On the whole, Caribou is a must-kill character.

Liu Xu felt at ease when he attacked, and killed the opponent with ease.

"Hancock, clean up the Tianlong people's manor, and I will end it here immediately!"

He took out his phone bug and contacted the Empress, but he already had an idea to directly suppress the influence of the Bartholomew family here, so that it would be easier for Madeline in the holy land Marijoya to subdue the Bartholomew family.

At least, the Bartholomew family will be powerless after losing the strength here.

Hancock was really surprised when he received Liu Xu's phone call. It turned out that he wanted to advance the progress. Is it appropriate to go so fast?

However, the empress, who completely obeyed Liu Xu, would not reject him, and would go to that manor without saying anything.

As for Liu Xu, after hanging up the phone bug, he went to the bedroom. The butler is right there!

"Jin San Eunuch, have you found anything now?"

The housekeeper Chawad's face was ashen. He only returned to the manor late last night, and everything was normal.

But when he got up early in the morning, he received a report from his subordinates that there was a murder case in the manor, and it was several of his right-hand assistants who died, including two capable people. How could he accept this, so a big He came to the palace a long time ago, and now it happened that Jin San eunuch came back from dealing with government affairs, so he directly questioned him.

Facing Chawad, Jin San eunuch lost the arrogance he had in front of his courtiers, nodded and bowed and said: "Master Chawad, the investigation is still being stepped up, and I believe there will be a result soon."

The housekeeper's face turned cold, there will be results soon?

"That means there is no result yet? Bastard, are you looking for death?"

The anger emerged, and the butler's anger seemed to be able to turn the other party into ashes, and he flew and kicked it directly.


Jin San eunuch fell to the ground with a scream, and quickly stood up and bowed respectfully.

Fortunately, there were no guards or maids here, otherwise his embarrassment would have been spread.

"Oh, it's really lively, don't you mind my young master coming to participate?"

A clear voice echoed in the ears of the two of them, which shocked them a lot and turned their heads to look.

It was a young man in black and white shorts, with a knife hanging from his waist, and his eyes were full of playfulness.

"who are you?"

The butler shouted loudly, but the man was backing away.

"You don't need to shout so loudly. I saw it when I came in. Your subordinates have left, and they seem to have gone to find those concubines to be happy and unrestrained. Tsk tsk, don't you want to know who killed you? And you eunuch Man, who killed those high-ranking officials under your command?"


Chapter 2634 This is a cruel guy

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu saw the intention of the place, but he was not nervous at all, thanks to his subordinates!

The butler's breath stopped, bastard, why did these guys find those concubines happy at this critical moment.

Bastard, weren't they satisfied last night?

"Who are you? What is your purpose? Do you know my identity?"

The butler frowned, feeling uneasy lingering in his heart all the time.

Liu Xu waved his hand and said, "Of course I know. Aren't you the steward of a Tianlongren family? Hehe, how about killing you? And you, the eunuch king, killing you should be a good thing!"

huh?kill them?The two were dumbfounded, what rhythm is this?What do you mean?

Jin San eunuch is not calm anymore, the other party wants to kill him?Oh Shet, let him swoon for a moment.


Jin San's eunuch's body fell directly to the ground, and he fainted decisively.

"Don't mess around, you should know what I mean when you know who I am, and don't do things that you regret."

The housekeeper is still very calm!

Liu Xu laughed, and said: "Good guy, you can live a few more episodes, thank you, Master, I have changed my mind."


Such a stubborn butler, is there any trump card in his hand that he hasn't used?Liu Xu looked very impressed. An arrogant butler is sometimes a very good slave.

Sure enough, the butler immediately became energetic when he heard Liu Xu's words. Damn, he is still afraid of Tianlong people. Everyone in this world is the same. Who can not be afraid of Tianlong people?

"Let me go immediately, maybe you still have a chance to live, otherwise you won't have a chance to live when the Admiral arrives."

"Admiral? Are you talking about me? Let me introduce myself, this young master is Liu Xu, Admiral of the Navy Headquarters."

A look of narrowness appeared on Liu Xu's face. Doesn't this kid know what an admiral looks like?

The butler's face changed suddenly, and he lost his voice: "Liu Xu?"

These two words gave him quite a shock, how could it be this person?No, it must be a mistake, it must be a lie, how could it be that guy.

Although he was not born in the Tianlongren family, Liu Xu's current identity is widely circulated in various Tianlongren families.

That is Princess Madeline's man, that is, the male master of the Madeline family, or the real future controller, this identity is not simple.

As the steward of the Tianlongren family, Chawade naturally understood this truth, his face suddenly became ugly, he took a few steps back, and said: "No, don't come here, don't kill me."

This man's purpose is already obvious, that is to kill him, my God, how did this big man find him?I didn't offend him!

"Chawad, do you have any chance of winning now? Damn it, this dirty country is so uncomfortable, it's full of disgusting smells everywhere, how can you stay here? How would you like to die?"

Liu Xu chuckled, this unlucky kid is really frightened now!

"No, no. Don't kill me, don't kill me."

The butler was about to pee in fright. Why is this cruel guy still thinking about his life? It's too scary.

Liu Xu shook his head with a look of pity.

"But, it seems impossible not to kill you!"

Having said that, the guy was a little anxious, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't kill me, I have a stronger partner, killing me is not good for you."

Huh?partner?Liu Xu paused, looked at him leisurely, the meaning was obvious, so he said it.

"Brother Doflamingo, one of the seven seas under the king!"

Seeing the hope, the steward trembled without saying a word, but the name he said surprised Liu Xu greatly.

Doflamingo?This is a brutal guy!

Doflamingo, a former Celestial Dragon, now seems to have cooperation with Kaido, and Wu Laoxing, and often has business dealings with Celestial Dragons. In this way, it is a little possible!

"Chavard, make things clear."

Chavard nodded again and again, but also told the story.

He is the person in charge of the Bartholomew family in the New World, responsible for business dealings and various relationships, and has achieved considerable results over the years.

For example, this kingdom was taken by him under his single-handed plan. The former Dongri Kingdom was not as rich as it is now. It was just a very ordinary island country.

But since his arrival, he has strongly controlled Jinsan eunuchs, improved the country's economy, and the military strength is the same in all aspects.

Of course, all the funds here are in his hands, and he pays a certain amount of Bailey to the family every month, and the remaining funds are used as his activity funds to secretly incorporate other kingdoms.

"Lord Liu Xu, Dongjing is a very wonderful place, and the concubines here are very exciting, do you want it?"

The housekeeper had a flattering face. Now that life is at stake, we must try our best to get the other party's approval...

"Eastern Classic? Your sister's Eastern Classic. It makes me uncomfortable to hear such a dirty name. Is it the Eastern Sun Kingdom? No matter how it sounds, it reminds me of a very unpleasant country. It would be good if I didn't split this place."

Unexpectedly, Liu Xu didn't show anything, but got angry, and almost killed the bastard alive.

The name Dongri Kingdom made him think of a country in the past, a very ambitious country. Now the surnames of the leaders are also consistent, and the names of the capitals are almost the same. , Still going to play with those concubines?God, how many hands are there.

"Uh, you..."

"Don't say it, this dirty country looks uncomfortable. Since you have the ability to improve the economy and military of one kingdom, you must also have the ability to improve another country. Chawad, this country can only be used as a slave, understand?"


Chapter 2635 Don't mess with those women

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


It was interesting to say this, the housekeeper was stunned and said, "Master Liu Xu, you, what do you mean?"

"It means, come here obediently to help this young master, and also, make things clear about Brother Doflaming."

"Do not……"

Before the butler finished speaking, Liu Xu rushed over and grabbed his chin and broke it, and a small pill flew in, directly into his stomach.

The butler's face turned pale, and he struggled violently, but the struggle stopped in less than ten seconds, and his expression turned to obedience.


Liu Xu let go of his hand, but it was the Heart-Eating Pill that worked. Tsk tsk, the things that Jin Shining exchanged are still very powerful, but they are a bit expensive.

"Now, tell everything about Doflamingo, and how much control you have over this country."


The butler obeyed and told the story.

Chavard, who ate the Heart Eater Pill, explained things in a more detailed way, not only about the Bartholomew family, but also Doflamingo and his deeds in this new world.

The affairs of the Tianlongren family are relatively simple. The patriarch of the Bartholomew family did not pay too much attention to the affairs of the New World Dongri Kingdom. Apart from charging Bailey with him, he didn't ask too much.

Billions of Baileys are handed over every month. This is a terrifying number, but it is much calmer for the Tianlongren family. Every year, the kingdom will send them "heavenly gold", which is a tribute to the Tianlongren. The number is huge.

Therefore, the Bailey Bartholomew family created by the Eastern Sun Kingdom is not very important. What they value is another point, a perfect training place.

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