causing those ordinary people to feel panic. What kind of thing caused all this?

Soon the news came out, and this news made these people even more fearful, is it the end of the life of this country?

Thirty officials, thirty high-ranking officials died overnight, and they died under several methods.

Killer, this must be a good thing the killer did.

Conspiracy, this must be a conspiracy against this kingdom.

Anxiety is spreading, and the sky above the capital seems to be shrouded in dark clouds, making people breathless.

King Jin San eunuch was furious. The ministers under him were fine yesterday, but they all died today.

Damn, he can't rise at night, so can't he, the "king", rise during the day?

A series of orders were issued, and countless soldiers were strictly investigated in the capital. The murderer must be caught, otherwise he would really lose face at all.

And the culprits are now dining in a tavern, which looks uncomfortable.

"Hey, do you know that it was pirates who killed people last night?"

A member of the public spoke mysteriously, as if they had discovered some shocking secret.

"Hmph, ignorance. That was done by killers, targeting the killers of this kingdom. Someone will attack the kingdom soon. When the time comes, be ready to run for your life."

Another burly man who was drunk looked contemptuous.

"What do you know, a relative of mine told me that he is a soldier in the kingdom's army. Could there be anything wrong with what he said?"

The strong man was contemptuous again, and said with disdain: "Baldy, don't show off your relatives who are soldiers. Is it your aunt or your uncle? Who doesn't know about you."

Hearing this, the bald man was dissatisfied, and immediately quarreled with the other party, blushing.

Liu Xu laughed, interesting, according to what they said now, there is still no result of the investigation about what happened last night!

Very good, this is the rhythm.

"Huh? Why does that guy look familiar?"

When I was secretly in awe, I saw a person at the door of the tavern, and suddenly felt a little familiar, where did I see him?

"General Liu Xu, that's one of the new Seven Martial Seas, Kui Xianfa Kalibu!" Tina gave full play to her duties as the secretary, and quickly revealed the other party's identity.

Liu Xu raised his brows and said, "Calibu?"Isn't that what the butler Chawad was talking about as a partner?I just don't know what will be the cooperation between them?

It seems that this guy's fighting ability is very bad!I really don't understand what's wrong with the world government, it would make this guy one of the Seven Wukai.

"You guys continue to listen to the news. I will monitor this idiot and see what kind of relationship he has with the Bartholomew family."

After speaking, Liu Xu left the tavern, quickly found the caribou, and followed him from a distance.

Following the footsteps of Caribou, there are fewer and fewer pedestrians around, and in the end there are only wide streets left. There are no people living around, and there are no buildings like taverns.

He is very familiar with this place, that is the main road of the palace.


Chapter 2633 Live up to two episodes in a TV series

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu gradually became puzzled. Last night, the butler had already said that Caribou would come, but he did not expect him to be so fast.

As Caribou entered the palace, Liu Xu naturally followed in, quietly avoided the patrolling team, and finally came to a bedroom, which was still the familiar bedroom.

"Damn it, won't this guy come there too?"

Liu Xu instinctively felt something, did Jin San eunuch have to wear a cuckold again?

Tsk tsk, those concubines are really pitiful, even if the housekeeper, Caribou, a swamp fruit ability user, is very weak, black, ugly, and vicious.

However, things were still different from what he thought. After Karibu entered the palace, the concubine did not appear, but the housekeeper appeared again.

"Caribou, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

There was obvious dissatisfaction in the butler's tone.

Caribou laughed and said, "Hey hey hey, the housekeeper is still in such a hurry! Didn't I rush over here already, after all we are good partners!"

"Hmph, it's good that you know. Then this time the goods will be handed over to you and delivered to the Kingdom of Great Britain. This time the target is the Kingdom of Great Britain."

"No problem, I'll check the goods."

Caribou smiled and left the bedroom, and then went to the depths of the palace. It was an open stone platform, empty, and many boxes were piled up.

Cariboo walked towards the boxes when a voice came from behind him.

"One of the Seven Martial Seas under the king, 氵仁发卡利布, an ugly, dark and ugly person like you, can live up to two episodes in a TV series."

"Huh? Who?"

Cold sweat ran down his cheeks, and he was actually frightened by the sudden voice. If the other party did not speak but acted just now, then he may have hung up now.

"The big dragon, Caribou, said that you won't survive two episodes. It's useless to talk so much nonsense, let's hang you up!"

Liu Xu's voice came, and when Caribu opened his eyes wide and turned around, he suddenly shot. The Thunder Saber was covered with lightning power and armed domineering, and directly cut through Caribu's body.


The Thunder Knife returned to its sheath, and Liu Xu curled his lips. This is really boring. Caribou, who offers a high reward, can only be used to kill him and save some character. Others, it seems to be useless. !

This seemed to be a guy of little use, and Liu Xu didn't even bother to complain.

Judging from his conversation with the butler, his cooperation with the Bartholomew family is affirmative, or he feels a bit employed by the Bartholomew family, and it is even possible that he became the king Shichibukai because of this family for the sake.

Helping the Bartholomews haul arms and attack a kingdom, Caribou was smart enough.

If he succeeds, then his status in the Bartholomew family will also be improved a bit, and he can get a lot of benefits.

At the same time, having such a strong backing from the Tianlongren helps him in many things.

At least when doing things that are difficult to get the approval of the world government, he can have no scruples, because the world government has nothing to do with him, and the Tianlong people are suppressing him.

Therefore, the cooperation between him and the Bartholomew family is a win-win cooperation, one is the ability to give some benefits and provide a shelter, and the other is to contribute to fight some kingdoms for them.

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